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中国外商直接投资的区域分异及其变化   总被引:49,自引:3,他引:49  
本文分析结果表明,中国的外商直接投资主要分布于沿海地带省区和沿长江流域省区的“T”型轴线上,90年代以来呈现由南向北以及沿长江向中西部地带转移的趋势。从传统因素、集聚因素、风险因素三方面分析了我国外商直接投资区域差异形成及其演变的原因,并得到一系列结论与启示。  相似文献   
城市外经贸可持续发展评价指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹小玲  夏斌 《热带地理》2007,27(5):424-428
界定了城市外经贸可持续发展的概念,表述了可持续发展的城市外经贸应该具有总量增长、结构优化、促进经济发展、利于社会和谐、改善生态环境5项特征。在此基础上,构建了城市外经贸可持续发展综合评价指标体系,分析了指标选取的依据,并对具体指标的计算方法作了详细说明。  相似文献   
我国彩电制造业空间变化的影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高菠阳  刘卫东 《地理研究》2008,27(2):375-384
产业区位的形成受经济、社会、人文等因素的多重影响。20世纪90年代初以来,影响我国产业布局的资源、交通条件等传统因素作用逐渐下降,外商投资、产业集群、创新网络建设等新因素明显地改变着我国的产业布局。本文分析了我国彩电制造业30余年的产业空间转移,阐述了我国在由计划经济向市场经济转轨、从开放度低的配给制经济向承接全球制造业转移的国际化经济的转型过程中,影响彩电制造业空间分布因素的变化。  相似文献   
中国对外贸易和FDI跨地区演变路径与特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国对外贸易迅速增长的同时,研究跨地区对外贸易差异性有利于促进中国对外贸易的深层次发展.通过重心分析方法实证研究了中国对外贸易与外商直接投资(FDI)重心的动态演变路径、经纬度差异性及其互动特征,揭示了对外贸易重心向"东北-西南-东北"方向移动的整体趋势以及由分散走向聚合的经纬度变化特征,阐明了FDI与对外贸易之间存在互补关系,且FDI重心较对外贸易重心提前同向移动的时间间隔约为3年.研究结论对中国优化对外贸易的地区分布具有一定的政策借鉴意义.  相似文献   
对外援助是一国地缘政治与经济的重要承载,是实现联合国2030年可持续发展目标的主要手段。中国对外援助的空间演化体现了大国崛起时代背景下中国国际地位和世界责任的变迁过程。然而,现有研究较少从发展地理学视角研究中国的对外援助问题。本文研究了中国对外援助的部门特征、时代特征与区域特征,结果表明:中国对外援助的地区和部门分布与受援国需求紧密相关,“一带一路”倡议对中国对外援助分配影响显著;中国对不同部门的援助资金主要流向了特定受援地区,且具有明显的时代特征;随着时间推移,中国的对外援助重心逐渐由东南向西北偏移,体现了中国对外援助战略倾向的转变;中国对外援助遵循“南南合作”的援助理念,属于东亚援助模式;国内学者应加强发展地理学领域内对外援助相关问题的理论构建与认识论研究。  相似文献   
随着中国-东盟自贸区的建立,中国与东南亚地区的经济合作不断加深。作为中国-东盟地缘经济合作的桥头堡,缅甸一直以来都是中国对外投资的热点区域。自军政府统治以来,由于和缅甸的传统友好关系,中国成为缅甸的最大的投资者,投资主要集中在油气资源、矿业资源、水电资源开发等资源相关领域,投资主体为大型的央企、国企等。地处地缘破碎地带,物产资源丰富,缅甸历来为战略要地。民主化改革后,众多大国势力进入对缅甸的投资和贸易,既在客观上对中国的对缅直接投资形成了竞争激励,又有主观上的挤压乃至遏制;随着缅甸国内边境战事的逐渐升级,中国企业对缅投资风险加大;中国企业对外投资未能更好融入当地,由此引发的群体性排华事件,也恶化了对缅的投资环境。未来中国对缅直接投资应进一步拓宽投资领域,融入多元的投资形式,着重对缅甸经济特区进行投资,并且在投资过程中兼顾各方利益。  相似文献   
This paper provides historical context for contemporary discourses on landownership, notably the changing scale of absentee landownership and foreign ownership since 1849. Trends in landownership since European occupation of one of the most agriculturally productive regions in south east Australia, the Lachlan River catchment, are examined at regional, shire and district scales. Evolution of tenure indicates that absentee landowners owned most of the land until after 1935, but between the 1860s and 1970 the proportion of landowners who were resident landowners increased. In 1970, resident landowners owned most land. Since 1970, absentee landownership has increased, the most dramatic increase occurring after 1990. By 2009, absentee landownership had reached the high levels of 1849. While most contemporary types of landowners have historical antecedents, new trends include changes in the country of origin of foreign investors, increased small property ownership by city-based individuals and the establishment of Indigenous incorporated ownership.  相似文献   
This article studies location decisions and network configurations of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu Province, located in the northwest of the Yangtze River Delta (YRD). Built on the perspective that China's economic transition can be conceptualized as a triple process of globalization, marketization, and decentralization, this article outlines four structural changes of the Chinese economy that are underlying the location and networks of FDI: decentralization and the empowerment of local states, marketization and the increasing importance of places, globalization and the emergence of globalizing city regions, and urban spatial restructuring. The study has uncovered substantial intraurban differences within Nanjing and the significance of the Chinese state, location within the YRD, and intraurban context in the location decisions for FDI. We have also found that foreign ventures overwhelmingly serve as production facilities for either the Chinese or world markets, and maintain close production relations with other foreign firms in the YRD. Finally, regression models have identified the significance of national-level development zones, access to ports, and industrial land in the location of foreign ventures.  相似文献   
Saemaul Undong is an international development aid model that has recently gained international currency. It originated in a rural development campaign led by a South Korean authoritarian regime in the 1970s. What enabled the campaign’s global transformation, and what are its implications? To answer these questions, this research examines the relationship between dictatorship and development by reviewing the literatures on developmental state, developmental dictatorship, and mass dictatorship. Park Chung Hee’s authoritarian regime employed a discursive strategy of presenting the campaign as an opportunity of contributing to national development—a development defined only in economic terms—and secured participation from rural communities that had desired progress. At the wake of a national debt crisis in the post-authoritarian era, various non-governmental and quasi-governmental actors elevated the campaign into a political and economic imaginary that allegedly merits international replication in their efforts to practice the discourse of national development. This imaginary was institutionalized into an international aid model, which the Park Geun-hye administration abused for its glory. The findings of this research show that, unlike the liberal claim that democracy follows economic development, the legacies of developmental dictatorship may persist through evolution even after formal democratization. Attempts at the uncritical replication of Saemaul Undong in the Global South risk reproducing the reductionist definition of development that overlooks political development. As the country is still paying the cost of its dictatorial legacy, the true lessons from South Korea’s development experience can be found in its prolonged struggle for democracy.  相似文献   
对广州市中心城区75家麦当劳餐厅和71家肯德基餐厅的地理位置进行实地测定并记录其开店时间,利用空间统计学方法定量地研究广州地区麦当劳和肯德基餐厅两家外来快餐店的空间分布特征及其随时间变化的过程,探讨两者在广州市场的竞争关系。研究得出以下结论:麦当劳和肯德基两家外国快餐店分布模式相同,空间分布上高度相关;两者在餐厅选址上的相同考虑是两者之间产生竞争以及空间分布高度相关的根本原因;与全国范围不同,广州地区的麦当劳餐厅数量一直多于肯德基,至今两者餐厅数目仍不相上下,两者在空间上的高度相关不是谁跟进谁的结果;早期两者之间并不是完全"针锋相对"的竞争,但随各自餐厅数量的不断增长,两者间竞争越来越激烈,2005年以后才真正达到了"哪里有麦当劳,哪里就有肯德基"的地步;两者的发展存在不同的侧重点,麦当劳偏重旧区的发展,肯德基倾向于开拓新区。  相似文献   
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