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余丽  陆锋  刘希亮 《测绘学报》2016,45(5):616-622
从网络文本中抽取地理实体间空间关系和语义关系要求高时效性和强鲁棒性。本文提出一种开放式地理实体关系的自动抽取方法,通过bootstrapping技术统计词语的词性、位置和距离特征来计算语境中词语权值,据此确定描述地理实体关系的关键词,最终组织成结构化实例,并使用百度百科和Stanford CoreNLP开展了试验。研究结果表明,本文方法能自动挖掘自然语言的部分词法特征,无须领域专家知识和大规模标注语料,适用于未知关系类型的信息抽取任务;较之经典的Frequency、TFIDF和PPMI频率统计方法,精度和召回率分别提升约5%和23%。  相似文献   
Phosphate mining in southeastern Idaho has historically resulted in the release of dissolved metals and inorganics to groundwater and surface water, primarily due to leachate from waste rock in backfilled pits and overburden storage piles. Selenium (Se) is of particular concern due to its high concentration in leachate and its limited attenuation downgradient of source zones under oxic conditions. Assessments of potential groundwater/surface water impacts from waste rock typically involve laboratory characterization using saturated and unsaturated flow columns packed with waste rock. In this study, we compare the results of saturated and unsaturated column tests with groundwater quality data from the Mountain Fuel, Champ, South and Central Rasmussen Ridge Area (SCRRA), Smoky Canyon, Ballard, Henry, and Enoch Valley Mines, to understand the release and attenuation of Se in different geochemical environments. Column studies and field results demonstrate that the ratio of aqueous Se to aqueous sulfate (Se:SO4 ratio) is a useful metric for understanding Se release and attenuation, where the extent of sulfate reduction is much less than Se reduction. Comparison of dissolved Se and sulfate results suggests that the net leachability of Se from unsaturated waste rock is variable. Overall, Se concentrations in groundwater directly beneath waste rock dumps is not as high as would be predicted from unsaturated columns. Lower Se:SO4 ratios are observed immediately beneath waste rock dumps and backfilled pits relative to areas receiving shallow waste rock runoff. It is hypothesized that Se released in the oxic upper portions of the waste rock is subsequently attenuated via reductive precipitation at depth in unsaturated, low-oxygen portions of the waste rock. This highlights an important mechanism by which Se may be naturally attenuated within waste rock piles prior to discharge to groundwater and surface water. These results have important implications for mining practices in the region. A better understanding of Se dynamics can help drive waste rock management during active mining and capping/water management options during post-mining reclamation.  相似文献   
朱宇 《矿产与地质》2016,(6):1030-1034
随着国家经济的转型升级,去产能、去杠杆的推进,在目前经济不景气的情况下,大部分矿山企业迫切需要有创新性的融资渠道来解决企业融资难的问题.相比较而言,资产证券化比较适合矿山企业.矿山企业依托矿产资源而生存,拥有这些资源的开采权利(采矿权),毫无疑问是这个矿山企业的核心资产.本文研究了目前采矿权资产证券化的国内外研究现状,并且从内部的因素和外部的政策因素分析了采矿权资产证券化的动因,由此探索如何进行采矿权资产证券化的具体流程以及如何设计出交易结构.同时指出采矿权资产证券化有利于实现多方共赢,增加了企业的融资方式,有利于金融的创新.  相似文献   
Regional scale morphological studies on different-sized polymetallic nodules from the Central Indian Basin show that only 2–5 cm sized nodules have highest occurrence per station (92–94% along latitudes; 88–94% along longitudes). A nodule size shows an inverse relationship with the nodule distribution, grade, and abundance. Interestingly, only 3–4 and 4–5 cm sized nodules have highest grade, abundance, and distribution percentages along longitudes in P1, first generation mine site and relinquished area, which further implies that the nodule mining along the longitude would be beneficial. Different-sized nodule groups suggest their formation under variable environmental conditions that existed in the Central Indian Basin. The coexistence of different-sized nodules suggests different environmental conditions existed in the Central Indian Basin.  相似文献   
任鸿飞  杨家林  马彤真 《探矿工程》2018,45(10):115-118
通过对典型尾矿库土壤样品分析,利用重金属超标率、植物体BCF、污染因子的权重值筛选等通进行典型污染物识别,为开展尾矿库污染治理工作提供依据。  相似文献   
为了探寻石家庄市藁城区地下水埋深动态变化规律,以藁城区2001—2018年的年降水量、地下水人工开采量等数据为基础,对藁城区地下水位埋深进行研究。首先采用P-Ⅲ型曲线法确定降水序列的丰、平、枯年份,分析不同降水量情况下地下水位埋深变化规律;其次,利用地下水开采潜力系数法和灰色关联度法对人工开采量和地下水位埋深的关系进行研究。结果表明:1)藁城区地下水位埋深在2001—2016年逐渐增大,在2016—2018年趋于减小,2016年为转折点;在空间上藁城区地下水位埋深呈现出北部埋深小、南部埋深大的特征,北部水位埋深较同期南部水位埋深要浅5~10 m。2)降水是驱动藁城区地下水位埋深变化的重要因素,枯水年水位埋深变幅在0.8~1.5 m之间,平水年水位埋深变幅在0.3~1.2 m之间,丰水年水位埋深变幅在0.3~1.1 m之间。主灌期(3—6月)的地下水位埋深增加速率均为cm/d级,非主灌期(7—10月)的地下水位埋深减少速率均为mm/d级。3)人工开采是驱动藁城区地下水位埋深变化的主导因素,其中农业开采量占人工开采量的80%。综上认为,藁城区一直处于严重超采状态,地下水累计超采量每增加1亿m3,地下水位埋深增加0.45 m。  相似文献   
文章分析对比了我国国有及非国有规模以上矿山企业的主要经济指标,认为矿业开发要走可持续发展的途径,促进矿产资源的充分、合理、有效开发,实现满足市场需求、兼顾环境保护和社会稳定的目标,就必须积极探索和慎重考虑矿山企业从业人数的合理控制问题;依据胶东大型金矿山实际资料的初步分析,明确提出"矿山人均保有储量"是制约矿山合理开发和矿业可持续发展的重要指标;矿山人均储量的合理配置和适度调控问题不仅值得进一步研究,而且应该引起有关部门的广泛注意和高度重视.  相似文献   
福建尤溪梅仙矿田铅锌银矿床特征及找矿方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄仁生 《福建地质》2007,26(4):211-221
梅仙矿田铅锌银矿是福建省目前已发现规模最大的铅锌矿产地。自上世纪90年代以来,矿田内陆续发现和评价了丁家山、峰岩2处大型规模的铅锌矿床。矿床产于闽中裂谷带中新元古代东岩组绿片岩中,属块状硫化物型矿床。  相似文献   
Numerical modelling of deep sea air-lift   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
K. Pougatch  M. Salcudean   《Ocean Engineering》2008,35(11-12):1173-1182
Deep sea air-lifting of solid particles from depth of 1600 m is simulated with a mathematical model of the three-phase flow in an upward pipe. The computations are carried out for an axisymmetric domain in a transient way. Phase distributions, pressure and velocity profiles together with flow rates for all phases are presented and analysed. The influence of the pipe diameter on the air-lift efficiency was studied for air-lift pipes of different lengths and found to be significant. The lifting efficiency increases with the increase of the pipe diameter due to the reduction of the wall friction influence on the flow. In addition, the efficiency also increases with the increase of the solid particles volume fraction at the inlet. The presented numerical model can be utilized during various stages of the design of the air-lift pumps to help answer fundamental questions on the process, and during their operation to select optimal process parameters and to address possible problems.  相似文献   
In order to study the migration and transformation mechanism of Hg content and occurrence form in subsurface flow zone of gold mining area in Loess Plateau and its influence on water environment, the field in-situ infiltration test and laboratory test were carried out in three typical sections of river-side loess, alluvial and proluvial strata in Tongguan gold mining area of Shaanxi Province, and the following results were obtained: (1) The source of Hg in subsurface flow zone is mainly caused by mineral processing activities; (2) the subsurface flow zone in the study area is in alkaline environment, and the residual state, iron and manganese oxidation state, strong organic state and humic acid state of mercury in loess are equally divided in dry and oxidizing environment; mercury in river alluvial or diluvial strata is mainly concentrated in silt, tailings and clayey silt soil layer, and mercury has certain stability, and the form of mercury in loess is easier to transform than the other two media; (3) under the flooding condition, most of mercury is trapped in the silt layer in the undercurrent zone where the sand and silt layers alternate with each other and the river water and groundwater are disjointed, and the migration capacity of mercury is far less than that of loess layer and alluvial layer with close hydraulic connection; (4) infiltration at the flood level accelerates the migration of pollutants to the ground; (5) the soil in the undercurrent zone is overloaded and has seriously exceeded the standard. Although the groundwater monitoring results are safe this time, relevant enterprises or departments should continue to pay attention to improving the gold extraction process, especially vigorously rectify the small workshops for illegal gold extraction and the substandard discharge of the three wastes, and intensify efforts to solve the geological environmental problems of mines left over from history. At present, the occurrence form of mercury in the undercurrent zone is relatively stable, but the water and soil layers have been polluted. The risk of disjointed groundwater pollution can not be ignored while giving priority to the treatment of loess and river alluvial landform areas with close hydraulic links. The research results will provide a scientific basis for water conservancy departments to groundwater prevention and control in water-deficient areas of the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   
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