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Modes of colonization, the successional trajectory, and trophic recovery of a macrofaunal community were analyzed over 19 months in the Friendship marsh, a 20-acre restored wetland in Tijuana Estuary, California. Traditional techniques for quantifying macrofaunal communities were combined with emerging stable isotopic approaches for evaluation of trophic recovery, making comparisons with a nearby natural Spartina foliosa habitat. Life history-based predictions successfully identified major colonization modes, although most taxa employed a variety of tactics for colonizing the restored marsh. The presence of S. foliosa did not seem to affect macrofaunal colonization or succession at the scale of this study. However, soil organic matter content in the restored marsh was positively correlated with insect densities, and high initial salinities may have limited the success of early colonists. Total macrofaunal densities recovered to natural marsh levels after 14 months and diversity, measured as species richness and the Shannon index (H′), was comparable to the natural marsh by 19 months. Some compositional disparities between the natural and created communities persisted after 19 months, including lower percentages of surface-feeding polychaetes (Polydora spp.) and higher percentages of dipteran insects and turbellarians in the Friendship marsh. As surficial structural similarity of infaunal communities between the Friendship and natural habitat was achieved, isotopic analyses revealed a simultaneous trajectory towards recovery of trophic structure. Enriched δ13C signatures of benthic microalgae and infauna, observed in the restored marsh shortly after establishment compared to natural Spartina habitat, recovered after 19 months. However, the depletion in δ15N signatures of macrofauna in the Friendship marsh indicated consumption of microalgae, particularly nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria, while macroalgae and Spartina made a larger contribution to macrofaunal diets in the natural habitat. Future successional studies must continue to develop and employ novel combinations of techniques for evaluating structural and functional recovery of disturbed and created habitats.  相似文献   
通过实地调查和资料搜集,对丹麦日德兰半岛西海岸典型岸段的地貌类型和研究现状进行了总结。丹麦日德兰半岛西海岸岸线长度约为470 km,海岸类型可以分为无障壁海岸和有障壁海岸2大类。无障壁海岸以沙丘为主,并有海蚀崖,主要分布在斯卡恩(Skagen)到布劳万角(Blåøvands Huk);有障壁海岸地貌类型以障壁岛—潟湖、盐沼为主,主要分布在布劳万角到勒姆岛(Rømø),并向南进入德国。丹麦西海岸北部属于冰后期地壳回弹上升区,向南地壳回弹幅度逐渐减弱,至Ringkøbing峡湾地区变为地壳稳定区,再向南地壳变为下降区,因此,全新世地层中分别记录了不同的相对海面变化信息。距今7 150 a以来,北部的Skagen岬角地区的相对海面下降了16~25 m;Skallingen地区过去5 000 a间海面在现代海面附近波动,其后侧Ho Bugt盐沼地区4 000 a以来相对海面上升了4 m;过去8 000 a间,Rømø障壁岛的相对海面上升了15 m。欧洲学者在丹麦西海岸地区取得的典型成果包括:海面变化重建(包括海面变化标志点、泥炭层压实校正、定年等)、全新世地质环境演化、开放潮坪现代沉积定量研究等,为海岸带研究提供了有益参考。  相似文献   
1990年7月~1991年12月,监测了中国北部沿海食用贝类体内的污染物残留量水平。本文用石油烃的分析数据为基础,讨论了沿岸贝类受石油烃污染的现状和分布特征;计算了样品干、湿重含量的本底值范围。给出了油标准和标准之间的互校系数R值。对样品进行了同步荧光光谱分析,并用同步荧光光谱的分析数据,计算了样品间模糊相关系数,做了模糊聚类分析。  相似文献   
王福  田立柱  姜兴钰  李建芬  杨彪  袁海帆  王宏 《地质通报》2016,35(10):1622-1629
海岸带地区近百年来的现代地质过程重建必须以精确的年代学研究为基础,~(137)Cs时标法和~(210)Pb_(exc)测年法是目前广泛应用的方法。由于易受到河流沉积物供给变化、潮位状况、极端天气事件等的影响,海岸带现代过程的定量研究一直是高分辨率研究的瓶颈。区域性参考剖面可以提升现代沉积物测年方法在海岸带应用中的可靠性。因此,建立区域性的~(210)Pb_(exc)和~(137)Cs比活度-深度参考剖面,将改善对海岸带及邻近海区实测数据的解释。以渤海湾海岸带为研究区,选取沉积环境相对稳定、水平搬运作用较小的地区,采用人工探坑、Eijkelkamp槽型取样器获取了2个柱状岩心,通过γ能谱仪对样品进行~(210)Pb、~(226)Ra及~(137)Cs比活度测试,绘制剖面图,结合研究区已有数据,总结出6类海岸带常见的~(210)Pb_(exc)和~(137)Cs比活度-深度剖面类型,并重建了渤海湾海岸带~(137)Cs区域性参考剖面。结果显示,~(137)Cs在渤海湾地区的最大峰值指示1963年,可以作为区域性主要参考时标。但是,最大峰值上部的次峰在不同区域指示不同的时标,S4和S5两个站位该峰值指示的并非1986年时标。  相似文献   
Based on the latest submarine topography data of the China 908 Project (China offshore marine environmental comprehensive investigation and assessment),we analyzed the general China offshore submarine topographical characteristics and the factors influencing its development.The submarine topography off the coast of China follows the NW-SE trend of the land topography.The gradient of the submarine topography ranges from 0.2% to 1.6% with an average gradient of about 0.8%.The depth contours run mostly parallel to the coast,and extend out to sea in estuary areas.The submarine topography is dominated by the geological structure,which shows the typical characteristics of two uplifts and two subsidence events from north to south.The geological structure combined with the different sedimentary environments and complex hydrodynamic conditions produced topography that can be characterized by three types:sedimentary basins,compressionuplift,and transition form.In the sedimentary basin and compression-uplift regions,the topographical undulation is small,sediments are fine-grained,and the currents flow in a single direction,leading to bays with sedimentary plains and underwater accumulation slopes,which are of the same tectonic origin.Transition-type topography is characterized by strong undulations and mixed-size sediment particles,terraces and scarps inshore and shelf plains and erosion-deposition landforms offshore.This is a result of incomplete fault block development and repeated transgressions.In the deposition reformation regions (transition form type),the topography has strong undulations,the sediments are coarse,tidal sand ridges are well-developed at terrigenoussupplied estuaries and convergence zones,and the Holocene sediments are thick,transformed by tides,river runoff,and currents.  相似文献   
淤泥质海岸入海河口闸下港道河相关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陆倩  龚政  周曾  张长宽 《水科学进展》2016,27(5):751-762
以江苏沿海北部的射阳河闸下港道为原型,建立二维水动力及泥沙输运概化数学模型,模拟了淤泥质海岸闸下港道淤积过程。分别在不考虑径流年内分配变化和考虑径流年内分配变化的情况下,研究了入海径流对港道内水沙动力和冲淤演变的影响。参考前人研究成果,结合量纲和谐准则,根据模型的计算结果,建立了淤泥质海岸闸下港道年均平衡流量与汛期排水比例、河床断面积、外海潮差、潮波变形、港道长度等因素间的河相关系式,对在实际情况中达到动态冲淤平衡的某条特定港道,可简化为港道年均流量与河床断面积间关系式的简化形式,并通过分析实测资料,对公式的简化形式加以佐证。  相似文献   
高抒 《第四纪研究》2007,27(5):750-755
以江苏中部海岸潮滩沉积为原型,提出了获取潮滩沉积记录中沉积层保存潜力信息的正演模拟方法。模拟结果显示,在沉积物供应恒定的条件下,随着潮滩的不断淤长,岸线淤进速率逐渐减小,潮滩滩面的沉积速率逐渐降低,而潮滩层序中的泥质沉积的厚度向海逐渐增厚。沉积层保存潜力的计算结果显示,潮滩上保存潜力在高潮位附近和潮下带的较低部位为最高,可达80 % 以上,潮间带下部存在着低值区,保存潜力低于20 % ,与前人在潮间带进行的现场观测结果相近。对研究方法经进一步细化(如考虑滩面坡度和粒度分布变化、波浪和风暴潮作用、潮沟摆动等因素),并与反演方法相结合,可望更好地解释沉积记录中的环境演化信息。  相似文献   
Summary. (Part 1) Fourier analyses of mean monthly sea-level data from Belém, Fortaleza, Salvador and Imbituba, ports on the Brazilian coast, are made with simultaneous data of air temperature, sea surface atmospheric pressure, atmospheric precipitation and evaporation. Results show that the mean monthly sea-levels of ports below Recife's latitude show peaks in February-March and April-May which are apparently related to the seasonal temperature changes and the combined action of precipitation, winds and oceanographic large-scale changes. The port of Belém showed a stronger semi-annual seasonal component, which seems to be related to the alternate southern and northern hemispheres' influences of the atmospheric precipitation. (Part 2 of the paper presented at the Symposium concerned the longer term changes of sea-level, including an analysis of principal components. These subjects will be treated in a separate paper.)  相似文献   
根据沙河、正定、商丘、东营四测站三天同步测量所获取的地磁日变数据,提出了三种局部地区地磁日变的拟合方法;井通过对四测站三天地磁日变曲线的分析发现了时差对日变曲线的非均衡影响以及东营日变具比较明显的海岸效应之影响。  相似文献   
确定自然海岸特征是海岸修复中的重要内容,但是在开发后弃管的无居民海岛却面临缺少历史资料参考的困难。在大连普兰店湾中部前大连岛的研究证明,依据历史影像和现存海岸地质地貌情况可以分析确定原自然海岸位置及性质。1972年KH 卫星影像表明当时的前大连岛仍然保持自然海岸形态,海岸位置在2020年海岸后 方的岛屿陆域内部。结合2020年海岸地质考察结果可以进一步确定1972年的前大连岛东部、西部分布海蚀崖形式的基岩海岸,南部、北部则分布砾石质海岸。1972—2020年,前大连岛自然海岸全部变化为人工海岸,海岸长度也从约2.38 km 增加至约3.12 km。  相似文献   
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