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盆中丘陵区生态恢复重建的生态与经济效益亟待提高   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以紫色岩为背景的盆中丘陵区 ,是构建长江上游生态屏障的重点地区。近 10多年来 ,以林木植被恢复重建为主要内容的生态建设取得了显著成效 ,平均森林覆盖率已达到 2 2 %。但是 ,森林植被生态系统的生态与经济功能尚处于较低的水平 ,其中桤柏混交林生态系统开始出现退化的趋势 ,纯柏林面积日趋扩大 ,病虫害逐年增多。为此需应用生态学和经济学原理 ,实施农村生态经济工程建设的途径 ,把该地区生态建设推向一个新的水平。  相似文献   
西北五省(区)生态环境综合分区及其建设对策   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
本文以图像遥感解译为主 ,结合野外实际考察 ,并通过抽样验证完成。在对生态环境界定和赋予内涵的基础上 ,根据区划目的、原则和所选取的指标体系 ,从生态环境分类入手 ,经过从上向下续分和由下向上合并的反复磨合过程、专家集成模拟 ,对西北五省(区 )生态环境做了全面的综合分区研究 ,并针对所存在的生态环境问题 ,提出生态环境保护和建设的对策 ,为西北五省 (区 )实施西部大开发生态环境监测、治理、建设和规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   
通过对鄂西火烧坪地区的自然地理、地质构造、水文地质、土壤、植被及社会经济等方面的初步研究表明,在岩溶化作用十分强烈的岩溶山区,当气候、地形地貌、地质构造等条件匹配较好时,同样存在着一些极其有利于农业、林业发展的特殊生态环境。在这些地区,结合当地植物资源特点和市场需求,通过农作物类型的调整,能够在短时间内使当地摆脱贫穷的面貌。但在发展经济的同时必须特别关注当地土地资源相对缺乏、水资源时空分布不均、生态环境脆弱等不利因素,做到适度开发,稳步发展,才能从根本上实现小康目标。  相似文献   
稻谷安全种植土壤重金属限值的基于置信区间评价法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘永生  李瑞敏 《地质通报》2006,25(5):616-620
由于现有国家土壤环境质量标准在应用于浙江土壤环境质量评价的过程中过于严格,在土壤环境质量评价过程中Ⅰ类土壤过少并与实际情况不符.本文以Cd元素为例提出基于土壤-籽实生态安全响应关系模型的土地生态安全性置信区间评价法,并应用于浙江省上虞市土地生态安全评价标准值的确定.通过描述具体的计算过程得出Cd的安全界限值、基本安全界限值和危险界限值分别为324μg/kg、563μg/kg和802μg/kg.得出的3个界限值比较符合浙江省上虞市的实际情况.  相似文献   
This paper presents the detailed results and analyses on the ecological footprints and bio-capacities of the individual cities and the province as a whole for the year 2001, providing a clear picture of sustainability for the province. Results show that the ecological footprints of most cities in Liaoning exceeded their respective bio-capacities, incurring high ecological deficits. The ecological deficit of the province as a whole was 1.31 ha/cap. Those cities with resources extraction and/or primary material-making as their major industries constitute the "ecologically black band", whose ecological deficits ranged from 2.45 to 5.23 ha/cap, the highest of all cities in the province. Fossil energy consumption was the major source of footprint amounting to 1.63 ha/cap at the provincial level, taking up 67.3% of the total. For cropland, modest ecological surpluses occurred in Jinzhou, Tieling, Huludao, and Panjin while modest ecological deficits in Dalian, Benxi, Fushun, and Dandong, resulting in an overall surplus for the province. Liaoning had a certain level of surplus in fishing ground (water area), mainly distributed in the coastal cities of Dalian, Panjin, Huludao, Yingkou, Jinzhou, and Dandong. Most cities had a small ecological deficit in pasture and all had a small ecological surplus in forest. The eco-efficiency, expressed as GDP value per hectare of footprint, exhibits high variations among the cities, with the highest (Shenyang) more than 10 times the lowest (Fuxin). Cities with manufacture, high-tech, and better developed service industries had high eco-efficiency, while those with resources extraction, primary material-making, and less developed service industries had low eco-efficiency. Based on the components and geographical distribution of ecological footprint, strategic policy implications are outlined for Liaoning's development toward a sustainable future.  相似文献   
论洞庭湖区钉螺孳生环境与生态灭螺防病   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
李景保  朱翔  李敏 《湖泊科学》2000,12(2):140-146
洞庭湖区的钉螺面积广布,血吸虫病流行,是我国血吸虫病流行最严重的地区之一,分析表明,血吸虫病是湖区的一大生态环境灾害;它的中间宿主钉螺孳生环境是入湖泥沙沉积恶性循环的结果,频繁的洪溃灾害,扩散了垸内钉螺;水利工程为钉螺的传播提供了多种途径,急需采取生态灭螺防病的科学对策。  相似文献   
地理国情监测是获取国情国力信息的重要手段,是掌握自然资源、生态环境以及人类活动基本情况的综合性、基础性工作。地理国情监测的实施将为生态河南建设提供动态、实时的自然、人文要素信息,林业、水资源监测信息以及环境综合整治、环境保护以及环保基础设施信息。本文着重研究地理国情监测的技术体系、生态省建设中的地理国情监测内容体系、开展地理国情监测的措施,并结合河南省地理国情监测试点项目对生态河南建设中的地理国情监测进行系统的研究。  相似文献   
围填海对海洋水动力与生态环境的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
近10年来,中国海岸带围填海活动呈现出规模大、速度快的发展态势。围填海能带来显著的经济效益,但对海洋环境与生态的负面影响也不可忽视。针对围填海对海洋环境和生态的影响及作用机制,分别从水动力和生态系统两个方面进行了概述。围填海改变了海洋的自然几何属性(原始岸线、地形地貌、海湾面积),引起水动力环境的变化(潮汐系统和海湾水交换能力),进而影响了海湾的环境容量;围填海破坏了生物栖息地、导致生物多样性的丧失,影响到生态系统结构与功能的稳定性;水动力与生物多样性的变化可显著影响到生物地球化学过程,加速富营养化进程,恶化水质,增加生态灾害风险。目前,围填海后的生态修复策略主要有增加生物量、建设自然保护区、退陆还海3种方式;而生态补偿策略则多基于“生态系统服务功能与生境面积的大小为线性关系”,通过对其经济价值的量化后进行生态补偿与实施相关政策。国际上,生态系统服务功能的量化参数逐步纳入实际管理,并在线性关系研究的基础上,逐步纳入一些非线性的理念,使生态补偿机制更为合理化;而我国对于围填海生态效应的定量化研究及科学理论在管理政策中的实际应用仍亟待提高。整体而言,全面、准确地评估围填海对海洋环境与生态的影响离不开自然科学与社会科学的交叉与融合。  相似文献   
通过测定洋山深水港区海域2010~2013年6个航次秋、冬季沉积物中重金属含量,分析其时空差异,结果表明该海域沉积物重金属总体含量较低,空间分布较为均匀,Hg、Zn、Pb、Cd含量秋季明显高于冬季,As、Cu含量的季节性波动较小,用因子分析法研究该海域重金属来源,发现陆源工业、船舶航运排污以及有机质降解是研究海域Pb、Cd、Zn的主要来源;农业污染、码头货物装卸残留及建筑垃圾支配着Cu、As、Hg的来源。SQG-Q生态风险评价表明研究海域沉积物中重金属均存在中、低度的生态风险,秋季的生态风险高于冬季,Hg和Cu是主要生态风险因子;地累积指数法评价结果显示研究海域基本不受Hg、As、Zn、Pb的污染;Cd、Cu以轻度污染为主,部分站位属于偏中度污染,6种重金属污染程度依次为:CdCuPbZnHgAs。因子综合得分评价表明,重金属污染相对严重的站位依次为5号、4号及3号站位。但总体看来洋山深水港区附近海域沉积物中重金属污染状况属于轻度污染。  相似文献   
The mangrove crab Aratus pisonii was considered to have an amphi‐American distribution; however, a recent study revealed that the Eastern Tropical Pacific populations were genetically distinct, thus representing a new species: Aratus pacificus. These species separated by the Isthmus of Panama have diverged under different environmental conditions that may have influenced their reproductive biology. As the available information about this genus concerns almost exclusively the Caribbean species, the aim of the present study was to analyse and compare reproductive aspects of Apacificus and A. pisonii obtained from both the Pacific and Caribbean coasts of Costa Rica. Females were collected from April 2011 to April 2012, and reproductive features such as breeding season, size distribution of ovigerous females, fecundity, reproductive output, embryo volume and embryo water content were assessed. Both species produced embryos during the entire sampled period. Most females of A. pacificus carrying embryos close to hatching were found during the rainy season. Ovigerous females of A. pisonii were substantially larger and reached sexual maturity at a larger size than females of A. pacificus. Embryo production started in A. pacificus at a smaller female size than in A. pisonii. As fecundity increased with female size, the average fecundity was lower in A. pacificus. Females of A. pisonii produced larger embryos, which might be related to lower food availability: higher energy content in the embryo enhances the chances of larval survival. These data regarding reproductive features of the Pacific and Caribbean species support the conclusion to separate A. pacificus from A. pisonii.  相似文献   
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