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Cataclysmic variables (CV) and pre-cataclysmic binaries (PCB) are discussed. The main difference between them (accretion or its absence) is shown to be a consequence of the evolutionary process and the properties of their progenitors. Both types of system have a bimodal distribution of their periods, but the extrema are in counterphase. Luminosity-effective temperature diagrams for the primary components are used to show that both systems have approximately the same age, which conflicts with the notion of PCBs as precursors of CVs. Calculations of the maximum distance between components for which the system remains stable show that CVs have passed this limit, while PCBs maintain their stability during this evolution. It is suggested that, after ejecting a common shell, future CVs immediately become semi-detached systems. It this is so, then there must be cataclysmic variables which are the central stars of planetary nebulae. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 427–439 (August 2007).  相似文献   
为开展新奥尔松地区苔原植物生长和植被演替对冰川退缩响应的研究,在Austre Lovénbreen冰川(简称A冰川)前沿不同年代冰缘线附近布设了植被样方,调查了样方内植物组成与群落结构。结果表明:(1)A冰川1990年冰缘线代表植被演替的初始阶段,样方内仅出现先锋植物挪威虎耳草(Saxifraga oppositifolia);(2)1936年冰缘线代表冰川退缩长达75年后植被发育的情况,样方内植物种类和个体数明显增多,植被群落以木本植物极柳(Salix polaris)和草本植物黄葶苈(Draba bellii)为主,地衣以寒生肉疣衣(Ochrolechia frigida)和鸡皮衣(Pertusaria sp.)等壳状地衣为主;(3)随着冰川迹地形成时间更长,植被趋向成熟阶段发展,样方内极柳占绝对优势,地衣的物种多样性和盖度显著增加,出现雪黄岛衣(Flavocetraria nivalis)和刺岛衣(Cetraria aculeata)等叶状地衣。初步结果表明冰川退缩迹地上的物种更替明显,群落结构发生着显著变化。  相似文献   
Field surveys indicate lateral variation in peat humification levels (von Post) in dominantly occurring fibric,fibric to hemic,sapric and hemie to sapric peats across a gradient from the margin towards the centre of tropical lowland peat domes.Cement-peat stabilisation can be enhanced by adding mineral soil fillers (silt,clays and fine sands) obtained from Quaternary floodplain deposits and residual soil (weathered schist).The unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of the stabilised cement-mineral soil fifler-peat mix increases with the increased addition of selected mineral soil filler.Lateral variation in the stabilised peat strength (UCS) in the top 0 to 0.5 m layer was found from the margin towards the centre of the tropical lowland peat dome.The variations in the UCS of stabilised tropical lowland peats along a gradient from the periphery towards the centre of the peat dome are most likely caused by a combination of factors due to variations in the mineral soil or ash content of the peat and horizontal zonation or lateral variation in the dominant species of the plant assemblages (due to successive vegetation zonation of the peat swamp forest from the periphery towards the centre of the tropical lowland peat dome).  相似文献   
为确保地铁施工安全进行变形监测是非常重要的手段,而变形监测的最终目的是预测,即对观测物的未来形态进行预报和分析。时间序列的原理是找出事物随时间变化的规律,从而对数据变化趋势做出正确的分析和预报。本文通过对时间序列的研究对长春地铁繁荣路站的变形监测数据进行了分析和预报。  相似文献   
《China Geology》2021,4(4):673-685
The widely-developed, mixed clastic-carbonate succession in the northern Qaidam Basin records the paleo-environment changes under the glacial activity during the Late Paleozoic icehouse period in the context of regional tectonic stability, however, the depositional environment and sequence stratigraphy characteristics of the mixed deposits is rarely reported and still not clear. Combined the latest drilling wells data, we analyzed the sedimentary and stratigraphic characterization of the mixed strata via detailed field outcrops and core observations and thin section microscopic observations and recognized three depositional systems, including progradational coastal system, incised valley system, and carbonate-dominated marine shelf system, and identified four third-order sequences, SQ1, SQ2, SQ3 and SQ4, consisting of LST, TST, and HST. The depositional environment is overall belonged to marine-continental transition context and shifted from marine to continental environment frequently, showing an evolutionary pattern from marine towards terrestrial-marine transition and then back into the marine environment again in the long-term, which was controlled by the regional tectonic subsidence and the high-frequency and large-amplitude sea-level changes due to the Late Paleozoic glacial activity. The result is of significance in understanding the evolution of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the sedimentation-climate response.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   
利用四川测震台网记录的芦山余震资料,选取20个M≥2.5地震,以Loc3D(川滇)定位方法定位结果为标准。采用MSDP中常用定位方法(HypoSAT、HYP2000、LocSAT、单纯型),在人为增减台站情况下,使得台站空隙角在25°—320°范围内任意变化,采用相同震相和相同台站对选定的地震事件进行定位,并对定位结果与标准结果对比,结果表明:震中位置在台站空隙角25°—130°任意变化时,4种定位方法效果较好,差别不大;在空隙角达到130°时,震中位移具有随着空隙角增大而逐步变大趋势;在空隙角达到190°时,单纯型法震中位移明显加大,出现随机突跳现象。总体而言,LocSAT法定位效果较好,平均震中位移2.6 km,HYP2000法平均震中位移2.8 km,HypoSAT平均震中位移4.1 km,单纯型定位效果较差,平均震中位移10.3 km。  相似文献   
TheidentificationandcriteriaofshorttermseismicitygapbeforeagreatearthquakeJINGQUANCAO(曹井泉)JIALINSUN(孙加林)YIYANG(杨毅)Seismol...  相似文献   
四川绵阳官司河流域防护林的演替预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取6个样地,以“空间代替时间”法研究了官司河流域的松柏栎混交防护林的优势种群动态。结果显示:各种群在群落次生演替过程中普遍更新欠佳,林木大小级结构呈不稳定或衰退状态,据非线性演替理论,并结合防护林现状,预测防护林的可能演替趋势为:今后人为干扰若能保持较长期相对稳定,则针阔叶混交的群落类型亦将保持基本稳定;但随土壤类型的不同,而渐分化成松栋混交林和柏栎混交林.  相似文献   
To test the effects of site and successional stage on nitrogen fixation rates in salt marshes of the Venice Lagoon, Italy, acetylene reduction assays were performed with Salicornia veneta‐ and Spartina townsendii‐vegetated sediments from three restored (6–14 years) and two natural marshes. Average nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) rates ranged from 31 to 343 μmol C2H4·m?2·h?1 among all marshes, with the greatest average rates being from one natural marsh (Tezze Fonde). These high rates are up to six times greater than those reported from Southern California Spartina marshes of similar Mediterranean climate, but substantially lower than those found in moister climates of the Atlantic US coast. Nitrogen fixation rates did not consistently vary between natural and restored marshes within a site (Fossei Est, Tezze Fonde, Cenesa) but were negatively related to assayed plant biomass within the acetylene reduction samples collected among all marshes. Highest nitrogen fixation rates were found at Tezze Fonde, the location closest to the city of Venice, in both natural and restored marshes, suggesting possible site‐specific impacts of anthropogenic stress on marsh succession.  相似文献   
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