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可持续性转型地理研究综述与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
可持续性转型是近20 a欧洲学界的新兴研究领域,它关注既有社会技术系统向更加可持续的生产与消费模式的根本性转变,对不少国家和地区的绿色转型政策实践已经产生了重要的影响。近年来,越来越多学者开始关注可持续性转型与经济地理的交叉融合,可持续性转型地理逐渐发展成为一个新兴的研究议题,着重从空间根植性与多尺度交互2个维度回答“可持续性转型在哪里发生”的问题。论文在简要总结可持续转型理论与分析框架的基础上,系统回顾和评述了转型地理研究进展与不足,并着重从中国的情境提出未来该议题的几个重点方向:① 基于中国语境下的的转型地理概念化和理论框架构建;② 后发地区可持续性转型与绿色产业追赶;③ 城市可持续性转型差异与联系;④ 多尺度交互下转型主体能动性与权力博弈;⑤ 人工智能等新兴技术对可持续转型的影响。  相似文献   
中国企业本土并购双方的地理格局及其空间关联研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴加伟  陈雯  袁丰  魏也华  杨柳青 《地理科学》2019,39(9):1434-1445
借鉴已有理论与实证研究成果,综合运用GIS空间分析与计量模型等方法,重点分析省区空间尺度上中国本土并购双方企业的地理格局,从企业地域“根植性”视角探讨并购双方区位选择与空间关联的影响因素。研究结果表明:买方和标的企业在空间上呈现共同集聚特征,总体形成了与中国沿江沿海“T”形区域发展格局、“核心-边缘”城镇等级体系相似的地理格局;并购双方企业主要集聚于经济发达区域,虽然2010年代以来中西部省区企业参与并购投资事件有所增长,但省区间差异逐渐固化,北京、长三角、珠三角等大都市地区更多以买方角色主导企业跨区域并购,而中西部及资源型区域企业则多以并购标的角色为主;企业并购投资行为根植于地方经济社会和制度环境,买方和标的企业的区位选择机制较为相似,并购双方更偏好集聚于证劵和金融市场繁荣、区域创新系统完善、经济和产业基础雄厚的区域。  相似文献   
“一带一路”建设模式研究——基于制度与文化视角   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
刘卫东  姚秋蕙 《地理学报》2020,75(6):1134-1146
推动“一带一路”建设向高质量发展转变,对学术界提出了新命题,需要对已有建设模式和建设项目进行深入剖析,总结经验和教训,提出对“一带一路”建设具有指导意义的理论知识。以往地理学主要关注企业对外直接投资,而“一带一路”建设项目涉及的范畴要大得多,既包括中国的直接投资,也包括中国提供融资并承建的项目,还包括一些新兴的混合项目。已经进行的“一带一路”建设案例研究表明,中国企业“走出去”比较容易忽视的因素是中国与东道国之间在制度和文化上的差异。利用“制度和文化转向”研究思路来剖析“一带一路”建设项目,总结其建设模式,对于经济地理学的发展以及指导“一带一路”建设都具有重要意义。本文首先简要回顾了“制度和文化转向”出现的背景以及主要研究脉络;而后总结了“一带一路”建设项目的主要形式,提出了基于工程总承包(EPC)、基于特许经营和企业直接投资三大类建设模式;最后借鉴“制度和文化转向”的研究技巧,从“地域嵌入的广度和深度”和“技术及项目的‘破坏性’”两个维度,将“一带一路”建设项目分为变革性项目、支撑性项目、一般性项目和海外经贸合作园区4种类型,用以识别它们的制度和文化敏感性,并举例进行了说明。本文提出的分析框架为进行“一带一路”建设案例研究提供了一个思考方向。  相似文献   
We address the territorial embeddedness of resource management: the way in which resource management is shaped by the territorial context in which it occurs, as well as the way in which resource management contributes to shape new territories. We demonstrate that Industrial Ecology (IE), as a specific resource management approach, can be used to gain new perspectives on territorial patterns emerging with resource optimization. First, we lay down a theoretical framework that should underlie the use of territory as a concept, building bridges between geography and IE. Then, drawing upon this theoretical framework, we develop a methodological structure that can lead to and manifest the process of territorial construction at work in IE. We test the knowledge production capacity of this theoretical and methodological approach to territory in IE by applying it to a specific case study in the Aix-Marseille Provence metropolitan area (France). This paper thus enhances knowledge about the territorialization process at work in IE, by identifying different IE territories within the same geographic area and positioning local stakeholders, understood as local inhabitants, with respect to territorial interfaces. Finally, we discuss how IE, as a specific resource management approach, questions the different aspects of the connection between people and geographical places in a natural management context.  相似文献   
Local food has become a significant focus of food studies analysis in recent years with much of this work identifying the potential environmental, social and economic benefits of food localisation. However, a growing body of literature destabilises these assumed benefits with research now questioning the utility of scale in assessing food system outcomes. This paper explores this destabilisation by examining how concepts associated with the ‘local’ have been deployed by the Capital Region Farmers Market (CRFM) in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). This leads to two key conclusions: firstly, the practical case study confirms theoretical insights highlighting the instability of the local, identifying how it is animated in multiple and sometimes contradictory ways often in response to conventional market forces; and secondly, we argue that the role of farmers' markets may not be best understood through the lens of the local but, rather, through their role in facilitating citizen engagement with the food system via the direct consumer–producer relationship at markets and the characteristics of the food purchased there (i.e. freshness and quality). In these ways, farmers' markets can disrupt conventional forms of engagement with the food system, creating a space that enhances social embeddedness and which may promote new forms of consumer understanding of food systems.  相似文献   
马凌  谢圆圆  张博 《地理学报》2022,77(6):1430-1445
知识经济时代,地理学与世界移民研究越来越重视知识移民及其流动。本文以广州市高校海外留学回国的知识移民为例,采用深度访谈等质性研究方法,从多维视角探讨其回流和嵌入母国和回流地的动态过程及结果。研究发现:① 高校海归知识移民的回流动力机制主要包括工作机会和跨国比较发展优势,以及家庭关系和文化归属等;② 回流后高校知识移民面临着工作、生活、社会关系网络等方面的再嵌入;再嵌入的过程和结果受到工作及工作环境等结构因素和日常生活等非制度情感因素的共同作用;③ 由于拥有较高的跨境智力资本和较强的跨地方社会关系网络,其地方嵌入过程体现出较强的能动性。跨国流动背景下,他们的身份认同表现为混合文化身份的跨地方主体性,其“家”的意义建构也呈现出一种多元的特征。研究指出,多地方的社会嵌入通过跨地方的社会关系使得海归知识移民产生归属感,而并不完全依附于有边界的地理空间,这一定程度上打破了以往地理位置所定义的“地方”,而将关注点放置于基础的工作、社会关系网络与日常的生活实践。从微观和主体视角细致探究海归人才回流嵌入的过程与结果,可以进一步完善转型期知识移民的理论和研究框架,也可以为中国人才政策和发展战略提出指导建议。  相似文献   
In the oil palm frontier regions of West New Britain and Oro provinces, Papua New Guinea, customary land tenure arrangements are changing in response to the growing demand for land for agricultural development. This paper examines one aspect of these changes, namely the gifting and selling of customary land for oil palm development to people who have no customary birthrights to the land. By analysing how access rights are maintained over the relatively long cultivation cycle of oil palm (approximately 25 years), and in the context of the rapidly changing socio-economic and demographic environments of the oil palm frontiers, the paper demonstrates that while land transactions seemingly entail the commodification of land, land rights and security of land tenure remain embedded in social relationships. For customary landowners, the moral basis of land rights is contingent on 'outsiders' maintaining particular kinds of social and economic relationships with their customary landowning 'hosts'. In exploring how these social relationships are constituted through the performance of particular kinds of exchange relationships, the paper provides insights into relational concepts of land rights and how these are able to persist in Papua New Guinea's oil palm frontier regions where resource struggles are often intense and where large migrant populations are seeking land for agricultural development.  相似文献   
There is a gap between the great vision and high-quality targets of the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI)and Western recognition of them,which challenges Chinese and West-ern scholars.This gap should be narrowed by conducting in-depth case studies and com-parative studies at the project level.In recent years,the international academic community has paid increasing attention to Chinese outward foreign direct investment(FDI),but Belt and Road construction is much broader in scope,comprising not only FDI projects but also China-financed projects and emerging mixed projects.Our investigation,observation,and examination of the BRI projects find that compared to their Western counterparts,Chinese enterprises have less experience in doing business in other countries and often pay less at-tention to institutional and cultural differences between China and the host countries.Thus,revisiting the institutional and cultural turn in economic geography and employing its ideas to analyze the BRI projects and summarize their construction modes may contribute to the de-velopment of both economic geography and the BRI.This paper first briefly reviews the background and research trends of the institutional and cultural turn and then summarizes three major modes of Belt and Road construction,namely,EPC(Engineering Procurement Construction)-based projects,concession-based projects,and FDI;finally,it draws on the institutional and cultural turn to classify the BRI projects according to the two indicators of"Breadth and Depth of Territorial Embeddedness"and"Destructive Effect of a Project and/or Technology"into four types:transformative,supportive,ordinary projects and overseas in-dustrial cooperation parks.Different institutional and cultural sensitivity can be observed for each type of project.The preliminary theorization proposed in this paper may offer a potential framework for further research on the BRI.  相似文献   
转移企业地方嵌入的论争与研究动向   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
“嵌入”是理解转移企业与承接地集群以及全球/跨区生产网络互动耦合过程和机理的有效理论工具。自“嵌入”概念引入经济地理学以来,学界对转移企业地方嵌入意愿存在“被动”与“主动”的论争,对嵌入效应也存在积极与负面两种不同观点。通过对转移企业地方嵌入主要动因、影响因素、演进过程、区域效应等研究的系统梳理,发现不论基于“主动”还是“被动”意愿,转移企业地方嵌入都是其在“企业—地域”关系演化中维护并强化自身竞争力的地理敏感战略;嵌入过程受承接地条件、转移企业特质的双重影响;嵌入沿着“关系培育—价值链衔接—全球与地方生产网络战略耦合”的路径,逐步实现关系性嵌入和结构性嵌入;转移企业地方嵌入为承接地集群转型升级提供了“区位机会窗口”。转移企业地方嵌入研究今后需在四个方面加强和深化:一是构建一个以“关系—网络—演化”为主线的综合性分析框架;二是加强转移企业网络角色与绩效的定量研究;三是加强转移企业经济嵌入、技术嵌入、社会嵌入的相互影响研究;四是加强转移企业与承接地集群“双向嵌入”研究。  相似文献   
嵌入性视角下创意产业发展研究述评   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
伴随经济地理学发展的制度、文化及关系转向,新经济社会学中的“嵌入性”理论在经济地理学研究中得到广泛应用。以创意产业发展研究为例,首先分析了嵌入性概念在经济地理学界的运用和发展状况;其次,结合创意产业特性,从经济地理学学科发展的层面,探讨了从嵌入性视角开展创意产业发展研究的必要性;然后,从文化制度嵌入、地域嵌入、网络嵌入3 个维度,对国内外创意产业相关文献进行梳理和回顾,并对该领域研究成果进行了总结和评述;最后,对未来的创意产业的相关研究提出展望,并进一步指出,区域经济的嵌入性研究,既是中国学者参与国际经济地理学理论构建、对话和争辩的重要领域,也是推进主流经济地理学本土化建设的重要方向。  相似文献   
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