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人口调查统计以行政区划为基本单元,数据精度不能满足较高分辨率的空间结构分析,也难以在地理综合研究中与自然地理要素数据相匹配.因此,人口密度空间化成为地理学的重要研究方向之一.本文基于贵州省猫跳河流域的乡镇人口数据,采用GIS空间分析技术与统计学方法,分析了人口密度与空间因子的关系;并采用多元回归的方法建立了人口密度数据...  相似文献   
原型盆地恢复有助于盆地构造—岩相古地理的研究和揭示盆山耦合,对油气勘探与开发具有重要的指导意义。本文利用最新的钻井、测井及露头资料,以沉积相为研究实体,运用盆—山结合的思路,由点—线—面进行分析,重建了鄂尔多斯盆地晚石炭世本溪组沉积时期的构造—沉积环境,研究了原型盆地特征及性质。本溪组沉积期,鄂尔多斯盆地沉积具有东西分异的特征:淳化—庆阳—吴起地区及北部伊盟地区为暴露剥蚀区,东部为克拉通内坳陷盆地,西部为克拉通边缘裂陷盆地。乌达—呼鲁斯台及鄂尔多斯—神木地区发育三角洲相,并向南逐渐推进;鄂西石嘴山、环县及鄂东府谷、延安地区以环带状潮坪—泻湖相为主,受间歇性海侵影响;吴忠、柳林—吉县地区发育低能的泻湖相;中卫—中宁、韩城及以东地区发育不同深度的陆棚及开阔台地。该时期盆地构造环境表现为南北向双向俯冲、贺兰拗拉槽再活化,格局经历了南隆北倾向北隆南倾的转变。受此影响,鄂尔多斯盆地构造古地理格局开始由东西分异逐渐向南北分异转变,受东西两侧海侵影响沉积相带呈环带状展布,但在盆地北部发育潮控三角洲,表现出近缘特征。晚石炭世鄂尔多斯盆地构造—沉积环境与原型盆地特征与其对周缘大地构造运动的响应。  相似文献   
基于野外地质调查和构造测量工作,系统解析了萨热克巴依盆地边缘及内部的断裂-褶皱构造的几何学、运动学和动力学特征,重建盆地演化过程,探究控矿规律,促进深部找矿预测。研究表明:①盆地经历了早—中侏罗世拉分盆地发育、中侏罗世末—晚侏罗世初构造隆升剥蚀、晚侏罗世沉降、晚侏罗世末—早白垩世初构造隆升剥蚀、早白垩世早期沉降、早白垩世中晚期—古近纪隆升剥蚀、中新世压剪性构造变形、上新世—第四纪挤压收缩变形8个构造演化阶段,其中前6个阶段表现为沉降-抬升垂直运动,后2个阶段(新近纪—第四纪)表现为挤压收缩水平运动。②盆地叠加有2期挤压收缩构造变形,早期形成规模不大的北(西)西—南(东)东向宽缓向背斜构造;后期形成一系列北东东—南西西向褶皱-断层构造,表现为盆地边缘南北边界断层(ST、NT)朝盆地内对冲,导致在断层附近下盘形成的伴生褶皱趋于紧闭,而在远离断层的复式向斜(Sf)核部的次级褶皱多呈开阔宽缓状。③盆地构造控矿可以分为2个阶段:在成矿期阶段(早侏罗世—早白垩世),由盆地沉降、隆升形成的正断层、反转断层及伴生断裂-节理-裂隙为重要的导矿构造,上侏罗统库孜贡苏组砂砾岩层内发育的顺层裂隙为萨热克铜矿重要的储矿构造,导矿构造与储矿构造交汇部位成为矿液富集成矿的最佳部位;在成矿后阶段,由后期(上新世—第四纪)北北西—南南东向区域挤压应力作用形成的收缩构造变形,明显控制了矿体的空间展布形态,造成矿体卷入褶皱变形,以及被断裂-裂隙带切穿或错断。④在30勘探线以东一带,南矿带深部隐伏的库孜贡苏组上段(J3k2)为铜(锌)矿(化)体的有利赋存层位,具有良好的找矿前景。  相似文献   
The Dakota Formation in southern Utah (Kaiparowits Plateau region) is a succession of fluvial through shallow-marine facies formed during the initial phase of filling of the Cretaceous foreland basin of the Sevier orogen. It records a number of relative sea-level fluctuations of different frequency and magnitude, controlled by both tectonic and eustatic processes during the Early to Late Cenomanian. The Dakota Formation is divided into eight units separated by regionally correlatable surfaces that formed in response to relative sea-level fluctuations. Units 1–6B represent, from bottom to top, valley-filling deposits of braided streams (unit 1), alluvial plain with anastomosed to meandering streams (2), tide-influenced fluvial and tide-dominated estuarine systems (3A and 3B), offshore to wave-dominated shoreface (4, 5 and 6A) and an estuarine incised valley fill (6A and 6B). The onset of flexural subsidence and deposition in the foredeep was preceded by eastward tilting of the basement strata, probably caused by forebulge migration during the Early Cretaceous, which resulted in the incision of a westward-deepening predepositional relief. The basal fluvial deposits of the Dakota Formation, filling the relief, reflect the onset of flexural subsidence and, possibly, a eustatic sea-level rise. Throughout the deposition of the Dakota Formation, flexure controlled the long-term, regional subsidence rate. Locally, reactivation of basement faults caused additional subsidence or minor uplift. Owing to a generally low subsidence rate, differential compaction locally influenced the degree of preservation of the Dakota units. Eustasy is believed to have been the main control on the high-frequency relative sea-level changes recorded in the Dakota. All surfaces that separate individual Dakota units are flooding surfaces, most of which are superimposed on sequence boundaries. Therefore, with the exception of unit 6B and, possibly, 3B, most of the Dakota units are interpreted as depositional sequences. Fluvial strata of units 1 and 2 are interpreted as low-frequency sequences; the coal zones at the base and within unit 2 may represent a response to higher frequency flooding events. Units 3A to 6B are interpreted as having formed in response to high-frequency relative sea-level fluctuations. Shallow-marine units 4, 5 and 6A, interpreted as parasequences by earlier authors, can be divided into facies-based systems tracts and show signs of subaerial exposure at their boundaries, which allows interpretation as high-frequency sequences. In general, the Dakota units are good examples of high-frequency sequences that can be misinterpreted as parasequences, especially in distal facies or in places where signs of subaerial erosion are missing or have been removed by subsequent transgressive erosion. Both low- and high-frequency sequences represented by the Dakota units are stacked in an overall retrogradational pattern, which reflects a long-term relative sea-level rise, punctuated by brief periods of relative sea-level fall. There is a relatively major fall near the end of the M. mosbyense Zone, whereas the base of the Tropic shale is characterized by a major flooding event at the base of the S. gracile Zone. A similar record of Cenomanian relative sea-level change in other regions, e.g. Europe or northern Africa, suggests that both high- and low-frequency relative sea-level changes were governed by eustasy. The high-frequency relative sea-level fluctuations of ≈100 kyr periodicity and ≈10–20 m magnitude, similar to those recorded in other Cenomanian successions in North America and Central Europe, were probably related to Milankovitch-band, climate-driven eustasy. Either minor glacioeustatic fluctuations, superimposed on the overall greenhouse climate of the mid-Cretaceous, or mechanisms, such as the fluctuations in groundwater volume on continents or thermal expansion and contraction of sea water, could have controlled the high-frequency eustatic fluctuations.  相似文献   
松辽盆地徐家围子地区下白垩统登娄库组储层物性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
储层问题是制约深层天然气勘探获得突破的主要问题之一。深部优质储层孔隙成因和保存机理、次生孔隙发育带研究很薄弱,储集性质控制因素研究程度不够,难于进行有利储层分布的预测。研究以储层地质学和储层地球化学理论为指导,结合储层宏观研究和盆地沉积史及热史研究成果,对徐家围子断陷深层下白垩统登娄库组的砂岩储层中碎屑岩储层岩性、物性、孔隙类型及储集性的变化规律进行了介绍。  相似文献   
古特提斯洋的构造与演化过程一直是研究热点,很多学者在其产生、扩张、俯冲及闭合的时间上持有不同观点.本次研究中,运用LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年技术对滇黔桂盆地三叠纪罗楼组碎屑锆石、泥盆纪坡松冲组碎屑独居石进行分析测试,同时结合古生代以来碎屑物源的演化历史,以期确定出古特提斯洋开启与闭合的时间.锆石测试结果显示:者...  相似文献   
利用德克萨斯大学空间研究中心(CSR)发布的GRACE时变重力场模型,基于最大信噪比准则确定RL06球谐系数模型(spherical harmonics,SH)的最优高斯滤波半径,在此基础上反演2002-04~2020-05刚果河流域陆地水储量变化,结合水文与降雨、蒸散资料分析其驱动因素。研究结果表明,GRACE模型估计的刚果河流域水储量变化和水文模型估计的地表水储量变化的周年振幅一致,表明刚果河流域的陆地水储量周年变化驱动因素为地表水。对于年际变化,2002-04~2020-05陆地水储量变化呈轻微增加趋势,2002-04~2006-12明显减少,RL06 SH模型估计结果为-2.30±0.24 cm/a;2007-01~2010-12呈现增加趋势,为0.38±0.24 cm/a;2011-01~2020-05水储量增速变大,为0.92±0.12 cm/a,该结果与CSR Mascon估计结果一致。  相似文献   
TheSonghuaRiver,oneofthemajorriversinNortheastChina,hastwosources:thenorthsourceistheNenjiangRiverandthesouthsourceistheSecondSonghuaRiver.ThetrunkstreamoftheNenjiangRiver,risingatthesouthernfootoftheYilehuliMountain,is1370kmlonganditswatershedareais…  相似文献   
In this paper we present a crater age determination of several terrains associated with the Raditladi and Rachmaninoff basins. These basins were discovered during the first and third MESSENGER flybys of Mercury, respectively. One of the most interesting features of both basins is their relatively fresh appearance. The young age of both basins is confirmed by our analysis on the basis of age determination via crater chronology. The derived Rachmaninoff and Raditladi basin model ages are about 3.6 Ga and 1.1 Ga, respectively. Moreover, we also constrain the age of the smooth plains within the basins' floors. This analysis shows that Mercury had volcanic activity until recent time, possibly to about 1 Ga or less. We find that some of the crater size-frequency distributions investigated suggest the presence of a layered target. Therefore, within this work we address the importance of considering terrain parameters, as geo-mechanical properties and layering, into the process of age determination. We also comment on the likelihood of the availability of impactors able to form basins with the sizes of Rachmaninoff and Raditladi in relatively recent times.  相似文献   
加蓬海岸盆地南、北次盆成藏特征对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邱春光  刘延莉 《现代地质》2012,26(1):154-159
加蓬海岸盆地属于被动大陆边缘盆地。盆地沉积盖层主要由白垩系、古近系和新近系组成,沉积地层组合具有明显的三分性,包括早白垩世盐下层系、早白垩世晚期阿普特期盐膏层和晚白垩世至新近纪盐上层系。根据目前的油气发现,北加蓬主要富集盐上油气资源,南加蓬主要富集盐下油气资源。从构造沉积背景、油气地质条件、油气发现规模、油气平面分布、油气勘探潜力5方面对南、北次盆进行对比,分析南、北次盆的油气聚集差异,结合勘探现状分析其勘探潜力,并指出南加蓬次盆勘探难点为圈闭识别,北加蓬次盆的勘探难点是砂体预测。  相似文献   
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