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介绍了所研制的DF-1型泡沫剂组分及性能;对泡沫泥浆钻进的配方进行了研究,得出的最优配方应用于现场,取得了较好的效果,并对泡沫泥浆的护壁机理进行了研究。  相似文献   
地震台站的仪器多采用集成电路、集成块等高精密电子元件,承受外部环境能力相对较弱,容易遭受雷电的侵害。在分析雷电如何危害地震台站仪器设备基础上,针对地震台站工作实际,探讨应用雷电防护技术,减轻雷电对地震观测技术系统仪器设备的损害,及对地震台站雷电防护的参考意义。  相似文献   
近岸木本植物构成的生态缓冲带作为新型的海岸软防护结构,兼具功能性和生态友好性,在沿海工程建设中愈发受到关注,如何深入开展其防护效果的机理研究是目前亟待解决的问题。本文采用数值模拟方法,在N-S方程中分别考虑树枝和树干的拖曳力影响,提出了木本植被作用下波浪沿斜坡爬升的表面波衰减的连续介质等效模型,并采用MAC法来跟踪自由曲面上的水颗粒轨迹。本文以波浪沿1/30的斜坡爬升为算例,对比讨论了有无植被作用下波浪的传播过程,并将算例结果与以往试验结果规律进行对照,验证了数值模型的有效性。最后,分别讨论了植物枝干的高度、密度、树枝倾斜角度等植被特性和波浪因素对植被消浪效果的影响,得到植被消浪的基本规律。文中的计算结果也可为实际的护岸工程和生态景观设计提供参考。  相似文献   
2018年4月在“福建省长乐海蚌资源增殖保护区”及其邻近海域布设31个站位进行底拖网调查取样,共鉴定渔获物45种,其中甲壳类21种、贝类14种、鱼类10种。西施舌(Mactra antiquata)的站位出现率为38.71%。站位的质量密度平均为975.68 kg/km2(0~23 384.53 kg/km2),个数密度平均为2.983×104个/km2(0~59.607×104个/km2)。西施舌种群在渔获物中的IRI值高达 1 556.5 \[仅次于截形白樱蛤(Psammacoma gubernaculum)],为优势种,表明西施舌在保护区生物资源组成中占有重要的地位;保护区内西施舌的站位出现率及质量密度明显高于区外,表明西施舌资源主要集中分布于保护区范围内;西施舌种群的年龄组分布较广,年龄结构较为合理。大部分西施舌均达到性成熟年龄和大小,表明资源具有可持续发展的潜力。与2006年和2012年的调查结果相比,保护区2018年西施舌资源比2012年有显著提高,分布范围亦有明显扩大,但尚未恢复到2006年的总体水平。综上可以看出,西施舌资源保护区范围总体界定合理,西施舌资源保护显见成效;“福建省长乐海蚌资源增殖保护区”范围内不同区块实行不同程度的禁捕、限捕管控,2011年以来累计放流西施舌种苗253.07万粒,对于西施舌资源恢复和养护管理是有效的举措。  相似文献   
化学生态调控对鳌山湾氮磷营养盐的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鳌山湾,是一个营养类型特殊的海湾,湾中基本无径流输入,呈“C”字形,封闭性较强,水较浅,湾内主要有筏式扇贝养殖和底播贝类养殖,沿岸有滩涂池塘养殖.根据1996年11月至1998年5月的调查结果得知,鳌山湾海域为贫营养海域[1,2].为探讨贫营养海域进行化学生态调控的可能性,利用鳌山湾的封闭性,根据其水交换规律[3],于1999年6月首次对鳌山湾进行了全湾规模较大的化学生态调控试验,旨在有效提高鳌山湾的营养水平,为今后在贫营养海域合理发展海水养殖业提供科学依据,获得了十分理想的效果.  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTION Ecological shelter construction (ESC) in the upper reaches of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River has been an important component of Development Program of West- ern China. In recent years, most of the literatures dis- cussing the meanings and goals of ESC have been fo- cused on the macro-level, and the scholars have concep- tualized it as a comprehensive strategy to promote the sustainable development of regional economy, society and environment, in which forestry's construc…  相似文献   
概述了矿业开发与生态环境的关系 ,矿业开发与生态环境一体化的原则和组织 ,国内外现状和发展趋势 ,对河南省矿业生态环境存在问题及其原因进行了综合分析 ,论述了矿业开发与生态环境一体化的准则与前景 ,提出今后工作建议。  相似文献   
In‐channel rock vane structures are widely used in stream restoration as a way to reduce stream channel erosion and create pool or riffle features. When these structures change hydraulic gradients they may affect ecological stream functions, such as hyporheic exchange flow (HEF) patterns. A study of constructed in‐channel structure controls on HEF was conducted in the third‐order Batavia Kill, New York using stream and hyporheic temperature amplitude analysis and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) hydraulic simulations. Temperature monitors were installed in the water column and channel bed at six locations around each of seven in‐channel restoration structures (three cross‐vanes and four J‐hooks) at baseflow in 2007. Elevation surveys of the structures were then used to simulate HEF using CFD. The results indicate a pattern of pronounced upwelling in the run section just below the structure, upwelling transitioning to downwelling within the pool, and pronounced downwelling in the glide out of the pool. This pattern is consistent with natural riffle pool sequences. The direction of HEF inferred from the temperature amplitude analysis agreed with the direction of flow simulated with CFD at 80% of the locations, and the few disagreements were expected due to model limitations. CFD simulation demonstrated that increasing stream flows result in changes in HEF spatial patterns and magnitude at each structure. This work illustrates how CFD simulations can guide design of in‐channel restoration structures for HEF function. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Books reviewed in this article: Aerial Photography and Remote Sensing Aerial photography and image interpretation for Resource Management . DAVID P. PAINE . Analytical Models and Techniques Spatial Processes Models and Applications A. D. CLIFF AND J. K. ORD Quantitative and Statistical Approaches to Geography: A Practical Manual JOHN A. MATTHEWS . Cartography and Maps Map Data Processing . HERBERT FREEMAN AND GOFFREDO G. PIERONI , eds. Computer-assisted Cartography: Principles and Prospects, 1982 . MARK S. MONMONIER . Cultural Navajo Architecture: Forms, History, Distributions . STEPHEN C. JETT AND VIRGINIA E . SPENCER . Rational Landscapes and Humanistic Geography . EDWARD RELPH . Economic The Structure and Control of a State Economy . W. L. L'ESPERANCE . Economic Geography . JAMES O. WHEELER AND PETER O. MULLER . The Myth of the Family Farm: Agribusiness Dominance of U.S. Agriculture . INGOLF VOCELER . Libya: The Experience of Oil . J. A. ALLEN . Geography of Public Finance, Welfare Under Fiscal Federalism and local Government Finance . ROBERT BENNETT . Environmental Management, Resources, and Systems Mountains and Man . LARRY W. PRICE . Environmental Geology . DONALD R. COATES . An Introduction to Environmental Systems . G. H. DURY . The Environment: Chinese and American Views . Edited by LAURENCE J. C. MA AND ALLEN G. NOBLE . Land Use in America . RICHARD H. JACKSON . Medical Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Medical Geography . MELINDA S. MEADE (ed.). Philosophy and Geographic Thought Birds in Egg/Eggs in Bird . GUNNAR OLSSON . PhysicaI Climatology: Selected Applications . J. E. OLIVER . Geomorphological Techniques . ANDREW GOUDIE (ed.). Political Politics, Geography and Behaviour . RICHARD MUIR AND RONAN PADDISON . The State of the World Atlas . MICHAEL KIDRON AND RONALD SECAL . Population The Population of the South . DUDLEY L. POSTON , JR . AND ROBERT H. WELLER , eds. Regional Latin America: Economic Development and Regional Differentiation . ARTHUR MORRIS . Developing the Amazon . EMILIO F. MORAN . Western Europe: A Systematic Human Geography . BRIAN W. ILBERY . Settlement Systems in Sparsely Settled Regions: The United States and Australia . RICHARD E. LONSDALEAND JOHN H. HOLMES , eds. African Perspectives: The Economic Geography of Nine African States . HARM DE BUJ AND ESMOND MARTIN , eds. Rural Nonmetropolitan America in Transition . AMOS H. HAWLEY AND SARA MILLS MAZIE , eds. Social Crime and Environment . R. NORMAN DAVIDSON . The Ghetto: Readings with Interpretations . JOE T. DARDEN , ed. Urban Urban Problems and Planning in the Developed World . MICHAEL PACIONE (ed.) Problems and Planning in Third World Cities . Edited by MICHAEL PACIONE . The City in West Europe . D. BURTENSHAW , M. BATEMAN , AND C. J. ASHWORTH .  相似文献   
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