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荣城  贾艳红 《地理信息世界》2019,26(2):100-103,109
区域经济差异一直是国内外研究的热点,本文以贵州省9个市州为研究单位,选取10个经济发展指标,运用全局主成分分析,结合GIS技术,测度了贵州省9个市州域2006~2016年10年来经济差异的时空演变。结果表明:贵州省各市州区域经济内部差异明显,经济增长存在较强空间关联性,上升区与下降区均集中分布;各项指标数值相对比较大的地区,最终得分不一定高。  相似文献   
Change detection with remotely sensed imagery plays an important role in land cover mapping, process analysis and dynamic information services. Euclidean distance, correlation and other mathematic metrics between spectral curves have been used to calculate change magnitude in most change detection methods. However, many pseudo changes would also be detected because of inter-class spectral variance, which remains a significant challenge for operational remote sensing applications. In general, different land cover types have their own spectral curves characterized by typical spectral values and shapes. These spectral values are widely used for designing change detection algorithms. However, the shape of spectral curves has not yet been fully considered. This paper proposes to use spectral gradient difference (SGD) to quantitatively describe the spectral shapes and the differences in shape between two spectra. Change magnitude calculated in the new spectral gradient space is used to detect the change/no-change areas. Then, a chain model is employed to represent the SGD pattern both qualitatively and quantitatively. Finally, the land cover change types are determined by pattern matching with the knowledgebase of reference SGD patterns. The effectiveness of this SGD-based change detection approach was verified by a simulation experiment and a case study of Landsat data. The results indicated that the SGD-based approach was superior to the traditional methods.  相似文献   
陈鹏  张青  李倩 《干旱区地理》2015,38(4):770-778
随着遥感技术的飞速发展,利用遥感数据来进行水资源的监测、调查和分析已经成为一种必然的趋势。通过选取新疆博湖县境内中国最大的内陆淡水湖-博斯腾湖为研究区,FY3A/MERSI影像为数据源,利用监督分类法从Landsat-ETM+影像提取水体,提取结果作为FY3A/MERSI影像水体提取精度验证的底图。采用单波段阈值法、基于阈值的多波段谱间关系法和基于阈值的水体指数法从FY3A/MERSI影像提取研究区水体,基于混淆矩阵法,提取结果分别与Landsat-ETM+影像底图作对比分析,最终得出结论,基于阈值的水体指数法中的归一化差异水体指数法提取研究区水体的总体精度最高,为96.37%,Khat为0.915。  相似文献   
基于一维地下水渗透方程详细推导其有限差分解算过程,引入不同于显式差分的隐式差分和中心差分格式,对比分析不同差分格式对地下水模拟结果及其相应地下水重力效应的影响,并对其中的层间参数取值和非线性方程的线性化问题进行探讨。结果表明,在日本Isawa扇形地区超导台站,不同层间参数加权公式能够引起最大约0.15 μGal的重力效应差异,影响在1.9%以内;不同差分格式和线性化方法组合形式能够引起最大约0.12 μGal的重力效应差异,影响在1.5%以内。  相似文献   
Regional landscape-ecological studies have acquired a special topicality as they assure efficient environmental conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. A landscape-ecological analysis was performed based on four basic integral indices: (1) ecological potential, (2) ecological stability, (3) ecological load and (4) ecological tension. The values of basic integral indices of the landscape-ecological analysis were calculated as sums of respective factors expressed in scores and multiplied by their significance reflecting coefficients. In agreement with that rule, a formula was derived of calculation of basic indices of landscape-ecological analysis. Subsequently, those factors were integrated by ‘Model Builder’ in ArcGIS applying ‘Weighted Sum’ functions. Finally, through geographic information systems modelling, maps of basic indices of landscape-ecological analysis were produced. In conclusion – ecological potential, stability, load and tension are best indicators for the assessment of the landscape-ecological situation of the studied territory.  相似文献   
Aimed at promoting regional coalitions and expanding the approach to economic links, this paper puts forward some new concepts such as link intensity and receiving coefficient, expounds the indexes of quantitative analysis of economic links and establishes the quantitative-analysis model of economic links. With help of the model, this paper calculates the values of the link intensities between Su-Xi-Chang (Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou) region and Shanghai, and analyzes the regional difference of the economic links.  相似文献   
用直接反应法制备了C/CuCl2 从 6 .3- 88.2的五种不同的CuCl2 -石墨层间化合物 .X射线粉末衍射分析指出它们分别为一阶、一二混阶、二阶和高阶 (大于二阶 )石墨层间化合物 ,Ic(°A)分别为 9.4 6、9.4 6 /11.6 3、12 .0 99、15.74、18.394 °A。通过循环伏安法对一阶、一二混阶层间化合物的电化学性能进行了研究 ,并测试了作为锂电池阴极材料的电池充放电循环性能  相似文献   
旅游文化产业实力差异分析及空间结构构建有助于提升区域旅游文化产业实力,对引导区域旅游文化产业协调发展具有重要意义。以陕西省10个地级市2001-2012年旅游文化产业相关数据为样本,选取26个指标构建旅游文化产业实力综合评价指标体系,利用空间分析和数理统计分析方法对2001-2012年陕西省旅游文化产业实力区域差异进行了分析。结果表明:2001- 2012年,陕西省旅游文化产业实力总体上升趋势明显,绝对差异呈现扩大趋势,相对差异变化不显著;空间分析表明陕西省旅游文化产业实力存在较大空间差异,西安占据首位;总体呈现东北-西南向空间分布格局,实力中心向东北发生偏移;泰尔指数分析表明陕北、关中和陕南三大地带差异呈现不同特点,但总差异有缩小趋势。在此基础上结合聚类分析探讨陕西省旅游文化产业空间结构演化特征,构建了“西安为发展极核;咸阳和渭南为次级核心城市;其余七个城市为节点;渭南-宝鸡、西安-延安为一级发展轴线,西安-汉中、延安-榆林为二级发展轴线,西安-商洛、西安-安康为三级发展轴线;陕北红色旅游文化产业区、关中历史旅游文化产业区和陕南生态旅游文化产业区”的“一核两心多节点三轴三区”旅游文化产业空间结构。  相似文献   
次固结沉降对压缩时间曲线的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
提出了一种新的考虑次固结影响的一维固结方程,并用于计算粘土的压缩时间关系曲线。通过试验结果和计算分析验证了该方程的合理性。为了考察不同最大排水距离和加载时间间隔对固结过程的影响,对重塑正常固结粘土进行了一系列固结试验,研究了次固结对固结系数和压缩量的影响;将试验结果与解析方法的预测结果进行了比较。可为软土路基和填土路基的沉降问题提供设计参考。  相似文献   
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