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李萌  王传胜  张雪飞 《地理研究》2019,38(10):2447-2457
水源涵养功能重要性是生态保护红线划分工作中重要的评价指标之一。通过对以往生态系统水源涵养功能区划分的指标及其区域导向的系统梳理,在进一步明晰国土空间规划中水源涵养功能生态保护红线区域指向的基础上,按照国土空间规划关于“三区三线”自下而上试划的要求,探讨了水源涵养重要性生态保护红线划分及其评价的改进方法。选取中国典型喀斯特区域六盘水市作为研究案例区,分别用环保部2015版与2017版《生态保护红线划定技术指南》中的模型法、NPP法以及本研究提出的改进方法,对六盘水市水源涵养功能生态保护红线进行了试划。对比三种方法的划定结果可以看出,改进方法因评价数据精度的提高减少了《生态保护红线划定技术指南》方法的区域损失,提高了区域判别的精准性,可望为国土空间规划中生态保护红线的划定提供科学依据。  相似文献   
S. O. Asamu 《GeoJournal》2004,61(2):183-189
There is a general shortage of potable water in Nigeria, partly through the lack of natural provision and partly because of rapid urban growth that has largely been unplanned. The paper describes the recent redevelopment of a public water facility in a run-down area of Ibadan which is part of the Sustainable Ibadan Project. Despite funding from national and international bodies, the development is strongly based at community level. The local inhabitants feel they have control over their own water supply through their representatives on the various planning and managing committees. This aims to reduce vandalism and to increase pride and involvement in the community. The project is a pilot for other projects around Ibadan, some of which have begun and others are being planned. This paper describes the administrative structures and management principles that have been employed. It forcefully advocates community-based planning and management which respects both the environment and the water-users, and involves a major “bottom-up” element. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
生态功能优先背景下的西南岩溶区石漠化治理问题   总被引:4,自引:8,他引:4  
文章分析了现有石漠化治理模式、物种选择、石漠化治理综合效益评估、消除贫困等方面存在的不足,并结合国家对西南岩溶石漠化区主体生态功能的定位,对未来石漠化治理过程中的几个关键问题进行了探讨,认为未来石漠化治理要更有效地兼顾生态与经济效益,提高生态补偿标准,完善生态补偿体制,促进石漠化区农村人口的城镇化转移,减少人口压力,消除农户破坏环境的驱动因素,促进石漠化治理成效的长期可持续发展,以保证西南岩溶石漠化区水土保持和生物多样性维护主体生态功能的实现。   相似文献   
“一带一路”区域可持续发展生态环境遥感监测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2013年9月和10月,习近平主席在出访中亚和东南亚国家期间,先后提出了共建"丝绸之路经济带"和"21世纪海上丝绸之路"(简称"一带一路")的重大倡议。要全面保护"一带一路"区域生态环境,实现2030年可持续发展目标,是一个具有挑战性的问题。遥感技术对生态环境监测与评价发挥着十分重要的作用。本研究利用多尺度、多源遥感数据,对2015年"一带一路"区域的生态环境状况进行监测和分析,旨在提供可持续发展目标生态环境遥感监测的本底。本文选取了几个重要的生态环境方面开展监测与分析,主要包括宏观生态系统结构和植被状况、太阳能资源分布、水资源平衡、主要生态环境限制因素对经济走廊建设的影响、主要城市生态环境质量等。监测区域覆盖亚洲、非洲、欧洲和大洋洲的陆上区域。研究结果为生态环境评价与保护提供了有效的决策依据,有助于"一带一路"建设积极推进。  相似文献   
我国正处于工业化和城镇化的快速发展期,建设占用耕地将在一定时期内长期存在,亟需寻求有效的耕地占补途径。在当前国际金融危机影响下,我国农村经济需要更加有力的投资拉动,新农村建设也需要找到更加高效的着力点。村庄整治建设作为新农村建设的重要任务,是实现城乡一体化建设的重要环节。通过村庄整治建设及其后续的土地整理构建城乡一体化的土地利用格局是统筹城乡发展的重要途径。在城乡一体化理念指导下开展村庄整治建设,有利于高效配置城乡土地资源,缓解经济建设与耕地保护的矛盾,促进土地要素在城乡(区域)间的高效流动,改善农村生产和生活条件、加快城乡一体化进程。因此,探索总结村庄整治建设的优化模式和途径具有一定的理论和现实意义。本文以三亚市为例,提出了统筹城乡视角下村庄整治建设需要遵循的8项原则:依据村庄发展演变的主导驱动力差异,提出三亚市村庄整治建设的4种模式,即城镇扩展模式、项目带动模式、中心村集聚模式和移民拆建模式。为推动各种模式顺利实施,从农村产业培育和农民就业、多元融资渠道以及土地利用机制创新3个方面探讨了村庄整治建设的长效机制,旨在为其他类似地区的村庄整治建设提供可资借鉴的模式和途径。  相似文献   
刘志涛  王少剑  方创琳 《地理学报》2021,76(11):2797-2813
生态系统服务是生态要素、结构、功能和产品造福于人类社会的媒介和通道。根据生态系统服务价值(ESV)及其影响机制调节人类社会对生态系统的利用强度和保护方式,对于实现人地和谐的可持续发展目标具有重要意义。本文以粤港澳大湾区作为研究对象,依托遥感数据修订ESV核算结果,更加准确地揭示2000—2015年粤港澳大湾区ESV的时空演变特征,并引入面板分位数回归深入探索生态系统服务影响因素的分段效应,增加对生态系统服务影响机制的认识。结果显示:① 2000—2015年粤港澳大湾区ESV减速下降,下降区域主要分布在粤港澳大湾区中部和珠江入海口两岸等城市快速扩张区。② 在城市交界处,土地利用变化会带来更为强烈的ESV变化。③ 在ESV水平不同的区域,影响因素具有不同的影响效果。用地完整度仅在ESV的低值区可以促进生态系统服务能力提升。气温对生态系统服务能力的正向作用随ESV的提高而增强,经济密度对生态系统服务能力的负向作用随ESV的提高而减弱,二者均会导致ESV高值区与低值区间的差距增大,形成“自然马太效应”。  相似文献   
Adaptation to climate change is about planning for the future while responding to current pressures and challenges. Adaptation scientists are increasingly using future visioning exercises embedded in co-production and co-development techniques to assist stakeholders in imagining futures in a changing climate. Even if these exercises are growing in popularity, surprisingly little scrutiny has been placed on understanding the fundamental assumptions and choices in scenario approaches, timeframes, scales, or methods, and whether they result in meaningful changes in how adaptation is being thought about. Here, we unpack key insights and experiences across 62 case studies that specifically report on using future visioning exercises to engage stakeholders in climate change adaptation. We focus on three key areas: 1) Stakeholder diversity and scales; 2) Tools, methods, and data, and 3) Practical constraints, enablers, and outcomes. Our results show that most studies focus on the regional scale (n = 32; 52%), involve mainly formal decision makers and employ vast array of different methods, tools, and data. Interestingly, most exercises adopt either predictive (what will happen) and explorative (what could happen) scenarios while only a fraction use the more normative (what should happen) scenarios that could enable more transformative thinking. Reported positive outcomes include demonstrated increases in climate change literacy and support for climate change adaptation planning. Unintended and unexpected outcomes include increased anxiety in cases where introduced timeframes go beyond an individual’s expected life span and decreased perceived necessity for undertaking adaptation at all. Key agreed factors that underpin co-production and equal representation, such as gender, age, and diversity, are not well reported, and most case studies do not use reflective processes to harness participant feedback that could enable more robust methodology development. This is a missed opportunity in developing a more fundamental understanding of how these exercises can effectively shift individual and collective mindsets and advance the inclusion of different viewpoints as a pathway for more equitable and just climate adaptation.  相似文献   
采用金属潜在生态危害系数和危害指数的评估方法,评价了大亚湾海域重金属对海洋生态系统的潜在危害。结果表明,大亚湾海域重金属潜在生态危害轻微,而养殖海区和近岸海区的重金属潜在生态危害则相对较重,大亚湾海域重金属的潜在生态危害较珠江口外浅海轻。  相似文献   
张建新  邢旭东 《岩矿测试》2007,26(4):339-342
讨论了在现时泥沙、水体、鱼类、藻类的含镉状态下洞庭湖的输入输出通量;并以其为例,在简要介绍马尔可夫链数学方法的基础上,建立了湖泊生态系统中镉迁移转化的马尔可夫链数学模型,初步评价了当洞庭湖不断有镉加入、系统到达状态稳定时各种介质中的镉总量及镉的迁移转化趋势。  相似文献   
Small-scale fisheries (SSF) in tropical seascapes (mosaics of interconnected mangroves, seagrasses and corals) are crucial for food and income. However, management is directed mostly to corals and mangroves. This research analyzes the importance of seagrasses compared to adjacent ecosystems in Chwaka Bay, Zanzibar, Tanzania. Using fish landings; the study investigated: location of fishing effort, fish production (biomass and species), and monetary benefits (aggregated value and per capita income). Seagrasses were the most visited grounds providing highest community benefits. Per capita benefits were equivalent to those from corals and mangroves. All three habitats provided income just above extreme poverty levels; however catches from seagrass appeared more stable. Seagrass are key ecosystems supporting SSF and protection and management are urgently needed. Adoption of a seascape approach considering all ecosystems underpinning SSF and the social aspects of fishing and a shift in emphasis from pure conservation to sustainable resource management would be desirable.  相似文献   
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