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在经济高质量发展和区域协调发展的背景下,考虑非期望性产出(环境污染),本文利用SBM-undesirable模型测算了中国275个地级市2003–2016年的城市土地利用效率,并通过核密度估计、空间自相关分析探索了城市土地利用效率的时空演变规律。结果表明:(1)2003–2016年间,中国城市土地利用效率整体呈波动上升趋势,但仍处于较低水平,城市土地利用效率均值呈现东、西、中逐渐降低的分布格局;(2)在全国和东中西三大区域,区域差异均不断增大,全国尺度上和东部地区效率值出现了极化趋势;(3)城市土地利用效率呈现较弱的空间正相关,但空间集聚程度不断增强。高-高集聚型区域多分布在东南沿海地区,且不断向中部地区延伸;高-低极化型区域多为中西部地区的省会城市,低-高凹陷型区域零星分布于高值聚集区周边,部分在研究期内转为高值聚集区域;低-低均质型区域主要分布在中西部及东北地区。研究结果认为应加强对城市存量土地的内涵挖潜,强化区域合作机制,因地制宜制定提升土地利用效率的政策是促进城市土地集约节约利用和区域协调发展的有效路径。  相似文献   
Tidal flats, a precious resource that provides ecological services and land space for coastal zones, are facing threats from human activities and climate change. In this study, a robust decision tree for tidal flat extraction was developed to analyse spatiotemporal variations in the Bohai Rim region during 1984-2019 based on 9539 Landsat TM/OLI surface reflection images and the Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud platform. The area of tidal flats significantly fluctuated downwards from 3551.22 to 1712.36 km2 in the Bohai Rim region during 1984-2019, and 51.31% of tidal flats were distributed near the Yellow River Delta and Liaohe River Delta during 2017-2019. There occurred a drastic spatial transition of tidal flats with coastline migration towards the ocean. Low-stability tidal flats were mainly distributed in reclamation regions, deltas, and bays near the estuary during 1984-2019. The main factors of tidal flat evolution in the Bohai Rim region included the direct impact of land cover changes in reclamation regions, the continuous impact of a weakening sediment supply, and the potential impact of a deteriorating sediment storage capability. The extraction process and maps herein could provide a reference for the sustainable development and conservation of coastal resources.  相似文献   
董标  蔡锋  金保明  刘建辉  雷刚 《海洋工程》2018,36(1):128-137
海滩排水管建设对海滩环境影响较大。以厦门会展中心连岛沙坝式排水管头工程影响海滩演变为例,研究连岛沙坝式海滩排水管头对海滩地形稳定性和沉积的影响。1)通过对研究区连岛沙坝式管头附近海滩10条剖面进行分析,研究管头附近海滩滩肩宽度、滩面坡度和单宽留存沙量等剖面形态变化特征。测量数据分析表明,无管头保护滩面高程降低,滩面坡度总体变陡,滩肩蚀退严重;受管头保护滩面高程上升,坡度变缓,滩肩宽度略有减小,剖面单宽沙量留存比例大于1。2)2012-2016年多期岸线及管头边界线变化结果表明,工程施工后,排水管身始终被沙体覆盖,一年后部分管头被沙体覆盖,最终管头被覆盖率稳定在70%以上。3)会展管头附近海滩潮上带和高潮带沉积物自北向南运移,低潮带则相反;潮上带和中潮带上部沉积物从管头所在"连岛沙坝"向两侧海滩输移,而低潮带和中潮带下部输移方向相反。沉积物粒径由岸向海逐渐变粗,越靠近管头,沉积物粒径呈变细趋势。最后讨论了引起管头局部海滩地形地貌变化的主要因素。  相似文献   
An explosive extratropical cyclone(EC)over the Eastern Asian region that caused two shipwrecks is analyzed using ERA-Interim reanalysis data from the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.Analyses of the evolution of the EC reveal that the positive potential vorticity(PV)at the upper-tropospheric level displays a hook-shaped structure during the mature period of the cyclone.The PV distribution forms a vertically coherent PV structure called a PV tower.The vertical distribution of the PV can induce and strengthen cyclonic circulation from the lower-to upper-levels of troposphere,which is an important deepening mechanism of explosive cyclone.The PV tower occurs approximately ten hours prior to the development of surface occlusion in the cyclone.The evolution of surface fronts closely follows the development of the horizontal upper-tropospheric PV.This tandem development is largely attributed to the ability of the positive upper-tropospheric PV and the PV tower to induce cyclonic circulation simultaneously.The kinematic wrap-up process of cyclonic circulation also accelerates the formation of warm occlusion.A conceptual model of the distributions of positive PV and potential temperature combining the perspectives of dynamic tropopause folding,PV tower,and atmospheric stability,including westward tilting and baroclinicity,is proposed.This model can illustrate the explosive deepening mechanism of ECs.The regions of convective instability and rainfall determined by this model are consistent with those identified from the actual observation.  相似文献   
I~IOXThe Okinawa Trough is an extending back--arc basin between the East China Sea Shelf andthe Ry'Ukyu Island Arc of Japan. There are widespreadly distributing acid pumice in the troughand a little basalt just in some area of the extending center. There have been some detailed rePOrtsabout the mineralogy and petrochemical feature of the subalkali tholeiite and alkali trachyte in thetrough (Zhai and Gan, 1995; Li et al., 1997; Qin and Zhai, 1988). This paper mainly reportselectron mic…  相似文献   
腾格里沙漠西南缘地下水水化学形成特征及演化   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
以邓马营湖区为核心,对腾格里沙漠西南缘地下水数据进行水文地球化学特征分析,并运用PHREEQC2.0软件反向模拟沿运移路径地下水的补给机理及演化过程。结果显示:受水文地质条件制约,从山前洪积扇地下水的补给区深入腾格里沙漠过渡带再到邓马营湖区中深层地下水,水化学类型从HCO3-—Ca2+—Mg2+型过渡为Cl-—SO24-—Na+—Mg2+型再过渡到HCO3-—SO42-—Na+型。其影响因素基本包括:溶滤与蒸发浓缩作用、阳离子交换吸附作用、以及微弱的混合作用和地下水补给水源水化学成分控制。矿物饱和指数以及反向水文化学地球化学模拟的结果显示,由西南向东北沿水流方向各物质溶解沉淀情况复杂,除斜长石与方解石外,岩盐、石膏、白云石等浓缩沉淀显著,表明蒸发浓缩作用控制强烈。  相似文献   
We present Galaxy Evolution Explorer ( GALEX ) far-ultraviolet (FUV) and near-ultraviolet (NUV) imaging of the nearby early-type galaxy NGC 2974, along with complementary ground-based optical imaging. In the ultraviolet, the galaxy reveals a central spheroid-like component and a newly discovered complete outer ring of radius 6.2 kpc, with suggestions of another partial ring at an even larger radius. Blue FUV–NUV and UV-optical colours are observed in the centre of the galaxy and from the outer ring outwards, suggesting young stellar populations (≲1 Gyr) and recent star formation in both locations. This is supported by a simple stellar population model which assumes two bursts of star formation, allowing us to constrain the age, mass fraction and surface mass density of the young component pixel by pixel. Overall, the mass fraction of the young component appears to be just under 1 per cent (lower limit, uncorrected for dust extinction). The additional presence of a nuclear and an inner ring (radii 1.4 and 2.9 kpc, respectively), as traced by [O  iii ] emission, suggests ring formation through resonances. All three rings are consistent with a single pattern speed of  78 ± 6  km s−1 kpc−1, typical of S0 galaxies and only marginally slower than expected for a fast bar if traced by a small observed surface brightness plateau. This thus suggests that star formation and morphological evolution in NGC 2974 at the present epoch are primarily driven by a rotating asymmetry (probably a large-scale bar), despite the standard classification of NGC 2974 as an E4 elliptical.  相似文献   
谭华云  周国华 《地理学报》2022,77(4):869-887
乡村绅士化是城乡要素双向流动背景下乡村转型与振兴的新型路径。基于对广西巴马盘阳河流域乡村绅士化现象的历时性田野调查,采用行动者网络理论解析乡村绅士化演化的过程、类型与机制。研究表明:在巴马盘阳河流域乡村人类行动者与非人类行动者、“草根”行动者与机构行动者共同缔结的行动者网络的转换过程中,伴随关键行动者从“候鸟人”先锋、屯社精英向地方政府、投资开发商的更替,乡村绅士化路径从“草根”绅士化向机构绅士化演替,乡村产业从接待“候鸟人”、发展旅游转向大健康产业融合发展,乡村绅士化类型从单一的舒适移民绅士化向舒适移民、旅游和地产共构的“一地多类”绅士化演化。关键行动者更替及其功能角色转换、绅士化路径变迁和主导产业更替与融合发展、宏观乡村发展制度与地域自然人文环境共同作用于乡村绅士化的阶段演替与类型共生。行动者网络理论与方法利于呈现乡村绅士化的阶段演替脉络与共生演化特征,并揭示乡村绅士演化的一般机制与地域机制。  相似文献   
海鸥沙是珠江三角洲一个极富特色的沉积砂体。本文基于钻孔资料并结合长周期“动力-沉积-形态”模型, 从沉积学和地貌动力学角度对全新世以来海鸥沙的形成演变过程进行了探讨。海欧沙在全新世的沉积层序自下而上分别为河流相、河口湾浅海相和三角洲相。全新世海侵盛期以来, 虎门涨潮射流和东北—西南向涨落潮流是影响海鸥沙形成演变的主要动力。6000—2500a BP, 受东北—西南向涨落潮流的影响, 海鸥沙中北部地区一直处于冲刷无沉积状态, 由虎门涨潮射流带来的泥沙主要在海鸥沙南部沉积, 沉积速率约为0.67mm·a -1; 2500—1700a BP, 随着番禺平原的发育, 东北—西南向涨落潮流逐渐消弱, 海鸥沙进入一个快速沉积期, 平均沉积速率约为15mm·a -1, 沉积由两端向中间发展; 1700—600a BP, 随着沙湾水道的形成, 海鸥沙中部迅速发展, 至600a BP左右, 海鸥沙基本形成并出露水面。  相似文献   
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