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随着勘探程度的提高,油气勘探必然向深层延伸。弄清深部储层的孔隙演化规律,提高预测精度,是深入勘探的重要基础。通过对柴达木盆地昆2井岩屑和岩芯样品的系统采集,运用铸体薄片、扫描电镜和测井解释等手段,系统分析了古近系与新近系地层的岩石学、矿物学和储层物性特征,发现泥质杂基含量与砂岩的孔隙演化密切相关。为了正演孔隙的演化过程,运用分选很好的风成石英砂和粒度细小的红色粘土为材料,按照粘土杂基含量为5%、10%、15%、20%,制作了四类石英砂开展模拟实验。松散沉积物的压实模拟,从1.4MPa试验加压到210.4MPa,分别进行了21个循环实验。将实验模拟的结果,与昆2井的岩芯资料进行了对比分析。研究表明,碎屑岩泥质杂基含量越高,初始孔隙度越小,孔隙度衰减越快;泥质含量较低的净砂岩,当上覆压力达到76.5MPa时,颗粒大量破碎并重新排列,导致粒间体积减缩以及少量直线型粒内裂缝出现,储层物性明显变差。压实模拟的实验数据,能够为快速沉降区砂岩的储层质量预测提供依据。  相似文献   
Elemental concentrations in Phanerozoic sea water are known to fluctuate both in time and space. With regard to carbonates precipitated from marine fluids, elemental concentrations in the carbonate crystal lattice are affected by a complex array of equilibrium and non‐equilibrium as well as post‐depositional alteration processes. To assess the potential of carbonate elemental chemostratigraphy, seven Upper Jurassic sections were investigated along a proximal to distal transect across the south‐east Iberian palaeomargin. The aim was to explore stratigraphic and spatial variations in calcium, strontium, magnesium, iron and manganese elemental abundances. The epicontinental geochemical record is influenced by the combination of continental runoff and a significant diagenetic overprint. In contrast, the epioceanic geochemical record agrees with reconstructed open marine sea water values, reflecting a moderate degree of syn‐depositional to early marine pore water diagenesis. Establishing a fair degree of preservation of matrix micrite, a thorough statistical approach was applied and elemental associations tested for their environmental significance. Principal component and hierarchical cluster analyses revealed a persistent relation between carbonate magnesium, iron and strontium abundances. Processes related to early diagenetic nodulation in Ammonitico Rosso facies most probably account for the incorporation of these elements in the calcium carbonate lattice. The clear decoupling of carbonate manganese abundance with respect to the remaining elements is documented and related to high sea floor spreading rates and hydrothermal activity during the Late Jurassic. The investigation of potential time‐fluctuation of geochemical patterns was approached through variogram computation. The observed temporal behaviour is most likely to be forced by relative sea‐level dynamics, reflecting Late Jurassic palaeoceanographic conditions and potential planetary interactions. The data obtained in this study highlight the utility of elemental data from carbonate matrix micrites as geochemical proxies for studying the influence of remote trigger factors.  相似文献   
A conceptual coupled ocean-atmosphere model was used to study coupled ensemble data assimilation schemes with a focus on the role of ocean-atmosphere interaction in the assimilation. The optimal scheme was the fully coupled data assimilation scheme that employs the coupled covariance matrix and assimilates observations in both the atmosphere and ocean. The assimilation of synoptic atmospheric variability that captures the temporal fluctuation of the weather noise was found to be critical for the estimation of not only the atmospheric, but also oceanic states. The synoptic atmosphere observation was especially important in the mid-latitude system, where oceanic variability is driven by weather noise. The assimilation of synoptic atmospheric variability in the coupled model improved the atmospheric variability in the analysis and the subsequent forecasts, reducing error in the surface forcing and, in turn, in the ocean state. Atmospheric observation was able to further improve the oceanic state estimation directly through the coupled covariance between the atmosphere and ocean states. Relative to the mid-latitude system, the tropical system was influenced more by ocean-atmosphere interaction and, thus, the assimilation of oceanic observation becomes more important for the estimation of the ocean and atmosphere.  相似文献   
半参数回归与模型精化   总被引:35,自引:4,他引:31  
就一般情况给出了半参数平差的算法,并结合一种特定的情况,讨论了正规化矩阵半正定时的计算方法,给出了相应的公式。最后构造了一个模拟的平差问题,对半参数法和最小二乘法的计算结果进行了比较。计算表明,半参数法能够发现并识别模型误差或观测值中的系统误差  相似文献   
动载作用下混凝土随应力变化的系列CT图像完整地记录了混凝土内部破损过程,在CT图像中能直接观察到细观裂纹时混凝土往往已发生宏观破坏,挖掘混凝土材料损伤的细观信息是混凝土细观力学分析的核心。本文基于混凝土单轴动态压缩CT试验,获得不同应力阶段的横断面CT图像,分别应用图像分割技术和灰度共生矩阵法提取孔隙率和4个特征值,研究孔隙率和4个特征值随应力的变化规律。结果表明孔隙率随应力的增加显示出单调增加的总趋势,个别部位在应力水平较小时孔隙率随应力增加变化不大,反映出混凝土的压密效应。受压密效应影响,对比度在低应力水平时随应力增加有升有降,能量对应力变化不够敏感,相关性和同质性随应力的增加单调增加,对应力变化较为敏感,能反映混凝土整体损伤过程。对混凝土CT图像进行分区后再研究孔隙率、同质性和相关性随应力的变化,可以更好地反映动载作用下混凝土的细观损伤过程。  相似文献   
龚建东  魏丽  陶士伟  赵刚  万丰 《气象学报》2006,64(6):669-683
观测误差与背景误差协方差在四维资料同化和业务资料分析系统中起到决定性作用,它决定着观测信息与背景初猜值信息的相对重要性以及这些信息在空间及不同变量间的扩展方式.由于实际大气的真值并不知道,需要发展不同的技巧来估计观测误差与背景误差协方差,其中在观测空间利用观测与背景初猜值之差来分离观测误差与背景误差协方差的方法估计出的结果较为准确,其估计出的观测误差可直接用于资料分析系统中,背景误差可作为标尺来度量其他方法估计结果的可靠性.文章采用国家气象中心T213L31全球中期分析预报系统的6 h预报作为背景初猜场及同时段冬夏两个季节的北半球探空,利用贝塞尔函数拟合方法来分离观测误差与背景误差协方差,并比较了东亚区、北美区、欧洲区3个探空资料均匀密集区的区域与季节变化结果.结果表明,观测空间拟合方法所要求的水平均质、各向同性在欧洲区和北美区成立程度较好,在东亚区略差,使用时需要斟酌.此外均方差区域间差别较大,在冬季明显大于夏季,温度场偏大0.2 K,风场偏大0.9 m/s.温度场在400 hPa以下与150 hPa以上,背景误差略小于观测误差,而在200-300 hPa,背景误差略大一些.风场的特点与温度场比较一致.温度与风场背景误差主要集中在前40波,并在20波左右达到最大,水平相关季节区域差别不大,而温度垂直相关比风场窄,两者相关范围比较大的波数主要集中在前20波.此外利用贝塞尔函数拟合方法获得结果的分析表明,在质量场中不同区域季节间温度误差的稳定性要明显好于高度场,涡度散度的稳定性要明显好于流函数和势函数,特别是对于特征长度更为明显.这表明利用贝塞尔函数拟合方法获得的结果对校准在全球资料同化中采用温度、涡度散度作为资料同化的分析变量具有一定的优势.  相似文献   
龚建东  赵刚 《气象学报》2006,64(6):684-698
利用NMC方法针对背景误差协方差的方差、三维相关与特征长度来揭示T213L31模式的误差主要特点,并与传统更新矢量方法的计算结果进行了对比与调整.结果表明NMC方法结果与更新矢量方法结果在大体特征上基本吻合,但细节上的差异不可忽视,特别是对背景误差方差与特征长度的估计存在显著的差异,其主要原因是NMC方法倾向于高估天气尺度波的背景误差,而低估次天气尺度到中尺度波的背景误差.通过对背景误差方差、特征长度的调整,显著改善了背景误差功率谱的分布特点,使得NMC方法结果与更新矢量方法结果更为吻合.通过三维变分同化与最优插值中观测与背景误差相对重要性的比较,发现两者结果基本一致,但三维变分同化在850 hPa以下的温度场和300 hPa以上的风场统计结果都表现出背景误差相对于观测误差偏小的特点.背景误差相对于观测误差偏小有助于保证分析场中质量场与风场平衡,消除了大气底层和高层质量场与风场不匹配现象.在数值试验中,针对不同的背景误差均方差与特征长度的特点,分析了分析增量和预报效果的差异,结果表明,准确的背景误差估计与优化工作改善了预报效果,使得北半球三维变分同化的120 h预报效果整体好于现有最优插值.  相似文献   
地图数字化位置误差的协方差函数   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
针对数字化地图的精度,利用平稳随机过程的理论来估计位置数据的不确定性,提出了一套计算方法,主要内容包括运用平稳随机过程的各态历经性,对任意点坐标的XY按距离拟合求定其协方差,其特点是应用了统计估计原理,使得到的结果更为合理和简便。  相似文献   
适用于大旋转角的三维基准转换的一种简便模型   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
基于大角度的空间直角坐标转换,提出了以方向余弦为参数、适用于任何角度旋转的空间直角坐标转换的简明计算方法。  相似文献   
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