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煤层气开发利用与辽宁能源环境   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对辽宁省主要煤田煤层气赋有条件及开发利用现状和开发潜力进行了研究评价。同时对辽宁省煤层气市场与煤层气开发效益进行了分析,并提出了重点目标区和开发利用建议。  相似文献   
阐述了新疆煤炭工业发展中存在的主要问题,分析了新疆煤田地质工作的发展方向及当前工作重点,并对新疆煤炭工业的可持续发展战略提出了政策性建议。  相似文献   
南京市玄武湖水下交通隧道环境地质评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
玄武湖地下交通隧道既在城市,又在水下,环境地质条件极为复杂,是一种脆弱环境下的典型的地质工程。本文对玄武湖地下交通隧道的环境地质条件特别是水文地质条件进行了评价,预测了可能出现的如水污染、地面沉降、地面塌陷、巷道突水等环境地质问题,并提出了相应的防治对策。  相似文献   
潘响亮  邓伟  张道勇 《地理科学》2003,23(6):740-745
磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)是研究地下水微生物生态的一种新兴技术,它比基于培养基的传统方法有许多明显的优势,但同时也存在一些需要解决的问题。样品中的PLFA总量可以通过转换因子估算地下水微生物的生物量,但微生物群落组成的差异和环境的物理变化都是潜在的误差来源,以传统微生物技术互补和选择合适的转换因子可提高结果的可靠性;PLFA还可以被用来指示地下水微生物在各种环境压力下的生理状态;用特定的PLFA生物标志物、PLFA的组成模式、指纹技术来描述地下水微生物的群落结构和变化特征时,存在的主要问题是不同微生物PLFA的重叠、背景值的干扰和环境因子变化的影响,以PLFA技术为主导,借助于数学统计方法,结合传统微生物技术、核酸鉴定、同位素示踪等多种技术可望有效地消除各种干扰因子,从而揭示完整的地下水微生物的生理生态,为地下水污染的生物修复提供理论指导。  相似文献   
Rasid  Harun  Haider  Wolfgang 《Natural Hazards》2003,28(1):101-129
A maximum difference conjoint (MDC) model was part of a questionnaire toassess floodplain residents' preferences for the outcomes of water level managementinside an enclosed embankment system on the left bank of the Dhaleswari River, calledthe Compartmentalization Pilot Project (CPP)-Tangail. The outcomes were described as(a) varied flood depths in the rice field, (b) incidence of flooding on the courtyard andinside homes, (c) changes in floodplain and culture fisheries, and (d) varied conditionsof drainage congestion. Following a standard survey, the respondents from inside andoutside a completed section of the compartment (Cluster 1b) were shown profiles of these flood management outcomes and were asked to indicate for each profile the one most preferred and the one least preferred item. The results of the study indicated that the respondents had a clear preference for preventing flooding of their homes and courtyards and for an ideal water depth of 2 ft in the aman rice fields. At the same time, they also showed a strong concern about malfunctioning of sluices and to a lesser extent about the changes in the fish habitat. The successful application of the MDC as an approach to model tradeoffs among rural residents of Bangladesh shows that a relatively complex quantitative survey method, incorporating choice cards as pictograms, can be applied successfully even in a developing country.  相似文献   
上海自然植被的特征、分区与保护   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
高峻 《地理研究》1997,16(3):82-88
上海地区有种子植物约134科510属919种。种子植物的分区类型共15°个,其中泛热带分布、北温带和东亚分布各占总属数的27.8%、21.6%和11.9%.地带性植被以常绿阔叶林和常绿落叶阔叶混交林为主,其中红楠群落和青冈栎群落能较好地反映中亚热带的植被和环境特征。非地带性植被以潮间带植被和水生植被为主。上海自然植被的类型和分布规律反映了本区地处中亚热带向北亚热带过渡地带的气候特征以及濒江临海的环境特点。同时其现状也表明了上海的自然植被处于不断增长的压力之下所发生的变化,因此亟需加以保护。上海的植被区划可分为隶属于北亚热带常绿落叶阔叶林地带的河口沙洲植被区,碟缘高地植被区和东北淀泖低地植被区,以及隶属于中亚热带常绿阔叶林地带的西南丘陵、低地植被区等。  相似文献   
科尔沁沙地巴克窑地区近150年的环境演变*   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
任国玉  肖平 《地理研究》1997,16(4):39-46
在沉积和花粉分析的基础上,对科尔沁沙地东南部巴克窑地区过去150年的植被和环境演变进行了重建。巴克窑等湖泡的诞生时间是在上个世纪前期,约1837年前后。这个时间也正是科尔沁沙地东南部地区首次大规模人口移入和垦荒年代。突然增加的人类活动导致了沙丘植被的迅速破坏,而植被减少和沙丘活化引起区域水文循环的重新调整,即原来通过植物蒸腾作用输出的水量明显减弱,致使地下潜水位上升,形成一系列湖泡。以后,沙地系统的演化主要是在人类活动、气候和系统内部反馈机制的共同作用下完成的。  相似文献   
遥感技术获取的可见光、红外及微波信息,可以对化工企业及化学矿山环境污染(水、粉尘、大气、废渣污染等)及环境地质灾害(滑坡、泥石流、地面塌陷等)进行实时动态监测,并可获得较高的社会经济效益,达到地面环保及常规环境地质工作难以达到的效果。特别是对重点大中型化工企业及化学矿山建立环境遥感信息动态监测系统,可以为国家决策部门及时准确地提供环境治理和改造的依据。  相似文献   
Science and the desertification debate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Desertification is an environmental issue that has major environmental and social dimensions, and which has been controversial in a number of respects. The recent UN Convention on Desertification and Drought places considerable emphasis on the social dimensions of the problem and the role local peoples and NGOs have to play in tackling it. When desertification first became regarded as a major issue in the 1970s, science was seen to have a major role in understanding and solving the problem, but in some circles has been regarded as failing to contribute usefully. This paper explores the nature of scientific contributions, why science may have been seen to fail to serve the needs of policy-makers, and why scientific findings may have been misinterpreted in broader circles dealing with the issue. It concludes by identifying areas where science has still a valuable role to play in an issue that is now perhaps regarded as more political and social than scientific.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The use of e-mail by a grassroots activist group that straddles the Estonian-Russian border transcends political boundaries and provides ready connections to people in distant places. Activists create a perceived space of resistance in a supportive network that is stretched across space. This network of concern, defined by the physical space in which these activists work and by the strong communicative connections among them, was created to overcome continued environmental mismanagement and remove cultural barriers to cooperation. E-mail communication has enabled an ongoing influence on environmental policy in Estonia and Russia. This circumstance of a collaborative e-mail network created by grassroots activists to aid political work is a testament to how communication technology has expanded for the purpose of strengthening previously silenced voices in a regional and political context.  相似文献   
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