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新疆位于亚欧大陆文明交流和作物传播的关键区域,该地区古代人群的饮食结构和生业模式一直是国内外考古学者共同关注的科学问题。天山地区复杂的地理构造为研究不同地貌单元人群的农业活动和生计模式提供了理想场所。本研究选取中天山南部焉耆盆地北朝时期(386~581 A.D.)的莫呼查汗沟口遗址作为研究对象,对从该遗址不同功能单元采集的样品进行了植硅体分析,并结合已有的炭化种子记录探讨了该遗址古代居民的作物结构和生业模式。结果表明:房址剖面和火塘样品中发现了较多数量的黍η型、小麦树枝状和乳突状以及少量的粟Ω型植硅体,植硅体分析和炭化种子浮选结果共同证实了北朝时期沟口先民的作物结构以小麦和黍子为主,同时兼有大麦和粟,各遗迹单元农作物植硅体的广泛分布表明该遗址农业活动发达。通过对比不同地貌单元遗址的考古研究成果发现,不同于自然条件优越的绿洲地带,在山前洪积扇或沟口地区进行大规模的作物种植必须依赖水利灌溉设施的支持。研究结果为深入研究新疆不同地貌单元人群的饮食结构、农业活动和生存策略提供了重要的线索。

叶浩  张拴宏    赵越    刘建民  何哲峰 《地质通报》2014,33(09):1274-1283
运用LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年获得华北地块北缘内蒙古赤峰莲花山地区朝吐沟组2件流纹质熔结凝灰岩的形成时代,分别为366Ma±2Ma和364Ma±2Ma。测年结果表明,莲花山朝吐沟组火山岩形成于泥盆纪晚期,而不是早石炭世。同时,这一结果也将赤峰地区朝吐沟组的时代限定为泥盆纪晚期,而非早石炭世。莲花山泥盆纪晚期火山岩总体上以富硅、碱、铝,贫铁、镁、钙、钛及过铝质为特征,与本区晚石炭世—二叠纪钙碱性火山岩(如青凤山组或大石寨组火山岩)的特征明显不同。华北地块北缘泥盆纪晚期火山岩的形成可能与早古生代末期—晚古生代初期白乃庙岛弧和华北克拉通北缘弧—陆碰撞后的伸展环境有关。这一构造环境与华北地块北缘泥盆纪碱性岩及基性—超基性岩侵位背景相似。  相似文献   
More than a dozen new radiocarbon dates reconstruct the eruptive history of Ceboruco volcano. Six of these further constrain previous results for the important plinian Jala eruption, which occurred near 1060 ± 55 yr BP. A calibrated radiocarbon age of AD 990–1020 was obtained as best overlap range for all samples. Pottery fragments found directly underneath the pumice deposit indicate that this area was inhabited by human populations that witnessed the eruption. This age therefore represents an important time marker in the prehistory of this region, because an area of > 560 km2 was devastated and covered by a thickness of > 50 cm of pumice and ash fallout.  相似文献   
We have identified a binary companion to (42355) 2002 CR46 in our ongoing deep survey using the Hubble Space Telescope's High Resolution Camera. It is the first companion to be found around an object in a non-resonant orbit that crosses the orbits of giant planets. Objects in orbits of this kind, the Centaurs, have experienced repeated strong scattering with one or more giant planets and therefore the survival of binaries in this transient population has been in question. Monte Carlo simulations suggest, however, that binaries in (42355) 2002 CR46-like heliocentric orbits have a high probability of survival for reasonable estimates of the binary's still-unknown system mass and separation. Because Centaurs are thought to be precursors to short period comets, the question of the existence of binary comets naturally arises; none has yet been definitively identified. The discovery of one binary in a sample of eight observed by HST suggests that binaries in this population may not be uncommon.  相似文献   
Abstract Syn-metamorphic re-imbrication of the internal part of thrust belts can result in distinct pressure–temperature–time–deformation ( P–T–t–d ) pathways for different structural–metamorphic domains. In the early Proterozoic Cape Smith Thrust Belt (Canada), an external (piggyback-sequence thrusting) domain is characterized by thermal peak metamorphism occurring after deformation. In contrast, thermal peak metamorphism in an internal domain occurred during re-imbrication by out-of-sequence thrusting. The interactions of tectonic and thermal processes have been studied using three methods: (i) qualitative evaluation of the timing between mineral growth and deformation; (ii) analytical P–T paths from growth-zoned garnet porphyroblasts; and (iii) numerical modelling of vertical heat conduction. Derived P–T–t–d pathways suggest that uplift in the external domain resulted in part from erosion and isostatic unloading. In contrast, paths for the internal domain indicate that the out-of-sequence portion of the thrust belt may have experienced faster unroofing relative to the external domain. This is attributed to thickening by out-of-sequence thrusting and possibly to extensional faulting at (now eroded) higher structural levels. Observations on the timing of metamorphism, coupled with numerical modelling, suggest that the thermal peak metamorphism documented in the external domain is a consequence of the emplacement of the out-of-sequence thrusts stack in the internal portion of the thrust belt.  相似文献   
长江经济带建设的若干问题与建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建设长江经济带是现阶段、新常态下推进中国经济持续、稳定增长的重大战略举措之一。作为全国国土开发的一级轴线,长江经济带具有显著的区位优势、航运优势和相对完善的产业体系,2014年其经济总量占全国的45%左右。但与此同时,也面临着一些跨区域的重大问题,制约着长江经济带的未来发展。通过系统梳理改革开放以来长江经济带发展的主要特征,对长江轴线发展过程中面临的主要问题进行深入解剖,从经济增长、国土空间开发、航运建设、产业发展、资源环境、城镇化和体制机制等7个方面,提出了近期建设长江经济带的若干建议,供政府及学术界参考与讨论。  相似文献   
综合运用石油自给率、流动比率等方法,以“一带一路”沿线国家为研究对象,对1995—2014年各国石油资源流动类型时空演变进行研究。结果表明:1)1995—2014年石油净补给型国家数量较为稳定,无产型或低产型国家的石油贸易倾向变化相对较小;基本自给型国家数量占比最大,1995年占比1/2,其余四个年份占比稳定在1/3;净支出型国家数量显著增加,至2014年其中有5个国家保持不变,表明这些国家的石油产量具有较大的优势。2)1995年和2014年汇地国家均为39个国家,其中有34个国家一直保持汇地职能,空间分布上呈东多西少,南多北少,东西分化以西亚、中亚、东欧为界;有14个国家一直保持源地职能,其空间分布格局与汇地相应,西多东少,南多北少,主要分布于西亚、东欧及中亚;交流地数量较少,呈分散分布,且分布地不稳定。3)从数量变化来看,研究期内汇地略有增加,源地略有减少,交流地略有增加;“一带一路”源地总出口量与汇地总进口量的比呈逐年降低趋势。  相似文献   
巴尔喀什成矿带是世界著名的中亚成矿域斑岩型铜钼成矿带,产出许多斑岩型铜钼矿床和一些石英脉-云英岩型钨钼矿床。中亚成矿域可能是一个多核成矿系统,具有以走滑断裂为边界构成的断裂构造体系并受之控制。本文对巴尔喀什成矿带巴尔喀什—阿克沙套地区11件辉钼矿样品进行了Re-Os同位素分析,得到博尔雷大型斑岩型铜(钼)矿床和东科翁腊德、扎涅特、阿克沙套石英脉-云英岩型钨钼矿床的辉钼矿模式年龄(平均值)分别为315.9Ma、298.0Ma、295.0Ma和289.3Ma;其中,东科温腊德、阿克沙套和扎涅特等3个矿床的Re-Os等时线年龄为297.9-+30..949Ma,MSWD值为0.97。辉钼矿Re-Os年龄说明巴尔喀什成矿带Cu-Mo-W成矿作用发生在315.9~289.3Ma期间,Cu-Mo-W矿床的形成可分为两期:一期为斑岩型铜钼矿床,约形成于315.9Ma;另一期为石英脉-云英岩型钨钼矿床,约形成于297.9Ma。根据辉钼矿模式年龄和等时线年龄,推测该地区花岗斑岩和伟晶岩的形成时代与相应的矿床基本同时,均为晚石炭世,属海西期构造岩浆活动的产物。通过与我国境内西、东准噶尔和东天山斑岩铜矿带的对比表明,巴尔喀什成矿带铜钼成矿作用的年龄介于东天山土屋—延东斑岩铜矿与西准噶尔包古图斑岩铜矿之间。分析表明,中亚成矿域大规模斑岩型铜钼成矿作用集中在晚石炭世,属海西晚期构造-岩浆活动的产物。  相似文献   
The Kunavaram alkaline complex is a NE-SW trending elongate body located along a major lineament, the Sileru Shear Zone (SSZ) that is regarded as a Proterozoic suture related to Indo-Antarctica collision. The complex is hosted within migmatitic quartzofeldspathic gneisses, mafic granulites retrogressed to amphibolites, and quartzites. The structural evolution of the country rocks and the alkaline complex are similar. The first phase of deformation, D1, produces a pervasive segregation banding (S1) in all rock units within and outside the complex. A second deformation phase D2 isoclinally folded S1 along subvertical axial planes with shallow plunging axes. F2 isoclinal folds are ubiquitous in the country rocks and the eastern extremity of the complex. In the interior of the alkaline body, D2 strain decreases and S1 is commonly subhorizontal. While amphibolite to granulite facies conditions prevailed during deformation, post-D2 annealing textures testify to persisting high grade conditions. In the west, a NNE-SSW trending dextral shear zone with strike-slip sense (D3) truncates the complex. Within this shear zone, quartzofeldspathic country rocks are plastically deformed, while hornblende-K-feldspar assemblages of the complex are retrogressed to biotite and plagioclase. Warping related to D3 shears also resulted in fold interference patterns on the subhorizontal S1 foliation in low D2 strain domains. Based on its steep dip, north-easterly trend, and non-coaxial nature with dextral strike-slip sense, the D3 shear zone can be correlated with the SSZ. Since this shear zone, i.e., the SSZ, is not associated with primary igneous fabrics and resulted in solid state deformation of the complex, it cannot be considered as a conduit for alkaline magmatism, but is probably responsible for the post-tectonic disposition of the pluton.  相似文献   
We have investigated the petrography, geochemistry, and detrital zircon U–Pb LA-ICPMS dating of sandstone from the Gorkhi Formation of the Khangai–Khentei belt in the Ulaanbaatar area, central Mongolia. These data are used to constrain the provenance and source rock composition of the accretionary complex, which is linked to subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean within the Central Asian Orogenic Belt during the Middle Devonian to Early Carboniferous. Field and microscopic observations of the modal composition of sandstone and constituent mineral chemistry indicate that the sandstone of the Gorkhi Formation is feldspathic arenite, enriched in saussuritized plagioclase. Geochemical data show that most of the sandstone and shale were derived from a continental margin to continental island arc setting, with plutonic rocks being the source rocks. Detrital zircon 206Pb/238U ages of two sandstones yields age peaks of 322 ± 3 and 346 ± 3 Ma. The zircon 206Pb/238U age of a quartz–pumpellyite vein that cuts sandstone has a weighted mean age of 339 ± 3 Ma. Based on these zircon ages, we infer that the depositional age of sandstone within the Gorkhi Formation ranges from 320 to 340 Ma (i.e., Early Carboniferous). The provenance and depositional age of the Gorkhi Formation suggest that the evolution of the accretionary complex was influenced by the intrusion and erosion of plutonic rocks during the Early Carboniferous. We also suggest that spatial and temporal changes in the provenance of the accretionary complex in the Khangai–Khentei belt, which developed aound the southern continental margin of the Siberian Craton in relation to island arc activity, were influenced by northward subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean plate.  相似文献   
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