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IntroductionManystudies(Kan,etal,1977;Cheng,1981;Xu,etal,1987;Xie,etal,1993,Mulled,etal,1997)indicatedthatthedirectionsofcrustaltectonicstresseshaveregionalvariation.SimpleanalysesbymeansOfthreeprincipalaxesoffocalmechanismsolutions,whichexpressedasP...  相似文献   
1999年1月25日哥伦比亚西部发生6.0级地震,造成生命和财产的严重损失。文章概述了这次地震的情况,内容包括;震源参数,破坏和伤亡,救援情况,发震背景及地震造成的社会和经济影响。  相似文献   
IntroductionTheinversionapproachofregionalstressfielddevelopedinrecent10to20yearsprovidesausefultoolforstudyingthemeanstressinagivenregion(Angeller,1979;Ellsworth,1981,Xu,Ge,1984).Becauseitusesmultitudinousfaultsinsteadofsinglefault,itcanremovetheinhomogeneityoflocalmediumsoastorevealtheregionalstressinformation.Besides,thismethodproducesaRvalue,whichisdefinedby(O-2--q)/(q--q),andmaydescribestherelativemagnitUdeofintermediateprincipalstress,whereq,acand%arethemaximum,theintermediateandthemi…  相似文献   
俄、蒙、中交界7.9级地震   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2003年9月27日19时33分,在俄、蒙、中边界地区发生了Ms7.9地震,新疆阿尔泰地区强烈有感,地震造成经济损失7600万元人民币。文章对此次地震的基本参数、震源机制作了概述,并用遥感资料对地震的构造环境和破裂过程进行了初步分析。  相似文献   
巴基斯坦北Potwar形变区地震的震源机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
巴基斯坦北Potwar形变区是西北喜马拉雅褶皱逆冲带前陆区的一部分,绘制了该区的地震活动性图. 与相邻地区比较,该区地震并不活跃,没有显示出与地表地质构造相关的清晰地震活动图象. 做出了4次地震的震源机制解. 结果表明,有3次地震是左旋走滑断层活动,另一次地震是逆断层活动. 地震震源机制解的P轴方向为NW-SE和NE-SW. 现今的构造形变很可能也包括基底的形变.   相似文献   
采用石家庄遥测台网数字化的地震记录,选取了1998年1月~1999年12月张北震区的146条地震,分别对P波、S波作了波谱分析,求取了拐角频率、地震矩、震源半径、应力降、平均位错和波谱能量。分析了拐角频率和应力降随时间的变化趋势,并讨论了震源参数相互之间的关系。结果表明,在1999年3月11日5.6级地震之前应力降和拐角频率均出现异常,同时发现,S波对环境的变化比P波敏感,P波较稳定,且各震源参数与震级有一定相关。  相似文献   
本文利用sPL震相计算了山西及周边地区50 km之内的39次ML≥3.0地震的震源深度。结果显示:震源深度分布在6~30 km,优势震源深度为11~25 km,呈现出山西北部地震的震源深度比中、南部浅的趋势。将本文得到的39个地震的震源深度与中国地震台网中心统一编目的深度结果相比较,发现除极个别的地震事件外,两种方法得出的深度结果差值不大。  相似文献   
The Wulong MS5.0 earthquake on 23 November 2017, located in the Wolong sap between Wenfu, Furong and Mawu faults, is the biggest instrumentally recorded earthquake in the southeastern Chongqing. It occurred unexpectedly in a weak earthquake background with no knowledge of dramatically active faults. The complete earthquake sequences offered a significant source information example for focal mechanism solution, seismotectonics and seismogenic mechanism, which is helpful for the estimation of potential seismic sources and level of the future seismic risk in the region. In this study, we firstly calculated the focal mechanism solutions of the main shock using CAP waveform inversion method and then relocated the main shock and aftershocks by the method of double-difference algorithm. Secondly, we determined the seismogenic fault responsible for the MS5.0 Wulong earthquake based on these calculated results. Finally, we explored the seismogenic mechanism of the Wulong earthquake and future potential seismic risk level of the region. The results show the parameters of the focal mechanism solution, which are:strike24°, dip 16°, and rake -108° for the nodal plane Ⅰ, and strike223°, dip 75°, and rake -85° for the nodal plane Ⅱ. The calculations are supported by the results of different agencies and other methods. Additionally, the relocated results show that the Wulong MS5.0 earthquake sequence is within a rectangular strip with 4.7km in length and 2.4km in width, which is approximately consistent with the scales by empirical relationship of Wells and Coppersmith(1994). Most of the relocated aftershocks are distributed in the southwest of the mainshock. The NW-SE cross sections show that the predominant focal depth is 5~8km. The earthquake sequences suggest the occurrence features of the fault that dips northwest with dip angle of 63° by the least square method, which is largely consistent with nodal planeⅡof the focal mechanism solution. Coincidentally, the field outcrop survey results show that the Wenfu Fault is a normal fault striking southwest and dipping 60°~73° by previous studies. According to the above data, we infer that the Wenfu Fault is the seismogenic structure responsible for Wulong MS5.0 earthquake. We also propose two preliminary genetic mechanisms of "local stress adjustment" and "fluid activation effect". The "local stress adjustment" model is that several strong earthquakes in Sichuan, such as M8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, M7.0 Luzhou earthquake and M7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquake, have changed the stress regime of the eastern margin of the Sichuan Basin by stress transference. Within the changed stress regime, a minor local stress adjustment has the possibility of making a notable earthquake event. In contract, the "fluid activation effect" model is mainly supported by the three evidences as follows:1)the maximum principle stress axial azimuth is against the regional stress field, which reflects NWW-SEE direction thrusting type; 2)the Wujiang River crosscuts the pre-existing Wenfu normal fault and offers the fluid source; and 3)fractures along the Wenfu Fault formed by karst dissolution offer the important fluid flow channels.  相似文献   
On July 31th, 2016, a magnitude 5.4 earthquake struck Cangwu Country, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, it was the largest earthquake recorded by Guangxi Seismological Network since it set up. The number of people affected by the earthquake had reached 20 000, and the direct economic losses caused by the earthquake were nearly 100 million Yuan. After the earthquake, USGS provided a global earthquake catalog showing that the focal depth of Cangwu earthquake was about 24.5km. However, the result given by the Global Centroid Moment Tensor showed the focal depth of this earthquake was 15.6km. However, the result obtained by Xu Xiaofeng et al. using CAP method was 5.1km. It was clear that the focal depths of Cangwu earthquake given by different institutions were quite different from each other. However, accurate focal depth of the earthquake has important significance for exploring the tectonic mechanism near the epicenter, so it is necessary to further determine the more accurate depth of the Cangwu earthquake. In order to further accurately determine the focal depth of Cangwu earthquake, we used the global search method for travel-time residual to calculate the focal depth of this earthquake and its error range, based on the regional velocity model, which is a one-dimensional velocity model of the Xianggui tectonic belt produced by the comprehensive geophysical profile. Then, we inverted the focal mechanism of this earthquake with the CAP method. Based on this, the focal depth of Cangwu MS5.4 earthquake was further determined by the method of the Rayleigh surface wave amplitude spectrum and the sPL phase, respectively. Computed results reveal that the focal depth of this earthquake and its error range from the travel-time residual global search method is about(13±3)km, the focal depth inverted by CAP method is about 10km, the focal depth from sPL phase is about 10km, and the focal depth from Rayleigh surface wave amplitude spectrum is about 9~10km. Finally, we confirmed that the focal depth of Cangwu MS5.4 earthquake is about 10km, which indicates that this earthquake still occurred in the upper crust. In the case of low network density, the sPL phase and Rayleigh wave amplitude spectrum recorded by only 1 or 2 broadband stations could be used to obtain more accurate focal depth. The focal depth's accuracy of Cangwu MS5.4 earthquake in the USGS global earthquake catalog has yet to be improved. In the future, we should consider the error of the source parameters when using the USGS global earthquake catalog for other related research.  相似文献   
On July 31st, 2016, an earthquake of MS5.4 occurred in Cangwu County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, which is the first MS ≥ 5.0 earthquake in coastal areas of southern China in the past 17a. The moderate earthquake activities have come into a comparatively quiet period in coastal areas of southern China for decades, so the study about the Cangwu MS5.4 earthquake is very important. However, differernt research institutions and scholars have got different results for the focal depth of the Cangwu MS5.4 earthquake. For this reason, we further measured the focal depth by using CAP method and sPL phase method. sPL phase was first put forward by Chong in 2010. It is often observed between P and S wave of continental earthquakes with epicentral distance of about 30km to 50km. The energy of sPL phase is mainly concentrated on the radial component. Arrival time difference between sPL phase and direct P wave is insensitive to epicentral distancs, but increases almost linearly with the increase of focal depth. Based on these characteristics and advantages, sPL phase method is chosen to measure the focal depth of Cangwu MS5.4 earthquake in the paper. First of all, we selected the broadband waveform data through seismic stations distributed mainly in Guangxi and adjacent provinces from Data Management Centre of China National Seismic Network and Guangxi Earthquake Networks Center. And an appropriate velocity model of Cangwu area was constructed by the teleseismic receiver function method. Then, the focal mechanism and focal depth of Cangwu MS5.4 earthquake were determined by using the CAP(Cut and Paste)method. Next, we compared the synthetic waveforms simulated by F-K forward method of different focal depth models with the actual observed waveforms. According to the difference of arrival times between sPL and Pg phases, we finally obtained the focal depth of Cangwu earthquake. The results show that the focal depth is 11km measured by CAP method and 9km by sPL phase method. Based on the focal mechanism solution, isoseismal shapes, aftershocks distributions and investigation on spot, we conclude that the Cangwu MS5.4 earthquake is a left-lateral strike-slip earthquake which occurred in the upper crust. Our preliminary analysis considers that the seismogenic structure of Cangwu earthquake is a north-northwest branch fault, and the control fault of this earthquake is the Hejie-Xiaying Fault.  相似文献   
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