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化合氯是温排水中主要的化学物质,它的存在会对电厂邻近水域中生活的浮游植物造成一定的影响,运用均匀设计的实验方法研究温度,化合氯浓度,氯处理时间,及这3个因素之间的交互作用,从中筛选出影响叶绿素a含量与光合作用过程的主要因子,结果表明:影响叶绿素a的主要因子是氯处理时间,氯浓度与处理时间之间的交互作用(置信水平为99%),影响光合作用的主要是氯处理时间,氯浓度,氯处理时间与氯浓度之间的交互作用,以及温度与氯处理时间的交互作用(置换水平为98%)。  相似文献   
Statistic and typical-year composition methods are used to study the northwest Pacific typhoon activities in relation with the EI Niño and La Niña events. The result indicates that the typhoon tends to be inactive in the EI Niño years and active in the La Niña years and it is also dependent on the onset and ending time and intensity of the events and areas of genesis of typhoons. With statistic features of the frequency of typhoon activity in the EI Niño and La Niña years and the time-lag correlation between the frequency and sea surface temperature(SST), useful information is provided for the prediction of typhoon occurrence. In addition, the singular values disassemble(SVD)method is applied to study the correlation between the geopotential field and SST field. The result shows that the air-sea coupling in the EI Niño years is unfavorable for the typhoon to develop. Which take place with a smaller number. Opposite situations are found with the La Niña years.  相似文献   
An application of line simplification considering spatial knowledge is described. A method for identifying potential conflict regions, in order to avoid the self-intersection of generalized, lines, is also discussed. Further-more, a new progressive line simplification algorithm is presented. From the view point of spatial cognition, a spatial hierarchical structure is proposed, and its application to construction of spatial knowledge related to a line is explained.  相似文献   
旱作地膜小麦—玉米带田一膜两用技术热效应显著,可提高地温2—6℃,保证了小麦安全越冬,促进了作物早发。热资源利用率高达0.997,比单作提高25%—40%,变作物一年一熟为一年两熟。  相似文献   
国家大剧院深基坑地下水控制设计及施工技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国家大剧院基坑地下水控制是大剧院工程的三大难题之一,也是专家们讨论的焦点。经过水文地质试验和充分论证,确定了地下水控制方案和施工方法,即采用反循环成井工艺施工引渗井,将上层滞水和潜水引渗到第一层承压含水层中消纳,保证第一步基坑开挖至-15 7m;在-15 7m位置采用连续墙阻隔第一层承压水,并使用旋挖钻机在槽内施工降水井,疏干槽内承压含水层并进行越流补给控制,保证基坑开挖至-26m;在歌剧院台仓局部加深部份(-32 5m),采用封闭布设减压井,解决基坑开挖和台仓地下结构施工时基坑突涌的问题;最后采用特殊的封井技术,将井管内高于槽底约10m的承压水头封堵在槽底以下0 5m,安全截断井管,保证了基础施工。  相似文献   
本文针对地中蒸渗计在冻结-冻融期存在的问题,利用实验站冻土及土壤水分势能资料,探索了冻土层的发育及其水分运移规律,通过对亚砂土不同埋深及不同年度的地中蒸渗计资料处理,得出冻结期和冻融期地中蒸渗计资料的处理方法及其埋深临界值。这对准确利用冻结-冻融期地中蒸渗计资料具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
The Upper Jurassic Tordillo Formation is exposed along the western edge of the Neuquén Basin (west central Argentina) and consists of fluvial strata deposited under arid/semiarid conditions. The pebble composition of conglomerates, mineralogical composition of sandstones and pelitic rocks, and major- and trace-element geochemistry of sandstones, mudstones, and primary pyroclastic deposits are evaluated to determine the provenance and tectonic setting of the sedimentary basin. Conglomerates and sandstones derived almost exclusively from volcanic sources. The stratigraphic sections to the south show a clast population of conglomerates dominated by silicic volcanic fragments and a predominance of feldspathic litharenites. This framework composition records erosion of Triassic–Jurassic synrift volcaniclastic rocks and basement rocks from the Huincul arch, which was exhumed as a result of Late Jurassic inversion. In the northwestern part of the study area, conglomerates show a large proportion of mafic and acidic volcanic rock fragments, and sandstones are characterised by a high content of mafic volcanic rock fragments and plagioclase. These data suggest that the source of the sandstones and conglomerates was primarily the Andean magmatic arc, located west of the Neuquén Basin. The clay mineral assemblage is interpreted as the result of a complex set of factors, including source rock, climate, transport, and diagenesis. Postdepositional processes produced significant variations in the original compositions, especially the fine-grained deposits. The Tordillo sediments are characterised by moderate SiO2 contents, variable abundances of K2O and Na2O, and a relatively high proportion of ferromagnesian elements. The degree of chemical weathering in the source area, expressed as the chemical index of alteration, is low to moderate. The major element geochemistry and Th/Sc, K/Rb, Co/Th, La/Sc, and Cr/Th values point to a significant input of detrital volcanic material of calcalkaline felsic and intermediate composition. However, major element geochemistry is not useful for interpreting the tectonic setting. Discrimination plots based on immobile trace elements, such as Ti, Zr, La, Sc, and Th, show that most data lie in the active continental margin field. Geochemical information is not sufficiently sensitive to differentiate the two different source areas recognized by petrographic and modal analyses of conglomerates and sandstones.  相似文献   
新疆生态系统健康遥感评估及关键驱动因子研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为我国陆地面积最大的省级行政区,新疆维吾尔自治区具有多样的生态系统结构和丰富的动植物物种资源,是我国西北地区重要的生物多样性热点研究区域.通过以新疆维吾尔自治区为研究对象,结合区域特点和定量遥感数据实时、易获取、周期性等优势,选取归一化植被指数、动物物种丰富度、干旱度、人类扰动指数四类单因子指标,依据"活力-组织-恢...  相似文献   
The troctolites and olivine‐gabbros from the Dive 6 K‐1147 represent the most primitive gabbroic rocks collected at the Godzilla Megamullion, a giant oceanic core complex formed at an extinct spreading segment of the Parece Vela back‐arc basin (Philippine Sea). Previous investigations have shown that these rocks have textural and major elements mineral compositions consistent with a formation through multistage interaction between mantle‐derived melts and a pre‐existing ultramafic matrix. New investigations on trace element mineral compositions basically agree with this hypothesis. Clinopyroxenes and plagioclase have incompatible element signatures similar to that of typical‐MORB. However, the clinopyroxenes show very high Cr contents (similar to those of mantle clinopyroxene) and rim having sharply higher Zr/REE ratios with respect to the core. These features are in contrast with an evolution constrained by fractional crystallization processes, and suggest that the clinopyroxene compositions are controlled by melt‐rock interaction processes. The plagioclase anorthite versus clinopyroxene Mg#[Mg/(Mg + FeTot)] correlation of the Dive 6 K‐1147 rocks shows a trend much steeper than those depicted by other oceanic gabbroic sections. Using a thermodynamic model, we show that this trend is reproducible by fractionation of melts assimilating 1 g of mantle peridotite per 1 °C of cooling. This model predicts the early crystallization of high Mg# clinopyroxene, consistent with our petrological observation. The melt‐peridotite interaction process produces Na‐rich melts causing the crystallization of plagioclase with low anorthite component, typically characterizing the evolved gabbros from Godzilla Megamullion.  相似文献   
The distribution of the abundance of phytoplankton, chlorophyll a (Chl.a) concentration and primary productivity in the Beibu Gulf were observed from May 23 to June 4, 1994.The results show that there were marked featares of spatial zonation in the survey area due to the differences between the geographic environment and the hydrological conditions.Chlorophyll a and primary productivity were higher in the inshore than in the middle area and higher in the north than in the south of the Beibu Gulf.The average concentration of Chl.a, primary productivity and the abundance of phytoplankton were 0.94±0.45 μg/dm3, 351±172 mg/(m2·d) (C) and 0.97×104-10.050×104 ind./m3 in the area, respectively.There were 176 species belonging to 4 phyla and 56 genera based on microscope identification.The results of the size-fractionation show that the contribution of nanoplankton and picoplankton was 77% to total Chl.a and 91% to total primary productivity, which proved their importance to phytoplankton communities in the Beibu Gulf.  相似文献   
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