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利用全国空气质量指数(Air Quality Index,AQI)、PM_(2.5)地面观测数据、全球数据同化系统GDAS数据和FNL再分析气象资料,研究了2015/2016年冬季南京北郊空气质量变化特征以及环境输送条件和污染物源区。结果表明:以AQI为代表的冬季江淮地区污染程度存在3种典型的污染物跨区域输送路径—西北路径、北方路径和西南路径。西北路径通常发生在蒙古高压较强,且处于平均位置时刻,南京北郊上空有冷平流,不利于污染物扩散;北方路径对应蒙古高压弱,东北附近为弱高压控制,偏北气流将污染物带至南京北郊,如跨海洋,则污染减弱;西南路径对应南京北郊为边界层内反气旋式环流中心,下沉气流十分不利于污染物扩散。影响南京北郊污染的潜在源区主要分布在河北南部、山东西部、河南南部、安徽东部和湖北西部。河北省是重要的污染源区,河北南部和山东西部污染物通过北方路径输送至南京北郊,因此北方路径虽发生污染概率少于其他两种,却是形成南京北郊严重污染的重要路径。河南南部污染物通过西北路径输送。安徽和湖北污染物通过西南路径输送。定量分析表明,平流输送是南京北郊重度污染的重要原因,近地层风速对AQI的平流输送占AQI变化的贡献率超过70%,甚至可达85%。  相似文献   
广东省前汛期降水分布趋势的分析与预测   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
利用模糊聚类分析方法将广东省前汛期降水的分布趋势进行分类。取各类的代表站进行对应分析,用前两个公共因子对汛期降水的分布趋势进行分类,分析各类的500 hPa平均高度场及它们之间的差异。同时研究各类前冬(1,2月)500 hPa环流形势的演变特点和海温场(12~2月)的分布。最后求得前两个载荷变量的预测值,作出汛期降水分布趋势预报。  相似文献   
川东南志留系石牛栏组生物礁沉积特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过露头、钻井及地震剖面等,对川东南志留系石牛栏组沉积相进行了详细解剖.石牛栏组生物礁在地震剖面上呈丘状体,杂乱反射特征明显.石牛栏组两期礁滩旋回在平面上的展布特征为:早期台地边缘礁滩相以沉积生屑滩为主,有少量点礁分布其中;晚期台地边缘礁滩相以沉积大量点礁为主.川东南石牛栏组生物礁的沉积模式为碳酸盐岩缓坡模式,生物礁为发育在碳酸盐岩缓坡上的点礁群.  相似文献   
新疆北部20年棉花物候计算和分析--以炮台镇为例   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
基于single sine物候模型计算新疆北部20年棉花日度累积值,利用系统聚类法分析20年棉花物候变化规律,建立了物候日度和棉花产量之间的回归模型。结果表明:新疆北部棉花主要物候事件播种、出苗、现蕾、开花、裂铃、吐絮和停止生长所需要的日度累积值分别为53.1853.18、109.99、360.97、635.64、1169.61和1180.02日度;聚类分析将20年划分为4个类型即冷年类型、温暖类型、热年和特热年;棉花产量(y)和全年日度累积值(x1)、棉花停止生长日度累积值(x2)和9月份以后的日度累积值(x3)之间存在正相关。  相似文献   
The sample of galaxies within 7 Mpc has been compared with that of the Virgo cluster in order to find new and confirm already known differences which may be caused by the environment. The well-known morphology-density relation is found to be valid not only for luminous galaxies but also for faint objects. The differences in the global luminosity functions are mainly caused by the different composition of the samples, whereas the luminosity functions of narrow morphological subgroups, with the exception of the irregulars, probably are not dependent on the density or on other quantities. The already observed HI-deficiency of the interstellar medium of the Virgo cluster spirals has been confirmed. There is a steep drop of this quantity with increasing distance from the dominant galaxies M 87 and M 49. The interstellar dust masses of Virgo cluster spirals and irregulars have been estimated from far-infrared fluxes. These data have been combined with the HI masses in order to obtain the gas-to-dust ratios, which come out to be smaller by a factor of 4 for the Virgo cluster spiral galaxies than for the nearby systems, on the average. The gas-to-dust ratio is strongly correlated with the HI-deficiency. These results support the concept of the ram pressure of the intracluster medium on the spiral galaxies in the core of the Virgo cluster.  相似文献   
韩凤清 《盐湖研究》1995,3(1):21-27
应用数学地质中常用的点群(聚类)分析方法研究了柴达木盆地盐湖的地球化学分类,并与其它学者盐湖水化学分类法进行了对比研究,探讨了二者之间的共同点与差异,并且对新的分类中各类元素的地球化学特征进行了总结  相似文献   
The Shizishan ore field is the largest gold–copper ore field in the Tongling ore district of Anhui Province, China. Copper and gold deposits in the district are present as one-commodity deposits or as deposits with both commodities. Copper and gold mineralization are either cogenetic or are temporally and spatially distinct. We present the results of systematic geochemical analysis of fluid inclusions from typical Au–Cu deposits in the Shizishan ore field; these data are used to determine the solubility of Cu and Au in the ore-forming fluids and to ascertain the mechanisms and factors that controlled variations in the association and separation of copper and gold mineralization. Our results indicate that copper in the ore-forming fluids was transported as CuCl2 and CuCl0 complexes and that the solubility of copper was controlled by variations in Cl concentration. In addition, the precipitation of copper was controlled by changes in temperature, pH, fO2, and fO2. In comparison, gold in the ore-forming fluids was transported as Au(HS)2 and Au2S(HS)22− complexes, and the solubility of gold was controlled by variations in total sulfur concentration; the precipitation of gold was controlled by temperature, pH, fO2, and fO2. These differences between the two elements meant that copper and gold in the ore-forming fluids responded in different ways to changes in physicochemical conditions. Copper precipitated under relatively acidic conditions at high temperatures, while gold precipitated under weakly alkaline conditions at relatively low temperatures; this dissociation resulted in the temporal and spatial separation and zonation of copper and gold mineralization in the Shizishan ore field.  相似文献   
本文利用“5.21”福建闽北特大暴雨过程中获得大量加密资料,较深入地分析了暴雨过程中、小尺度特征.给出不同尺度、不同物理特性的中小尺度系统(云团)相互作用,生消、发展、组合过程,以及武夷山脉的复杂地形在该过程中所起的重要作用.显示出在一定环境流场下,由中小尺度天气系统活动导致出现的天气变化密集的低纬山区形成持续性特大暴雨的重要特色.  相似文献   
贵州关岭县喀斯特峰丛石漠区苔藓群落生态特征   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
为了了解喀斯特峰丛石漠化区苔藓植物的种类和群落特征,本文选取贵州省安顺市关岭县喀斯特峰丛石漠化区的三种典型生境(裸地、人工植被和自然植被),对苔藓植物进行样地调查,并利用种间相遇几率(PIE)、生态优势度、Shaanon-Wiener信息指数(衡量生态位宽度)和Morisita-Horn指数(衡量生态位重叠)来分析该区苔藓植物群落的组成、分布规律及生态特征。结果表明:(1)该区苔藓植物共有11科17属22种,真藓科为优势科,苔藓植物群落有19个类型。(2)苔藓群落PIE值与植被覆盖度呈正比,与岩石裸露率呈反比,自然植被生境的苔藓群落PIE值高于人工植被和裸地生境,但研究区苔藓群落PIE总体偏低,反映了喀斯特峰丛地区恶劣的生境条件。(3)研究区内卷叶湿地藓群落(Hyophiletum)、直蒴卷柏藓群落(Racopietum)和皱叶牛舌藓群落(Anomodetum)有着较高的生态优势度和生态位宽度,并且与其它苔藓群落的生态位重叠值很高。表明这三种苔藓群落对不同类型的峰丛石漠化生境都有着较好的适应能力,能够很好地与其它苔藓群落互利共生。   相似文献   
凸壳内缩法进行多密度离散点群边界检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对现有离散点群边界检测方法对多密度点群检测结果效果不够理想这一问题,本文提出利用凸壳内缩法检测离散点的边界:先建立离散点群凸壳结构,再定义内缩精度后通过点群凸壳结构特征实现最适内缩精度的识别.该方法对内缩扫描区域面积会随边界点密度不同而变化,因此更加适用于多密度离散点群边界的检测.通过与现有边界检测方法的对比,本文提出的方法在处理多密度离散点群的边界检测问题时具有高效性和普适性.  相似文献   
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