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The cross-correlation function was used in conjunction with the daily values of the aerosol index (AI) from the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) to establish and qualify a source-receptor relationship between dust over the Gobi desert and the West Coast of the United States.An objective method that can be used to determine the trajectory of dust transport and the transportation time at different locations along the trajectory across the Pacific are presented in this report.The spring season was analyzed (March to May),and the results showed that dust reaches the western United States in approximately five to six days.Although dust transport from the Gobi desert was demonstrated in the present study,the proposed cross-correlation technique can be applied to other regions and can be used to obtain useful insights on relationships between major dust sources and downwind receptor locations utilizing remotely sensed dust estimates.  相似文献   
土壤水热条件对祁连山荒漠草原土壤CO2通量的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
采用美国Li-COR公司生产的LI-6400-09土壤呼吸室和LI-6400便携式光合作用测量系统,在2004年生长季节对祁连山荒漠草原土壤CO2通量与温度和土壤水分的关系进行了连续观测研究。结果显示,基于室内试验数据,土壤CO2通量与土壤温度及土壤含水量的关系都可以用曲线方程很好地模拟。通过野外对祁连山荒漠草原土壤CO2通量、土壤温度、土壤含水量和降水等因子的观测发现,生长季节土壤CO2通量的日平均值介于1.94~9.32μmol.m-2.s-1。土壤CO2通量7~8月份达到最大值,5月与9月份次之,整个生长过程总的变化趋势呈单峰曲线形式。在5~11月份7个月的时间里,祁连山荒漠草原CO2释放量大约为1.01×108μmol.m-2。此外,加水试验也表明在干旱季节土壤水分对土壤CO2通量整体变化的重要性。  相似文献   
董瑞杰  董治宝 《中国沙漠》2014,34(3):911-918
跨区域沙漠旅游已成为沙漠旅游研究的新课题。本文以宁夏、内蒙古、陕西、甘肃跨区域沙漠旅游合作开发为研究对象,在剖析了4省(区)毗邻地区沙漠旅游资源总体特征、沙漠旅游开发现状及面临问题的基础上,进行了跨区域合作开发的可行性分析。认为跨区域合作开发可行性的理论依据是劳动地域分工理论和区域经济联系理论,现实分析是良好的合作基础、区位和交通优势突出、旅游资源互补性较强、沙漠旅游资源集聚程度很高。最后提出4省(区)跨区域沙漠旅游合作开发措施及旅游线路设计,并指出跨区域沙漠旅游合作开发实施中需要解决的一些问题。  相似文献   
盐胁迫对爪哇伪枝藻(Scytonema javanicum)生理生化特性的影响   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:14  
研究了盐胁迫对荒漠生物结皮中的先锋藻类———S.javanicum的生理生化特性的影响。S.javanicum对盐胁迫很敏感,在较低盐浓度时光合作用活性已很低;色素分析表明,盐胁迫对类胡萝卜素的吸收值影响较大,对Scytonemin色素则较小。从对数生长期开始,其胞外总糖、胞外聚合物(Extracellularpolymericsubstance,EPS)和蛋白质浓度增高,并在稳定期和衰亡期达到最大。随盐浓度升高,盐胁迫显著抑制其生长,生物量产量下降,但单位生物量(μgChla)胞外聚合物各组份的产量增加,其中蛋白质的含量增加更显著。胞内还原性糖含量随盐浓度升高而升高,并在0.1mol·L-1时达最大;脯氨酸含量则呈V形变化。盐胁迫下胞外聚合物、胞内蔗糖、水溶性糖和还原性糖的大量积累,改变了胞内外物质浓度,说明糖类通过改变其代谢方式,在渗透调节上起着重要的作用。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地是亚洲大陆腹地独特的巨型地质地貌单元,是研究新生代地球系统的天然实验室。新生代以来,它经历 了古近纪海湾、新近纪湖泊-三角洲平原、河流-湖泊-沙漠、沙漠-河流的地质演化过程,古地理格局变化的主要因素 是远程碰撞造山作用,造成盆地的封闭、气候干旱。古近纪以来,海湾盆地西低东高,构造挤压造成周缘山脉隆升和盆地 逐渐封闭,这是盆地演化最主要的动力因素。新近纪南高北低,随着青藏高原隆升,周围山脉持续隆升,早先形成的河湖 等地质地貌单元不断被周边山脉所封闭,形成塔里木盆地,发育大湖泊。第四纪以来,盆地西高东低,经历了最快速的地 球系统演化,形成中国较大的内流水系以及最大沙漠。内、外动力的耦合作用及其相互作用,控制了塔里木盆地新生代地 球系统演化,塔里木盆地周缘新构造活跃,在巨型盆地内发育了河流、湖泊、沙漠、戈壁、雅丹、干盐湖等多种第四纪的 地貌类型。不同地质因素时空上相互作用,塑造着巨型盆地地球系统演化,塔里木盆地展示了极干旱地区地球系统第四纪 快速的演化过程。  相似文献   
张峰  付旭东 《地质论评》2016,62(1):73-82
沙漠与黄土的物源联系是黄土研究关注的问题之一。石英氧同位素可示踪物源,粒度被用以分析沉积环境,但在沙漠物源研究中将二者结合应用的报道尚不多。本文测定了塔克拉玛干沙漠沙丘沙和沙丘剖面中河湖相沉积物的粒度及不同粒级的石英氧同位素,结果显示:1沙丘沙以极细砂和细砂为主,粉砂和黏土含量很低;河湖相沉积物以粉砂和黏土为主,砂含量低于5%。2各粒级石英δ~(18)OSMOW值介于13.8‰~19.7‰,其中沙丘沙为13.8‰~19.7‰,河湖相沉积物为15.6‰~17.6‰;沙丘沙石英δ~(18)O值随粒级增大未呈现减小趋势,同一粒级石英的δ~(18)O值存在一定变异。3经比较,塔克拉玛干沙漠砂和粉砂粒级的石英δ~(18)O值均高于中国其他沙漠,且20μm的石英δ~(18)O值与黄土高原的马兰黄土、洛川黄土—古土壤序列20μm的石英δ~(18)O值并无显著性差异。  相似文献   
中亚地区现代表土磁学特征及其古环境意义*   总被引:9,自引:12,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
在中国西北地区主要沙漠、绿洲和戈壁及蒙古国南部戈壁等亚洲中部粉尘源区采集了表土(包括沙漠和土壤)样品,系统分析了样品的磁学性质(包括磁化率、无磁滞磁化率、等温剩磁、磁滞回线和热磁曲线)。结果表明,中亚地区表土样品中主要磁性矿物是铁磁矿,含有赤铁矿和磁赤铁矿,并伴有少量顺磁性矿物;磁性矿物粒度主要是准单畴(PSD)和多畴(MD),超顺磁性颗粒含量较低,接近于中国西部黄土地层含量。中亚地区表土磁性矿物含量总体都较低,磁性矿物含量在空间上与降雨量成正比。研究结果指示西部地区(准噶尔盆地和南部塔里木盆地)表土样品较北部地区(鄂尔多斯高原、阿拉善高原以及蒙古高原)表土样品,其粗颗粒磁性矿物含量高,而细颗粒磁性矿物含量低。本研究结果为黄土地层古土壤磁性增强源自成土过程提供了最直接的证据。  相似文献   
Eolian sand dune deposits of the Upper Cretaceous Djadokhta Formation at Tugrikiin Shiree, southern Mongolia, yield not only dinosaur skeletal remains but also numerous trace fossils produced by invertebrates. This paper describes the trace fossil Entradichnus meniscus, a long unlined and unbranched trail that is filled with meniscate laminae and occurs characteristically in positive epirelief. The trail is straight to gently meandering, parallel to the foreset laminae of the eolian dunes, and exhibits a significant preferred orientation parallel to the depositional dip of the cross‐stratification laminae. In addition, almost all the crescentic internal laminae of the trail show concave down‐dips. These features indicate that the trails were produced beneath the slipface of eolian dunes by the downward burrowing of the trace‐makers. This occurrence mode of E. meniscus of the Mongolian Cretaceous is very similar to that described from the Jurassic eolian dune deposits in North America. Hence, the downward burrowing of the E. meniscus animal might be a common feature in arid eolian dune deposits at least during the Jurassic and Cretaceous, and possibly reflecting a behavioral response to the morphology of large sand dunes under an arid climate.  相似文献   
沙尘通过改变近地表气温和太阳总辐射对气候变化产生影响.根据巴丹吉林沙漠腹地小型气象站所观测到的风速、气温和总辐射数据,分析了沙尘事件对近地表气温和太阳总辐射的影响.结果表明:(1)沙漠腹地的沙尘事件多发生在春季,具有平均风速低、持续时间短的特点.平均风速主要集中在6.0~6.5 m/s,持续时间多在1~2 h.(2)沙...  相似文献   
For most of the year, a dry‐bed desert wash is void of water flow. Intensive rain events, however, could trigger significant flash floods that bring about highly complicated hydrodynamics and morphodynamics processes within a desert stream. We present a fully coupled three‐phase flow model of air, water, and sediment to simulate numerically the propagation of a flash flood in a field‐scale fluvial desert stream, the so‐called Tex Wash located in the Mojave Desert, California, United States. The turbulent flow of the flash flood is computed using the three‐dimensional unsteady Reynolds‐averaged Navier–Stokes equations closed with the shear stress transport k ? ω model. The free surface of the flash flood at the interface of air and water phases is computed with the level‐set method, which enables instantaneous tracking of the water surface as the flash flood propagates over the dry bed of the desert stream. The evolution of the desert fluvial stream's morphology, due to the action of the propagating flash flood on the mobile bed, is calculated using a Eulerian morphodynamics model based on the curvilinear immersed boundary method. The capabilities of the proposed numerical framework are demonstrated by applying it to simulate a flash flood event in a 0.65‐km ‐long reach of the Tex Wash, the intricate channel morphology of which is obtained using light imaging detection and ranging technology. The simulated region of the stream includes a number of bridge foundations. The simulation results of the model for the flash flood event revealed the formation of a highly complex flow field and scour patterns within the stream. Moreover, our simulation results showed that most scour processes take place during the steady phase of the flash flood, that is, after the flash flood fills the stream. The transient phase of the flash flood is rather short and contributes to a very limited amount of erosion within the desert stream.  相似文献   
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