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We propose a new runoff model including an outflow process that was applied to two adjacent basins (CL, TL) located in Lambir Hills National Park in north‐central Sarawak, Malaysia. Rainfall, runoff, topography, and soil layer thickness were observed. About 19% of annual runoff was observed in the CL basin (21.97 ha), whereas about 46% was observed in the TL basin (23.25 ha). It was inferred that the CL basin has an outflow because of low base flow, small runoff peak, and excessive water loss. By incorporating the outflow process into the HYdrological CYcle MODEL, good agreement between the data generated by the model and that observed was shown, with the exception of the data from the rainless period. Then, the fitting parameters for each basin were exchanged, except for the outflow parameter, and the characteristics of each basin were compared by calculating virtual runoff. As a result, the low base flow of the CL basin was estimated by the movement of the rainwater that escaped from the basin as deep percolation or lateral flow (11% of rainfall). The potential of the CL basin for mitigating flood and drought appeared to be higher than that of the TL basin. This is consistent with the topographic characteristics of the CL basin, which has a gentler slope than the TL basin. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
There have been significant recent advances in understanding the ecohydrology of deep soil. However, the links between root development and water usage in the deep critical zone remains poorly understood. To clarify the interaction between water use and root development in deep soil, we investigated soil water and root profiles beyond maximum rooting depth in five apple orchards planted on farmland with stand ages of 8, 11, 15, 18, and 22 years in a subhumid region on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Apple trees rooted progressively deeper for water with increasing stand age and reached 23.2 ± 0.8 m for the 22‐year‐old trees. Soil water deficit in deep soil increased with tree age and was 1,530 ± 43 mm for a stand age of 22 years. Measured root deepening rate was far great than the reported pore water velocity, which demonstrated that trees are mining resident old water. The deficits are not replenished during the life‐span of the orchard, showing a one‐way mining of the critical zone water. The one‐way root water mining may have changed the fine root profile from an exponential pattern in the 8‐year‐old orchard to a relative uniform distribution in older orchards. Our findings enhance our understanding of water‐root interaction in deep soil and reveal the unintended consequences of critical zone dewatering during the lifespan of apple trees.  相似文献   
深层水平位移监测(即测斜)能直接反映土体或支护结构的变形特征,是高风险建筑基坑工程安全的重要保证。本文对测斜技术原理进行了阐述,并根据工程实践经验对测斜监测的作业要点进行了探讨与总结。  相似文献   
Three‐dimensional seismic data were used to infer how bottom currents control unidirectional channel migration. Bottom currents flowing towards the steep bank would deflect the upper part of sediment gravity flows at an orientation of 1° to 11° to the steep bank, yielding a helical flow circulation consisting of a faster near‐surface flow towards the steep bank and a slower basal return flow towards the gentle bank. This helical flow model is evidenced by the occurrence of bigger, muddier (suggested by low‐amplitude seismic reflections) lateral accretion deposits and gentle channel wall with downlap terminations on the gentle bank and by smaller, sandier (indicated by high‐amplitude seismic reflectors) channel fills and steep channel walls with truncation terminations on the steep bank. This helical flow circulation promotes asymmetrical depositional patterns with dipping accretion sets restricted to the gentle bank, which restricts the development of sinuosity and yields unidirectional channel migration. These results aid in obtaining a complete picture of flow processes and sedimentation in submarine channels.  相似文献   
梁涛 《地质与勘探》2016,52(2):239-245
为获得新的深部找矿靶区,在铁炉坪Ag多金属矿床实施了CSAMT法测深。CSAMT剖面中,高、中、低电阻率异常体边界清晰、形态各异,高阻异常体具有上、下双层结构,低阻异常体出露较小,多呈孤立形态产出,主要有400m低阻异常体和1400m低阻异常体。高阻异常体被解释为浅部和深部两层岩浆和深部流体活动的产物,推测深部高阻异常体以岩浆体系为主,浅部高阻异常体应是岩浆体系、深部流体体系及围岩硅化蚀变等的综合反映。400m低阻异常体对应于于地表剖面线400m~600m之间的主矿脉,表明它是深部成矿流体的显示,提出1400m低阻异常体为新的深部找矿靶区。  相似文献   
阚希  张永宏  曹庭  王剑庚  田伟 《测绘学报》2016,45(10):1210-1221
青藏高原积雪对全球气候变化十分重要,针对已有积雪遥感判识方法中普遍采用的可见光与红外光谱数据易受复杂地形与高海拔影响,导致青藏高原地区积雪判识精度较低的问题,提出了一种基于多光谱遥感与地理信息数据特征级融合的积雪遥感判识方法:以风云三号卫星可见光与红外多光谱遥感资料与多要素地理信息作为数据源,由地面实测雪深数据与现有积雪产品交叉筛选出样本标签,构建并训练基于层叠去噪自编码器(SDAE)的特征融合与分类网络,从而有效辨识青藏高原遥感图像中的云、积雪以及无雪地表。经地面实测雪深数据验证,该方法分类精度显著高于使用相同数据源的FY-3A/MULSS积雪产品,略高于国际主流积雪产品MOD10A1与MYD10A1,并且年均云覆盖率最低。试验结果表明该方法可有效地减少云层对积雪判识的干扰,提升分类精度。  相似文献   
赵文津 《地球学报》2016,37(1):7-24
本文以INDEPTH项目对印度大陆与欧亚大陆碰撞带深部成像结果为基础,从构造演化角度探讨藏南陆-陆碰撞带冈底斯斑岩铜矿带的成矿作用问题。深部探测给出的碰撞带深部结构与侯增谦等地质学家提出的深部结构有较大的异同,如何协调起来以深化对藏南陆-陆碰撞条件下成矿作用的认识,这是本文讨论的中心。藏南碰撞带成矿实际上是在新特提斯大洋岩石圈俯冲形成的冈底斯岩浆弧成矿作用的基础上,再经过陆-陆碰撞挤压强烈改造后的再成矿。碰撞带的深部结构构造演化的特点是:(1)新特提斯大洋岩石圈板块向北连续俯冲了约120 Ma,形成的冈底斯陆缘火山岩浆弧带,这导致了陆缘带地壳增厚并含有大量的地幔岩浆流体物质(如南美安第斯成矿带那样);(2)在印度大陆与冈底斯陆缘弧接近碰撞时,在对挤中新特提斯大洋洋壳与大洋岩石圈地幔发生向上挤出与向下拆沉,并使部分洋壳残片和大洋岩石圈物质保存在中上地壳内;(3)两大陆岩石圈碰撞对接后,印度岩石圈地幔加深达70~80 km并沿地壳底部向北推进,并将加厚地壳内大量的成矿物质、钙碱性岩浆,洋壳及新生的下地壳,以及部分地幔物质从地壳底部将其围限起来,成为后期再成矿的物质基础;(4)查明了碰撞带深部壳/幔间产生了一层中间速度层(相当于MASH层),在中上地壳部位出现一层巨大的部分熔融层;(5)在碰撞挤压下冈底斯带内产生多组断裂构造,大型逆冲断裂系与背冲断裂,并引发了含矿岩浆的再活动,并在浮力(下地壳内)和挤压力作用下多次活动上升生成斑岩型铜矿床;(6)成矿后地表遭受过强烈的风化剥蚀作用,使矿床出露地表。  相似文献   
对架子台沟一带1:50 000化探异常检查中,地表发现有铅锌矿化显示,经对激电测深异常深部钻探验证发现有低品位锌矿(化)体。通过系统采集0号勘探线上的2个钻孔中岩石、矿石样品,进行原生晕特征研究分析表明:矿体近矿元素为Ag、Pb、Zn、Cd,尾矿元素为W、Sn、Bi;轴向分带序列由上至下为:Pb-Au-Ag-Mo-Bi-Sn-Cu-Cd-W-Zn。对成矿元素与相关金属元素进行聚类分析、因子分析,并结合激电测深结果,认为在矿体的侧部、深部仍可能有盲矿体。  相似文献   
王登红 《中国地质》2016,(5):1585-1598
华南是中国近百年内矿产资源开发强度比较高的地区,形成了赣南钨矿、桂北锡矿、湘南铅锌矿等一大批老矿山。随着已探明资源的快速消耗,"深地"探测、深部找矿已是大势所趋。基于对华南不同地区、不同类型、不同企业矿山生产情况的了解,文章对矿产资源的深部探测问题,从探测的目标、理论、深度、程度、效益等诸方面加以探讨,认为:当前技术经济条件下,1坚持国家目标、科学目标和人才目标相结合的原则,宜灵活运用各种成矿理论,充分发挥"五层楼+地下室"等勘查模型的作用,把"层状含矿地质体"作为矿产资源深部探测的主要目标;2坚持从已知到未知和由浅入深的原则,重点在老矿区和浅部地质与矿产资源比较清楚的工作程度比较高的地区优先部署工作,既可以降低风险又可以满足现实需要;3宜坚持点面结合的原则,2000 m、3000 m乃至于5000 m深钻的部署,宜相应地部署在矿床、矿田和矿集区工作程度最高的地区,达到立体探测和"透明化"的目的;4坚持综合评价的原则,综合调查、综合评价、综合研究,学科也要综合,避免单打一,避免单学科冒进。以问题为导向,具体问题具体分析,注意合理的探测深度和工作程度,抓住关键,有针对性地布设工作量,才能取得成效。  相似文献   
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