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The carrying capacity for bivalve shellfish culture in Saldanha Bay, South Africa, was analysed through the application of the well-tested EcoWin ecological model, in order to simulate key ecosystem variables. The model was set up using: (i) oceanographic and water-quality data collected from Saldanha Bay, and (ii) culture-practice information provided by local shellfish farmers. EcoWin successfully reproduced key ecological processes, simulating an annual mean phytoplankton biomass of 7.5 µg Chl a l–1 and an annual harvested shellfish biomass of about 3 000 tonnes (t) y–1, in good agreement with reported yield. The maximum annual carrying capacity of Small Bay was estimated as 20 000 t live weight (LW) of oysters Crassostrea gigas, or alternatively 5 100 t LW of mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis, and for Big Bay as 100 000 t LW of oysters. Two production scenarios were investigated for Small Bay: a production of 4 000 t LW y–1 of mussels, and the most profitable scenario for oysters of 19 700 t LW y–1. The main conclusions of this work are: (i) in 2015–2016, both Small Bay and Big Bay were below their maximum production capacity; (ii) the current production of shellfish potentially removes 85% of the human nitrogen inputs; (iii) a maximum-production scenario in both Big Bay and Small Bay would result in phytoplankton depletion in the farmed area; (iv) increasing the production intensity in Big Bay would probably impact the existing cultures in Small Bay; and (v) the production in Small Bay could be increased, resulting in higher income for farmers.  相似文献   
塔里木河下游输水与生态恢复监测初报   总被引:24,自引:12,他引:24  
根据近三年塔里木河下游生态输水前后地下水位、水质、土壤、植被等项内容的监测资料,分析了塔里木河下游输水对地下水位、水质的影响,揭示了输水与地表生态的响应过程,探讨了地下水位与天然植被生长、恢复的相互关系,阐述了植被退化过程及相关因子,确定了维系塔河下游生态安全的最低生态需水量、最佳生态水位。  相似文献   
干旱风沙区绿洲森林覆盖率的非线性生态模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以甘肃河西走廊绿洲为例,就干旱风沙区绿洲森林覆盖率进行了研究。研究结果表明:①影响干旱风沙区绿洲森林覆盖率高低的因素,主要与最大风速(V)和主林带的有效防护距离(L)有关,有效防护距离又受主林带平均高度和有效防护系数(r,或宽度)的影响。②经反复试算,最大风速和主林带有效防护距离的比值(V/L)大小与森林覆盖率(F)高低之间存在着相一致的规律性,不同比值代表着不同主林带平均高度(i)降低最大风速20%以上所需的最佳防护效益森林覆盖率,依此建立了干旱风沙区绿洲森林覆盖率的非线性生态模型:F=V/L×100%=V/(ri×i)×100%。③用1979—1994年在乌兰布和沙漠东北缘新建防护林体系森林覆盖率的实验数据对模型的预报结果进行适合性检验,结果表明,η=5.2466<X2 0.05(5)=11.070,差异不显著,因此应用F=V/(ri×i)×100%预报干旱风沙区绿洲的森林覆盖率是可行的。  相似文献   
城市湖泊普遍面临富营养化问题,许多湖泊甚至处于超富营养状态。鉴于其在供水、气候调节、景观提升等方面的重要作用,以水质提升为目标的生态修复对于恢复湖泊生态功能、提升城市景观等具有重要意义。文章以超富营养城市湖泊——武汉南湖为例,尝试通过围隔构建、鱼类清除、水生植被重建等生态措施改善示范区水质,探究超富营养湖泊生态修复技术。于2019年8月至12月在示范区进行实验。结果表明:(1)示范区修复措施实施后,挺水植物植株高度显著增加(P<0.01),芦苇平均株高由0.7 m增加至1.2 m,香蒲的新生叶片在种植后50 d高达1.4 m,二者在种植后90 d,覆盖率均由种植时的10%上升至70%;(2)示范区内透明度由修复前的0.26 m上升至0.77 m,显著高于外湖区(0.26 m)(P<0.01);(3)示范区内浮游藻类叶绿素a(chl a)由修复前38.90 μg/L降低至3.41 μg/L,显著低于外湖区(101.91μg/L)(P<0.01);(4)示范区总氮(TN)由4.78 mg/L降低至2.60 mg/L,总磷(TP)由0.76 mg/L降低至0.08 mg/L,二者均略低于外湖区,但均不显著(P>0.05)。总体来看,经过一系列修复措施后,示范区内水生植被得到很好的恢复,水质条件得到一定的改善:透明度提升较多,chl a下降明显。氮、磷等营养水平虽然也有所降低,但与外湖区差异不大,可能是沉积物内源营养释放导致。研究表明,围隔构建、鱼类清除、水生植被重建等生态修复措施虽然可在一定程度上改善富营养湖泊水质状况,但未能有效控制内源负荷,仍需采取底质改良措施以达到降低水体营养含量的目的。相关研究结果可为城市超富营养湖泊生态修复及水质提升提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   
基于PSR模型的白龙江流域景观生态安全时空变化   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
以地貌灾害频发的甘肃白龙江流域为研究区,基于"压力-状态-响应"框架模型构建流域景观生态安全评价指标体系,探讨其时空变化过程及其特征。结果表明:1990~2010年间白龙江流域景观生态安全综合指数逐渐上升,中高安全等级以上的面积约占研究区总面积的52%。流域内低生态安全区域主要集中在舟曲-武都段白龙江两岸区域、宕昌县西北区域和迭部县北部山区,高安全区域主要集中在自然保护区、林业发展区等植被覆盖较好的区域,其分布格局与滑坡、泥石流和水土流失等地貌灾害的风险分布格局相反。  相似文献   

Equatorial rivers of East Africa exhibit unusually complex seasonal and inter-annual flow regimes, and aquatic and adjacent terrestrial organisms have adapted to cope with this flow variability. This study examined the annual flow regime over the past 40 years for three gauging stations on the Mara River in Kenya and Tanzania, which is of international importance because it is the only perennial river traversing the Mara-Serengeti ecoregion. Select environmental flow components were quantified and converted to ecologically relevant hydraulic variables. Vegetation, macroinvertebrates, and fish were collected and identified at target study sites during low and high flows. The results were compared with available knowledge of the life histories and flow sensitivities of the riverine communities to infer flow–ecology relationships. Management implications are discussed, including the need to preserve a dynamic environmental flow regime to protect ecosystems in the region. The results for the Mara may serve as a useful model for river basins of the wider equatorial East Africa region.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor M. Acreman  相似文献   

Abstract Generating pulses and then converting them into flow are two main steps of daily streamflow generation. Three pulse generation models have been proposed on the basis of Markov chains for the purpose of generating daily intermittent streamflow time series in this study. The first one is based on two two-state Markov chains, whereas the second uses a three-state Markov chain. The third model uses harmonic analysis and fits Fourier series to the three-state Markov chain. Results for a daily intermittent streamflow data series show a good performance of the proposed models.  相似文献   
陈旭阳  刘保良 《海洋通报》2012,31(3):297-301
对广西铁山港海域表层沉积物进行采集,对沉积物中重金属(Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、As、Hg)含量进行测定,并采用单因子指数法和Hakanson潜在生态风险指数法进行了评价。结果表明:六种重金属平均含量(×10-6)依次为Zn(61.1)>Pb(15.9)> Cu(13.1)>As(10.1)>Cd(0.27)>Hg(0.068),均低于国家海洋沉积物一类标准;铁山港表层沉积物重金属单因子污染程度总体较轻,属于低污染水平,污染程度排序为Cu>Zn >Hg>As>Cd>Pb;铁山港海域沉积物重金属潜在生态风险排序为Hg>Cd>As>Cu>Pb>Zn,所有站位潜在生态风险指数RI平均值为 63.11,潜在生态风险总体处于较低水平,潜在风险高值区出现在铁山港北部海域,主要受Hg的高潜在风险水平影响。  相似文献   
李萌  王传胜  张雪飞 《地理研究》2019,38(10):2447-2457
水源涵养功能重要性是生态保护红线划分工作中重要的评价指标之一。通过对以往生态系统水源涵养功能区划分的指标及其区域导向的系统梳理,在进一步明晰国土空间规划中水源涵养功能生态保护红线区域指向的基础上,按照国土空间规划关于“三区三线”自下而上试划的要求,探讨了水源涵养重要性生态保护红线划分及其评价的改进方法。选取中国典型喀斯特区域六盘水市作为研究案例区,分别用环保部2015版与2017版《生态保护红线划定技术指南》中的模型法、NPP法以及本研究提出的改进方法,对六盘水市水源涵养功能生态保护红线进行了试划。对比三种方法的划定结果可以看出,改进方法因评价数据精度的提高减少了《生态保护红线划定技术指南》方法的区域损失,提高了区域判别的精准性,可望为国土空间规划中生态保护红线的划定提供科学依据。  相似文献   
Coca is a controversial plant, existing on the boundary between legality and illegality. This study aims at providing an analytical technique for discussing the problematic of coca in Colombia. Using new theoretical propositions in human geography, a more‐than‐human approach is adopted to encounter coca holistically. The results are a narrative account of coca's social life as experienced by the researcher following its network of non‐cocaine derivatives. An analytical section invokes the Foucauldian dispositif to the drug trade and utilizes concepts of informed materials and technological zones to describe coca outside a political economy discourse. The research finds that coca's dynamic materiality complicates it as a commodity and that these conventional approaches do not fully encapsulate this complexity. By grappling with the messiness of coca's materiality, this paper reveals the multiplicity and interplay of coca's definitions, which lie at the heart of many conflicts.  相似文献   
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