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为研究免共振沉桩过程对地表振动影响,采用密度放大法以消除模型桩弹性模量过大对计算效率的影响,在有限差分软件FLAC3D中建立了相应的连续振动沉桩模型,并和文献中的现场测试结果进行了比较,分析了激振力幅值和振动频率这两个施工参数对地表振动响应的影响。结果表明:密度放大法可有效提高数值模拟的计算效率,模拟沉桩7.0倍桩径(4.9 m)所需计算时间约为12.0 h,数值结果较好地模拟了现场测试中免共振沉桩的地表振动影响;激振力幅值和振动频率均主要对近场(水平距离为5.0倍桩径范围内)的地表振动有明显影响;临界沉桩深度与地表振动影响峰值相对应,该深度随水平距离先增大后趋于稳定;激振力幅值对临界沉桩深度的改变不明显,振动频率对远场临界沉桩深度则有较明显影响。  相似文献   
内蒙古科尔沁沙地历史上曾是科尔沁大草原,现在是农牧交错区,该区的土地利用关系到生态安全、国家粮食安全和农民生计。该区域“坨甸相间”地貌特点造成不同地形部位土壤含水量存在差异,降水量年际变化大。通过卫星影像数据解译出土地利用/覆被类型图与土壤图进行叠加,获得了显性沙地和隐性沙地数量与分布信息。首先保留耕地以外的其他地类,再利用卫星影像数据反映不同降水年型耕地的归一化植被指数(NDVI),将偏欠水年NDVI低于平均值的耕地退耕还草,消除这些耕地的冬春沙化风险,以进行土地利用布局调整。这种直接利用遥感数据获取土地利用/覆被类型和耕地的NDVI进行土地利用空间布局调整的方法,十分简单实用。本文还根据地貌和沙地降水入渗快的特点,提出了与高标准农田建设模式不同但与区域地理环境相吻合的农田整治模式,即利用自然沙丘作为区域风沙防护工程,土地开发不做大平整,不修建灌溉系统,发展雨养农业。以上根据区域地理环境条件进行土地利用布局和确定农田开发建设模式,可将农业生产与荒漠化防治和谐结合在一起,实现土地可持续利用。  相似文献   
The selection of a suitable discretization method(DM)to discretize spatially continuous variables(SCVs)is critical in ML-based natural hazard susceptibility assessment.However,few studies start to consider the influence due to the selected DMs and how to efficiently select a suitable DM for each SCV.These issues were well addressed in this study.The information loss rate(ILR),an index based on the informa-tion entropy,seems can be used to select optimal DM for each SCV.However,the ILR fails to show the actual influence of discretization because such index only considers the total amount of information of the discretized variables departing from the original SCV.Facing this issue,we propose an index,infor-mation change rate(ICR),that focuses on the changed amount of information due to the discretization based on each cell,enabling the identification of the optimal DM.We develop a case study with Random Forest(training/testing ratio of 7:3)to assess flood susceptibility in Wanan County,China.The area under the curve-based and susceptibility maps-based approaches were presented to compare the ILR and ICR.The results show the ICR-based optimal DMs are more rational than the ILR-based ones in both cases.Moreover,we observed the ILR values are unnaturally small(<1%),whereas the ICR values are obviously more in line with general recognition(usually 10%-30%).The above results all demonstrate the superiority of the ICR.We consider this study fills up the existing research gaps,improving the ML-based natural hazard susceptibility assessments.  相似文献   
The Visible and Infrared Spin-Scan Radiometer(VISSR) onboard the Fengyun-2(FY-2) satellite can provide valuable thermal infrared observations to help create a precipitable water vapor(PWV) product with high spatial and temporal resolutions. The current FY-2/VISSR PWV product in operation is produced by using a traditional two-band physical split-window(PSW) method, which produces low quality results under dry atmospheric conditions. Based on the sensitivity characteristics of FY-2 F/VISSR water vapor channel and two split-window channels to atmospheric water vapor, this study developed a new, robust operational PWV retrieval algorithm for FY-2 F to improve the operational precision of the current PWV product. The algorithm uses a modified three-band PSW method, which adds a scale for the water vapor channel in the improved three-band PSW method. Integrated PWV products from the radiosonde data in 2016 are used here to validate the precision of the PWV retrieved by the modified three-band and traditional two-band PSW methods. The mean bias, root mean square error(RMSE), and correlation coefficient of the PWV retrieved by the modified three-band PSW method are 0.28 mm, 4.53 mm, and 0.969, respectively. The accuracy is much better than the PWV retrieved by the two-band method, whose mean bias, RMSE, and correlation coefficient are 12.67 mm, 29.35 mm, and 0.23. Especially, in mid-or high-latitude regions, the RMSE of the PWV is improved from 10 to 2 mm by changing the inversion in the two-band method to the modified three-band PSW method. Furthermore, the modified three-band PSW results show a better consistency with the radiosonde PWV at any zonal belt and season than the two-band PSW results. This new algorithm could significantly improve the quality of the current FY-2 F/VISSR PWV product, especially at sites where the actual PWV are lower than 15 mm.  相似文献   
高分辨率模式雷达回波预报能力分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘静  才奎志  谭政华 《气象》2019,45(12):1710-1717
利用2018年7—8月GRAPES_3 km、东北短临(WRFRUC)高分辨率模式综合雷达回波预报数据和辽宁省SWAN雷达组合反射率(MCR)实况,基于邻域法FSS评分指数,分析模式在台风北上和副热带高压边缘暴雨过程中的雷达回波预报能力。结果表明:两家模式在不同降水过程中对小阈值雷达回波有较好的预报技巧,随着回波量级增大,模式预报FSS逐渐减小,雷达回波55 dBz时,FSS甚至为0。当邻域半径是3时,35 dBz以下的回波预报中GRAPES模式在台风北上暴雨中的预报技巧低于副热带高压边缘,35 dBz则相反。WRFRUC模式始终表现为台风北上暴雨中预报较好。当邻域半径9时,WRFRUC模式在台风暴雨中的FSS评分高于GRAPES模式,GRAPES模式在副热带高压暴雨中的FSS评分始终高于WRFRUC模式。GRAPES和WRFRUC模式的最大FSS评分技巧均出现在邻域半径是11时,分别为0.239和0.195。GRAPES模式中FSS评分在12 h逐小时预报中前3个时次较强,WRFRUC模式则表现为中间时次强,两头弱。  相似文献   
利用山东滨州市7个国家气象站与61个人影作业站点观测资料,结合高空观测及探空、ECMWF再分析等资料,对2001—2011年滨州降雹时空分布特征、天气系统和物理量特征、降雹形势分型和预报方法进行研究。得出:(1)降雹日数年均8.6次,总体呈现明显下降的年际变化特征;4—10月可降雹,6—7月降雹最多;降雹主要出现在14时—翌日02时;北部沿海相对较多。(2)降雹形势主要有5种类型:冷涡型降雹、低槽型降雹、横槽型降雹、西北气流型降雹、其他小范围降雹。根据冷涡中心位置冷涡型划分为两个关键区;低槽型可分为前倾槽、阶梯槽、较深低槽、与中低纬度共同作用的槽;横槽型降雹范围广、破坏性大;西北气流型存在连续性。(3)4类13种物理量具有不同分布特征和变异系数,均具有较好的代表性。不同月份、不同降雹影响程度和影响系统,物理量具有较明显差别。(4)0℃层高度在1370~5331m时,7种物理量可用于预报冰雹,K≥17℃、T850-500≥25℃、LI≤2℃、SRH≥0.1m^2·s^-2、SSI≥240、SWEAT≥100、Cape≥2J·kg^-1时可能降雹。6月、7—8月和其它月分别有3种、1种、3种物理量指标组合可用于预报冰雹,物理量的组合和数值有差异。  相似文献   
不同抗震设计规范的砂土液化判别方法或国内外其他有代表性的液化判别方法所采用的地震动参数和土性指标及其埋藏条件是不同的,因而采用这些方法对同一工程场地进行液化势预测时其评价结果通常有一些差异,甚至会得到相反的结论。为了给重大工程建设提供较为合理、可信的地基液化势预测结果,采用多种液化判别方法进行场地液化势的综合评价是比较客观的,也是必要的。本文结合某长江大桥桥基工程,采用建筑抗震设计规范的砂土液化判别方法、国内外有代表性的液化判别方法、有限元数值分析法等多种方法逐一对该工程场地砂性土层进行液化判别,并结合室内动三轴液化试验结果,对主桥墩不考虑冲刷条件和考虑一般冲刷深度5m条件时的砂性土层进行了液化势的综合评价,并将各土层的液化势分为液化、可能液化和不液化3个等级,得到了较为合理可靠的判别结果。  相似文献   
工程结构三维疲劳裂纹最大应力强度因子计算   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
介绍了裂纹的类型、裂纹尖端应力场的奇异性。以一维问题为例,推导论证了奇异单元能够很好的反映裂纹尖端应力场的奇异性。应力强度因子一般表达式表明应力强度因子与载荷呈线性关系,并依赖于物体和裂纹的几何形状和尺寸。本文借助大型通用有限元软件ANSYS,采用位移外插法计算了三维表面裂纹前沿不同位置处的应力强度因子,并与《应力强度因子手册》基于实验的理论公式计算结果相比较。结果表明:有限元结果与理论解误差较小,裂纹最深处应力强度因子最大。  相似文献   
The joint probability density fimction (PDF) of different structural responses is a very important topic in the stochastic response analysis of nonlinear structures. In this paper, the probability density evolution method, which is successfully developed to capture the instantaneous PDF of an arbitrary single response of interest, is extended to evaluate the joint PDF of any two responses. A two-dimensional partial differential equation in terms of the joint PDF is established. The strategy of selecting representative points via the number theoretical method and sieved by a hyper-ellipsoid is outlined. A two-dimensional difference scheme is developed. The free vibration of an SDOF system is examined to verify the proposed method, and a flame structure exhibiting hysteresis subjected to stochastic ground motion is investigated. It is pointed out that the correlation of different responses results from the fact that randomness of different responses comes from the same set of basic random parameters involved. In other words, the essence of the probabilistic correlation is a physical correlation.  相似文献   
桩基承载力自平衡试验方法在昆明地区的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢庆茵  龚维明  唐进 《地震研究》2007,30(3):291-295
概述了自平衡法的基本原理,对云南某化工有限公司5×105t/a合成氨煤气化装置中的三根试桩采用自平衡新方法进行了桩基承载力测试,对测试数据进行了整理和分析。应用结果表明,测试取得较好的工程效果。  相似文献   
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