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Jamaica's tourism industry has grown rapidly in recent decades, with significant implications for national development. However, the distribution of the benefits from this growth sector has been socially and spatially uneven. Drawing on substantial data sets collected through a variety of participatory research practices, this paper assesses the socioeconomic and environmental challenges facing the residents of Montego Bay and Falmouth on Jamaica's north coast, the main site for tourism development in the country. The research involved training community residents as researchers, and used traditional quantitative methods alongside techniques borrowed from participatory rapid appraisal.
The local society and economy are clearly shown to be affected by processes of globalization and mobility. However, existing patterns of national economic development – including the expansion of the tourism industry – have failed to alleviate the social and environmental problems faced by relatively powerless members of the Jamaican society. In contrast, the most effective responses to this situation have involved stakeholder groups negotiating and breaking down entrenched scaled relationships through the mobilization of particular forms of social networks.  相似文献   
Globalisation is manifested in the Mekong Region both through processes and discourses that reflect the ideology of a borderless world allowing easy passage of capital and commodities, and through resistance to such processes in an increasingly transnationalised civil society movement. However, more immediately significant supranational integrative agendas take the form of regionalisation, a process that has received less attention but which raises analogous concerns of re-scaled governance. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has been a catalysing force for regionalisation amidst a host of regional processes and initiatives; as such it has found itself the object of critique as an institution and through the specific projects it has supported that have impacted on local communities and ecosystems. Meanwhile, local and NGO voices associated with the emergence of a vibrant civil society in Thailand and nascent civil society responses in neighbouring countries have challenged claims on resources made in the name of national development and regional integration.
This paper considers some key issues of re-scaling resource and environmental politics in the Mekong Region, and the extent to which challenges have been recast from national to regional development agendas. Politics of environment are shown to exist as a general rather than exceptional response to the region's development direction, and it is suggested that equitable and sustainable development increasingly needs to address simultaneously the re-scaling and reconfigurations of power in both environmental politics and the "infrapolitics" of environment. The paper is illustrated with case studies of dams in Laos and Thailand.  相似文献   
硫酸盐渍土机场地基处理换填覆重法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴爱红  蔡良才  顾强康 《岩土力学》2010,31(12):3880-3886
盐胀是硫酸盐渍土的主要危害,硫酸盐渍土机场地基处理的关键在于减少盐胀。通过不同荷载作用下的盐胀试验,研究了荷载对不同压实度、不同含盐量的硫酸盐渍土盐胀的抑制效果,拟合了盐胀经验公式,探讨了换填覆重法硫酸盐渍土机场地基处理。压实度不宜太高,在满足道面承载力的条件下建议在90%~95%之间取值;道面2 m以下可以填弱盐渍土,建议含盐量不要超过0.5%;水分危险点危害最大,必须重视排水设计。给出了确定换填覆重法最小荷载及最小厚度的方法。计算表明,覆重荷载50 kPa基本能抑制含盐量小于0.5%的硫酸盐渍土的盐胀,采用砂砾石材料最小覆重层厚度约2 m。换填覆重法在西北地区硫酸盐渍土机场地基处理中具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   
目前,岩溶地区地基处理设计没有统一的规范或标准可以借鉴。本文根据机场自身特点,通过评判隐伏岩溶的埋藏深度、顶板安全厚度及顶板洞径比等三种主要因素,介绍了一种目前机场常用的岩溶地基处理评价方法,并结合贵州某机场岩溶地基处理设计情况,对场区隐伏岩溶进行评判并提出处理措施,为类似工程提供一些参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
米林机场拟建场地位于藏东南地区雅鲁藏布江深切谷地内T1和T2阶地上,为Ⅱ类建筑场地,地震基本烈度为8度.根据地震地质灾害发生的重复性特征,未来米林机场建设场地不排除再次发生砂土液化破坏的可能.砂土颗粒级配分析以及土层剪切波速测试结果也支持这一结果.考虑到场地周围地下水埋藏特点,判断该场地砂土液化深度不会太深,主要发生部位应该在雅鲁藏布江一级阶地及其相当地貌部位。  相似文献   
The karst landscape in the interior of the Philippines' Bohol Province represents one of the world's premier kegelkarst (cone karst) environments. Government efforts to protect some of this karst, exemplified by the establishment of the Rajah Sikatuna National Park and the Chocolate Hills Natural Monument, have proven to be significant catalysts of social conflict. In Bohol there is a long history of traditional land tenure, which has recently been supplanted by a Westernized model. Protected area establishment is a response to deforestation, agricultural exploitation and uncontrolled quarrying. However, the imposition of protective legislation to prevent further degradation has disenfranchized and marginalized many local farmers and residents. The conflict between the obligation of the State to ensure environmental protection and the perceived property rights of landowners and farmers has provoked an escalation in civil unrest and armed conflict.  相似文献   
徐祥文  黄崇福 《地震研究》1993,16(2):187-192
本文针对专家评定意见有一定伸缩性的特点,将专家意见表示为评定论域上的模糊子集,利用可能性相加原理,对专家意见进行了统计分析,得出综合性的意见。结果表明,利用伸缩性提供的丰富信息,可以较好地总结专家意见。基于几种模型的仿真可靠性分析结果,本文推荐可靠性最高的模型作为城市平房震害预测统计手段。  相似文献   
针对特战实训演练中大比例尺军事地形图数据不足、现势性较差的问题,从特战用图需求出发,基于众源地理数据提出了一种快速、高效、经济、准确的大比例尺军事地形图测制方法。首先,介绍了众源地理数据的概念和特点,研究了众源地理数据的来源和获取方法。然后,在顾及军事地形图与民用地形图之间制图表达的差异后,设计了利用众源地理数据绘制大比例尺军事地形图的工艺流程。最后,基于ArcMap,绘制了某地1∶1万军事地形图并进行实验验证和精度分析。实验结果表明,该方法既可有效提高作业效率,又能满足成图精度要求,可为军事教学训练、指挥员用图决策提供重要参考。  相似文献   
飞机颠簸对飞机运行安全及旅客舒适度具有很大危害,提高飞机颠簸的预报准确率对于减轻人员伤害和财产损失具有重要意义,且一直是航空气象研究的重点领域。随着观测手段的丰富和科学技术的进步,飞机颠簸预报也取得了长足发展。本文首先从定性预报和定量预报的角度对国内外飞机颠簸预报的主要方法,特别是人工智能(AI)方法在其中的最新应用进行了综述。在此基础上,归纳总结出AI用于飞机湍流预报存在的主要问题和未来的重点研究方向:1)飞机实况数据的开放共享以及多源湍流数据的融合构建问题;2)基于人工智能构建飞机颠簸预报模型的可解释性及物理机制问题;3)基于人工智能构建飞机颠簸的集合预报问题。最后,提出了气象领域未来第三代人工智能的发展思路。  相似文献   
本文通过对上海地区地震危险性分析,论述了上海地区开展村镇民房震害预测的必要性。根据上海地区的建筑特点,并以宝山区Ⅵ度震害预测为例,对上海地区村镇民房震害预测方法的可行性进行了探讨。  相似文献   
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