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Feminist geography and political geography still represent two solitudes within the discipline. While increased traffic between these different parts of the discipline points to a degree of intellectual engagement, there remains a paucity of feminist thought in political geography. This article examines recent scholarship on feminist political geography, with a view to applying its insights to the struggles to protest and end political violence. The concept of feminist geopolitics is employed and recast, both as a bridging concept between feminist and political geography and as an analytical approach that has political valence in the context of the war in Iraq. Feminist geopolitics is revisited in this article, but remains a critical analytic in relation to body counts and other casualties in war zones.  相似文献   
黄素云  陶伟  蔡浩辉 《地理科学进展》2022,41(11):2108-2122
随着西方第三次工艺复兴浪潮的兴起,“制造文化”成为西方地理学者关注的新兴话题,而传统工艺制造的具身和物质层面的生产形式也得到关注。论文以传统工艺类非物质文化遗产——贵州安顺石头寨布依族蜡染技艺为例,基于制造地理的理论视角剖析了布依族蜡染的生产实践。研究发现:蜡染生产是一种具身性、物质性、地方性和关系性的实践。在身体、家庭、工坊、社区和线上等不同空间,手工艺人的身体是蜡染生产实践的主体,通过具身练习提升蜡染技能,并充分发挥能动性对产品进行创新,同时制造实践也引发了手工艺人正面或负面的身体体验;蜡染生产流程具有鲜明的物质性特征,物质的活力和能动性引导着手工艺人进行“人与物质”的合作生产;地方自然环境、传统文化等地方要素是蜡染生产的基础和条件,同时蜡染的生产实践又塑造地方的身份和特性;蜡染生产不仅是手工艺人表达自我的创造性实践,同时建构了特定的社会文化关系。研究有助于加强对经济生产实践中的文化维度的关注,为文化经济的理论研究提供了重要实证,同时通过对手工艺人的身体技能、具身体验等方面的关注,也有助于在非遗保护实践中提供更具关怀性的保障措施。  相似文献   

Much has changed since the first mapping of single-sex couples and families from the 2006 Australian census. An increasing willingness to allow their identification in the census has accompanied increasing public acceptance of same-sex couples culminating in significant support for legalising same-sex marriage in a 2017 national survey. Technological advances permit complex cross-tabulations of Australian census data and more detailed characterisations of same-sex couples. New geographies differentiate between male and female couples with children, showing same-sex couples are not just a feature of some inner-city areas, though these remain important, but also of suburban, regional and some rural areas. Drawing on the 2016 census, contemporary geographies of same-sex couples with and without children in Australia and changes over the past decade in Sydney are analysed at a time of increased interest in this demographic.  相似文献   

This research tests the spatial mismatch hypothesis by comparing the employment probabilities of central city versus suburban African American males in nine metropolitan areas. Treatment effects models are used to control for the effects of both individual characteristics and residential self-selection on the probability of employment. A positive effect of suburban residential location on employment is found for the residents of Dallas, Los Angeles, New York, and Washington, while no effect is found for the residents of Cleveland, Houston. Jackson, Memphis, and Newark. The general conclusion to be drawn is that the spatial mismatch effect is contingent on the particular characteristics of each metropolitan area. Preliminary analysis shows that metropolitan areas with a spatial mismatch effect are large in terms of total population and total land area, and have less efficient transportation systems.  相似文献   
In this paper, I argue that feminist geographers need to scrutinize the claims being made by the three identifiable epistemological orientations in feminist geography regarding the use of numbers, for each offers a different view of objectivity and a different way to count. I go on to pursue a refinement of a critical feminist epistemology grounded in a mediated objectivity, one located in the embeddedness of everyday life. Within this framework, I suggest that numbers are useful, but only in context.  相似文献   
王维涛  张敏 《地理科学进展》2022,41(6):1082-1096
随着近年地理媒介逐渐兴起,城市公共空间和私人生活空间中的生产与消费过程、技术物品与符号表征之间的界限日益模糊,地理学中早先存在的“虚拟/实体”二元论亟需理论革新。作为媒介研究的“空间转向”与地理学研究的“传播转向”的产物,媒介与传播地理学的发展蕴含突破二元论的张力。论文梳理了西方媒介与传播地理学的核心概念、主要议题和研究框架,以期促进国内地理学与媒介传播学者的学术对话,扩展中国人文地理学的研究领域。西方媒介与传播地理学建立在后现代和后人类思潮影响下的动态关系性媒介与空间观之上,以纹理(texture)、移动性、物质性和具身性为核心概念。既有议题主要聚焦于数字媒介与后人类媒介空间性,数字媒介表征和算法逻辑支配下的混合空间政治,以及移动媒介带来的混合空间体验。论文借用“第三空间”概念,将其作为媒介与传播地理学超越原有二元论的潜在方向,并认为物质性和具身性构成了媒介与空间的本体论联结之处,促进国内跨学科的“媒介—空间”理论建构,为媒介城市发展与建设提供理论参考。  相似文献   
In this article, I place Ahmed's notion of the feminist killjoy into conversation with feminist geography literature to explore possibilities and praxis in research endeavoring to illuminate uneven power relations and the moral orders that frame them. According to Ahmed, a feminist killjoy is one who exposes sexism, heterosexism, and racism, only to be criticized for disrupting happiness and social consent. Drawing on fieldwork on urban politics and development, I explore the implications—both promise and peril—of adopting feminist killjoy research subjectivities, emphasizing the important role of affect. I suggest that when feminist researchers direct killjoy research not just at mainstream institutions but also at progressive endeavors, they risk being construed as double killjoys who disrupt supposed joy and solidarity within progressive politics.  相似文献   
薛芮  陈慧  魏玲玲 《热带地理》2022,42(9):1419-1429
在地理学视角上,拐卖犯罪是一种非正常的人口迁移活动。随着人文地理学的关系转向兴起,关系地理学给拐卖犯罪研究提供一种多元、复杂、动态的拓扑关系逻辑,有助于探究拐卖犯罪现象和相关主体间的关联性与过程性。以关系地理学为视角,首先梳理关系地理学在拐卖犯罪问题上的理论张力,获得关于拐卖犯罪的关系地理学基本认知;然后从空间、地方、主体性内涵上解构拐卖犯罪以及“后拐卖”情境,进而以此为依据,总结和建构关系地理学嵌入拐卖犯罪治理与后拐卖发展干预的研究逻辑。研究发现,父权文化下的“性别”和“身体”为拐卖犯罪的滋生提供了土壤和“市场”,作为最小的空间尺度,身体的实践是研究拐卖犯罪的重要入口,在拐卖犯罪活动所构成的关系网络中,存在着空间性的身体规训和权力割裂。同时,拐卖犯罪会带来多元的历时的影响,被拐儿童和妇女在后拐卖情境下会存在地方关系和主体间性的重构。拐卖犯罪治理与后拐卖发展干预都需要引入关系地理学视角,以“关系”视角打通逻辑思路框架。  相似文献   
袁振杰  周健好  谢宇琳  朱竑 《地理研究》2022,41(6):1684-1699
新冠疫情背景下,全国乃至全球各地学校纷纷开展“停课不停学”的线上教学,造就了“以家为校”的特殊教育现象。但疫情背景下居家学习引起的人地矛盾和协商问题尚未被充分认识。从替代性学习空间建构的视角切入,采用半结构深度访谈和问卷调查法,对疫情期间大学生居家建构学习空间的行为、过程和“矛盾–协商”影响因素等展开研究,发现:① 居家学习不仅是学习场所在地理空间上的位移,更蕴含着丰富的社会内涵和时代意义,其空间机制是教育空间与家空间的互嵌,从而赋予了教育行为新的空间过程和意义。② 居家替代性学习空间建构的过程是学习空间与家庭物理–生计空间和社区–家庭生活空间相互嵌套的复杂动态过程。其中,学习空间的大小和质量与家庭和社区的经济社会情况紧密相关;学习行为嵌入家庭日常生活后,学习空间与家庭生活空间的边界被模糊化,为居家学习带来干扰;③ 学生拥有居家建构学习空间的能动性和自主权,并灵活运用空间、时间、身份策略诠释家空间与学习空间的时空关系,也协调“家人”与“学生”的身份表达。研究在理论上探索教育和学习行为与空间的互嵌关系,在实践上反映和反思新冠背景下居家学习引起的教育人地矛盾和协商问题,服务于构建有序高效的居家教学。  相似文献   
New Zealand is an important place for thoroughbred breeding and racing. Most races are on the flat, but jumps racing is conducted in the cooler months. The 2013 National Jumps Day at Te Rapa, Hamilton, was a significant space for the construction of human–animal relations. Drawing on three bodies of accounts, we ask whether social media contributes to the realignment of perspectives or reinforces existing human–animal relations. We explore competing narratives and demonstrate how animals, people, activities and places are constructed, including making animal deaths unrecognisable to perpetuate activities that are questioned by contemporary animal geographies.  相似文献   
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