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本文报告646例经皮细针穿刺活检和介入性治疗。穿刺活检459例,介入性治疗187例。穿刺活检部位:腹部175例,其中肝脏81例,胰腺56例,腹腔包块7例,肾脏22例,肾上腺5例,脾脏3例,前列腺1例;胸212例;骨骼肌肉系统52例;颅脑20例。介入性治疗:硬化剂治疗156例,其中肾囊肿硬化剂治疗142例,肝囊肿硬化剂治疗14例;抽吸和/或引流25例,其中脑出血血肿抽吸占19例;CT 导引下电针治疗5例;交感神经阴断术1例。各部位穿刺活检正确率是有差异的,肝脏为94%,肾脏95%,胰腺和腹腔包块89%,胸部91%,骨骼肌肉系统90%,颅脑90%。介入性治疗闻效肾囊肿硬化剂治疗为96%,肝囊肿硬化剂治疗为82%,抽吸或引流为87%,并发症发生率胸部为7.5%,腹部为0.06%,颅脑为7.5%。本文详细讨论了穿刺针选择,技术要点。影响正确率的因素等。  相似文献   
苗其师 《地质与资源》2013,22(3):224-228,223
通过南方地区页岩气藏的储层特征和赋存方式的研究,认为页岩各组分含量的准确计算直接关系到含气量评价的精度.以南方3个工区计74块岩心样品组分分析实验为基础,提出页岩的五元工业组分体积模型和体积含量计算方法.对其中表征页岩含气性最关键组分——干酪根(有机碳)含量,分别建立与三孔隙度、电阻率、铀元素等5条测井曲线的线性关系.通过有机碳敏感性分析,引入两种多元回归计算有机碳含量方法,确定了适用于3个南方地区有机碳含量的公式.3口探井应用实例表明该方法符合页岩气藏的实际,提高了页岩气层各组分含量的计算精度,取得了预期的地质效果.  相似文献   
利用高纵向分辨率的测井资料与连续观测的地震资料进行波阻抗反演,可以大大提高三维地震资料对地下地质情况的研究程度。以山西常村矿为例,介绍了波阻抗反演在目的层位追踪、薄层辨别、断点断距的确定、陷落柱的解释以及冲刷无煤带的圈定等方面的应用。实例表明波阻抗反演地震剖面比常规地震剖面具有明显的优势,特别是在薄层的分辨率能力上,波阻抗反演表现的尤为突出,如在该区波阻抗反演剖面上,不仅能够分辨15#煤层的三个分层,同时对6#、9#、12#薄煤层也有清晰的反映。  相似文献   
玉林冬季免耕马铃薯分期播种试验及优质高产气候分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对玉林市主栽的马铃薯品种黑龙江K 3紫花,采用稻草免耕、地膜覆盖和常耕栽培三种栽培措施分五次播种进行试验,表明,稻草免耕技术不但对地面温度、土壤湿度有很好调节功能,而且与地膜覆盖和常耕栽培产量差异达极显著水平。以播期为11月30日的产量最高,播期为12月10日产量最低。  相似文献   
简单介绍了PCI总线协议以及PCI接口原理。给出了一种利用单片机与复杂可编程逻辑器件CPLD(complex programmable logic device)控制PCI网卡,实现以太网通信的方案设计。重点说明了如何使用CPLD芯片设计单片机与PCI网卡之间的PCI接口。  相似文献   
以四川省南充市为例,从城市公交线路统计指标和线路网空间分布特征角度,定量分析了组团城市公交线网结构特征。研究结果表明:组团城市公交线网具有偏大的线路长度和非直线系数;公交复线条数和线路网密度在不同组团存在多个高值中心;不同剖面上线路网密度起伏显著;组团连接地带公交复线条数过大而成为通行瓶颈。这些特征增大了城市公交营运调度的难度,也给居民出行带来不便。  相似文献   
Eclogite thermobarometry is crucial for constraining the depths and temperatures to which oceanic and continental crust subduct. However, obtaining the pressure and temperature (P–T) conditions of eclogites is complex as they commonly display high-variance mineral assemblages, and the mineral compositions only vary slightly with P–T. In this contribution, we present a comparison between two independent and commonly used thermobarometric approaches for eclogites: conventional thermobarometry and forward phase-equilibrium modelling. We assess how consistent the thermobarometric calculations are using the garnet–clinopyroxene–phengite barometer and garnet–clinopyroxene thermometer with predictions from forward modelling (i.e. comparing the relative differences between approaches). Our results show that the overall mismatch in methods is typically ±0.2–0.3 GPa and ±29–42°C although differences as large as 80°C and 0.7 GPa are possible for a few narrow ranges of P–T conditions in the forward models. Such mismatch is interpreted as the relative differences among methods, and not as absolute uncertainties or accuracies for either method. For most of the investigated P–T conditions, the relatively minor differences between methods means that the choice in thermobarometric method itself is less important for geological interpretation than careful sample characterization and petrographic interpretation for deriving P–T from eclogites. Although thermobarometry is known to be sensitive to the assumed XFe3+ of a rock (or mineral), the relative differences between methods are not particularly sensitive to the choice of bulk-rock XFe3+, except at high temperatures (>650°C, amphibole absent) and for very large differences in assumed XFe3+ (0–0.5). We find that the most important difference between approaches is the activity–composition (a–x) relations, as opposed to the end-member thermodynamic data or other aspects of experimental calibration. When equivalent a–x relations are used in the conventional barometer, P calculations are nearly identical to phase-equilibrium models (ΔP < 0.1). To further assess the implications of these results for real rocks, we also evaluate common mathematical optimizations of reaction constants used for obtaining the maximum P–T with conventional thermobarometric approaches (e.g. using the highest aGrs2 × aPrp in garnet and Si content in phengite, and the lowest aDi in clinopyroxene). These approaches should be used with caution, because they may not represent the compositions of equilibrium mineral assemblages at eclogite facies conditions and therefore systematically bias P–T calculations. Assuming method accuracy, geological meaningful Pmax at a typical eclogite facies temperature of ~660°C will be obtained by using the greatest aDi, aCel, and aPrp and lowest aGrs and aMs; garnet and clinopyroxene with the lowest Fe2+/Mg ratios may yield geological meaningful Tmax at a typical eclogite facies pressure of 2.5 GPa.  相似文献   
阐述了CAN总线的工作原理,并运用SJA1000、PCA82C250和单片机ADuCS12实现了CAN节点与上位机的通信。  相似文献   
地表温度是衡量地表水热平衡的关键参数,微波地表温度因其范围大、全天候等独特的优势,在气候、农业和环境等领域得到广泛应用。基于经质量控制的MODIS地表温度产品对风云三号卫星C星的微波地表温度日产品和月平均产品进行验证评估,结果显示:FY-3C卫星升轨(夜晚)和降轨(白天)微波地表温度日产品平均分别高估8. 7 K、低估13. 2 K,月平均产品平均分别高估7. 9 K、低估12. 0 K,日产品和月平均产品的反演误差都在15K以内。在全球空间分布上,升轨(夜晚)和降轨(白天)月产品误差分别呈现高估和低估,热带雨林区和沙漠、荒漠区域在夜晚分别高估5 K以内和30 K以内,白天则分别低估10 K以内和10~30 K。不同土地覆盖类型间FY-3C微波地表温度反演精度存在差异,总体上升轨(夜晚)比降轨(白天)的精度高,反演精度最高和最低的土地类型分别是常绿阔叶林和荒漠、稀疏植被,不同土地覆盖类型间的地表温度反演精度在季节上存在明显差异。根据分析结果,改进FY-3C微波地表温度的反演算法,可进一步提高微波地表温度的反演精度。  相似文献   
A new method for accurate determination of oxygen isotopes in uranium oxides encountered in the nuclear fuel cycle was developed using the conventional BrF5 fluorination technique. Laser‐assisted fluorination was tested for comparison. We focused on fine powders of triuranium octoxide (U3O8), uranium dioxide (UO2±x with 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.25), uranium trioxide (UO3.nH2O, with 0.8 ≤ n ≤ 2) and diuranates (M2U2O7.nH2O, with M = NH4, Na or Mg0.5 and 0 ≤ n ≤ 6). Fluorination at room temperature and heating under vacuum at 150 °C are shown to eliminate both adsorbed and structural water from the powder samples. Precision fit for purpose of δ18O values (± 0.3‰, 1s) and oxygen yields (close to 100%) were obtained for U3O8 and UO2 where oxygen is only bound to uranium. A lower precision was observed for UO3.nH2O and M2U2O7.nH2O where oxygen is both present in the structural H2O and bonded to uranium and where the extracted O2(g) can be contaminated by NF3 and NOx compounds. Laser‐assisted fluorination gave shifted δ18O values between +0.8 and +1.4‰ for U3O8, around ?0.8‰ for UO3.nH2O and between ?3.9 and ?4.5‰ for M2U2O7.nH2O (± 0.3‰, 1s) compared with the conventional method.  相似文献   
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