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Stable oxygen isotope analysis and measurement of several dissolved cations and anions of bulk meltwater samples have provided information about the hydrochemical environment of the glacial hydrological system at Imersuaq Glacier, an outlet tongue from the Greenland ice‐sheet, West Greenland. The samples were collected at frequent intervals during the period 20–28 July 2000 in a small (<20 L s?1) englacial meltwater outlet at the glacier margin. The results document the following findings: (i) a marked diurnal variation of δ18O is related to the composition of oxygen isotope provenances, mainly near‐marginal local superimposed ice and basal up‐sheared ice further up‐glacier; (ii) a relationship is seen between all base cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+), SO42? and δ18O, indicating that solute acquisition is provided by solid–solution contact with the up‐sheared ice—as the relationship with Cl? is weak the influence of seasalt‐derived solutes is small in the area; (iii) when the melt rate is high, two diurnal maxima of δ18O values and solute concentrations are measured, and it is suggested that a snow meltwater component is responsible for the second maximum of δ18O—a short residence time leads to a delayed decrease in ion concentrations. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
京津冀及周边地区为我国北方强降水的多发区域。基于1966—2021年87个国家级气象站逐小时降水资料对比分析暖季5—9月一般性降水和短时强降水的空间分布及年际变化,并基于1980—2021年298个气象站分析日变化等特征。结果表明:京津冀及周边地区的渤海西侧平原区域存在短时强降水强度极端性显著区域。渤海西侧平原以外区域两类降水平均小时降水量、强度和降水时次百分比均呈增长趋势,但短时强降水的增幅更高,而渤海西侧平原区域趋势则均不明显。渤海西侧平原区域和渤海西侧平原以外区域的一般性降水平均小时降水量和降水时次百分比日变化幅度显著弱于短时强降水;7—9月渤海西侧平原区域降水夜发性更明显,且相比另一区域半峰持续时间多出约2 h。2005年后渤海西侧平原区域和渤海西侧平原以外区域短时强降水平均小时降水量和降水时次百分比下午时段均明显减弱,但午夜后至清晨明显增加。  相似文献   
李争辉  罗亚丽 《暴雨灾害》2021,41(2):101-110

利用1980—2017年华南地区303个国家级地面气象站逐小时降水数据、ERA-Interim再分析资料,分析华南前汛期(4—6月)降水统计特征,定义站点上短时(1—6 h)、中等时长(7—12 h)和长时(>12 h)降水事件,对比降水量、频次和强度在南海季风爆发前后的变化,以及所定义的西部内陆、东部内陆、沿海地区的异同。结果表明:(1)南海季风爆发后,研究区域平均而言,三类降水事件的降水量增多、小时降水强度增强,短时、长时降水事件发生频次增多,而中等时长降水事件发生频次有所减少。(2)从空间分布来看,南海季风爆发后,小时降水强度在整个华南地区均增强,西部内陆时长大于6 h的降水事件尤为明显;降水事件的发生频次在西部内陆和沿海地区升高,而东部内陆时长大于6 h的降水事件发生频次降低,因此,季风爆发后西部内陆和沿海地区的总降水量均显著增大,而东部内陆的总降水量变化不大。(3)西部内陆降水事件主要在夜间开始发生,持续时间越长的事件越早开始,且由西向东逐渐推迟;东部内陆短时降水事件主要在14时(北京时,下同)左右开始,季风爆发后更为明显,而时长大于6 h的降水事件的开始时间和峰值时间无明显的分布规律;沿海地区短时降水事件在季风爆发前主要于05—08时开始,季风爆发后,在海岸线约50 km以内仍然如此,而较远离海岸线的短时降水事件主要于14时开始,沿海地区长时降水事件在季风爆发前、后都倾向于在夜间开始,并在日间出现峰值。

王玉珍  杨德宏 《内陆地震》1991,5(4):362-367
1991年2月25日柯坪6.5级地震前,震中附近地区的土层地应力、金属摆倾斜仪等多项前兆观测出现异常变化,说明强震发生前近场灵敏度较低的简陋仪器也能观测到明显的前兆反应。分析、认识这些异常对地震短临预报的决策是有益的。  相似文献   
 A reasonable warmer winter index (IWWI) in the framework of the three equiprobability categories (i.e. warmer, normal and colder categories) is proposed based on the winter temperature data observed at 565 stations in China during 1956-2005, where IWWI is defined as the ratio of the station number of warmer category over the total number of stations. The results suggest that the trend of IWWI was consistent with that of the winter temperature on decadal time scale, and their rates of change were 10%/10 a and 0.4 ℃/10 a, respectively. It is found that only 13 warmer winter events in total were detected by IWWI over the past 50 years, and 85% of them occurred after 1986.  相似文献   
董淑华  姜雪  邢贞相  张玉国 《水文》2015,35(3):74-77
黑龙江流域地跨中、俄、蒙三国,沿岸地区洪水灾害频繁,在一定程度上制约了当地国民经济的发展。因此,有必要对流域的洪峰水位变化特征进行分析,为流域水资源管理提供可靠依据。结合SPSS对相邻两站的洪峰水位进行相关分析,相邻两水位站的相关系数均较大,成极显著相关,且有非常显著的统计学意义。经回归分析得出相邻两站间洪峰水位均成线性关系,且不包含常数项。降水量对洪峰水位影响分析表明,最大洪峰雨量的影响最为显著,其次是汛期雨量,相关关系最不显著的是年降水量。  相似文献   
1961 - 2017年中国东北地区降雪时空演变特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用东北地区162个气象台站逐日降水量和天气现象数据, 采用统计分析方法, 对近57年(1961 - 2017年)降雪的气候特征和时空演变规律进行了分析。结果表明: 降雪量和降雪日数最多出现在12月, 小雪和中雪最多出现在11月或12月, 大雪和暴雪在冬末春初出现概率最高。降雪分布为山地大于平原, 平原地区自北向南、 自东向西减少, 降雪高值区主要位于大兴安岭北部、 小兴安岭和长白山区, 降雪强度中心位于长白山区和辽宁中部平原地区。年、 秋季、 冬季、 春季降雪量占同期降水量比例分别为4.7%、 7.0%、 84.4%和7.6%; 辽宁省西部山区和南部大连地区日最大降雪量占年总降雪量比例最高, 最长连续降雪日数在2 d以下, 降雪较高纬度地区更为集中。近57年降雪量和降雪强度分别以1.93 mm?(10a)-1和0.11 mm?d-1?(10a)-1的速率显著增加, 降雪日数以2.08 d?(10a)-1速率显著减少; 降雪量增加主要表现为各等级降雪量的增加, 降雪日数减少主要是微量和小雪日数的减少, 降雪强度增加主要为大雪和暴雪降雪强度的增加。年、 秋季和冬季降雪量占同期降水量比例平均每10年增加0.36%、 0.48%和0.45%, 春季以0.11%?(10a)-1的速率减少。中雪、 大雪和暴雪对降雪贡献率均呈增加趋势, 小雪降雪量和微量降雪日数贡献率减少; 1987年降雪量和降雪日数突变后, 微量降雪日数和暴雪日数、 小雪降雪量贡献率改变显著。就区域平均而言, 2001 - 2017年的降雪量较1961 - 1980年增加了27.8%, 降雪日数减少了22.4%。  相似文献   
One of the fundamental questions concerning the nature and prediction of the oceanic states in the equatorial eastern Pacific is how the turnabout from a cold water state (La Nina) to a warm water state (El Nino) takes place, and vice versa. Recent studies show that this turnabout is directly linked to the interannual thermocline variations in the tropical Pacific Ocean basin. An index, as an indicator and precursor to describe interannual thermocline variations and the turnabout of oceanic states in our previous paper (Qian and Hu, 2005), is also used in this study. The index, which shows the maximum subsurface temperature anomaly (MSTA), is derived from the monthly 21-year (1980-2000) expendable XBT dataset in the present study. Results show that the MSTA can be used as a precursor for the occurrences of El Nino (or La Nina) events. The subsequent analyses of the MSTA propagations in the tropical Pacific suggest a one-year potential predictability for El Nino and La Nina events by identifying ocean temperature anomalies in the thermocline of the western Pacific Ocean. It also suggests that a closed route cycle with the strongest signal propagation is identified only in the tropical North Pacific Ocean. A positive (or negative) MSTA signal may travel from the western equatorial Pacific to the eastern equatorial Pacific with the strongest signal along the equator. This signal turns northward along the tropical eastern boundary of the basin and then moves westward along the north side of off-equator around 16°N. Finally, the signal returns toward the equator along the western boundary of the basin. The turnabout time from an El Nino event to a La Nina event in the eastern equatorial Pacific depends critically on the speed of the signal traveling along the closed route, and it usually needs about 4 years. This finding may help to predict the occurrence of the El Nino or La Nina event at least one year in advance.  相似文献   
Four similar sponges of different colors, all unknown to science, were collected in submarine caves of New Caledonia. We aimed at determining whether the four chromotypes represented different species or phenotypic variations of a unique new species. We used an integrative taxonomic approach combining morphologic, molecular and metabolomic analyses. The main traits that define these specimens are a skeleton made of monolophose, trilophose and tetralophose calthrops only, high chemical diversity and a high abundance and diversity of prokaryotic symbionts. The symbiotic community includes two unique prokaryote morphotypes, which are described for the first time in Homoscleromorpha, and appeared to be vertically transmitted. Although several features slightly differ among chromotypes, the most parsimonious conclusion was to propose a single new species Plakina kanaky sp. nov. Our phylogenetic analysis indicated the paraphyly of the Plakina genus, with P. kanaky sp. nov. belonging to a clade that includes Plakina jani and Plakina trilopha. The present work demonstrates that integrative taxonomy should be used in order to revise the entire Plakinidae family and especially the non‐monophyletic genus Plakina.  相似文献   
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