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This paper offers theoretically informed empirical insights into migrant children’s experiences of mobility and home. Drawing on research into the first-generation children of Polish labour migrants in Scotland, the paper explores the meanings that children attach to home and other specific places. In particular, it focuses on questions of the translocal and social nature of migrant children’s sense of place and construction of home. The spoken narratives, subjective maps and drawings analysed here reflect children’s multiple and intersecting relationships and identifications, with both their country of origin and the host country, in addition to how their notion of home is grounded in social attachments. Emphasising the continuing importance of ‘place’ in migrant children and young people’s everyday experiences, the research concludes that subjective homemaking practices are just as important as objective educational attainment and other traditional social indicators in providing an understanding of the outcomes of migrant settlement. It also suggests that there is an emerging translocal identity among some young Polish migrants, whose changing understanding of home incorporates images and emotions from both their locality of origin and their current place of residence.  相似文献   
Planning and organization of large-scale events such as Olympic Games are accomplished by several specialized project organizations, in charge of securing finances, completing the infrastructures, negotiating with multiple stake-holders and the day-to-day management of the actual event. These organizations have to cope with a key challenge. Due to their inherently temporary nature they cannot provide the specialized knowledge and specific “project capabilities” (Davies and Brady) on their own, but have to mobilize them from the past and from outside their boundaries, e.g. from previous events or other mega-projects in the host city. Rather than in permanent organizations, then, the knowledge on preparing and performing mega-events is primarily sedimented and embodied in professionals.Drawing on the planning and organization of the London Olympics 2012 as empirical case, the paper addresses, on the one hand, this particular mobilization process. On the other, it looks at how this process is intertwined with three different trajectories that both affect and are affected by the mega-event: the trajectory of the project that aims to recruit necessary skills; the trajectory of individual persons who perceive working for the Olympics as a rewarding episode in their careers; the trajectory of professional communities that expect learning benefits for the construction and project management industry in the UK.  相似文献   
Technology transfer is often mentioned as an ancillary benefit of the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), but this claim has hardly been researched or substantiated. The question of technology transfer is important, both for developing countries in need for new technology and knowledge and for industrialized countries, as it provides export potential for climate-friendly technologies. To determine what technology transfer means, whether it is occurring through the CDM, and what the value of the associated capital flows is, this article examines technology transfer in the 63 CDM projects that were registered up until 1 January 2006. Technology hardware originates from outside the host country in almost 50% of the evaluated projects, particularly in non-CO2 greenhouse gas projects, wind energy projects, and a substantial share of the hydropower projects. Bioenergy and projects in the agricultural sector mainly use local technology. The investment value associated with the CDM projects that transferred technology is estimated to be around €470 million, with about €390 million coming from the EU. As the non-CO2 greenhouse gas projects had very low capital costs, the investment value was highest in the more capital-intensive wind energy and hydropower projects. We also found substantial soft technology transfer, but uncertainties for this finding are greater.  相似文献   
《Urban geography》2013,34(2):208-227
Theories of place have yet to be developed to explore societal responses to terrorism in the post-9/11 city. Urban geographers have shown the relevance of place for understanding the way people live in cities, including conceptualizations of the way people perceive those places. Geographers working on environmental risk have also conceptualized perception, but only in regard to hazard perception. They have not focused on the city itself as a hazard site, nor have they studied how the contours of place affect hazard perception. Joining urban geography and risk-hazards scholarship, this study argues for a terrorism-place nexus that links terrorism hazard perception to urban place. Using survey and interview data collected from 79 financial service executives in New York City, it will be shown that terrorism has created a place-based ontological dissonance among financial executives, and we speculate about the implications for the city should these workers restore ontological order by moving away their establishments.  相似文献   
An economic census and a survey of seventy-nine firms revealed a changing geography of financial services after 11 September 2001. Although the suburbs benefited from the outward relocation of financial services from Manhattan immediately afterward, they lost considerably two years later, demonstrating the interdependence of the central city and its suburbs. Executives of financial services firms ranked highly locational attributes such as prestige, public transportation, and proximity to clients and other financial services before 11 September, but terrorism also emerged as a major locational factor after 11 September. The impact of terrorism and how it interacts with agglomeration economies, technological changes, and globalization to shape the geography of financial services is examined under the framework of quaternary place theory.  相似文献   
区域金融协调发展研究——基于长三角经济一体化的实证   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
金融是现代经济的核心,区域金融协调发展则是实现金融资源在区域内优化配置的必要保障,也是促进区域经济一体化健康、快速发展的有力保障。基于此,以长三角地区为研究对象,在区域经济一体化迅速发展的大背景下,重点分析了长三角地区金融业发展演进的空间结构特点。研究发现,区域金融业呈现出"一心两极两轴多点"的空间结构特点,在此基础上分析了制约区域金融协调发展的突出问题,最后提出构建区域利益协调机制、金融信息共享机制、多层次金融合作协调机制及金融监管协调机制等对策建议。  相似文献   
主要讨论了金融网络的构成、特点、功能及应用  相似文献   
刘乐  盛科荣  张杰  王传阳 《地理科学进展》2022,41(12):2244-2257
金融网络的发展深刻改变了城市的资源获取能力并进一步影响着城市创业活力,金融网络外部性及其传导机制已成为金融地理学的研究热点。论文基于中国金融企业总部—分支机构数据和链锁网络模型构建中国城市金融网络,以新增企业数量表征城市创业活力,综合运用多元线性回归模型、中介效应模型、分位数回归模型,实证检验了城市在金融网络中的嵌入特征对于城市创业活力的多维度影响。研究发现:(1)金融网络嵌入对中国城市创业活力的提升具有积极影响,更高的网络链接规模、可达性和权力地位意味着更高的城市创业水平;(2)金融网络充当起沟通不同节点城市的管道,节点城市可通过网络链接提升金融资本可得性和知识生产水平2条路径显著改善城市创业活力;(3)金融网络嵌入对城市创业活力的影响具有多维度异质性特征,一方面,随着城市创业水平的提升,金融网络嵌入对城市创业活力具有先上升后下降的非线性影响;另一方面,相较于东部地区城市,金融网络嵌入更多地影响中、西部地区和东北地区城市的创业绩效。研究成果有助于加深流动空间环境下创业中心发育规律的理解,并为中国城市创业生态系统的优化提供借鉴。  相似文献   
欧阳漪  黄剑  陈晓亮 《地理科学进展》2020,39(12):2118-2128
论文梳理了地理学视角下的移民研究以及在全球化和新型城镇化背景下中国流动人口的研究,探讨在“文化转向”范式下移民地理学的研究进展和趋势。指出:① 地理学对移民的研究包括宏观上的迁移模式和动力机制的研究,中观尺度上移民的社会文化互动与地方协商问题,以及微观尺度上移民的日常生活、认同与情感;其中,“移民—地方”的核心人地关系,特别是移民的空间实践与地方协商成为了移民地理学关注的重点。② 受“文化转向”的影响,移民地理学研究正从宏观尺度的规律总结和普适性理论转移到研究移民日常生活、情感和认同背后的权力和社会关系,以揭示移民多样化的诉求。③ 移民地理学对中国移民的研究主要集中于城乡二元制度框架下对乡—城流动人口的关注,需要拓展全球化背景下多样化的移民群体的考察。研究试图拓展中国移民地理学的研究议题,思考基于发展中国家话语下的移民研究新知。  相似文献   
近年来严重的雾霾在中国许多城市持续大面积出现,这敲响了提升区域发展绿色度的警钟。金融可以也应该在促进绿色发展中发挥重要作用。本文分析金融发展影响区域绿色发展的四个机理,利用生态效率反映区域绿色发展水平,运用空间杜宾模型和中国省域面板数据实证研究了各机理的相对重要性及其空间溢出效应。主要发现有:相对而言,企业监督效应和资本配置效应的作用更显著;前者对当地绿色发展的积极影响相对最大,但长期中才会对周边区域的绿色发展产生积极的空间溢出效应;后者对当地绿色发展具有显著影响,但空间溢出效应不显著;金融危机后资本支持效应和长期贷款的监督效应得到了加强,但证券市场的监督效应则反而具有负面影响;绿色金融效应及其空间溢出均不明显,暗示着有必要加强金融支持绿色产业和环境保护的力度。金融支持绿色发展的政策重点可能在于加强资金使用监督,而不仅是加大资金投入。  相似文献   
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