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西藏冈底斯中段雄村铜金矿床成矿流体特征与成因探讨   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:15  
雄村铜金矿是在西藏冈底斯中段新发现的一个矿床,流体包裹体组成分析揭示该矿床成矿流体为富含CO2、N2和有机气体的Na _K _Ca2 _Cl-_SO2-4_HS-_CO2-3体系,Na/K、Na/Ca和Cl-/SO2-4摩尔比值分别为1.5~7.1、0.2~2.1和1.0~29.3。氢、氧同位素分析显示,成矿流体δ18O值范围为-4.7‰~ 2.2‰,δD值范围为-104‰~-82‰,表明成矿流体以大气水为主,但岩浆流体可能也对矿床的形成起了重要作用。硫化物硫同位素组成也显示硫主要来自深源岩浆,雄村矿床高盐度流体的形成可能与岩浆流体的低压不混溶密切相关。高盐度流体是雄村贱金属元素活化、迁移的重要介质;地下水中高的有机质还原SO2是诱发贱金属沉淀成矿的重要机制。有机质还原SO2也为Au的活化、迁移提供了介质和有利的还原环境。雄村矿床的形成与岩浆流体和循环地下水共同作用有关,浅部稳定的热体制和高的有机质还原SO2机制是形成雄村矿床特殊蚀变矿化样式的重要原因。  相似文献   
对内蒙古贺根山蛇绿岩带内3个采样点的蛇纹岩样品开展了主量、微量元素和H-O-B同位素分析,以揭示其构造属性、蛇纹石化温度和流体来源。贺根山蛇纹岩具有低Al_2O_3含量(0.2%~1.3%)、高Mg~#(89~92)特征,为难熔地幔残余。蛇纹岩的U型稀土元素配分模式、相对富集LILE和亏损HFSE的微量元素地球化学特点,反映其原岩为化学成分高度亏损的俯冲带型(SSZ)超基性岩。样品的dD值相对均一(dD=-120‰~-133‰);理论计算显示,这些蛇纹岩的H同位素组成可能是蛇绿岩剥露地表后与区域大气降水发生再平衡作用的结果。贺根山蛇纹岩的d~(18)O变化在4.3‰~9.8‰之间,反映不同地点蛇纹石化的温度存在差别:其中贺根山东样品具有相对较高的d~(18)O值(d~(18)O=7.7‰~9.8‰),蛇纹石化温度为90~130℃,同时部分样品中出现碳酸盐矿物,表明蛇纹石化作用发生在近海底环境;小坝梁样品具有最低的d~(18)O值(d~(18)O=4.3‰~5.0‰),其蛇纹石化温度在205~235℃之间;贺根山南样品的d~(18)O值变化范围较大(d~(18)O=6.0‰~9.7‰),其蛇纹石化温度在90~170℃之间。3个采样点蛇纹岩的d~(11)B值也显示出一定的变化(d~(11)B=9.1‰~14.7‰),指示蛇纹石化流体来源于脱水的蚀变洋壳和海底沉积物;理论模拟和计算结果显示,这些板片流体的d~(11)B值变化在15‰~25‰之间。  相似文献   
Abstract. The Yinshan polymetallic deposit is a hydrothermal vein-type deposit closely related to Late Jurassic felsic-inter-mediate volcanic-subvolcanic activity in Jiangxi Province, South China. Illite is a major alteration mineral observed in the deposit. Our study shows that the Kübler index of the illite has a close relation to ore-forming fluids of different stages of hydrothermal alteration and mineralization. The early Pb-Zn-Ag mineralization dated at 130–136 Ma is characterized by relatively low water/rock ratios and diffusive fluid movement within phyllite, whereas the later Cu-Au-S mineralization at 122 -125 Ma was accompanied by higher water/rock ratios and localized fluid flow through fractures and channels. Illite formed in the early Pb-Zn-Ag mineralization stage contains swelling layers while the illite formed in the later Cu-Au-S mineralization stage has no swelling layers but was associated with intensive chloritization. The last stage of mineralization (at 104 Ma) was minor and did not produce significant amounts of illite.  相似文献   
南海西沙海槽S14站位的地球化学异常特征及其意义   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:16  
西沙海槽具备良好的天然气水合物的形成条件,并已发现与其有关的地球物理标志--模拟海底反射层(BSR)。通过对西沙海槽S14大型活塞站位的孔隙水和沉积物样品进行化学组分、酸解烃和热释光等方面的分析测试,结果发现在海底之下4~5 m区间存在着较明显的高盐高烃异常,其中酸解烃中的甲烷、乙烷、丙烷含量及其热释光值均有所增高,孔隙水中的绝大部分离子及其盐度也存在着明显的升高,这一高盐高烃异常可能是下部与天然气水合物有关的孔隙流体沿着断层向上迁移所致。这些地球化学异常以及模拟海底反射层等地球物理标志显示该站位之下可能存在天然气水合物。  相似文献   
青藏高原东缘缅萨洼金矿成矿流体地质地球化学特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
缅萨洼金矿位于中国中轴构造带的中南段,青藏高原的东缘,赋存于金河-箐河断裂带次级断裂羊坪子韧性剪切带中本文根据对该矿床硫化物流体包裹体的氦氩同位素、硫化物的硫同位素以及与硫化物共生的石英的流体包裹体特征、成分以及氢氧同位素组成的测定,讨论了缅萨洼金矿的成矿流体来源及其矿床成因。结果显示,该矿床硫化物流体包裹体中的3He/4He变化较小,为0.69-0.82,显示了地幔流体参与成矿作用的可能性。而4He的含量变化范围较大,一般在2.19-10.62×10-6cm3STP/g(方铅矿除外)与3He/4He相比,40Ar/36Ar的比值则变化较小,一般为251-509。而硫化物的δ34S同位素变化范围在-1.8-2.2‰,平均值为0.5‰,说明硫的地幔来源。与硫化物共生的石英的流体包裹体的类型主要有富液相的盐水溶液包裹体、富气相的盐水溶液包裹体、三相CO2包裹体、纯液相CO2包裹体以及有机流体包裹体。成矿流体的氢氧同位素则显示成矿流体来源于岩浆水(或地幔流体)与大气降水的混合流体,本文认为,缅萨洼金矿的成矿流体为地幔流体与大气降水的混合流体,是渐新世印度大陆与亚洲大陆碰撞之后,该地区大规模走滑与剪切作用过程中,局部伸展作用的产物。  相似文献   
超临界流体中MoO3与WO3溶解度实验探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
超临界地质流体以其独特的性质对金属成矿元素具有超强的萃取、层析和搬运能力,在热液矿床成矿机制研究中对揭示成矿物质的源、流和汇起着特殊和重要作用。本利用分析纯H2MoO3在高温下脱水制备了MoO3(白色斜方晶系),在冷封式高压釜中实验测定了417℃超临界条件下,MoO3在纯水中的溶解度分别为7.3(29MPa)、14.2(45MPa)、21.6(55MPa)、27.7(78MPa)、32.5(100MPa)、和34.2(150MPa)mmol/1,热液中钼的存在形式为H2M004。依据前人的实验方案,补充测定了WO3在4.0%NaCl水溶液中于450℃条件下的溶解度,其值分别为27.51(50MPa)和30.52(100MPa)mmol/l,结合前人研究结果发现,MoO3、WO3的溶解度在临界区域内具有超临界现象,在超临界条件下其溶解度与石英的超临界溶解度行为基本相似,表现为溶解度随体系温度和压力的升高而增大,这对揭示岩浆热液型和石英脉型钨、钼矿床的形成机制具有重要指导作用。  相似文献   
右江盆地含油气成矿流体性质及其成藏-成矿作用   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
右江盆地含油气成矿流体是一种多组分、多相态的不混溶体系,成藏流体具低温(多为90~160℃)和低盐度(多小于6wt%NaCl)的特征,其主要组分是有机质、CO2和H2O;金矿成矿流体以中低温(多集中于150~250℃)和低盐度(0.4~6.7wt%NaCl)为特征,其主要组分为H2O和CO2,次为烃类有机组分。盆地内古油藏与金矿床在空间上密切共存,在成藏和成矿流体活动时限上基本一致,在成因上一脉相承,表明两者均为盆地有机成矿流体演化的产物。加里东晚期至印支中期,"盆-台相间"的沉积构造格局为成矿和成藏奠定了物质基础,盆地有机成矿流体的活动使油气和金属分别聚集形成油气藏和金属矿床。印支晚期至燕山早期,伴随褶皱造山作用的盆地流体活动使油气的原始分布格局发生改变,并造成了油气和金属矿床的空间分带。燕山中晚期强烈的构造抬升剥蚀,使油气藏和金属矿床遭受强烈的破坏与改造。  相似文献   
This paper analyses the problem of a hydraulically driven fracture, propagating in an impermeable, linear elastic medium. The fracture is driven by injection of an incompressible, viscous fluid with power‐law rheology and behaviour index n?0. The opening of the fracture and the internal fluid pressure are related through the elastic singular integral equation, and the flow of fluid inside the crack is modelled using the lubrication theory. Under the additional assumptions of negligible toughness and no lag between the fluid front and the crack tip, the problem is reduced to self‐similar form. A solution that describes the crack length evolution, the fracture opening, the net fluid pressure and the fluid flow rate inside the crack is presented. This self‐similar solution is obtained by expanding the fracture opening in a series of Gegenbauer polynomials, with the series coefficients calculated using a numerical minimization procedure. The influence of the fluid index n in the crack propagation is also analysed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Dehydration (vapour absent) partial melting reactions in the Earth's crust produce a hydrous granitic melt phase, new anhydrous minerals that are mostly pyroxenes, and new plagioclase more calcic than the initial plagioclase. These solid phases of the melt reaction are restite. If the restite is carried to high levels in the crust as a component of the magma, cooling and crystallisation to granite will result in back reactions in which the H2O in the melt phase is consumed and is not then available to form a hydrothermal solution. Even in magmas in which some restite has been removed there will be some back reaction and again less H2O. Only fractional crystallisation will enrich the H2O in the magma in sufficient amounts to form a substantial quantity of hydrothermal solution and possible mineralisation.  相似文献   
On the basis of fluid inclusion evidence, pervasive influx of deep-seated CO2-rich fluids has been invoked to account for mid- to upper amphibolite facies (M2B) metamorphism on the island of Naxos (Cyclades, Greece). In this paper, mineral devolatilization and melt equilibria are used to constrain the composition of both syn- and post-peak-M2B fluids in the deepest exposed levels of the metamorphic complex. The results indicate that peak-M2B fluids were spatially and compositionally heterogeneous throughout the high-grade core of the complex, whereas post-peak-M2B fluids were generally water-rich. The observed heterogeneities in syn-M2B fluid composition are inconsistent with pervasive CO2-flushing models invoked by previous workers on the basis of fluid inclusion evidence. It is likely that few CO2-rich fluid inclusions on Naxos preserve fluids trapped under peak metamorphic conditions. It is suggested that many of these inclusions have behaved as chemically open systems during the intense deformation that accompanied the uplift of the metamorphic complex. A similar process may explain the occurrence of some CO2-rich fluid inclusions in granulite facies rocks.  相似文献   
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