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A study of faults and their control of deep gas accumulations has been made on the basis of dividing fault systems in the Xujiaweizi area. The study indicates two sets of fault systems are developed vertically in the Xujiaweizi area, including a lower fault system and an upper fault system. Formed in the period of the Huoshiling Formation to Yingcheng Formation, the lower fault system consists of five fault systems including Xuxi strike-slip extensional fault system, NE-trending extensional fault system, near-EW-trending regulating fault system, Xuzhong strike-slip fault system and Xudong strike-slip fault system. Formed in the period of Qingshankou Formation to Yaojia Formation, the upper fault system was affected mainly by the boundary conditions of the lower fault system, and thus plenty of multi-directionally distributed dense fault zones were formed in the T2 reflection horizon. The Xuxi fault controlled the formation and distribution of Shahezi coal-measure source rocks, and Xuzhong and Xudong faults controlled the formation and distribution of volcanic reservoirs of Y1 Member and Y3 Member, respectively. In the forming period of the upper fault system, the Xuzhong fault was of successive strong activities and directly connected gas source rock reservoirs and volcanic reservoirs, so it is a strongly-charged direct gas source fault. The volcanic reservoir development zones of good physical properties that may be found near the Xuzhong fault are the favorable target zones for the next exploration of deep gas accumulations in Xujiaweizi area.  相似文献   
三种猪毛菜种子耐盐性与幼苗干燥存活能力   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
刘鹏  田长彦  冯固  薛英 《干旱区地理》2008,31(2):271-277
在控制条件下研究了三种藜科植物紫翅猪毛菜(Salsola affinisC.A.Mey.)、浆果猪毛菜(Salsola foliosa(L.)Schrad.)和钠猪毛菜(Salsola nitrariaPall.)种子的萌发特性以及萌发后的幼苗在室温中放置14天和30天之后重新放置在原溶液中的存活状况。结果表明:三种猪毛菜种子在无菌水、0.085 mol/L、0.17 mol/L、0.34 mol/L NaCl溶液中萌发的很好,但是在0.51 mol/LNaCl中萌发率很低,三种猪毛菜幼苗在干燥30天重新放置在原溶液中以后仍然具有很高的存活率。上述结果表明:已经萌发了的幼苗在干燥环境中仍然保持存活的能力是盐生植物为了适应极端干旱和盐渍荒漠环境的一个重要的生存策略。  相似文献   
渤海及周围地区断裂构造与强震活动研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
分析研究了渤海及周围地区断裂构造和强震活动特征,初步探讨了海及周围地区的地球动力学问题。结果表明,渤海及周围地区断裂和地震活动存在着内在的成生联系,其突出特征是时空上的非均匀性。断虺用地震活动在空间上具有成带、分段、分区和衰减特征。是间上,晚更新世界期(2~3方a)是断裂整体活动时间,全新世断虺工减弱,范围缩小,粘骨破裂具有上千年的周围,1500年以来地震活动呈活跃与平静的交替。板块运动产生的区域  相似文献   
金沙江白鹤滩水电站坝址区断层变形特点及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
拟建中的白鹤滩水电站坝基将建在二叠系峨眉山组玄武岩层之上.坝址区发育有位移量较小的NW300°、NW320°、NE40°和近SN向4组断层,其中NW300°断层最为发育.在野外详细调查的基础上,室内的显微构造研究和电子自旋共振(简称ESR)测年结果表明,坝址区内的断层是在燕山期晚期近东西向挤压应力场作用下形成,后期又受到了近南北向挤压应力场的改造.断层破碎带以发育典型碎裂-角砾岩等浅层脆性构造岩为特点,近期活动不明显.  相似文献   
阿尔金断裂昌马大坝-宽滩山段全新世活动特征   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
阿尔金断裂是我国西部著名的巨型走滑断裂带之一,也是全新世活动断裂和发震断裂。该断裂昌马大坝—宽滩山段运动方式为以左行走滑占主导,伴有弱的垂直运动;在距今2.7ka以来发生过明显的新构造活动(和地震)。在沙坪—宽滩山段全新世左行走滑位移速率为0.9~2.2mm/a,明显低于阿尔金断裂东段昌马大坝以西地区4~5mm/a和中西段9~11mm/a的位移速率。阿尔金断裂东段在肃北和昌马大坝出现二次位移速率的锐减,锐减的部分分别转化为海原活动断裂西段(党河南山断裂)和祁连山北缘活动断裂西段的左行走滑和逆冲,且在位移速率数值上相互之间具有非常好的对应性。阿尔金断裂在肃北位移速率减少部分(4.6mm/a)与海原活动断裂西段(党河南山断裂)的位移速率(4~5mm/a)非常接近,同样阿尔金断裂在昌马大坝位移速率减少部分(3.2mm/a)与祁连山北缘活动断裂的位移速率(3.0mm/a)也非常接近。  相似文献   
关中活断层和地裂缝的年代学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
取该区活动断裂中的断层泥,并首次在几个断层面附近的劈理化黄土中取样测出热释光年龄。12个断层热释光年龄数据在20-240ka B P之间变化,证实中更新世晚期和晚更新世期间断层曾有一次活动,为本区断层的活动性提供了证据。本研究成果也为西安地裂缝的活断层与人工抽水双重成因提供了证据。   相似文献   
GPS????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ó??淽?????????????????????????????EM?????????????????????????????????????????????????????Ч????????????μ?GPS??????????  相似文献   
为研究三肇凹陷和尚2井区块扶杨油层油气成藏规律,采用断裂密集带与油气分布叠合的方法,分析断裂密集带在油气成藏分布中的作用.结果表明:三肇凹陷扶杨油层发育35条断裂密集带,尚2井区块扶杨油层发育9条断裂密集带;油主要分布在断裂密集带两侧,少量分布在断裂密集带内部.断裂密集带对油运移的控制作用表现在2方面:(1)断裂密集带边界断裂为油输导断裂;(2)断裂密集带不利于油横穿其侧向运移,但可沿其侧向运移.断裂密集带对油聚集的控制作用表现在2方面:(1)断裂密集带两侧的地垒和断阶构造是油聚集的有利部位;(2)断裂密集带内部的背形构造也是油聚集的有利部位.  相似文献   
塔里木盆地顺北地区发育大量走滑断裂带,并对油气的运聚成藏有重要控制作用.以顺北西部地区地震资料为基础,对顺北11号走滑断裂带的几何变形特征、活动性、活动期次及其形成机制等进行了分析.顺北11号走滑断裂带整体呈NNW走向延伸,具有垂向分层性和平面分段性.断裂带北段主体为压扭和张扭交互段,中段为两条次级断层控制的拉分地堑,...  相似文献   
The Gorgon Platform is located on the southeastern edge of the Exmouth Plateau in the North Carnarvon Basin, North West Shelf, Australia. A structural analysis using three-dimensional (3D) seismic data has revealed four major sets of extensional faults, namely, (1) the Exmouth Plateau extensional fault system, (2) the basin bounding fault system (Exmouth Plateau–Gorgon Platform Boundary Fault), (3) an intra-rift fault system in the graben between the Exmouth Plateau and the Gorgon Platform and (4) an intra-rift fault system within the graben between the Exmouth Plateau and the Exmouth Sub-basin. Fault throw-length analyses imply that the initial fault segments, which formed the Exmouth Plateau–Gorgon Platform Boundary Fault (EG Boundary Fault), were subsequently connected vertically and laterally by both soft- and hard-linked structures. These major extensional fault systems were controlled by three different extensional events during the Early and Middle Jurassic, Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, and illustrate the strong role of structural inheritance in determining fault orientation and linkage. The Lower and Middle Jurassic and Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous syn-kinematic sequences are separated by unconformities.  相似文献   
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