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众多研究认为可持续旅游(Sustainable Tourism)可在平衡保护环境和开发农业遗产地双方利益方面起到关键作用。能登里山里海景观作为日本传统农村景观的一个缩影,在2011年被认定为"全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)"在日本最早的试点地之一。本文先通过分析文献总结了二十几年以来日本绿色乡村旅游发展的历史和现状,并结合农业文化遗产项目的发展目标讨论了在农业遗产地发展绿色乡村旅游的问题和新的机遇。本文以能登半岛一个由农民自发组织运营的农家民宿组织"春兰的故里"作为案例分析。主要的研究问题包括:如何充分利用国际项目来开发日本的绿色乡村旅游;如何在注重经济收入的同时兼顾生态农业的可持续开发?本文采用的研究方法包括文献的分析并多次采访了民宿主人。本研究成果亦提供在偏远地区发展绿色乡村旅游的思路。  相似文献   
农谚是反映人地关系的地方性知识,研究其在农业生产中的应用及适用性,有助于理解人地关系的变迁及地域特点。收集整理河南冬小麦种植的农谚,归纳总结了冬小麦生育期的农谚时序表。进而利用洛阳、开封、信阳1951—2003年的气象观测数据,分析农谚与气候适应的关系。结果显示,随着气候的变化,农谚中的冬小麦适宜播种期比气象实测的适宜播种期略微早。农谚指出冬小麦越冬期怕冬暖,拔节孕穗期间怕春寒及灌浆需晴暖天气,均与实际观测的气象数据相符合。农谚指出了冬小麦缺水及容易出现旱情的生育阶段,并以此进行旱灾适应。  相似文献   
Terrestrial ecosystems contribute many different forms of organic matter to adjacent waterbodies. Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in this material can significantly influence the planktonic communities of these systems, especially where there is a large proportion of contributing area relative to waterbody size and where nutrients are generally in short supply. Plant pollen, which upon degradation releases nutrients into the water column, is one such source of allochthonous material. In Cape Cod (Massachusetts, USA), large amounts of pollen from dense pitch pine (Pinus rigida L.) forest are deposited in late spring into small, freshwater lakes scattered across the landscape. This study examines in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence responses of surface-water samples collected from three such lakes within Cape Cod National Seashore (Wellfleet and Truro) to additions of P. rigida pollen in a laboratory setting. The results indicate that where influxes are high enough, pollen can have a stimulatory effect on phytoplankton communities and is a short-term nutrient subsidy in these systems at a time of year (May-June) when warming temperatures and faster growth rates elevate the demand for nutrients.  相似文献   
王鹤霖  赵雪雁 《地理科学进展》2022,41(11):2004-2017
帮扶措施不仅是构建稳定脱贫长效机制的关键举措,更是推进脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴有效衔接的客观要求。论文构建了帮扶措施对农户生计策略选择的影响分析框架,利用入户调查数据,在辨明帮扶措施及生计策略选择特征的基础上,探讨了影响陇南山区脱贫户生计策略选择的关键因素。结果表明:(1)陇南山区有59.84%的脱贫户享受了多元帮扶措施,其中,享受最多的多元帮扶措施为产业扶贫+生态补偿扶贫,享受最多的单一帮扶措施为生态补偿扶贫;(2)陇南山区脱贫户的生计策略以务工主导型为主,呈农业特色化、非农化和多样化的特点;(3)陇南山区脱贫户生计策略选择的路径依赖性整体呈中等水平,其中,川坝河谷区农户、老年农户和低生计资本禀赋的农户生计策略选择的路径依赖性较强,且帮扶措施对其有调节作用;(4)社会资本、人力资本、金融资本和区位条件对农户的生计策略选择有显著影响;产业扶贫和电商扶贫对农户的特色务农型生计策略选择有正向影响,生态补偿扶贫和就业扶贫对农户的非农化生计策略选择有正向影响。最后,提出了优化农户生计策略的政策建议。  相似文献   
不同水沙条件下黄河下游二级悬河的发展过程   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以大量实测横断面资料为基础,研究了1973~1997年不同水沙过程对黄河下游二级悬河形成过程的影响。发现花园口至高村河段二级悬河集中形成于1985~1997年的枯水阶段。高村以下河段二级悬河的形成可分两个阶段,1973~1985年大水条件下是冲刷主槽和淤积滩地的时期,但是由于泥沙主要堆积在靠近滩唇的部位,造成河床横比降增大;1985~1997年枯水条件下泥沙在主槽中大量淤积,导致二级悬河的形势更加严重。生产堤限制了泥沙的堆积范围,导致生产堤内滩地平均高程增长速度明显快于生产堤外滩地平均高程增长速度,生产堤距较窄的河段生产堤内滩地平均高程增长速度较快,显示了生产堤对二级悬河的发展有促进作用。  相似文献   
金玉实  马波  赵玉宗 《地理研究》2022,41(8):2234-2250
把空间概念“都”与产业类别“农”融于一体的“都农关系”,是日本近70年来社会经济发展的重要议题之一。基于对中国城市化发展进入都市化高级阶段,以及乡村振兴亟需多类型化实施的认识背景,对日本都农关系的演变进行历史梳理,划分出都农分离、都农共生和都农融合3个阶段,并从社会经济宏观背景变化的视角说明阶段递进的原因。同时把都市农业视为都农关系的表征,分析其在农户结构、种植结构和功能结构上的系列响应。在此基础上,援引制度学派的基本原理,探索日本都农关系从对立走向融合的制度变迁机理。本文认为,都农融合是不可逆转的潮流,因此有必要把“都农关系”转化为中国的政策性概念,强化从都市区视角处理城乡融合创新发展问题。建设具有中国特色的都农融合和都市农业发展体系,需要一系列的制度创新,也亟需学术界主动的理论探索。  相似文献   
Marsupenaeusjaponicus Bate is one of the most valuable cultured shrimp species in China and outdoor earthen pond farming is the most common method of culturing this organism. The need to increase soil usage efficiency in aquaculture has been recognized and a great deal of research effort has been directed toward development of super-intensive farming systems. However, current research and development in this field is largely devoted to Litopenaeus vannamei Boone, while to M.japonicus Bate it has been neglected. In this study, a layered fanning system was designed and a 66-day study was conducted in M.japonicus Bate culture. The system comprised bracket and sand layers that divided a shrimp tank filled to a depth of 1.2 m into four water layers. Conventional tank culture (unlayered) was used as a control. The results show that survival rate, feed conversion efficiency and production of M.japonicus Bate in the layered farming system were 68%, 18%, and 0.59 kg/m^2, respectively, all of which are significantly higher than in the unlayered fanning system (P〈0.01). These findings confirmed the possibility of using a layered system to culture M. japonicus Bate.  相似文献   
This paper discusses land-use changes in the interlock area of farming and pasturing (IAFP)in northern China. It presents detailed analyses of land-use features in the IAFP, which are controlled by the macro geomorphic units and geophysical conditions-constraints or advantages. Additionally, it selects some indicators, according to the availability in acquiring and processing their quantitative data, to analyze the canonical correlations between the typical conversion of grassland and geophysical conditions. The preliminary study indicates that the physical conditions are of great advantages to the development of grassland. There exists significant correlation between land use change and some geophysical conditions.  相似文献   

Over the past six years hog farming in North Carolina has undergone a significant restructuring. For most of this century raising hogs was a casual farm activity found throughout the state. During the past decade hog farming has been transformed along industrial-corporate lines. In the process, the swine population has expanded rapidly (exploded) and simultaneously collapsed in geographical bounds (imploded). This paper examines the linkage between the development of the industrial-corporate hog farming regime, the rapid growth in hog populations, and the geographical concentration of hog production in a newly emerging high-density hog production district in the south central area of the Coastal Plain region.  相似文献   
塔里木河流域农牧系统耦合协调度分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
赵俊  刘新平  刘向晖  田童 《干旱区地理》2015,38(5):1077-1084
种植业(农业系统中的小农业)和畜牧业是农业系统中的两大主要组成部分,其协调发展有利于现代农业的实现。塔里木河流域是新疆重要的农业生产区域,农牧耦合协调发展将有利于推动流域现代农业的进程,增加农牧民收入。在统计学"变异性系数"的基础之上对其进行改良,构建了塔里木河流域农牧系统的耦合度和耦合协调度模型,以2003-2014年的统计数据为基础,定量分析了流域农牧系统耦合度和协调度,得出以下结论:流域传统农业特征显著;流域农牧协调发展存在一定的难度;流域农牧耦合只是简单的初级耦合,农牧高级耦合发展后劲还不足;政策因素对流域农牧耦合影响较大。  相似文献   
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