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互花米草Spartina alterniflora自1979年引入至今,已在我国海岸带大范围扩张并对盐沼湿地生态系统产生了很大影响.本研究以附着生物藤壶为例,研究了互花米草扩张对附着生物的影响.通过对5个断面共28个样方的米草植株、附着藤壶以及藤壶在互花米草上的最大附着高度调查,获得结果如下:藤壶在互花米草滩上的附着范围位于潮沟两侧,且呈宽度约为5 m的带状分布;潮沟规模越大,其向陆方向的延伸范围越宽;每个站位藤壶附着的相对最大高度都位于同一水平.附着藤壶均为白脊管藤壶Fistulobalanus albicostatus,平均干重237±69g·m-2,大部分藤壶直径在2~10mm之间.互花米草的平均干重为981±81g·m-2,潮沟附近互花米草高壮但密度较小,远离潮沟互花米草矮小但密度较大.分析表明,互花米草为藤壶提供了附着基质,并影响藤壶在潮间带的平面分布格局(尽管藤壶的生态位保持不变).影响白脊管藤壶分布特征的原因主要是海水浸没时间的差异;负地形的浸没时间更有利于藤壶的附着和生存;另外潮沟较高的潮水流速除了利于白脊管藤壶幼体的附着外,还可以通过水流的涨、落为其带来充足的食物.  相似文献   
基于海阳近岸海域的水深地形、表层沉积物粒度以及遥感影像等资料,利用泥沙起动流速和沿岸输沙数理公式以及岸滩演化数学模型,探讨了海阳近岸海域岸滩演化特征及主要控制因素。研究结果表明,研究区总体处于动态平衡状态,潮流很难使泥沙发生直接起动,波浪造成的沿岸输沙总体向ENE方向运移。影响研究区冲淤变化的因素主要有河流来沙、波浪以及人工构筑物。河流径流量减小,导致研究区泥沙来源减少,加剧了局部海岸侵蚀;近岸人工构筑物的建设,改变了泥沙输运趋势,并导致局部冲淤环境发生变化;波浪是控制研究区泥沙运移、沉降的关键因素,控制着研究区冲淤演化的整体格局。  相似文献   
This paper uses spatial, temporal, and use-intensity data for 27 major marine uses in Washington waters to feature a method for assessing potential use conflicts in a variety of scenarios. The study represents a first step towards quantifying potential conflicts within Washington’s Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) study area by using a cumulative analysis to highlight high- and low-use intensity areas and the novel Marine Potential Conflict Index (MPCI), which incorporates space, time, and intensity of use, to quantify pairwise potential conflicts between uses. About 10% of pairs of uses do not overlap spatially and are likely compatible with one another. Temporally, the number of uses peaks in July and August and falls during January and February. Additionally, the MPCI identified three important use types with a substantial degree of potential conflict: commercial fishing, tribal fishing, and shipping. External data were used in three cases to ground-truth the analysis, as a limited test of its utility in managing any potential conflict. This article assesses the extent of Washington’s existing marine uses along spatial, temporal, and intensity axes, and more broadly provides a straightforward way to examine potential conflicts between marine uses.  相似文献   
The bathymetric LiDAR system is an airborne laser that detects sea bottom at high vertical and horizontal resolutions in shallow coastal waters. This study assesses the capabilities of the airborne bathymetric LiDAR sensor (Hawk Eye system) for coastal habitat mapping in the Oka estuary (within the Biosphere Reserve of Urdaibai, SE Bay of Biscay, northern Spain), where water conditions are moderately turbid. Three specific objectives were addressed: 1) to assess the data quality of the Hawk Eye LiDAR, both for terrestrial and subtidal zones, in terms of height measurement density, coverage, and vertical accuracy; 2) to compare bathymetric LiDAR with a ship-borne multibeam echosounder (MBES) for different bottom types and depth ranges; and 3) to test the discrimination potential of LiDAR height and reflectance information, together with multi-spectral imagery (three visible and near infrared bands), for the classification of 22 salt marsh and rocky shore habitats, covering supralittoral, intertidal and subtidal zones. The bathymetric LiDAR Hawk Eye data enabled the generation of a digital elevation model (DEM) of the Oka estuary, at 2 m of horizontal spatial resolution in the terrestrial zone (with a vertical accuracy of 0.15 m) and at 4 m within the subtidal, extending a water depth of 21 m. Data gaps occurred in 14.4% of the area surveyed with the LiDAR (13.69 km2). Comparison of the LiDAR system and the MBES showed no significant mean difference in depth. However, the Root Mean Square error of the former was high (0.84 m), especially concentrated upon rocky (0.55–1.77 m) rather than in sediment bottoms (0.38–0.62 m). The potential of LiDAR topographic variables and reflectance alone for discriminating 15 intertidal and submerged habitats was low (with overall classification accuracy between 52.4 and 65.4%). In particular, reflectance retrieved for this case study has been found to be not particularly useful for classification purposes. The combination of the LiDAR-based DEM and derived topographical features with the near infrared and visible bands has permitted the mapping of 22 supralittoral, intertidal and subtidal habitats of the Oka estuary, with high overall classification accuracies of between 84.5% and 92.1%, using the maximum likelihood algorithm. The airborne bathymetric Hawk Eye LiDAR, although somewhat limited by water turbidity and wave breaking, provides unique height information obscured from topographic LiDAR and acoustic systems, together with an improvement of the habitat mapping reliability in the complex and dynamic coastal fringe.  相似文献   
进行海岸沿岸流模型实验,利用ADV(acoustic doppler velocimeter)测量了沿岸流流速沿垂直岸线方向多个断面的垂向分布。采用Faria等的方法对实验结果进行了分析,将沿岸流沿水深分为上层和下层两部分:下层采用对数分布来表达沿岸流的垂向分布;上层考虑了波浪引起的自由表面的波动,流速分布为修正的对数分布。最后对沿岸流垂向分布特征做了分析,并与Visser和Hamilton的实验结果做了对比。  相似文献   
赵薛强  林桂兰 《台湾海峡》2011,30(3):330-335,445-447
利用3s技术强大的空间信息处理和管理能力及制图能力,实现了在海南省海岸保护利用规划中多源地理数据采集处理、专题信息分析提取、规划图集编制和规划信息管理系统的建立等.结果表明:采用3S技术能够较好地处理海南省海岸保护利用规划中涉及的陆图、海图、遥感图、海洋功能区图、相关规划图和项目用海图等基础地理数据,以及现场调查、勘测数据的空间位置关系;提取了海南岛海岸类型、海岸开发利用现状等专题信息;结合海南社会经济发展对海岸资源开发利用的需求和生态环境保护要求,划分基本功能岸段,总体为北部海岸以港口、旅游岸段为主,东部海岸以旅游、渔业岸段为主,南部海岸以旅游、港口岸段为主,西部海岸以港口、渔业岸段为主.  相似文献   
秦皇岛昌黎黄金海岸的沙丘沉积和发育机理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
昌黎黄金海岸长40km,分布1~1.5km宽的风成沙丘。主沙丘链高30~40m,顺岸线分布,与其斜交数列新月形横向沙丘链。沙丘以中细砂组成,分选极好,层理构造十分丰富。距今3~4ka以前,沙坝形成时就开始形成沙丘;1915年滦河新三角洲发育以来增加了风沙的输沙量,增高沙丘和扩宽了沙丘带。  相似文献   
中国砂质海岸分布特征与存在问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
中国东部砂质海岸分布范围广泛,地形发育多样,风沙灾害、海岸侵蚀等地质灾害问题多发,严重影响了沿海地区的社会经济发展。了解沙质海岸的分布特征,做好砂质海岸的研究防护工作,对促进海洋经济持续稳定的发展有着十分重要的作用。  相似文献   
Weather in the North Gulf of Alaska is characterized by a high frequency of deep synoptic-scale low-pressure systems, especially during the cold season. The strong pressure gradients of these storms interact with the extremely rugged terrain of the coastal mountains to produce a variety of channeled flows. These surface wind regimes are not well documented in the scientific community, due to the paucity of observations. Modeling of these phenomena in regions of complex terrain is of great interest to those working with hydrodynamic, wave, and pollutant transport models in coastal and shelf areas. Such models, when coupled with ocean and coastal-ecology counterparts, give a broad view of the role surface winds play in shaping local coastal marine ecosystem in this region. This paper presents a climatology of simulated low-level wind jets over the domain of Cook Inlet and Shelikof Strait along Alaska's south-central coast. Daily simulations using the RAMS model were conducted in a 36-h forecast mode for the cold-season period 10/1/03 to 3/31/04. Systematic analysis of the resulting simulated low-level wind field makes it possible to characterize these jets and gap flows in spatial and temporal detail. The comparison between the RAMS winds and the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)-derived winds when available verifies the existence of these wind jets and the capability of the model to simulate these cases. Clearly, the results of a study in this region depend on the fidelity of the model at these scales (O[5 km]). The SAR comparisons attempt to help establish this. From the 6 months of simulations over Cook Inlet and Shelikof Strait, the low-level wind jets are classified into 10 different regimes by location and orientation. These regimes are categorized into four more general groups: cross-channel westerly, easterly, and up and down Inlet flows. The nature of a particular regime is largely a function of pressure gradient orientation and local topography. Jets in the same group have a similar occurrence distribution with time. Some form of jet occurred in the study region almost daily each month of the period, with December 2003 having the highest frequency of wind jets.  相似文献   
最近50年来莱州湾东部典型砂岸潮上带土地利用变化研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以不同时期测量和成像的地形图和高分辨率遥感影像为数据源,综合使用野外调查、遥感(RS)、全球定位系统(GPS)和地理信息系统(GIS)等方法,对最近50多年来莱州湾东部砂岸典型岸段(界河口—刁龙嘴)的土地利用变化进行研究。结果表明,最近50多年来,莱州湾东部海岸土地利用/土地覆被变化显著,土地利用类型转化的总趋势是风沙地、林地、耕地向养殖池及居民地转化。从20世纪90年代初以来,该岸段潮上带风沙地大部分已为养殖池(塘、大棚)等所覆盖,在沿海防护林和海域之间新出现了一条平行于岸线、基本连续展布的水产养殖设施带,其外侧建有高出当地最高潮位的防浪堤。潮上带土地覆被的如此深刻变化,必然深刻地改变风暴潮作用时的水动力边界条件,导致风暴潮作用过程中沿水下岸坡—海滩—潮上带方向的能量分布发生调整,进一步会对海岸地貌及冲淤发生的范围、强度、性质和形式等带来变化。因此,大面积的潮上带土地利用可能是莱州湾东部砂岸,最近30年来海岸地貌冲淤演变的重要影响因素之一,这为今后深入研究并预测该段海岸地貌冲淤变化提供了新的视角。  相似文献   
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