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分析中国科学院(CAS)、法国国家空间研究中心(CNES)、加拿大自然资源部大地测量局(NRCan)和加泰罗尼亚理工大学(UPC)2021-01~08的全球实时电离层格网(RT-GIM)产品的精度。结果表明:1)以IGS事后全球电离层格网(GIM)为参考,CAS、CNES、NRCan和UPC产品的RMS分别为3.93 TECu、4.01 TECu、4.50 TECu和3.86 TECu;2)以基准站dSTEC为参考,CAS、CNES、NRCan和UPC产品的STD分别为4.42 TECu、4.40 TECu、4.96 TECu和4.42 TECu。在全球范围内选取21个测站进行连续7 d的定位测试,以高程方向残差95%分位数统计不同实时电离层产品的定位增益。相比于广播电离层模型的定位结果,CAS、CNES、NRCan和UPC产品在北半球高程方向的定位精度分别提升11.9%、18.3%、3.4%和15.5%。  相似文献   
一种基于平面地质图的复杂断层三维构建方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析平面地质图数据特点的基础上,为准确表达复杂断层的空间几何形态和相互之间的关系,引入了由地质形体的轮廓线构建而成的线框架模型概念;修正了边界表示法模型有效构建的基本条件;从地层与断层之间的关系角度详细阐述了有效构建线框架模型的方法;提出了以线框架模型为基础的断层面整体构建技术思路,解决了复杂断层面三维构建问题。  相似文献   
海洋专题制图标准是规范海洋专题图制作、建立读图者一致认知, 以及实现海洋信息共享的基础。随着我国海洋科 学调查的逐步深入及大量制图成果的涌现, 制图标准化工作越来越受到重视。本文从定义与描述 、获取与处理 、检测与测 试 、成果与服务等 4 个方面梳理了国内外海洋制图标准的发展状况。结果表明: (1) 海洋专题地图的标准化尚待提高, 尤 其是与陆地基本比例尺地形图 、地质图 、航海图标准化相比, 发展较为缓慢; (2) 908 专项及全球变化与海气相互作用专 项在海洋制图标准方面的大力建设, 使得海洋专题要素分类 、表示方法 、图件类型和图面整饰等趋于成熟和一致; (3) 当 前海洋专题制图标准多以定义描述类的图式图例为主, 缺乏处理与分析、表达与管理、检查与评价、输出与共享等全链条的 标准支撑。今后, 除海洋调查、信息化之外海洋制图应加大其他领域如海洋生态、规划、灾害等海洋制图标准的编制, 注重 多要素、多维度、多时序海洋现象和规律的制图表达, 深化地图要素设计认知等方面的研究。  相似文献   
Pattern recognition of seismic and morphostructural nodes plays an important role in seismic hazard assessment. This is a known fact in seismology that tectonic nodes are prone areas to large earthquake and have this potential. They are identified by morphostructural analysis. In this study, the Alborz region has considered as studied case and locations of future events are forecast based on Kohonen Self-Organized Neural Network. It has been shown how it can predict the location of earthquake, and identifies seismogenic nodes which are prone to earthquake of M5.5+ at the West of Alborz in Iran by using International Institute Earthquake Engineering and Seismology earthquake catalogs data. First, the main faults and tectonic lineaments have been identified based on MZ (land zoning method) method. After that, by using pattern recognition, we generalized past recorded events to future in order to show the region of probable future earthquakes. In other word, hazardous nodes have determined among all nodes by new catalog generated Self-organizing feature maps (SOFM). Our input data are extracted from catalog, consists longitude and latitude of past event between 1980-2015 with magnitude larger or equal to 4.5. It has concluded node D1 is candidate for big earthquakes in comparison with other nodes and other nodes are in lower levels of this potential.  相似文献   
线状要素化简对提高矢量瓦片地图服务过程中数据传输效率和可视化表达效果至关重要。常见经典化简算法大多不考虑化简前后曲线空间关系的一致性保持,导致易发生化简结果尖锐化、局部极值点缺失和产生相交等异常问题,如果考虑化简前后空间关系的一致性,则影响化简效率。鉴于此,结合矢量瓦片地图服务应用需求,本文提出一种改进的Visvalingam算法,采用最小堆技术解决了最小权重值查找效率低下问题,利用线自相交拓扑关系判断策略,从全局考虑线上其它点对当前点的影响,解决了线化简前后拓扑关系的一致性保持问题。将改进的算法与原始算法在拓扑关系、几何特征、位置精度和化简效率等方面进行实验对比分析,结果表明改进算法可顾及线状要素的拓扑关系,保证化简前后线状要素的整体形态及其拓扑关系不变,能够更高效地应用于矢量瓦片地图在线服务中。  相似文献   
以CNKI数据库中有关乡村旅游为研究主题获取的2496条文献作为研究对象,利用可视化分析软件CiteSpace,从文献学视角透视中国乡村旅游研究的知识结构关系及研究热点,并绘制乡村旅游研究的知识图谱。研究显示:(1)中国乡村旅游刊文量总体呈现增长态势;(2)作者及研究机构较为分散,目前尚未形成较为广泛、紧密的学术合作网络;(3)研究重点主要集中在乡村旅游的发展趋势、对策、旅游经济等方面,涵盖了乡村旅游研究的绝大多数领域,研究覆盖面较广;并呈现出以可持续发展、新农村建设与乡村旅游开发、美丽乡村、新型城镇化、旅游扶贫为主题的研究热点。  相似文献   
传统纸质地图已无法满足政府日常办公和应对突发事件的需求。本文以各级领导指挥决策地图服务需求为导向,采用JavaScript语言,以Cordova为开发平台,以Windows、IOS、Android等多种操作系统的互联网终端设备为载体,将地理信息、多媒体、移动网络等技术充分融合,开发出集成多种功能模块的综合跨平台领导用图系统,使地图服务手段突破时间、空间和载体的束缚,可有效地提高政府日常办公效率,并为其提供可靠的辅助决策依据。  相似文献   
The form of visual representation affects both the way in which the visual representation is processed and the effectiveness of this processing. Different forms of visual representation may require the employment of different cognitive strategies in order to solve a particular task; at the same time, the different representations vary as to the extent to which they correspond with an individual’s preferred cognitive style. The present study employed a Navon-type task to learn about the occurrence of global/local bias. The research was based on close interdisciplinary cooperation between the domains of both psychology and cartography. Several different types of tasks were made involving avalanche hazard maps with intrinsic/extrinsic visual representations, each of them employing different types of graphic variables representing the level of avalanche hazard and avalanche hazard uncertainty. The research sample consisted of two groups of participants, each of which was provided with a different form of visual representation of identical geographical data, such that the representations could be regarded as ‘informationally equivalent’. The first phase of the research consisted of two correlation studies, the first involving subjects with a high degree of map literacy (students of cartography) (intrinsic method: N?=?35; extrinsic method: N?=?37). The second study was performed after the results of the first study were analyzed. The second group of participants consisted of subjects with a low expected degree of map literacy (students of psychology; intrinsic method: N?=?35; extrinsic method: N?=?27).The first study revealed a statistically significant moderate correlation between the students’ response times in extrinsic visualization tasks and their response times in a global subtest (r?=?0.384, p?<?0.05); likewise, a statistically significant moderate correlation was found between the students’ response times in intrinsic visualization tasks and their response times in the local subtest (r?=?0.387, p?<?0.05). At the same time, no correlation was found between the students’ performance in the local subtest and their performance in extrinsic visualization tasks, or between their scores in the global subtest and their performance in intrinsic visualization tasks. The second correlation study did not confirm the results of the first correlation study (intrinsic visualization/‘small figures test’: r?=?0.221; extrinsic visualization/‘large figures test’: r?=?0.135). The first phase of the research, where the data was subjected to statistical analysis, was followed by a comparative eye-tracking study, whose aim was to provide more detailed insight into the cognitive strategies employed when solving map-related tasks. More specifically, the eye-tracking study was expected to be able to detect possible differences between the cognitive patterns employed when solving extrinsic- as opposed to intrinsic visualization tasks. The results of an exploratory eye-tracking data analysis support the hypothesis of different strategies of visual information processing being used in reaction to different types of visualization.  相似文献   
近年来,国家对测绘成果公益性地图快速保障服务工作的要求越来越高,表现为对高现势性、高质量、高效率、灵性化地理信息服务的需求越来越迫切,因此,研究公益性地图自适应快速制作技术也成为迫切要求。本文针对这一需求,基于公益性地图制作关键环节,根据制图范围和图幅尺寸等制图因子,确定比例尺和投影、版面和地图整饰、数据等地图自适应快速制作关键问题及其解决方法。  相似文献   
海量巡天数据在线可视化是多波段数据融合的应用之一,对大数据时代天文科研工作和科学普及具有重要意义。近年来,国外出现越来越多类似谷歌地图等互联网地图的天图在线可视化系统。为解决拼接生成的大巡天数据文件所导致的在线加载显示缓慢的问题,天文界普遍采用瓦片地图技术。该技术对数据进行分层保存,在浏览器端按需加载、分层显示。HiPS(hierarchicalprogressive survey)和TOAST(tessellated octahedral adaptive subdivision transform)等分层可视化技术以及一些巡天数据拼接和瓦片生成工具,如Hipsgen.jar和Montage等,目前已应用于Aladin Lite,ESASky,WWT(WorldWide Telescope)等在线可视化系统的开发。海量巡天数据在线可视化也遇到一些需要解决的问题,如数据分层导致了数据量的再次增加,巡天图像拼接耗时较长,多信使数据融合显示等。综述了分层可视化技术、瓦片地图金字塔的创建等内容,并对几款主流的在线可视化系统进行了对比分析,讨论了在线可视化遇到的问题及发展方向。  相似文献   
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