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Dabrio Cristino J. Zazo Cari Lario Javier Goy José Luis Sierro Francisco J. Borja Francisco González José Ángel Flores José Abel 《Geologie en Mijnbouw》1998,77(3-4):263-281
This first sedimentary interpretation of two incised-valley fills in the Gulf of Cádiz (southern Spain), which accumulated during the last fourth-order eustatic cycle in response to fluvial incision, changes of sea level, and correlative deposition, relates the filling of the estuarine basins and their barriers with four regional progradation phases, H1 to H4. The cases studied are the wave-dominated Guadalete, and the mixed, tide and wave-dominated Odiel-Tinto estuaries. The sequence boundary is a type-1 surface produced during the lowstand of the Last Glacial period ca. 18 000 14C yr BP. No fluvial lowstand deposits were found in the area. Due to rapid transgression the valley fills consist of transgressive and highstand sediments. The maximum landward advance of the estuarine barriers occurred ca. 6500–6000 14C yr BP during the maximum of the Flandrian transgression, but there is no evidence of sea level rising appreciably above the present. A large part of the estuaries was filled during H1 (ca. 6500–4400 14C yr BP) but ravinement by shifting tidal inlets destroyed most of the coeval barriers. During the H2 phase (ca. 4200–2550 14C yr BP) sedimentation was favoured by arid conditions and concentrated in the axial estuarine zones and the barriers. Between H2 and H3 prevailing winds changed from W to WSW, increasing spit growth to the east and south-east. Progradation of bay-head deltas and flood-plains during H3 (ca. 2300–800 14C yr BP) and H4 (500 yr ago to the present) further reduced the accommodation space in the largely-filled valleys, and sediment by-passed the estuaries and accumulated in the estuarine barriers as fast-growing spits. Arid conditions and increasing human activity have caused rapid coastal modifications. 相似文献
FENG Weihua WANG Zhifu ZHU Wenzhuo ZHENG Fangqin ZHANG Dongrong XU Hengtao 《中国海洋大学学报(英文版)》2022,21(2):375-387
Metal pollution has become an major issue governing the wetland ecosystem health.The southern coastal wetland of the Qiangtang Estuary are facing unusual perturbation due to rapid development along the embayment in recent decades.This study evaluated the bioavailability of metals(Cu,Pb,Cd,Cr and Zn)in the sediment of the southern coastal wetland of the Qiangtang Es-tuary using diffusive gradients in thin films(DGT)techniques and compared with several methods based on total metal content.The results showed that the contents of Cr,Pb,Cd and Cu in sediment,as detected using DGT,were considerably correlated with the exchangeable fraction and the content in Phragmites australis roots,while a weak correlation was observed for Zn.Therefore,DGT analysis could be used to evaluate the bioavailability and potential risk of Cr,Cd,Pb and Cu for P.australis.Quantitative indices,such as DGT concentration,bioaccumulation in P.australis,geoaccumulation index(Igeo)and potential ecological risk index(RI),revealed that Cd was a major potential ecological risk factor along the southern coast wetland of the Qiantang Estuary,especially in the upstream region,which is potentially more vulnerable to the anthropogenic pollution. 相似文献
The variations of current circulation, salt intrusion, and vertical stratification under different river flow and wind conditions in the Pamlico River Estuary (PRE) were investigated in this paper using a three-dimensional numerical model. The model was calibrated and verified against water level variation, temperature, and salinity variations during 2003 and 2001, respectively. Eight sensitivity tests were conducted with different river flow and wind conditions specified in the model. Model results show that salinity intruded further upstream under scenarios with low flow, downriver local wind, and remote-wind-caused water level set-up conditions. In contrast, the responses of salinity stratification to different environmental forcing functions were different in different portions of the estuary. Salinity stratification was enhanced under high flow condition at the lower part of the estuary, under upriver wind near the river mouth, under downriver wind at the upstream to middle portion of the estuary, and under remote-wind-caused water level set-up condition at the majority of the estuary except near the river mouth. Model results also show that across-channel wind tended to reduce salt intrusion and salinity stratification in the PRE through increased vertical mixing. 相似文献
NK Arkert A-R Childs MC Parkinson AC Winkler E Butler S Mannheim 《African Journal of Marine Science》2018,40(3):235-244
Fisheries managers are increasingly promoting catch-and-release (C&R) to manage recreationally angled fish stocks. Despite this, there is a scarcity of information on the effects of C&R on estuarine-dependent species. Cape stumpnose Rhabdosargus holubi dominates the recreational fisheries catch and provides an important source of food for subsistence fishers in some temperate South African estuaries. The health and survival of R. holubi exposed to a C&R event was investigated by examining their physiological stress response (blood glucose and lactate), reflex impairment (reflex action mortality predictors [RAMP]) and short-term (12-hour) survival. Fish were captured and exposed to one of three air-exposure treatments: 0 s, 30 s or 90 s. Stress and health were measured either immediately (immediate) or one hour after (delayed) the C&R event. There was no significant difference in blood glucose between air-exposure treatments, but there was a significant difference between the mean immediate and delayed glucose levels within each treatment (F(2,143) = 81.8, p < 0.01). In contrast, blood lactate level was significantly higher in the 90-s treatment (p < 0.05). Immediate blood lactate levels were significantly lower than the delayed samples for each treatment (F = 4.29, p = 0.02; n = 169). Although all fish exhibited at least one reflex impairment, the RAMP score was significantly higher in the 90-s air-exposure treatment (H(2,86) = 9.73, p = 0.007). Also, RAMP scores were significantly lower in the delayed samples (p < 0.01). Although short-term mortality was relatively low (2.3%) for this species, it was highest in the 90-s treatment (7%). These results suggest that physiological stress is higher when R. holubi are exposed to longer periods of air exposure and that the physiological stress of fish subject to a C&R event is best measured after a delay. 相似文献
1994年6,7月,调查了广州、深圳、珠海及珠江口海区的空气微生物粒子沉降量状况。发现空气微生物粒子总量、真菌粒子量、真菌粒子数/总菌粒子数百分比在三市中不一致。这三种数据一般是陆上的高于海上。随着距陆的增加,都市影响的减弱和海面的开阔,空气微生物含量呈减少之势,显示出海洋新鲜空气对陆上污染空气的调节、净化作用。文中还分析了空气微生物有关参数与气温、风力或相对湿度间的相关关系。 相似文献
Mesozooplankton samples were collected between March 2005 and November 2008 in St Lucia, the largest estuarine lake system in South Africa. St Lucia experienced an extended period of drought before and during the present study. This drought led to natural closing of the estuary mouth as a result of flood-tide marine sediment deposition in 2002. In March 2007 the mouth was washed open by exceptionally high tidal and wave conditions. This resulted in an influx of a large volume of seawater. The mouth closed again in August 2007. Before opening of the mouth salinities in the Estuary were below 10 and large parts of North Lake dried up while South Lake retained a relatively stable waterbody with salinities between 10 and 30. When the mouth opened seawater flooded the system and salinities changed to about 35. After the mouth had closed again in August 2007 salinities increased in the lakes and decreased in the Estuary. The mesozooplankton community was dominated by copepods during all sampling sessions, especially by the estuarine calanoids Pseudodiaptomus stuhlmanni and Acartia natalensis. Mean mesozooplankton densities were significantly higher in South Lake before the mouth opened in March 2007. While zooplankton density decreased when the mouth opened species richness increased with the influx of coastal marine species, especially in the Estuary. Overall zooplankton densities declined progressively as salinity increased to hypersaline levels after mouth closure. Multivariate analyses supported significant differences between the lakes and the Estuary in terms of mesozooplankton community composition. Taxa mostly responsible for the similarities within and dissimilarity between sections of the system were the copepods P. stuhlmanni and A. natalensis with the meroplankton, crab zoeae and mollusc larvae, also contributing significantly after the mouth-opening event. 相似文献
Rhabdosargus holubi is a small (maximum weight=2.4?kg) yet important fishery species in the estuaries of the south-east coast of South Africa. Little is known of its biology and specifically its growth rate, which is essential for sustainable management of the fishery. We examined and counted the opaque zones in the sectioned otoliths of 134 R. holubi to determine its age and growth parameters. The otoliths from two recaptured fish marked with oxytetracycline confirmed that one opaque zone was deposited annually. The species reached a maximum age of 18 years and growth was adequately described by a von Bertalanffy growth function of the form: Lt = 358.1 (1 – e?0.24(t+0.77)) mm fork length. There were no significant differences between any of the male and female growth parameters (likelihood ratio test: p = 0.3). The growth was slow (omega index: ω = 86.56); however, despite this, the unique life history of R. holubi may provide a degree of resilience to heavy fishing pressure in estuaries. 相似文献
B. T. Donahue A. C. Hine S. Tebbens S. D. Locker D. C. Twichell 《Marine Geology》2003,200(1-4):219-241
The purpose of this study was to determine if and how a large, modern estuarine system, situated in the middle of an ancient carbonate platform, has affected its adjacent inner shelf both in the past during the last, post-glacial sea-level rise and during the present. An additional purpose was to determine if and how this inner shelf seaward of a major estuary differed from the inner shelves located just to the north and south but seaward of barrier-island shorelines. Through side-scan sonar mosaicking, bathymetric studies, and ground-truthing using surface grab samples as well as diver observations, two large submarine sand plains were mapped – one being the modern ebb-tidal delta and the other interpreted to be a relict ebb-tidal delta formed earlier in the Holocene. The most seaward portion of the inner shelf studied consists of a field of lobate, bathymetrically elevated, fine-sand accumulations, which were interpreted to be sediment-starved 3D dunes surrounded by small 2D dunes composed of coarse molluscan shell gravel. Additionally, exposed limestone hardbottoms supporting living benthic communities were found as well. This modern shelf sedimentary environment is situated on a large, buried shelf valley, which extends eastward beneath the modern Tampa Bay estuary. These observations plus the absence of an incised shelf valley having surficial bathymetric expression, and the absence of sand bodies normally associated with back-tracking estuarine systems indicate that there was no cross-shelf estuarine retreat path formed during the last rise in sea level. Instead, the modern Tampa Bay formed within a mid-platform, low-relief depression, which was flooded by rising marine waters late in the Holocene. With continued sea-level rise in the late Holocene, this early embayment was translated eastward or landward to its present position, whereby a larger ebb-tidal delta prograded out onto the inner shelf. Extensive linear sand ridges, common to the inner shelves to the north and south, did not form in this shelf province because it was a low-energy, open embayment lacking the wave climate and nearshore zone necessary to create such sand bodies. The distribution of bedforms on the inner shelf and the absence of seaward-oriented 2D dunes on the modern ebb-tidal delta indicate that the modern estuarine system has had little effect on its adjacent inner shelf. 相似文献
自20世纪50年代发现长江口的低氧现象以来,众多学者对其展开了研究,但是对于该海域的长时间连续观测仍然较为缺乏,对低氧形成的动态过程难以有清楚的认知。利用大戢山西南海域的坐底观测站2020年1月至5月的底层溶解氧(Dissolved Oxygen, DO)数据,分析了该站点处溶解氧的变化特征,发现观测期间底层溶解氧出现了2次发展过程完全不同的低氧现象:第一次低氧形成过程较为缓慢,在2020年1月至4月,溶解氧缓慢降低,到4月出现并维持低氧;第二次低氧形成较为迅速,在5月中下旬,溶解氧在10 d内从接近饱和迅速降低到低氧状态。通过对2次低氧形成过程中不同环境要素的分析发现,1月至3月溶解氧降低主要原因是升温导致的氧溶解度下降以及沉积物耗氧,4月则是有机物分解导致的低氧,同时4月上中旬的弱风条件有利于形成层结,维持低氧,在5月初出现持续的强风混合海水,第一次低氧过程结束。而大风混合海水后也将底层营养盐输送到表层,使得海表浮游植物大量繁殖,出现赤潮,赤潮末期大量浮游植物死亡沉降到海底进行分解,再加上5月中下旬风混合较弱,使得5月末又迅速进入低氧状态。借助于连续的观测数据,对于2020年春季2次连续低氧的分析可以补充对长江口低氧季节变化的认知,为研究长江口的春季低氧变化特征及形成机制提供重要参考。