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This paper proposes a basic equation of thermal radiation interaction between surface objects on the basis of the principle of heat balance in the interface. The solution of this equation takes account of the contribution of sensible heat flux and latent heat flux more completely, compared with traditional solution for surface cooling and heating processes. By the aid of the experimental data conducted in the Xiaotangshan experimental site, Beijing, both the non-applicability of Kirchoff's law and the measurability of surface emissivity in a non-isothermal system have been highlighted. Two methods called ventilation and time-delay compensations have been proposed to reduce the error induced by change of surface temperatures of non-isothermal objects during the measurement of emissivity. Based on the solution of the basic equation, this paper has analyzed and pointed out the misunderstanding in comprehension and application of Kirchoff's law published in literature.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONThe structural mine earthquake in coal mines refers to the quake induced by excavationengineeringthatleadstorupturingor change of geological structure and weakness surfaceintheinteriorof rock mass.According to the origin,mine earthquakes can b…  相似文献   
我国公路泥石流病害严重,泥石流淤埋公路构建筑物是一类常见的公路泥石流病害类型。泥石流衰减动力学是防治泥石流淤埋病害的重要关键技术,也是泥石流运动学、动力学研究的核心问题之一。本文作者运用泥沙运动力学及流体力学原理,初步建立了泥石流固相颗粒和液相浆体的能量衰减条件,把泥石流衰减模式概化为两类,即能量抑制衰减和能量自由衰减;通过泥石流沉积模型试验,得到了不同粘度泥石流体的沉积扇变化形态,随着泥石流体粘度的增大,沉积扇边缘变陡、扩展范围变小、纵轴线长度减小等结论与实际情况吻合;初步建立了泥石流能量衰减速率计算方法。研究成果为防治公路泥石流病害奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Mechanisms of fractional crystallization with simultaneous crustalassimilation (AFC) are examined for the Kutsugata and Tanetomilavas, an alkali basalt–dacite suite erupted sequentiallyfrom Rishiri Volcano, northern Japan. The major element variationswithin the suite can be explained by boundary layer fractionation;that is, mixing of a magma in the main part of the magma bodywith a fractionated interstitial melt transported from the mushyboundary layer at the floor. Systematic variations in SiO2 correlatewith variations in the Pb, Sr and Nd isotopic compositions ofthe lavas. The geochemical variations of the lavas are explainedby a constant and relatively low ratio of assimilated mass tocrystallized mass (‘r value’). In the magma chamberin which the Kutsugata and Tanetomi magmas evolved, a strongthermal gradient was present and it is suggested that the marginalpart of the reservoir was completely solidified. The assimilantwas transported by crack flow from the partially fused floorcrust to the partially crystallized floor mush zone throughfractures in the solidified margin, formed mainly by thermalstresses resulting from cooling of the solidified margin andheating of the crust. The crustal melt was then mixed with thefractionated interstitial melt in the mushy zone, and the mixedmelt was further transported by compositional convection tothe main magma, causing its geochemical evolution to be characteristicof AFC. The volume flux of the assimilant from the crust tothe magma chamber is suggested to have decreased progressivelywith time (proportional to t–1/2), and was about 3 x 10–2m/year at t = 10 years and 1 x 10–2 m/year at t = 100years. It has been commonly considered that the heat balancebetween magmas and the surrounding crust controls the couplingof assimilation and fractional crystallization processes (i.e.absolute value of r). However, it is inferred from this studythat the ratio of assimilated mass to crystallized mass canbe controlled by the transport process of the assimilant fromthe crust to magma chambers. KEY WORDS: assimilation and fractional crystallization; mass balance model; magma chamber; melt transport; Pb isotope  相似文献   
20世纪60年代初期,Tóth基于定水头上边界条件推导出解析解,得出多级次地下水流系统,是水文地质学里程碑式的突破,成功地解决了一系列理论和实际问题。但Tóth解析解存在的缺陷也长期沿袭:单纯重视数学模拟而忽视物理机制;将地形控制地下水位看成是普适性规律;忽视给定水头上边界数学模拟的失真。这些缺陷,尤其是忽视物理机制探究,不仅妨碍Tóth理论自身发展,而且导致地下水流系统理论尚未被国际水文地质界普遍接受。参照河流动力学中应用的最小能耗率原理,类比提出地下水流最小能耗率的表达式。基于已有的通量上边界地下水流模式数值模拟结果,进一步探究物理机制,归纳得出地下水流系统遵循最小能耗率原理的结论。  相似文献   
GRAPES GFS(Global Regional Assimilation and PrEdiction System,Global Forecast System)采用基于等温大气构造的一维参考大气,前期的研究工作已在GRAPESGFS的动力框架中引入了三维参考大气,并通过一系列理想试验检验了新方法的正确性以及计算精度。本部分研究工作,主要针对实际资料的预报试验,对比分析了不同三维参考态给定方法的优劣,并采用气候平均法,进行夏季两个月的四维变分循环预报试验。检验结果显示,使用三维参考大气后,模式的综合预报性能得到了提升,对流层高度场、温度场的预报偏差有所减小,长期积分过程中模式质量损失较为严重的问题也得到了明显的缓解。另外,通过动能谱的对比也可以看到使用三维参考大气后,模式在高层的能量耗散明显较小,能谱变化与观测更加吻合。  相似文献   
姜璐  邢冉  陈兴鹏  薛冰 《地理科学》2020,40(3):447-454
农村能源转型是能源消费革命的重要组成部分。基于问卷调查和入户访谈,对青海省10个县(区)的318户农区家庭用能信息进行调查,辨识了青海省农区不同收入分层家庭的能源消费模式,并通过建立典型家庭能源流模型,总结了家庭能获取-消费-废弃过程的形态变化。结果显示:青海省农区家庭能源消费以煤炭、薪柴和秸秆为主,非商品能源消费占比为49.6%,清洁能源使用率低。煤炭消费在5类家庭中均占比最高,薪柴和秸秆消费在低收入家庭占比较高。高收入家庭能源消费类型更多,消费量也大,能源流动更复杂。最后,根据青海省的经济地理特征,提出相应政策建议。  相似文献   
长沙、株洲、湘潭三市土壤中重金属元素的来源   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
为追踪长沙、株洲、湘潭3个城市表层土壤中Cd、As、Pb等重金属元素的来源,分析了土壤、基岩、大气干湿沉降、水、悬浮物等介质之间重金属元素的质量平衡和土壤自身重金属元素含量随时间变化的特点。结果显示,除As外,区内基岩中的重金属元素含量低于克拉克值;残积物中Cd相对基岩贫化,As、Pb、Cu、Hg等重金属元素相对基岩的富集小于3倍;大气干湿沉降重金属元素相对土壤富集了数倍至数十倍;湘江水体主要向沿江潮土提供As、Cd物源:近50年内土壤重金属元素有较高的增加速率。不同介质间重金属元素的质量变化特点支持长沙、株洲、湘潭三市土壤重金属元素富集的主要物源为大气沉降,地表水及悬浮物是沿江湖土重金属元素的主要物源,基岩对土壤提供的物源有限的结论。  相似文献   
基于WRF驱动的CLM模型对青藏高原地区陆面过程模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
NCAR-CLM是目前国际上发展较为完善的陆面过程模型.鉴于大多数研究利用气象站点的数据驱动CLM模型, 尝试将WRF气候模型的模拟结果作为驱动CLM的面上强迫场数据来对青藏高原陆面能量特征进行模拟研究.对WRF气候模型模拟的输出结果与青藏高原气象站观测数据进行比较分析表明, WRF模拟输出的气温和向下短波辐射数值与观测值的相关系数大于0.92(p >0.05), 气压和比湿的R2在0.80以上(p >0.05), 降雨和风速的模拟性能不稳定, 但WRF模拟输出的强迫场也可以作为CLM模型的驱动数据. CLM模拟的地表温度、 感热和潜热通量与青藏高原气象站观测的地表温度以及涡度通量数据验证分析表明, 虽然CLM对地表温度的模拟在合理范围内, 但模拟与观测值还是有较大偏差, 潜热和感热之间的相关系数分别为0.87和0.68(p >0.05), 表明CLM的模拟结果在单点上是可靠的.据此, 在此模拟结果基础上分析了青藏高原地区的陆面能量时空分布特征.  相似文献   
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