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Through microscopic and SEM observations and X-ray diffraction and energy spectrum analyses, the oldest sponge spicules and radiolarians have been found in bedded cherts and it is proposed that microbial activity of algae and bacteria played an important role in silica precipitation. The microbial activity resulted in the formation of a series of single crystals and crystal aggregates with peculiar shapes. Biogenic single crystals usually occur in spherical, rod, platy, colloidal and granular forms. The most common aggregates are framboidal aggregates composed of dense spherical quartz crystals, which are considered to be of typical bacterial origin. Other aggregates, such as favositic, double-spherical, chain-spherica'l and coccoid ones, are considered to be probably the result of silicification of algal cells and mainly of primary sedimentary origin. This paper also discusses the ultrastructural features and diagnostic indications of jasper rocks formed in a submarine hydrothermal environment and cher  相似文献   
Epidermal cells of amphioxus at different developmental stages were investigated by electron microscopy and colloidal carbon tracing experiments. Amphioxus epidermal cells showed different ultrastructural characteristics at larval and adult stages. The epidermal cells at all larval stages studied (24–96 h) had numerous vesicles containing electron dense materials in their apical cytoplasm. In tracing experiments, carbon particles were found in apical vesicles and interoellular spaces. Under scanning electron microscope, many crater-like protrusions were observed on the surface of the cells. These results indicated that amphioxus larval epidermal cells may be capable of endocytosis. The epidermal cells of 3-month and adult amphioxus were obviously secretory ones characterized by well-developed peripheral filaments, a prominent Golgi apparatus and abundant apical secretory vesicles. This study also showed that adult amphioxus body surface mucus contained lectin that could agglutinate human red blood cells. The authors propose that the epidermal cells of amphioxus larva and adult may contribute to the immune defense of the amimal by different means. Project 3860811 supported by NSFC and study also supported by the Shandong Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. 92D1144).  相似文献   
分子生物学在微藻分类研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过与传统微藻分类方法的比较,说明微藻分子分类技术的产生与发展,并从线粒体DNA(mtDNA)、叶绿体DNA(cpDNA)和核基因组DNA(nDNA)3个方面列举了分子分类技术在微藻鉴定和生理生态方面的应用,着重说明了核基困组在藻类分子检测中的作用。并对微藻分子分类技术的问题与发展进行了总结与展望。  相似文献   
利用扫描电镜和透射电镜技术,详细观察了帘文蛤(Meretrix lyrata)精子的形态和超微结构.研究发现,帘文蛤的精子为典型的原生型,全长42.2±1.8μm,包括头部、中段和尾部三部分.头部为稍弯曲的狭茧形,长约2.4μm,由前端的顶体和其后的细胞核组成,顶体呈倒"V"形,前端电子密度较小,后端电子密度较大;核内含有高度浓缩的染色质,可见染色较浅的核泡存在,无核前窝,有明显核后窝和植入窝.中段由5个呈辐射状排列的线粒体和中央的2个相互垂直的中心粒复合体构成,线粒体近球形,由内、外两层膜组成.尾部鞭毛长39.3±1.9μm,由波浪状质膜和包裹其中的轴丝组成.另外,将帘蛤科(Veneridae)尤其是文蛤属(Meretrix)贝类精子超微结构与其他贝类进行了比较和分析,为文蛤属的种类鉴别提供细胞学依据.  相似文献   
Bivalveshavetranslucentthinmembranes—thegastricshieldcoversontheleftoftheposteriorstomachwalls;theheadofthecrystallinestylehousedinthestyle sacisrotatedforwardintothestomachtoimpingethefoodonthegastricshield (ZhangandTai,1 961 ) .Itwasreportedthatthegastric…  相似文献   
It had been demonstrated that individual cells or protoplasts isolated from Porphyra thallus by enzyme could develop into normal leafy thalli in the same way as monospores, and that isolated cells develop in different way in liquid and on semi solid media. The authors observed the ultrastructure of isolated vegetative cells cultured on semi solid media and compared them with those of monospores and isolated cells cultured in liquid media. The results showed that subcellular structures were quite different among cells in different conditions. In their development, isolated cells on semi solid media did not show the characteristic subcellular feature of monospore formation, such as production of fibrous vesicles. Callus like cells formed on semi solid media underwent a distinctive modification in cellular organization. They developed characteristic cell inclusions and a special 2 layer cell covering. Golgi bodies, ER, starch grains, mitochondria. Vacuoles were not commonly found in them.  相似文献   
In order to obtain qualitative and quantitative characteristics of leaf epidermal micromorphology and mesophyll structure to evaluate the responses of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. to different environment...  相似文献   
采用凝胶层析技术从泥蚶血细胞裂解物中纯化得到两种血红蛋白Tg-HbⅡ(异源四聚体)和TgHbⅠ(同源二聚体),回收率分别为48.15%和24.91%。胰蛋白酶酶解Tg-HbⅡ,酶解液经反相C-18色谱柱分离纯化得7种血红蛋白源多肽F1~F7。通过琼脂扩散法检测酶解多肽抑菌活性,结果发现7种多肽对金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌、恶臭假单胞菌、枯草芽孢杆菌和坚强芽孢杆菌均无抑菌作用,但多肽F2~F7对副溶血弧菌、溶藻弧菌和哈维氏弧菌具有明显抗菌活性,且多肽F2~F7对副溶血弧菌、溶藻弧菌和哈维氏弧菌的MIC值在0.012~0.200mg/mL范围内。荧光显微镜观察酶解多肽杀菌效果发现多肽杀菌迅速,5min内弧菌细胞几乎全部死亡。利用透射电子显微镜观察正常的和经抗菌肽处理后的溶藻弧菌和哈维氏弧菌细胞的超微结构,结果显示,对照组正常细胞内部结构完整,而经抗菌肽处理过的细胞其细胞壁完整,但因缺乏细胞内容物支持导致局部区域内陷,细胞质膜明显收缩,细胞内物质外流形成许多空泡从而导致细胞死亡。研究结果表明血红蛋白源抗菌肽对泥蚶致病菌弧菌有明显的抗菌活性,其通过破坏细胞内部结构而起到杀菌作用,这些发现为血红蛋白抗菌机制的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
应用透射电镜技术研究了斜带髭鲷(Hapalogenys nitens)外周血红细胞和血栓细胞的超微结构。结果表明:红细胞呈卵圆形或长椭圆形,胞核居中,异染色质呈斑块状分布;胞质中含有线粒体、多核糖体、小囊泡、高尔基体和边缘带;可见核正处于分裂的细胞或双核细胞,以及凋亡红细胞。血栓细胞形态多样,细胞表面有的无突起,有的有短的突起或长的丝状伪足;胞核位于细胞中央,异染色质呈片状或网状分布;胞质中含有丰富的游离核糖体、微管,少量的粗面内质网、线粒体、致密颗粒和大液泡;由大量空泡和大小不一、形态各异的小管构成的表面相连小管系遍布于胞质中,成为血栓细胞的一个显著特征;偶见血栓细胞以其丝状伪足抱裹异物颗粒的现象。  相似文献   
为了解广西北部湾海域钝缀锦蛤(Tapes conspersus)精巢周年发育情况、精子发生过程及成熟精子超微结构,本文采用组织切片、扫描电镜、透射电镜技术对钝缀锦蛤精巢发育过程、精子的发生及超微结构进行了研究。研究结果显示:目前广西北部湾钝缀锦蛤未见雌雄同体情况,观察的个体皆为雌雄异体。一周年的采样结果中,雌性个体138个、雄性个体102个,雌雄的性比约为1.35︰1。1年即为精巢发育的一个周期,发育时期可以划分为增殖期、生长期、成熟期、排放期、休止期共5个主要分期。精细胞的发育可以划分为5个主要分期,即精原细胞期、初级精母细胞期、次级精母细胞期、精细胞期、成熟精子期。精子全长约59.27μm,属于鞭毛型,由头部、中部、尾部3个部分共同构成,精子头部呈圆锥型,由细胞核和顶体组成,顶体呈倒“V”型。电子在顶体的分布是不均匀的,顶体前部电子分布少,后部分布多。中部主要由两部分构成,即5个圆形排列的线粒体和一个中心粒复合体。轴丝与质膜两个部分共同构成了尾部,轴丝的双联体微管结构横切面表现为“9+2”型。此外,本实验观察到少部分精子尾部呈双尾结构。  相似文献   
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