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于冬梅 《海岸工程》2002,21(2):59-65
信息时代的召唤,地球信息科学应运而生.经过10a左右的发展,地理信息科学已见雏形.总结了10a来地球信息科学的研究结果,并介绍了地球信息科学的研究内容和发展前景.  相似文献   
Russian boreal forests have been reshaped by wildland fire for millennia. While fire is a natural component of boreal ecosystems, it impacts various aspects of the environment and affects human well-being. Often fires occur over large remote areas with limited access, which makes their ground-based observation difficult. A significant progress has been made in mapping burned area from satellite imagery, which provides consistent and fairly unbiased estimates of fire impact on areas of interest at multiple scales. Although the information provided by burned area products is highly important, the spatio-temporal dynamics of individual fire events and their impact are less known. In high northern latitudes of Northern Eurasia, MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) makes up to four daily observations from each of the Terra and Aqua satellites providing consistent data on fire development with high temporal frequency. Here we introduce an approach to reconstruct the development of fire events based on active fire detections from MODIS. Fire Spread Reconstruction (FSR) provides a means for characterization of fire occurrence over large territories from remotely sensed data. Individual fire detections are clustered within a GIS environment based on a set of rules determining proximity between fire observations in space and time. FSR determines the number of fire events, their approximate size, duration, and fire spread rate and allows for the analysis of fire occurrence and spread as a function of vegetation, fire season, fire weather and other parameters. FSR clusters were compared to burned scars mapped from Landsat7/ETM+ imagery over Yakutia (Russia). While some smaller burn scars were found to be formed through a continuous burning of a single fire event, large burned areas in Siberia were created by a constellation of fire events incorporating over 100 individual fire clusters. Geographic regions were found to have a stronger influence on the rates of fire activity in the area compared to vegetation zones. In addition, fire spread rates do not directly correlate with the intensity of a given fire season. FSR is also used to identify the points of ignition for individual fire events in spatio-temporal domain for fire danger and fire threat modeling. This approach presents another step towards the more complete characterization of fire events from remotely sensed data.  相似文献   
随着空间地理信息以及各种新型地图产品在各个领域的广泛应用,人们发现不同时期,应用需求对空间地理信息组织表达的要求是不同的,不同领域和部门对地理信息的组织表达方式也是不同的。但是,目前空间地理信息的共享和互操作、空间地理信息的多尺度分析与表达等,都要求空间地理信息的组织与表达要科学、合理和规范,否则难以满足测绘信息服务化及信息化测绘体系的建设。本文以交通类信息组织表达为例,详尽阐述当前空间地理信息组织表达的现状,分析其原因,并提出了解决这一问题的思路和方法,为今后信息化测绘体系建设、数据库数据组织和地理信息表达,提供理论和方法借鉴。  相似文献   
分析了基础地理信息数据库建设中对存储备份系统的需求和当前存储系统的组成及特点 ,提出了存储局域网在基础地理信息数据库系统建设中的应用方案 ,并介绍了其在陕西省基础地理信息数据库系统建设中的实现情况  相似文献   
在实际调查数据基础上,文章分析了农民工流动的时空变化趋势和对流出地的影响。调查分析结果表明:固始县外出务工人数逐年递增;农民工以男性为主,但妇女所占比例在逐年提高;农民工务工收入逐年提高。农民工教育程度越高,收入也越多。农民工务工半径随时间逐渐扩大,基本扩展到全国所有省份,但农民工的收入省际变化不大。农民工不仅给流出地带来经济上的变化,而且对文化教育、社会结构和思想观念也有很大的影响。  相似文献   
Dai  Erfu  Wang  Yahui 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(6):1005-1020
Ecosystem services, which include water yield services, have been incorporated into decision processes of regional land use planning and sustainable development. Spatial pattern characteristics and identification of factors that influence water yield are the basis for decision making. However, there are limited studies on the driving mechanisms that affect the spatial heterogeneity of ecosystem services. In this study, we used the Hengduan Mountain region in southwest China, with obvious spatial heterogeneity, as the research site. The water yield module in the In VEST software was used to simulate the spatial distribution of water yield. Also, quantitative attribution analysis was conducted for various geomorphological and climatic zones in the Hengduan Mountain region by using the geographical detector method. Influencing factors, such as climate, topography, soil, vegetation type, and land use type and pattern, were taken into consideration for this analysis. Four key findings were obtained. First, water yield spatial heterogeneity is influenced most by climate-related factors, where precipitation and evapotranspiration are the dominant factors. Second, the relative importance of each impact factor to the water yield heterogeneity differs significantly by geomorphological and climatic zones. In flat areas, the influence of evapotranspiration is higher than that of precipitation. As relief increases, the importance of precipitation increases and eventually, it becomes the most influential factor. Evapotranspiration is the most influential factor in a plateau climate zone, while in the mid-subtropical zone, precipitation is the main controlling factor. Third, land use type is also an important driving force in flat areas. Thus, more attention should be paid to urbanization and land use planning, which involves land use changes, to mitigate the impact on water yield spatial pattern. The fourth finding was that a risk detector showed that Primarosol and Anthropogenic soil areas, shrub areas, and areas with slope 5° and 25°–35° should be recognized as water yield important zones, while the corresponding elevation values are different among different geomorphological and climatic zones. Therefore, the spatial heterogeneity and influencing factors in different zones should be fully con-sidered while planning the maintenance and protection of water yield services in the Hengduan Mountain region.  相似文献   
关于地理信息理论的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地理信息系统是运行在信息高速公路上的重要列车,它以应用为目的,以技术为导引,为全社会涉及空间地理数据的各行各业服务。随着电子计算机技术、通讯技术、空间定位技术、遥感技术和可视化技术的发展,地理信息系统的硬、软件环境,数据采集、存贮、分析和表达等手段,势必要不断进步。在此形势下,本文试图对地理信息理论问题作出探讨和思考。主要包括:各种形式空间数据在计算机中的表示;空间数据的自动采集与更新;空间数据的质量及数据不确定性;GIS数据的空间查询与分析;空间数据的表达与显示(可视化、符号化和多尺度表示)。在讨论和分析中注意与传统的以纸质地图为介质的“模拟法GIS”相比较,并尽可能顾及未来计算机技术和信息技术的发展特点  相似文献   
支瑞荣  谷延群  李战 《地质与资源》2017,26(6):616-619,624
针对冰川遥感监测研究工作中存在的数据源选择问题,首次将国产高分一号卫星数据应用于祁连山系青海境内冰川动态变化监测工作.通过国产高分遥感数据与同尺度的Landsat历史数据对比,从变化面积、变化率、空间变化、类型变化、结构变化等方面阐述祁连山系冰川变化规律.研究对比表明:国产高分卫星遥感数据在采集、处理、监测冰川变化中的应用效果完全可以满足1:10万尺度的遥感调查和监测,不管是光谱信息还是纹理信息都优于ETM等中低分辨率数据;国产高分卫星的多光谱数据与Landsat、Aster等历史数据可以形成对比数据集;祁连山系冰川总体变化不大,但在内部结构与时空分布存在较大差异,冰川面积和数量呈双降态势;针对冰川的特殊性,能保证在每年的最佳季节获取最优质的遥感数据,对于时间跨度大的遥感监测目标监测具有重要意义.  相似文献   
地理要素变化检测已成为国家地理信息"十二五"规划和全国地理国情普查的重要组成部分。网页文本中蕴含海量的地理要素信息,尤其是新闻、政府、社交平台等网站的网页文本更新频繁,可为地理要素变化检测提供现势性的数据源。本文针对网页文本中地理要素变化的语言描述特点,构建了表达地理要素变化的语义知识库,设计了搜索引擎和通用主题相结合的网页爬虫,实现了相关网页文本的高效获取;采用规则模型和条件随机场模型,分别进行网页文本中地理要素变化信息抽取,包括地理要素名称、位置(地名)、时间和属性等。实验结果显示,本文设计的网页爬虫具有较高的相关网页文本获取能力,地理要素变化信息抽取的准确率能够达到70%以上,但是,语义知识库的完备程度对于信息抽取性能具有较大影响。研究成果表明,以网页文本为数据源的地理要素变化信息获取方法,能提供一种快速检测地理要素变化的新途径,与实地调绘和遥感影像检测等方法结合应用具有较好的优势互补性,可作为有力的辅助手段解决地理要素的持续更新和实时更新问题。  相似文献   
根据1987、1988、1990年东北赤道太平洋CC区的3个航次多金属结核调查资料的统计分析,结果表明,CC区自西向东,从北向南,多金属结核丰度,覆盖率、形态、粒径和化学组分等具明显的区域分布规律,但在这一区域性分布背景上,结核的局部分布很复杂。  相似文献   
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