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Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) guides resource management across the globe, but is at risk amid social and ecological change. This has prompted numerous calls for TEK maintenance efforts, but these remain largely unexamined in the literature. Here, we discuss three examples of in situ TEK maintenance from Malekula Island in Vanuatu, locally known as kastom schools. Based on qualitative data, we find that the kastom schools may create several opportunities to maintain TEK (e.g., establishing local control over education), and argue that they represent the creative and adaptive management of tradition in dynamic social–ecological contexts. However, a number of challenges, both practical (e.g., lack of funding) and epistemological (e.g., changing modes of cultural transmission), threaten the efficacy of the kastom schools. We argue that in situ modes of TEK maintenance have promise, but that issues of power and heterogeneity require serious consideration if such measures are to succeed.  相似文献   
目前我国历史文化遗迹所在地区开发用地失控的原因,从体制方面讲,乃是由于规制手段不够健全、管理体制不够顺畅、城镇化和旅游经济发展进程的阶段性等问题所致;从微观经济层面而言,还在于农民缺乏保护农地的经济诱因、农地转向开发用地收益更高、相关利益集团的势力影响等因素在起作用,故而农地流转成开发用地不可避免。所以应当借鉴海外土地发展权制度,在历史文化遗迹所在地区内落实土地发展权的补偿机制,对开发用地实行有效的管制。具体来说,应当从法律上明确土地发展权的地位,将农地保护与当地的经济社会发展有机协调起来,推行土地使用管制,建立完善土地发展权交易机制,同时有效控制农地流转为开发用地的隐性交易行为。  相似文献   
Concerns with the politics and practices of resource rights and access are integral to contemporary debates over environmental justice. Struggles over identity politics, especially the strategic articulation and deployment of particular identities at diverse geographical scales, have recently emerged as important mediators of justice claims in respect of resources rights, but also of recognition and procedural justice. To date, critical, multi-scalar analyses of identity-based claims for environmental justice have focused largely on the indigenous peoples’ movement. In doing so, they have failed to embrace an emergent dimension of identity-based, trans-scalar justice, namely the fledgling global pastoralists’ movement, the empirical focus for this paper. In the early years of the 21st century mobile pastoralists have begun to carve out new global spaces, through which diverse groups have attempted to negotiate common ground and forge common identities in their struggles for justice. In particular, mobile pastoralists have become increasingly visible in conservation politics and contests over land rights as they lay claim to both discursive and material ground as ‘custodians of the commons’ in an era of global climatic change. This paper draws on empirical work amongst pastoralists, NGOs and activists from Kenya, Mongolia and Spain to explore these identities, their implications for resource rights and access and the multi-scalar chains of accountability and legitimacy between global activists and their local constituents.  相似文献   
地理学视角下非物质文化遗产的跨地方实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
魏雷  朱竑 《地理学报》2022,77(2):492-504
非物质文化遗产不仅是来源于过去的特定区域的传统实践,更是生成于全球化体系中面向未来的现代文化政治和文化经济过程。因此,本文尝试以跨地方性理论为切入点,架构非遗的形成、运作和认同的社会—空间过程,在此基础上使用跨地方聚合的思想重新概念化非遗实践,将其解读为多元主体权力关系中介下,由跨地方异质性要素聚合而成的不稳定的开放系统,以区别于固有对非遗实践“稳定”“以人为中心”和“边界化”的认知。通过分析云南鹤庆银器锻制技艺和摩梭纺织技艺两个案例来呈现非遗实践作为跨地方聚合的过程及特性,以及非遗传承和保护由此所面对的机遇和挑战,呼吁在重视非遗服务于乡村振兴等发展战略的潜力时,要进一步认识非遗实践的跨地方性对本土社区的影响,反思遗产原真性和文化价值与当前非遗实践的关系,强调在非遗全球化生产和消费中保持其与本土认同和本土生计之间的关联。  相似文献   
林琳  袁广盛  王敏 《世界地理研究》2022,31(6):1192-1203
经过艺术加工的影视作品反映现实的同时也高于现实,不断重构、书写现实空间。本研究援引邂逅地理及地方感等理论,以5部华裔社区空间题材的电影作品为主要分析对象,以文本分析法为主要研究方法,探讨五部影片中关于华裔社区的选择再现及其背后蕴涵的社会文化意义。研究发现:①影视文本首先从民俗仪式与风水文化两个空间文化符号出发,构建地方性;在此基础上,电影文本以景观符号为切入口再现华裔社区的物质空间,实现新的地方营造。②文化多元的背景下,华裔社区成为“我者”文化与“他者”文化邂逅的重要场所。③非表征理论通过强调人的“身体”与族裔社区的相互关系从而在地方协商和情感融入框架下探索新的邂逅。研究还进一步探讨了电影文本中族裔社区的文化多元性与地方治理的关系,为族裔社区在未来实现更好的地方治理提供参考与建议。  相似文献   
文旅融合是中国旅游发展的大趋势,也是民族地区社会经济发展的重要方向。以内蒙古自治区为例,基于内蒙古12个盟市2009—2018年的多指标面板数据,运用熵权TopSIS、改进的容量耦合模型、标准差椭圆、重心模型和面板数据分位数回归模型分析民族地区文化产业和旅游产业融合的时空演变特征及影响因素。研究发现:①内蒙古各盟市文化产业发展态势向好,旅游产业区域差异明显;②各盟市处于中度失调向失调-协调过渡的优化发展阶段,融合协调度等级不高,大多数盟市一直处于旅游产业发展滞后的局面;③各盟市空间分异显著,协调度水平呈“蒙中>蒙东>蒙西”的局面,协调度水平相对较好的盟市呈分散分布,盟市间的文旅发展尚未形成合力;④政府支持是内蒙古文旅产业融合低值区的主导影响变量,消费水平是中值区的主导变量,基础设施是高值区的主导变量。  相似文献   
Quantitative environmental justice (EJ) research has relied on aggregated data from census units to determine disproportionate hazard exposure. Additionally, variables typically used to analyze ethnic inequities in exposure (e.g., percent Hispanic) are too broad and assume a degree of homogeneity that may not exist, given the diversity of ethnic minority populations. We address these limitations through a study that utilizes primary household level survey data and cancer risk estimates from the National-Scale Air Toxics Assessment (NATA) to analyze intra-ethnic inequities in exposure to vehicular air pollutants in the Miami metropolitan area, Florida. Our analysis disaggregates the Hispanic category based on five characteristics (language proficiency, U.S. citizenship, nativity, unemployment status, and national origin) and finds that risk burdens are significantly higher for Hispanic respondents who are foreign-born, unemployed, and of Cuban origin. Findings highlight the advantages of downscaling EJ analyses to the household level and considering intra-ethnic heterogeneity in EJ research and policy.  相似文献   
对虾养殖生态系中有机碳的初步研究本研究由   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于围隔养殖对虾生态系中有机碳的变动进行了研究 ,结果表明 :溶解有机碳 (DOC)含量波动在 5 .2 99~ 13.39mg/ L之间 ,平均为 8.5 3mg/ L± 2 .2 5 mg/ L;颗粒有机碳 (POC)含量波动在0 .6 5~ 6 .6 3mg/ L之间 ,平均为 3.2 5 mg/ L± 1.76 mg/ L;总有机碳 (TOC)含量波动在 6 .92~ 2 0 .0 2mg/ L之间 ,平均为 11.78mg/ L± 3.82 mg/ L ;其中 DOC∶ POC∶ TOC为 0 .72∶ 0 .2 8∶ 1。各种有机碳组分的含量明显高于自然海水中各种有机碳的含量 ;各种有机碳组分的含量在养殖期间总体上呈上升的趋势 ;其变化与 DCOD的变化呈显著线性正相关的关系。  相似文献   
This research addresses recent environmental governance in Bolivia through its relations to indigeneity and respatializations. It introduces and develops the concept of “speaking like an indigenous state” to examine the Bolivian state’s recent use of a pair of indigenous linguistic concepts, Living Well and Earth Mother, representing the identities of citizens and their rights to resources and livelihoods. State relations to indigenous social movements highlight the use of Living Well and Earth Mother concepts through accommodation, resistance, and protaganism. Six active issues of environmental governance are examined: (1) climate change and justice movement; (2) agrarian reform, agrobiodiversity, and food justice; (3) water resources; (4) indigenous territories; (5) Protected Areas; and (6) extractive industries (mining, hydrocarbons). The usages of Living Well and Earth Mother show versatility as they have been mobilized in the respatializing of the politics and social-power dynamics of environmental issues at scales of the state, global and international institutions, and community and local levels. Analysis also reveals deployment of Living Well and Earth Mother that is discursively influential and yet conceptually reduced and unevenly applied, thus suggesting a characteristic of verisimilitude. My analysis determines that respatialization at various levels, including territorial transitions of sub-national regional spaces, are associated with the heightened articulation of environmental governance through indigeneity and “speaking like an indigenous state” amid resource nationalism. Linkages and logics operating within this conjuncture differ from the prevailing interpretation of the Bolivian state’s use of Living Well and Earth Mother as solely an unwitting contradiction or instrumentalist camouflage.  相似文献   
凡纳滨对虾生物学及养殖生态学研究进展   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
凡纳滨对虾原产于太平洋沿岸水域秘鲁北部至墨西哥桑诺拉一带。1988年由张伟权教授引进我国。本文对国内外凡纳滨对虾生物学及养殖生态学的研究进行了总结,提出了凡纳滨对虾养殖生态学今后研究的方向。  相似文献   
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