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季冻区土质路堑边坡浅层含水率变化研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
单炜  刘红军  杨林  郭颖  孙玉英 《岩土力学》2008,29(Z1):335-340
采用现场实测和室内试验相结合的方法,研究季节性气温变化、边坡深度、坡面植物种类和坡面朝向等因素对边坡土体含水率变化的影响规律。结果证明:边坡土体冻结过程中,水分向冻结区迁移;随着冻结深度增加,含水率的变化也会向深处发展;坡面木本植物比草本植物有更明显的吸水作用;边坡含水率和土体温度的变化影响土体的强度,边坡土体温度在0℃以上时,土体强度主要受含水率变化的影响,当土体温度在0℃以下时,强度主要受温度变化的影响;三轴试验证明:边坡土体的黏聚力首先随着含水率的增加而增大,含水率达到15 %以后,边坡土体的黏聚力随含水率的增大而减小;边坡土体的内摩擦角基本上是随着含水率的增大而减小。研究成果可为季节性冻土地区高等级公路路堑边坡冻融失稳的预警提供判据。  相似文献   
通过构建16S rRNA基因克隆文库,研究了冻融循环对青藏高原腹地北麓河的高寒沼泽草甸和高寒沙化草原两种不同生态系统土壤细菌群落结构的影响. 结果表明: α-、 β-、 γ- 和δ-变形菌门(α-、 β-、 γ- 和δ-Proteobacteria)、 酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)、 放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、 拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)和浮霉菌门(Planctomycetes)为两个生态系统土壤共有的细菌类群, 其中, 变形菌门、 酸杆菌门及浮霉菌门细菌为研究区域优势菌, 而厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)为高寒沼泽草甸土壤所特有, 疣微菌门(Verrucomicrobia)和绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)细菌是高寒沙化草原土壤特有的细菌类群, 表明青藏高原腹地两种生态系统土壤具有丰富的细菌多样性. 冻融循环会降低区域土壤的细菌多样性, 随冻融循环, 高寒沼泽草甸和高寒沙化草原生态系统土壤放线菌门丰度均呈现下降趋势, 但大部分细菌随冻融循环的变化在两种生态类型中呈现不同的变化规律, 结果说明冻融循环对于不同生态系统土壤细菌群落结构的影响既存在相似性, 也存在着较大的差异.  相似文献   
张向东  任昆 《冰川冻土》2018,40(4):764-772
为研究煤渣改良土作为季节冻土区路基填料的抗冻能力,以不同煤渣掺量及不同养护龄期下的煤渣改良土为研究对象,利用GDS三轴试验系统开展了不同冻融次数下改良土的三轴压缩试验,获得了最佳的煤渣掺量及养护时间数据,提出冻融及加载综合影响下改良土的总损伤变量,并据此建立了损伤本构关系。结果表明:改良土的抗冻能力随着煤渣掺入量的增大出现先增强后减弱的变化趋势,随龄期的增长而逐渐增强。冻融循环对改良土物理力学性质的影响主要集中在前5次循环过程,超过5次后影响逐渐减弱。冻融加载总损伤变量能够较好地反映冻融及加载过程中改良土性质的劣化,据此建立的损伤本构关系具有一定的精度,可以为季节冻土区煤渣改良土路基工程提供参考。  相似文献   
Analysis of a buried deposit in the Diamond Valley of southern California has revealed well-preserved pollen, wood, and diatom remains. Accelerator mass spectrometry dates of 41,200±2100 and 41,490±1380 14C yr B.P. place this deposit in marine isotope stage 3. Diatoms suggest a shallow lacustrine environment. Pollen data suggest that several plant communities were present near the site, with grassland, scrub, chaparral, forest, and riparian communities represented. Comparison with modern pollen suggests similarities with montane forests in the nearby San Bernardino and San Jacinto ranges, indicating vegetation lowering by at least 900 m elevation and temperatures 4°–5°C cooler than today. An increase in high-elevation conifer pollen documents climatic cooling near the profile top. Early-profile diatoms are typical of warm water with high alkalinity and conductivity, whereas later diatoms suggest a higher flow regime and input of cooler water into the system. We suggest that the sequence is part of the cooling phase of an interstadial Dansgaard–Oeschger cycle. Records of the middle Wisconsin period are rare in southern California, but the Diamond Valley site is similar to records from Tulare Lake in the San Joaquin Valley and the ODP Site 893A record from Santa Barbara Basin. It is probable that the Diamond Valley assemblage is a local expression of a vegetation type widespread in the ranges and basins of southwestern California during the middle Wisconsin.  相似文献   
变化中的地球所面临的挑战:全球变化的科学理解(英文)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
简要介绍了变化中的地球所面临的挑战 ,并在描述地球系统科学近年来所取得成就的基础上给出了全球变化的科学理解。同时也简要介绍了世界正在面临的主要环境问题 ;描述了气候系统研究所达成的共识、面临的挑战及所取得的研究进展 ;并从大气、海洋和陆地间的CO2 交换、转换、不确定性等方面阐述了碳循环 ;然后 ,简单描述了全球水循环研究进展 ;最后 ,展望了在变化的地球中生存所要面临的挑战与机遇。  相似文献   
姚旭  戴霜 《第四纪研究》2023,43(6):1643-1661
我国西北地区新生代广泛发育河湖相沉积, 表现为红色泥岩为主体、夹有绿色泥岩和石膏薄层的岩相韵律性变化, 目前已有多种古气候指标揭示千年至百万年尺度古环境、古气候演变规律。但是这些旋回地层剖面中红色泥岩和绿色泥岩(石膏)岩相韵律变化特征及其蕴含的轨道尺度湖泊水文演化并未受到广泛关注。本研究以天文解决方案的韵律化为基础, 在酒泉、西宁盆地新生代旋回地层中开展岩相韵律数字化研究, 明确了岩性等级和层偶指标所记录的地球轨道周期为相反相位, 暗示二者代表不同类型的古气候指标, 可能从不同方面记录了盆地水文循环和沉积过程。酒泉盆地中新世岩相韵律的等级和层偶指标共同记录了长偏心率和长斜率的地球轨道"节拍器"周期, 西宁盆地始新世岩相韵律的等级和层偶序列主要受偏心率周期驱动、单个红色泥岩-石膏层偶的沉积限时以12万年为显著周期。目前西北地区新生代地层学研究中已有高分辨率古气候指标的数据支撑, 然而岩相韵律数字化应该受到重视, 其保存的轨道周期和相位变化, 有助于深入理解从天文轨道驱动、古气候演化到沉积环境响应的关键过程。  相似文献   
东营凹陷地下水动力场的形成与演化   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10  
沉积盆地地下水动力场的理想模式可以归纳为对称型和不对称型两种,其中局部地下水动力单元可以划分为泥岩压榨水离心流,大气水下渗向心流,越流、越流蒸发泄水和滞流4种类型。地下水动力场的演化具有旋回性,每个旋回可以分为两个阶段:盆地沉降沉积时期的泥岩压榨水离心流阶段和盆地抬升剥蚀时期的大气水下渗向心流阶段。随沉积盆地的形成与演化,水动力场也有形成、发展和消亡的过程。东营凹陷地下水动力场在平面上呈对称性:总体上大气水由凹陷边缘向凹陷中心渗入,凹陷内部各洼陷为压榨水形成的离心流区,凹陷边缘南部斜坡带和北部断阶带以及凹陷内部中央断裂带为越流泄水区。纵向上,局部水动力单元强度及演化规律与地层的埋藏深度有关。随着埋藏深度的增加,水动力单元强度逐渐减弱。  相似文献   
冻融循环对黄土二次湿陷特性的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
在黄土地区公路路基建设中, 通常会采用预湿陷等办法来对湿陷性黄土进行处理以达到工程要求.但是在季节冻土区, 处理过的黄土路基却在运营几年后, 仍发生大量的不均匀沉降、 塌陷等病害.为分析冻融循环作用对黄土二次湿陷的影响, 采用室内试验方法, 使大体积黄土样品先完成一次湿陷, 再进行冻融循环和黄土二次湿陷.试验结果表明: 重塑黄土与原状黄土的二次湿陷系数随着冻融循环次数的增加趋向于同一个特定值; 重塑黄土和原状黄土的二次湿陷系数皆大于0.015, 说明二者皆满足湿陷条件, 在冻融条件下具有二次湿陷性.  相似文献   
We have analyzed core MD01-2392, ∼ 360 km east of the Mekong River mouth in the South China Sea (SCS). Over the past 500 ka, planktonic foraminiferal oxygen-isotopic values are consistently lighter than northern SCS and open-ocean records by up to 0.5‰, indicating the influence of run-off from the Mekong River during both glacial and interglacial periods. Carbonate content is higher during interglacials; sedimentation rates were higher during glacials. Increased sedimentation rates since 30 ka imply increased run-off during the last glacial maximum and Holocene Period. Contrary to general experience, in which it is classed as a warm species for temperature estimates, the thermocline-dwelling species Pulleniatina obliquiloculata increased its numbers during glacial periods. This implies an estuarine circulation and even brackish-water caps during glacial periods, reinforcing the sense of strong run-off. In an overall decline of warm water, the thermocline shoaled stepwise, with rapid rises across the glacial terminations. We infer that the southern SCS was opened to an influx of Indian Ocean waters through southern passages at those times of rising sea levels.  相似文献   
A three-dimensional model coupling physical and biological processes for the whole Thau lagoon (Mediterranean coast of France) was developed in order to assess the relationships between macrophytes and the oxygen and nitrogen cycles. Ten species have been inserted as forcing variables in the model. Plankton dynamics, shellfish cultivation impact and mineralization of organic matter are also considered, as well as nutrient and oxygen exchanges between the sediment and the water column.Simulations with and without the macrophytes have shown that the system can be characterized as having a highly structured pattern involving lagoon nitrogen and oxygen cycles. This pattern is created by the combined influence of macrophytes, watershed and oyster farming.The model has been also used to assess the total annual macrophyte production at the whole lagoon scale. Comparisons with phytoplankton production and with results from other temperate lagoons have underlined the high productivity of the Thau lagoon supported by active nutrient regeneration.  相似文献   
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