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Major and trace element, Sr–Nd–Pb isotope and mineralchemical data are presented for newly discovered ultrapotassiclavas in the Tangra Yumco–Xuruco graben in southern Tibet.The ultrapotassic lavas are characterized by high MgO, K2O andTiO2, low Al2O3 and Na2O contents, and also have high molarK2O/Al2O3, molar (K2O + Na2O)/Al2O3 and K2O/Na2O ratios. Theirhigh abundances of incompatible trace elements such as largeion lithophile elements (LILE) and light rare earth elements(LREE) reach the extreme levels typical of lamproites. The lamproitesshow highly radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr (0· 7166–0·7363) and unradiogenic 143Nd/144Nd (0· 511796–0·511962), low 206Pb/204Pb (18· 459–18· 931),and elevated radiogenic 207Pb/204Pb (15· 6732–15·841) and 208Pb/204Pb (39· 557–40· 058) ratios.On the basis of their geochemical and isotopic systematics,the lamproites in south Tibet have a distinct magma source thatcan be differentiated from the sources of potassic lavas inthe east Lhasa and Qiangtang blocks. Their high Nb/Ta ratios(17· 10–19· 84), extremely high Th/U ratios(5· 70–13· 74) and distinctive isotope compositionsare compatible with a veined mantle source consisting of partialmelts of subducted Tethyan oceanic sediments and sub-continentallithospheric depleted mantle. Identification of the lamproitesand the delineation of their mantle source provide new evidencerelevant for models of the uplift and extension of the Tibetanplateau following the Indo-Asia collision. Metasomatism by partialmelts from isotopically evolved, old sediment subducted on theyoung Tethyan slab is an alternative explanation for PrecambrianNd and Pb model ages. In this model, differences in isotopiccomposition along-strike are attributed to differences in thetype of sediment being subducted, thus obviating the need formultiple metasomatic events over hundreds of million years.The distribution of lamproites, restricted within a north–south-trendinggraben, indicates that the initiation of east–west extensionin south Tibet started at 25 Ma. KEY WORDS: lamproites; subducted oceanic sediment; Tibetan active continental collision belt  相似文献   
晋东北地区燕山期地壳活动剧烈而频繁,经历了3次由伸展→挤压转换→隆升和岩浆活动过程。燕山运动早期形成早侏罗世断陷盆地和中侏罗世挤压坳陷型聚煤构造盆地;中期中晚侏罗世形成被NW、NE向深大断裂围限的火山断陷盆地,中基性—酸性火山喷发和浅成、超浅成中酸性岩浆侵入,晚侏罗世末形成了一系列NNE向褶皱和逆冲推覆构造带;晚期早白垩世再次形成断陷盆地和开阔平缓褶皱,义县组不整合在火山岩之上,晚白垩世处于挤压造山后的山体隆升阶段,左云组不整合在义县组之上,伴随有壳源型花岗岩侵入,NW、NE向断裂复活,形成地堑、地垒式断裂组合,导致山体隆升。  相似文献   
袁学诚 《地球物理学报》1995,38(04):448-459
中国大陆基底可以分为4个区域:西域克拉通和东亚克拉通具太古代-早元古代变质基底,蒙藏增生陆块与华南增生陆块为元古代基底.在西域克拉通内可以识别出南塔里木陆核分布区、准噶尔陆核分布区与伊犁陆核;在东亚克拉通内可以勾画出燕吕陆核分布区、黄淮陆核分布区、秦岭陆核分布区和扬子陆核分布区.在克拉通形成的同时或稍后,在克拉通的两侧发育巨型基底断裂.在东亚克拉通的东西侧为郯庐断裂带与东亚克拉通西缘断裂带;在西域克拉通的南北为阿尔金断裂带与阿尔曼大断裂带.在蒙藏地块中部通过的日喀则-狼山断裂带是位于两克拉通之间的重要断裂带.  相似文献   
The origin of accretionary lapilli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experimental investigations in a recirculating wind tunnel of the mechanisms of formation of accretionary lapilli have demonstrated that growth is controlled by collision of liquid-coated particles, due to differences in fall velocities, and binding as a result of surface tension forces and secondary mineral growth. The liquids present on particle surfaces in eruption plumes are acid solutions stable at 100% relative humidity, from which secondary minerals, e.g. calcium sulphate and sodium chloride, precipitate prior to impact of accretionary lapilli with the ground. Concentric grain-size zones within accretionary lapilli build up due to differences in the supply of particular particle sizes during aggregate growth. Accretionary lapilli do not evolve by scavenging of particles by liquid drops followed by evaporation — a process which, in wind tunnel experiments, generates horizontally layered hemispherical aggregates. Size analysis of particles in the wind tunnel air stream and particles adhering to growing aggregates demonstrate that the aggregation coefficient is highly grain-size dependent. Theoretical simulation of accretionary lapilli growth in eruption plumes predicts maximum sizes in the range 0.7–20 mm for ash cloud thicknesses of 0.5–10 km respectively.  相似文献   
再论印度与亚洲大陆何时何地发生初始碰撞   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
印度与亚洲大陆碰撞形成了喜马拉雅造山带.该造山带是当今固体地球科学研究的重点和热点,是建立新的大陆动力学理论的最佳天然实验室.印度与亚洲大陆碰撞时限是正确认识和理解该造山带形成与演化、高原隆升的动力学过程等的起点.近南北向陆陆碰撞的最直接证据是碰撞带两侧块体在古纬度上的相互重叠.本文拟通过对相关古地磁资料的分析,结合近年来在拉萨地块南缘林子宗群火山岩和沉积岩夹层上获得的最新古地磁结果,探索当今古地磁数据所限定的印度和亚洲大陆发生初始碰撞的时间和古地理位置.结果表明,拉萨地块林子宗群形成时期(约64~44 Ma)古亚洲大陆最南缘的古地理位置(~10°N)限定了印度与亚洲大陆的初始碰撞最可能发生在65~50 Ma之间;如果以由印度洋海底地形所限定的东冈瓦纳大陆裂解前的印度板块形状为大印度模型,则印度与亚洲大陆的初始碰撞很可能发生在60~55 Ma之间.  相似文献   
琼东南盆地地壳伸展深度依赖性及其动力学意义   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
地壳或岩石圈尺度内伸展因子随深度变化特征对于理解岩石圈演化有重要的指示意义.我们利用南海北部大陆边缘琼东南盆地区深反射地震剖面的地壳分层模型,计算了沿剖面上地壳与全地壳的伸展因子.结果表明:琼东南盆地区具有明显的地壳尺度内伸展的深度相关性(上地壳尺度伸展因子变化范围为1.0~2.0,全地壳尺度的伸展因子变化范围为1.2~2.5);琼东南盆地各构造单元内的上地壳与全地壳伸展具有明显的非均一性(长昌凹陷上地壳尺度伸展最大,乐东—陵水凹陷其次,松南—宝岛凹陷最小;长昌凹陷和松南—宝岛凹陷的地壳尺度伸展因子较乐东—陵水凹陷大) 与各向异性(南东—北西剖面较之北东—南西向剖面地壳伸展因子大).这些结果预示着琼东南盆地区地壳伸展优势方向为北西向,盆地区东西部的伸展过程或伸展机制可能差异较大拟或存在太平洋岩石圈俯冲角空间差异或地幔岩浆产出时空差异.结合研究区相关研究成果,推断地壳伸展因子的深度相关性可能是共轭大陆边缘低角度拆离控制的简单剪切系统内伴随地幔挤出的动力学现象.  相似文献   
Abstract A series of paleogeographic maps of the Japanese Islands, from their birth at ca 750–700 Ma to the present, is newly compiled from the viewpoint of plate tectonics. This series consists of 20 maps that cover all of the major events in the geotectonic evolution of Japan. These include the birth of Japan at the rifted continental margin of the Yangtze craton ( ca 750-700 Ma), the tectonic inversion of the continental margin from passive to active ( ca 500 Ma), the Paleozoic accretionary growth incorporating fragments from seamounts and oceanic plateaux ( ca 480-250 Ma), the collision between Sino-Korea and Yangtze (250–210 Ma), the Mesozoic to Cenozoic accretionary growth (210 Ma-present) including the formation of the Cretaceous paired metamorphic belts (90 Ma), and the Miocene back-arc opening of the Japan Sea that separated Japan as an island arc (25-15 Ma).  相似文献   
To investigate the thinning of the whole crust, and the contribution of the upper versus lower crust to the stretching since Cenozoic, we calculated the stretching factor of the northern margin of South China Sea with data such as whole crustal thickness, depth of Cenozoic sedimentary basement and the horizontal displacement of faults. An isometric line drawing on whole crustal stretching factor is then obtained. Along the seismic Line 1530 in Baiyun sag, we also calculated the stretching factors of the upper and lower crust. The results suggest that the whole crustal thickness decreases seaward while the whole crustal stretching factor increases from shelf to slope. The Moho upwells highest beneath where the crust is thinned most. The value of the whole crustal stretching factor ranges from 1.5 to 6. Two areas were thinned intensely: the center of Yinggehai Basin, and the Baiyun sag in the Pearl River Mouth Basin. The calculation of the upper and lower crustal stretching factors from DSP1530 in Baiyun sag shows that the original crust of Baiyun sag should be thinned before deformation. Its pre-Cenozoic evolution as well as tectonic position during Cenozoic might be responsible for that.  相似文献   
内陆河流生态环境需水量定量研究   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
在有限的水资源中,必须维持合理的生态环境需水量,以满足国民经济持续发展和生态平衡维护的需要,以内陆河流为对象,以生态学理论和水环境容量理论为基础,从维持河流系统水生生物生存、维持水体一定量稀释自净能力以及防止河流水面净蒸发损失的角度出发,分析计算了河流系统的生态环境需水量,以期为水资源合理配置提供科学依据。  相似文献   
During May 1990 and January-February 1991, an extensive geophysical data set was collected over the Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana continental margin, located along the equatorial coast of West Africa. The Ghana margin is a transform continental margin running subparallel to the Romanche Fracture Zone and its associated marginal ridge—the Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana Ridge. From this data set, an explosive refraction line running ∼ 150 km, ENE-WSW between 3°55'N, 3°21'W and 4°23'N, 2°4'W, has been modelled together with wide-angle airgun profiles, and seismic reflection and gravity data. This study is centred on the Côte d'Ivoire Basin located just to the north of the Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana Ridge, where bathymetric data suggest that a component of normal rifting occurred, rather than the transform motion observed along the majority of the equatorial West African margin.
Traveltime and amplitude modelling of the ocean-bottom seismometer data shows that the continental Moho beneath the margin rises in an oceanward direction, from ∼ 24 km below sea level to ∼ 17 km. In the centre of the line where the crust thins most rapidly, there exists a region of anomalously high velocity at the base of the crust, reaching some 8 km in thickness. This higher-velocity region is thought to represent an area of localized underplating related to rifting. Modelling of marine gravity data, collected coincident with the seismic line, has been used to test the best-fitting seismic model. This modelling has shown that the observed free-air anomaly is dominated by the effects of crustal thickness, and that a region of higher density is required at the base of the crust to fit the observed data. This higher-density region is consistent in size and location with the high velocities required to fit the seismic data.  相似文献   
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