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始于20世纪80年代的系列大型遥感试验开始系统研究地表物质和能量交换过程,对遥感与地球系统科学研究的结合起到重要作用,但是尚无综合利用多源遥感数据解决碳、水、能量循环问题的有效方案.遥感科学国家重点实验室于滦河上游地区组织开展基础性、多学科、多尺度的"碳、水循环和能量平衡遥感综合试验".本次试验面向地球系统科学对遥感观...  相似文献   
金学杰  周剑 《冰川冻土》2017,39(3):572-582
对黑河下游地区蒸散发量的估算及其时空特性的研究,有助于进一步了解流域水循环,合理利用水资源,防止生态环境进一步恶化。利用SEBS模型估算了黑河下游额济纳绿洲2014年15天的日蒸散量,将SEBS估算的日蒸散与不同下垫面5个站点的EC实测值进行对比,其均方根误差和确定性系数分别为1.2 mm、0.85(5个站点),0.5 mm、0.96(2个站点),表明SEBS模型的结果是合理的,可以适用于黑河下游额济纳绿洲地区的地表蒸散量的估算。同时分析了黑河下游蒸散发的时空变化规律,结果表明,黑河下游额济纳绿洲地区,蒸散发在时间上存在明显的季节变化规律:夏季 > 春季 > 秋季 > 冬季;空间上呈现明显的沿河分布的趋势。不同土地覆被类型蒸散发有相似的季节变化特征,但其季节变化幅度并不相同,规律为:水体 > 耕地 > 灌丛地 > 草地 > 裸土地 > 沙地。  相似文献   
骨架矿物—粘土矿物碱耗协同效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈忠  高晓勇 《矿物岩石》1999,19(3):61-64
选择了克拉玛依油田二中区T2k1砂砾岩储层中的六种储层矿物,石英,正长石,微斜长石,Ca-蒙脱石,高岭石,伊利石。在不同的条件下研究了这六种矿物的碱耗量,还研究骨架矿物与粘土矿物按照一定的质量配比而成的复配矿物的碱耗量,探讨了矿物碱耗的协同效应,结果表明单矿物的碱耗序列为,蒙脱石(S)〉高岭石(K)〉伊利石(I)〉微斜长石(M)〉石英(Q)〉正长石(J),复配物的碱耗总体上受粘土矿物控制,尤其是蒙  相似文献   
横断山区花岗岩类中角闪石的标型特征及其成因意义   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
本文研究了横断山区不同成因类型花岗岩中角闪石的化学成分、微量元素、稀土元素、晶胞参数和物理性质等特征。按化学成分对角闪石作了晶体化学成因分类。在三种不同成因类型角闪石中,其M值[M=Mg/(Mg Fe^2 )]各不相同;幔型M>0.7,壳幔型M=0.7-0.5,壳型M<0.5。  相似文献   
During the last deglaciation, the decaying Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) delivered huge volumes of meltwater toward the Gulf of Mexico. The present investigation of clay mineralogy and grain-size characteristics of terrigenous sediments deposited in the Orca Basin (Gulf of Mexico) offers a unique opportunity to link the marine record of these meltwater floods with the reconstructed continental glacial history and the modeled drainage patterns. Five peculiar sedimentary levels, characterized by high smectite content and low CaCO3 content, were identified and occurred simultaneously with major meltwater floods. According to recently published clay mineral distribution maps for North America, these results help to pinpoint the southwestern margin of the LIS as a main contributor to most of the meltwater discharges. In addition, the peculiar mineralogical composition (illite and chlorite-rich) of the sediments characterizing the meltwater episode associated with Heinrich event 1 suggests a provenance from the Great Lakes area, supporting the interpretation of destabilization of the LIS southeastern margin during this event. Decreased terrigenous contribution associated with changing provenance of sediments after 12.9 cal ka BP suggests strong modifications of the continental hydrography in relation to Lake Agassiz history and changes in the morphology of Mississippi delta due to rising sea level.  相似文献   
中国(天青石)锶矿床概述   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
中国 (天青石 )锶矿资源丰富 ,矿床以大型、特大型单一 (天青石 )锶矿为主 ,构成我国目前主要的工业锶源。依据成矿作用和成矿地质特征 ,将我国 (天青石 )锶矿床划分为沉积型、岩浆 热液型、沉积 热卤水改造型和表生淋积型等四大类七个亚类。主要产于印支、燕山、喜马拉雅三个旋回之中 ,不同类型矿床分别与一定的大地构造环境、沉积岩相、岩浆岩、热液及热卤水等作用有关。中国四川东南部、柴达木盆地东北部、苏南、鄂东南、云南云龙 -维西一带、陕西黄龙铺及四川攀西等 7个地区具有良好的找矿前景  相似文献   
The two drill holes, which penetrated sub‐horizontal rare earth element (REE) ore units at the Nechalacho REE in the Proterozoic Thor Lake syenite, Canada, were studied in order to clarify the enrichment mechanism of the high‐field‐strength elements (HFSE: Zr, Nb and REE). The REE ore units occur in the albitized and potassic altered miaskitic syenite. Zircon is the most common REE mineral in the REE ore units, and is divided into five types as follows: Type‐1 zircon occurs as discrete grains in phlogopite, and has a chemical character similar to igneous zircon. Type‐2 zircon consists of a porous HREE‐rich core and LREE–Nb–F‐rich rim. Enrichment of F in the rim of type‐2 zircon suggests that F was related to the enrichment of HFSE. The core of type‐2 zircon is regarded to be magmatic and the rim to be hydrothermal in origin. Type‐3 zircon is characterized by euhedral to anhedral crystals, which occur in a complex intergrowth with REE fluorocarbonates. Type‐3 zircon has high REE, Nb and F contents. Type‐4 zircon consists of porous‐core and ‐rim, but their chemical compositions are similar to each other. This zircon is a subhedral crystal rimmed by fergusonite. Type‐5 zircon is characterized by smaller, porous and subhedral to anhedral crystals. The interstices between small zircon grains are filled by fergusonite. Type‐4 and type‐5 zircon grains have low REE, Nb and F contents. Type‐1 zircon is only included in one unit, which is less hydrothermally altered and mineralized. Type‐2 and type‐3 zircon grains mainly occur in the shallow units, while those of type‐4 and type‐5 are found in the deep units. The deep units have high HFSE contents and strongly altered mineral textures (type‐4 and type‐5) compared to the shallow units. Occurrences of these five types of zircon are different according to the depth and degree of the hydrothermal alteration by solutions rich in F and CO3, which permit a model for the evolution of the zircon crystallization in the Nechalacho REE deposit as follows: (i) type‐1 (discrete magmatic zircon) is formed in miaskitic syenite. (ii) LREE–Nb–F‐rich hydrothermal zircon formed around HREE‐rich magmatic zircon (type‐2). (iii) type‐3 zircon crystallized through the F and CO3‐rich hydrothermal alteration of type‐2 zircon which formed the complex intergrowth with REE fluorocarbonates; (iv) the CO3‐rich hydrothermal fluid corroded type‐3, forming REE–Nb‐poor zircon (type‐4). Niobium and REE were no longer stable in the zircon structure and crystallized as fergusonite around the REE–Nb‐leached zircon (type‐4); (v) type‐5 zircon is formed by the more CO3‐rich hydrothermal alteration of type‐4 zircon, suggested by the fact that type‐4 and type‐5 zircon grains are often included in ankerite. Type‐3 to type‐5 zircon grains at the Nechalacho REE deposit were continuously formed by leaching and/or dissolution of type‐2 zircon in the presence of F‐ and/or CO3‐rich hydrothermal fluid. These mineral associations indicate that three representative hydrothermal stages were present and related to HFSE enrichment in the Nechalacho REE deposit: (i) F‐rich hydrothermal stage caused the crystallization of REE–Nb‐rich zircon (type‐2 rim and type‐3), with abundant formation of phlogopite and fluorite; (ii) F‐ and CO3‐rich hydrothermal stage led to the replacement of a part of REE–Nb–F‐rich zircon by REE fluorocarbonate; and (iii) CO3‐rich hydrothermal stage resulted in crystallization of the REE–Nb–F‐poor zircon and fergusonite, with ankerite. REE and Nb in hydrothermal fluid at the Nechalacho REE deposit were finally concentrated into fergusonite by way of REE–Nb–F‐rich zircon in the hydrothermally altered units.  相似文献   
傅小土  杨主明 《矿物学报》2015,35(2):276-278
国际矿物学协会新矿物与命名和分类委员会(IMA-CNMMN)的未定名矿物小组(SUM),开发了一个编码系统,对已经发表但尚未定名的矿物进行编码。在文献中存在两类未定名矿物。一是"有效"未定名矿物,是指未定名矿物没有对应的已知矿物种,但如果它们有其他产地或能够在其他样品中被发现,那么已发表的相关矿物描述允许得到认可。二是"无效"未定名矿物,是指未定名矿物已经有对应的已知矿物种;或者相关矿物描述不足以获得认可。未定名矿物的名单是由IMA保管。该编码系统提供了一个永久的UM号码。中国的矿物学文献的数量和重要性有必要用中文阐述未定名矿物的编码系统。  相似文献   
拉萨市夏季大气降尘单颗粒矿物组成及其形貌特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
应用带能谱的电子扫描电镜(SEM-EDX)对拉萨市夏季正常天气下收集的大气自然沉降气溶胶样品进行分析,研究了拉萨市大气降尘矿物组成和各种物相形貌特征信息。拉萨市大气颗粒物含有硅酸盐颗粒、富钙颗粒、富铁颗粒、富碳颗粒(燃煤飞灰颗粒和燃油飞灰颗粒)和植物残体颗粒。根据颗粒物数量统计发现拉萨市大气颗粒物以硅酸盐颗粒为主,富钙颗粒和富铁颗粒次之,需要指出的是以燃油飞灰为主的富碳颗粒已占到一定比重,说明以燃油为主的机动车尾气对拉萨大气污染在加强。研究结果表明,大气降尘矿物成分及其形貌特征可以用作判定污染物来源的重要标志,拉萨大气中颗粒来源的多样性决定了治理措施也应综合进行。  相似文献   
付锦  赵宁博  裴承凯  李新春 《铀矿地质》2012,(6):388-392,408
全国铀矿资源潜力评价化探数据应用研究是全国铀矿资源潜力评价工作的重要组成部分,采用了放射性水文地球化学(以下简称放射性水化)资料和区域地球化学数据(水系沉积物)完成了几十个预测工作区和上百个预测区的化探预测评价工作。本文介绍了全国铀矿资源潜力评价化探数据应用研究的技术流程、数据处理、化探图件编制、地球化学评价的基本方法和预测评价的内容。该成果形成了一套成熟的方法技术,在全国铀矿资源潜力评价中发挥了重要作用,也是今后矿产资源预测评价必不可少的重要方法。  相似文献   
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