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黄河上游地区气候变化及其对黄河水资源的影响   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
通过对1961年以来黄河上游地区气候变化的分析,发现黄河源区进入80年代中后期以后,年平均气温上升趋势非常明显,特别是1998年的年平均气温竟达到-2.1℃,是40年来年平均气温最高的一年;进入90年代,春季和夏季温度急剧回升.黄河上游地区年平均降水量及秋季降水量无明显的变化趋势,且其年际间的波动趋于缓和;冬季(12~2月)和春季(3~5月)降水量的变化趋势呈现出逐年增多的趋势;夏季(6~8月)降水量变化趋势却表现出显著的减少趋势.同时,分析了38年黄河上游径流量及其与流域降水、气温的关系,着重分析了干旱气候对黄河水资源的影响.结果表明,黄河上游地区水资源呈减少趋势,其减少趋势进入90年代后尤为明显.这一变化趋势与黄河上游地区夏季降水量变化趋势有着一致性,说明汛期降水量的减少是黄河上游流量减少的最直接的气候因子.  相似文献   
根据ERBE和ISCCP资料讨论了总云量等因子对地-气系统净辐射的影响,分析了地-气系统净辐射与其各分量及地表净辐射的相关联系。发现行星反射率和地气短波吸收辐射对地-气净辐射的影响最大,而云和纬度的作用主要通过该两因子变化表现出来,OLR的作用则相对较弱。地-气净辐射与地表净辐射的相关性也较明显。文中还就地-气净辐射在全国的地理分布作了分析。各地区地-气净辐射的年变曲线均为简单的夏大冬小型,云等因素的影响主要造成最大值出现月份的推移。  相似文献   
农业生态系统可持续性评价研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在大量查阅国内外文献资料的基础上,阐述了国内外农业可持续性评价指标体系的选取标准与选取方法,在此基础上,综述了国内外农业可持续评价方法及评价尺度等研究进展情况。发现国内农业可持续性评价指标过多且以农业经济方面的指标为主,指标之间重叠现象严重,对生态环境、政策性和指导性指标重视不够,而且评价方法有待进一步完善。最后,针对农业可持续性评价中存在的问题提出了一些建议,以期对国内农业的可持续评价研究有所借鉴。  相似文献   
A dipole pattern of summer precipitation over the mid-high latitudes of Asia, which is characterized by opposing summer precipitation variations between the Mongolian and Northeast China (MNC) region and the West Siberian Plain (WSP), is found to be clear and stable on both interdecadal and interannual scales during 1981- 2011. Spring snow cover anomalies over a small region within the WSP and the Heilongjiang River (HR) region are closely related to the variation of this dipole mode during the subsequent summer, and they can therefore be considered as forecasting factors. Our statistical results imply a potential process explaining the relationship between the spring snow anomalies and the summer rainfall dipole. Corresponding to the snow anomalies, Rossby waves propagate along a path from the WSP region, via the Mongolian Plateau, to the Stanovoy Range during summer. At the same time, Rossby-wave energy divergences and convergences along this path maintain and reinforce an anomalous cyclone and anticyclone pairing over the Asian continent, which is significantly linked to opposite summer precipitation anomalies between the MNC and WSP regions. Numerical experiments are need- ed to further confirm the above conjecture and demonstrate the detailed physical mechanisms linking the spring snow cover anomalies and summer precipitation dipole.  相似文献   
Based on the daily maximum temperature data covering the period 1961-2005, temporal and spatial characteristics and their changing in mean annual and monthly high temperature days (HTDs) and the mean daily maximum temperature (MDMT) during annual and monthly HTDs in East China were studied. The results show that the mean annual HTDs were 15.1 and the MDMT during annual HTDs was 36.3℃ in the past 45 years. Both the mean annual HTDs and the MDMT during annual HTDs were negative anomaly in the1980s and positive anomaly in the other periods of time, oscillating with a cycle of about 12-15 years. The mean annual HTDs were more in the southern part, but less in the northern part of East China. The MDMT during annual HTDs was higher in Zhejiang, Anhui and Jiangxi provinces in the central and western parts of East China. The high temperature process (HTP) was more in the southwestern part, but less in northeastern part of East China. Both the HTDs and the numbers of HTP were at most in July, and the MDMT during monthly HTDs was also the highest in July. In the first 5 years of the 21st century, the mean annual HTDs and the MDMT during annual HTDs increased at most of the stations, both the mean monthly HTDs and the MDMT during monthly HTDs were positive anomalies from April to October, the number of each type of HTP generally was at most and the MDMT in each type of HTP was also the highest.  相似文献   
李金锁  刘喜方  牛新生  商斌  李国臣 《地质学报》2020,94(10):3130-3143
通过对西藏藏北高原多格错仁盐湖湖岸3101cm高度剖面进行地形地貌、地层沉积特征、矿物学特征及粒度、频率磁化率等气候环境变化指标的分析研究发现,整个剖面反映出大致6个较大的气候变化过程:233. 3kaBP~223. 5kaBP气候波动较大,总体趋势气候趋于干冷,期间出现过两次较温暖气候,之后气候逐渐变冷;在223. 5kaBP~213. 6kaBP总体变化为气温大幅度上升,但在期间有一次较大的相对冷干过程;213. 6kaBP~170kaBP之间总体变化气候趋于变冷,中间有2次明显的气候变暖湿过程及两次冷干过程;170kaBP~117. 1kaBP气候转为明显湿热;117. 1kaBP~75. 6kaBP气候变化趋势明显降低;75. 6kaBP~56. 7kaBP气候又明显上升达到湿热状态。以上气候波动规律与极地冰芯记录及深海氧同位素记录的古气候波动规律有很好的一致性,同时本盐湖区与柴达木盆地察尔汗盐湖区的CH0310钻孔及青海湖南岸二郎剑阶地的 QH 86钻孔所揭示的中更新世晚期以来的气候变化的分析对比,发现西藏羌北的多格错仁盐湖区与青海的察尔汗盐湖区及青海湖湖区在更新世中晚期以来的气候环境变迁存在极好的可比性,说明青藏高原的气候演化在中晚更新世以来基本具有一致性,在时间上的微小超前与滞后具有区域上的细微变化,说明气候变迁在不同的区域又具有各自的独特性。  相似文献   
鄱阳湖水面蒸发量的计算与变化趋势分析(1955-2004年)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
闵骞  刘影 《湖泊科学》2006,18(5):452-457
利用器测折算法与气候模式法,分别计算鄱阳湖周围康山、棠荫、都昌、星子、湖口5站的单站水面蒸发量,以5站两种方法计算值的平均值代表鄱阳湖大湖面的水面蒸发量,求得鄱阳湖1955-2004年各月的水面蒸发量和蒸发水量,结果为:多年平均年蒸发量1081.2 mm.年蒸发水量27.06×10~8 m~3.对年、月水面蒸发量在近50年来的变化趋势进行了分析,表明除5月份外,其他各月蒸发量和年蒸发量均呈逐渐减少趋势,年蒸发量平均每年减小2.79 mm,年蒸发水量平均减少0.05×10~8 m~3,对湖区水资源持续利用和湖泊环境将产生明显影响.对水面蒸发量递减原因进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   
利用“南海季风科学试验”(SCSMEX)所获得的可靠资料,对1998年区域海陆热力状况进行了分析与对比,并着重讨论了西太平洋和青藏高原地区热力作用对1998年季风爆发及发展的可能影响。结果发现:大气热源分布与海陆分布有密切联系,由于地形的阻挡使得在包含有南北海陆分布差异的地区,热源主要大值带较全海洋区域明显偏南。表面加热存在明显的季节变化和海陆差异。西太平洋地区与夏季风爆发之间的联系主要表现在海温和潜热加热的变化上。高原在亚洲夏季风爆发过程中的作用机制不同:在南海季风爆发期间以感热加热为主,印度季风爆发期间以水汽凝结释放潜热为主。  相似文献   
The Lambert Glacier basin is one of particular regions in East Antarctica, because of its distinctive topography. During the repeat inland traverses carried out in recent several years, surface 2 m snow samples and shallow (10~27 m deep) cores were collected at several ten stations and at near ten stations, respectively. The stable isotopic ratios of these samples and cores were measured in order to investigate the relation of isotopes with temperature and to study the climatic change in recent decades over this area. The correlation between isotopic ratios and mean annual temperature gives that δ-temperature gradient is relatively close to that along a traverse route between Vostok and Mirnyy stations. The inconsistency of δ18O profiles of these cores makes it difficult to distinguish an overall trend of climatic change in past decades. After incorporating the result of snow accumulation variability and temperature record over 30 years at the coast station, it is believed that climate was in a little cooling and drying from 1950s to 1980s and has been in a warming period since then.  相似文献   
Surface air temperatures recorded over the past three decades at the weather stations located in Lahore (anindustrialized and densely populated city) and Mianwali (a small and sparsely populated city) were analyzed in order tostudy their climatic trend.Lahore,where meteorological data are recorded at two weather stations (city station and air-port station) indicates a cooling trend,of about 0.5℃ per record period of 1953—1992,for the airport station (31°31′N,74°24′E) and a slight warming trend,of about 0.2℃,for the city station (31°33′N,74°20′E) for the record period of 1950—1992.The Mianwali weather station (32°33′N,71°31′E) also shows a slight cooling trend,of about 0.4℃ per recordperiod of 1959—1992.The climatic variability at these stations was studied by computing seasonal and annual tempera-ture anomalies.The results are explained in terms of the local environmental conditions.  相似文献   
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