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Floating and grounded peat plateaus were studied in fens in the Yukon Territory (Canada). The peat deposit may be over 4 m thick and consists of a lower bed of aquatic peat overlain by humic fen peat, mesic fen peat and woody peat. Permafrost in the grounded peat plateaus is older than the 1200 year old White River Ash, whereas permafrost in the floating peat plateau is younger.Peat accumulation rates since 1200 years B.P. were greater in the fens (85–100 cm) than on the surface of the peat plateaus (25–55 cm). Where the peat plateau is free-floating, it will persist until the climate changes, causing the icy core to thaw. Where the peat plateau is frozen to the mineral substrate, it slowly drowns since the fen peat accumulates faster than the woody peat. This drowning results in degradation of the landform independently of the climate. Only degradation of floating peat plateaus can be used to identify climatic changes.This publication is the first paper in a series of papers presented at the session on Past Climatic Change and the Development of Peatlands at the ASLO and SWS Meetings in Edmonton, Canada, May 30–June 3, 1993. Dr. P. Kuhry and Dr S. C. Zoltai are serving as Guest Editors.  相似文献   
非传统稳定同位素(Fe-Cu-Zn-Mo)理论与数据相结合提高了科研工作者对地质体系氧化还原过程的理解。本文对这一相对较新的领域进行了综述,包括与氧化还原过程相关的同位素分馏理论和实验约束、时空尺度下的氧逸度以及同位素示踪氧化还原过程。稳定同位素理论预测,Fe-Cu-Zn-Mo同位素应该对氧化还原状态的变化能够做出响应。结果表明,Fe同位素作为岩浆过程、表生过程、俯冲带流体性质"氧逸度计"应用前景广阔;Cu同位素在岩浆、热液、陆地系统可以很好地示踪氧化还原过程;Zn同位素由于络合过程分馏已经被用在许多不同环境中作为含硫/碳流体迁移的敏感示踪剂;Mo同位素作为古氧逸度计可有效重建古海洋-大气氧化还原状态。  相似文献   
Organic biomarker and nannofossil assemblages are used in combination with sedimentary petrology to identify the role of diagenesis for the formation of a rhythmic calcareous succession. A record from the Early Pliocene of the Maldives (Ocean Drilling Program, ODP Leg 115) is presented containing precession and eccentricity cycles expressed as variable aragonite content. Additional sub‐Milankovitch cycles are caused by rhythmic precipitation of calcite cement in the lower part of the interval. Comparison with palaeo‐productivity indicators (nannofossils, chlorin, total organic carbon) suggests that cementation occurs preferentially in intervals characterized by increasing or decreasing productivity. The coupled variability in productivity and carbonate diagenesis is attributed to the effect of organic matter degradation in the sediment. The observed combination of primary and diagenetic factors hampers the interpretation of the cyclicity on Milankovitch and sub‐Milankovitch scales. Diagenetically stable proxies for palaeo‐productivity, such as nannofossil assemblage data, were used to distinguish between palaeoclimate and diagenetic influences.  相似文献   
运用高分辨率层序地层学原理和方法,通过对钻井和地震资料的综合分析,在二连盆地吉尔嘎朗图凹陷下白垩统中识别出1个超长期基准面旋回(二级层序)SSC1和5个长期基准面旋回(三级层序):LSC1,LSC2,LSC3,LSC4,LSC5,分析了各旋回的发育特征。识别出五种类型的沉积体系:滨浅湖近岸水下扇、较深水湖浊积扇、滨浅湖扇三角洲、滨浅湖辫状河三角洲和河流沉积体系,并在等时地层格架内分析了各基准面旋回的沉积体系构成和储层砂体的发育情况。综合分析生、诸、盖条件后认为,在垂向上,LSC3旋回为本区最有利的储集层段,在平面上,本区的油气勘探应主要寻找宝饶构造带辫状河三角洲前缘砂体,主要储层砂体类型为前缘分流水道砂和前缘席状砂。  相似文献   
以大量勘探钻孔资料为基础,对晋城矿区西区9#煤层赋存规律、成煤古地理环境及其演化史进行了分析与研究,阐述了不同的沉积类型对煤层厚度的控制作用.为该区今后的地质勘探和煤矿开采提供了依据.  相似文献   
青藏高原土壤水热分布特征及冻融过程在季节转换中的作用   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
利用GAME-Tibet期间所取得的高分辩率土壤温度和含水量资料,对青藏高原(主要是藏北高原)土壤水热分布特征及冻融过程在季节转换中的作用进行了分析。指出藏北高原4cm学深处土壤在10月份开始冻结,次年4-5月份开始消融,冻结持续时间长达5-7个月。冻结过程有利于土壤维持其水分,因此,在刚刚开始消融时土壤含水量仍然很高。从而为夏季风爆发前土壤通过蒸发向大气提供水分打下了基础。指出土壤冻融过程可能在高原季节转换中起着重要作用。  相似文献   
Sediment transport processes in the Kärkevagge are investigated concerning their spatial and temporal characteristics due to long–term monitoring. Within this study remote sensing techniques and GIS modelling in connection with geomorphic mapping are applied for identification and characterization of geomorphic process units. Relationships between geomorphometric parameters and slope processes like solifluction, talus creep and rockfall have been analysed. Multitemporal Landsat–TM5 scenes are used as source for landcover characteristics (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) after preprocessing involving orthorectification and topographic normalization in order to remove possible terrain–induced effects. Additionally, a digital elevation model with a resolution of 20 m for the Kärkevagge catchment is developed and parameters like slope gradient, slope aspect and profile curvature are extracted as input for the analysis of the sediment transport system. The combination of landcover information, geomorphometrical and topological features allows the definition of areas for single process activities. They show specific sediment displacement characteristics depending on material conditions, topological and geometrical features. Geomorphic process units, which show a homogenous composition, are extracted from these available layers.  相似文献   
Pore‐ice sublimation is a prerequisite for aeolian activity in cold environments where surface sediments hold significant amounts of frozen water. Few quantitative studies have defined the rate of grain release from cemented surfaces by pore‐ice sublimation. In 1996–1997, controlled field experiments at Presqu'ile Beach, Ontario, were implemented to measure sediment release from frozen surfaces. The release rates were compared to the local wind regime, ambient temperature and humidity. In additional field experiments, the effect of sediment water content on grain release by sublimation was examined. From the experimental results, an equation which predicts grain release based on local wind speed, ground temperature, humidity, and surface water content is proposed. Predicted release rates show reasonable agreement with natural deflation measured on the beach at Presqu'ile Provincial Park.  相似文献   
Samples of dune sands, surveys of the morphology and field measurements of wind velocity and direction of a simple linear dune in Taklimakan Sand Sea show that the airflow and sand flux vary with the change of wind direction on the dune surface. Decrease of the airflow stress on the lee flank does not result in much decrease of the sand flux because of the low threshold shear velocities and the airflow conditions. There are no significant relations between the sand flux on the lee flank and the angle of incidence of the airflow. The low threshold shear velocities and the maintenance of the sand flux at the lee flank are the main mechanisms keeping the linear shape of the dunes. Measurements of the sand flux shows that it reaches a maximum on the crest of the dune. The grain size of the transported sands has some differences compared to that of the dune surface. The sands transported are finer than that on the dune surface, but better sorted under the influence of the medium to low wind activity. The field experiment results exhibit that it is possible for the dunes to be shaped as linear dunes during the processes of accumulation and elongation.  相似文献   
Riverbanks along the Arno River have been investigated with the aims of de?ning the main mechanisms of failure and retreat, their spatial distribution, and their causes. Geomorphological aspects were investigated by a reconnaissance of riverbank processes, for a number (26) of representative sites. Laboratory and in situ tests were then performed on a selected number of riverbanks (15). Based on the material characteristics, six main typologies of riverbanks have been de?ned, with homogeneous ?ne‐grained and composite banks representing the most frequent types. Slab‐type failures are the most frequent mechanism observed on ?ne‐grained banks, while cantilever failures prevail on composite banks. The role of river stage and related pore water pressure distributions in triggering the main observed mechanisms of failure has been investigated using two different types of stability analysis. The ?rst was conducted for 15 riverbanks, using the limit equilibrium method and considering simpli?ed hypotheses for pore water pressure distribution (annulment of negative pore pressures in the portion of the bank between low water stage and peak stage). Stability conditions and predicted mechanisms of failure are shown to be in reasonably good agreement with ?eld observations. Three riverbanks, representative of the main alluvial reaches of the river, were then selected for a more detailed bank stability analysis, consisting of: (a) de?nition of characteristic hydrographs of the reach with different return periods; (b) modelling of saturated and unsaturated ?ow using ?nite element seepage analysis; and (c) stability analysis with the limit equilibrium method, by adopting pore water pressure values derived from the seepage analysis. The results are compared to those obtained from the previous simpli?ed analysis, and are used to investigate the different responses, in terms of stability, to different hydrological and riverbank conditions. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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