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We present the first data on the petrology of the mantle lithosphereof the Southeastern (SE) Slave craton, Canada. These are basedon petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical studies of mantlexenoliths in Pipe 5034 of the Cambrian Gahcho Kué kimberlitecluster. Major types of mantle xenoliths include altered eclogite,coarse garnet or spinel peridotite, and deformed garnet peridotite.The peridotites belong to the low-temperature suite and formedat T=600–1300°C and P= 25–80 kbar in a thick(at least 220–250 km), cool lithosphere. The SE Slavemantle is cooler than the mantle of other Archaean cratons andthat below other terranes of the Slave craton. The thick lithosphereand the relatively cool thermal regime provide favourable conditionsfor formation and preservation of diamonds beneath the SE Slaveterrane. Similar to average Archaean mantle worldwide, the SESlave peridotite is depleted in magmaphile major elements andcontains olivine with forsterite content of 91–93·5.With respect to olivine composition and mode, all terranes ofthe Slave mantle show broadly similar compositions and are relativelyorthopyroxene-poor compared with those of the Kaapvaal and Siberiancratons. The SE Slave spinel peridotite is poorer in Al, Caand Fe, and richer in Mg than deeper garnet peridotite. Thegreater chemical depletion of the shallow upper mantle is typicalof all terranes of the Slave craton and may be common for thesubcontinental lithospheric peridotitic mantle in general. Peridotiticxenoliths of the SE Slave craton were impregnated by kimberliticfluids that caused late-stage recrystallization of primary clinopyroxene,spinel, olivine and spinel-facies orthopyroxene, and formationof interstitial clinopyroxene. This kimberlite-related recrystallizationdepleted primary pyroxenes and spinel in Al. The kimberliticfluid was oxidizing, Ti-, Fe- and K-rich, and Na-poor, and introducedserpentine, chlorite, phlogopite and spinel into peridotitesat P < 35 kbar. KEY WORDS: kimberlite xenolith; lithosphere; mantle terrane; chemical zoning; thermobarometry; Slave craton  相似文献   
The chemical forms, spatial distribution and sources of As, Hg, Cd, Pb and Zn in sediments of the Miyun reservoir were studied. The results of sequential extraction demonstrate that most of As, Pb and Zn were bound to the residual fraction, Hg was associated with the sulfide fraction while Cd was associated with the carbonate fraction and the residual fraction. On the vertical profiles the concentrations of the heavy metals in total and each fractions mostly decreased with increasing depths in sediments, suggesting that the heavy metals input from the upstream watershed increases yearly. Summation of the residual fraction, the sulfide fraction and the carbonate fraction accounts for 60.03%―85.60% of the total heavy metal contents in the sediments, which represent the geochemical background values of the elements and relate closely to soil erosion. Results of the main factor analysis show that most sediments of the reservoir come from the upstream soil erosion, the point source pollution and domestic waste. Moreover, the microbial activities taking place on the sediment-water interface are also one of the major factors to cause the increasing content of the organic matter fraction and the iron-manganese oxide fraction. Environmental change of the reservoir water could make the removability of the heavy metals increase, leading to the increase of their concentrations in pore water in sediments, and imperiling water quality of the reservoir.  相似文献   
A remarkable invariance in the ratio of 1,3-dimethylcarbazole (DMC) to 1,6-DMC was discovered in crude oils from the Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea. The remarkably invariant ratio is kept at a constant of about unity regardless of their concentrations, sources or maturities for the sampies. In combination with the molecular structures of 1,3- and 1,6-DMCs, the invariance might indicate that the nitrogen compounds share a common precursor with a skeleton of 1-methylcarbazole and are formed through methylation at C3 and C6 with an essentially identical rate.  相似文献   
紫花苜蓿种植对山地荒沟客土理化性质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验在客土回填后的山地荒沟,设置紫花苜蓿草地试验区,连续2 a研究紫花苜蓿种植对客土理化性质的影响,结果得出:自然条件下,春季播种紫花苜蓿,可以加速山区荒沟植被恢复,改善客土理化性质,播种后第2 a,地上生物量与覆盖度达到最高,分别为2 1.5 kg/hm2和74.1%,0~10 cm土层中pH值明显降低,土壤速效钾相对增加,全氮、碱解氮含量显著提高,达到0.657 g/kg与39.54 mg/kg;播种后第3 a,10~20 cm土层内土壤容重显著减小,达1.241 g/cm3,总孔隙度显著提高,5.0~17.5 cm土层土壤紧实度显著降低,同时,0~10 cm土层速效磷含量下降速度相对减缓,有机质含量显著升高,达到9.253 g/kg。  相似文献   
在实地考察和分析前人资料的基础上,简要地介绍了山东昌乐锆石的产出特征。通过常规的宝石学测试方法、X-射线荧光光谱分析和激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(LA-ICP-MS)对该地区锆石的物理性质、内外部特征及化学成分进行了研究。结果表明,该地区锆石粒度较大,整体透明度较好,颜色呈深浅不一的褐色,以深褐色为主;主要由ZrO2和SiO2组成,微量元素主要有Fe,Ti,P,Sc,Ni等杂质元素,还有部分放射性元素和稀土元素;放射性元素主要为U和Th,Th/U比值均大于0.4(1个数据例外);稀土元素以富钇族元素为特征,富集HREE,明显的Ce正异常(2~13),微弱的Eu负异常(0.69~0.76)。另外,昌乐锆石放射性核素的放射性比活度非常低。综合特征表明,昌乐锆石是一种具有利用价值的宝石资源。  相似文献   
山西义兴寨金矿床地球化学研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
晋东北地区以唐河大断裂为核心的一组早燕山期 NW向张剪性断裂与区域 NE向复向斜复合部位 ,控制着区内燕山期中酸性浅成侵入体及其与之有关的铁、金、铜矿化 ,义兴寨金矿是该地区具代表性的典型矿床。金矿床为热液型脉状金 -多金属矿床 ,矿体受岩体和断裂构造控制。金矿床分 4个成矿期 ,8个亚期。对金矿床的矿床地质特征、成矿流体成分、性质、成矿物理化学条件及成矿时代的研究表明 ,成矿溶液的 p H值为 6 .1 6~ 6 .5 3:Eh值为 -0 .2 81~-0 .2 80 ;lgf O2 =-3.6~ -2 9,lgf CO2 =4 .3~ 5 .2 ;成矿温度为 1 90~ 349℃ ;成矿压力为 2 0 .0~ 76 .0 MPa;矿床主成矿期石英的 40 Ar— 3 9Ar坪年龄为 ( 1 31 .4± 3.1 ) Ma。  相似文献   
稳定同位素分馏的蒸汽压效应(vaporpressureisotopeeffects,简称VPIE),在地球化学和天体化学上有着非常重要的研究意义。大部分情况下,由于轻重同位素体具有不同的蒸汽压,在经历挥发和蒸发过程时,含有重同位素的物种挥发得慢,轻同位素物种挥发得快,最终结果导致凝聚相富集重同位素,气相含有较多的轻同位素。在地球化学上,VPIE直接同非常重要的地学参数——同位素平衡分馏系数仅联系在一起。本文应用Bigeleisen提出的方法,直接将VPIE和约化配分函数比(RPFR)相联系,只需要通过理论计算获得两种物质的简谐振动频率,就能够得到非高压情况下该物质的VPIE。本文以水和硫镉矿(CdS)为例,详细介绍了如何计算蒸发和气化过程VPIE的方法,并指出了其在天体化学和矿床学中的一些潜在应用。  相似文献   
含粗粒金矿,由于粗粒金的存在使其样品的采集、加工和分析极具挑战性,如何获得具有代表性和均匀性的化学分析样品,并提供准确的分析结果,长期以来一直是该类金矿资源勘查评价急待解决的技术难题。本文对近年来国内外含粗粒金矿样品的采集、加工和分析方法等3方面开展的研究工作及主要成果进行归纳分析,认为:1含粗粒金矿样品的采集是确保样品代表性的首要环节,含粗粒金矿样品分析结果的潜在误差有80%来源于样品采集,因此研究经济、有效的样品采集方法至关重要。2含粗粒金矿样品的加工主要从提高自然金的粉碎度,改进加工流程,选择样品加工设备等方面进行,但查明金的粒度分布及伴生矿物是拟定样品加工流程的关键。3含粗粒金矿样品的分析方法有常规的化学分析方法、批量浸金法和人工重砂加权平均法,相对于复杂的加工流程研究,后者有望成为此类样品经济有效的分析方法。本文指出,含粗粒金矿资源评价质量的误差来源于地质、采样、加工、分析等诸多方面,总体而言应最小化所有阶段误差,应特别重视样品采集方法的研究,确保采集样品的代表性是提高该类金矿资源评价质量的前提。  相似文献   
苏州城市规划区Ⅱ承压水开采与地面沉降预防控制研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在孔隙承压水开采与地面沉降的关系上存在2种观点。水、土应力平衡理论认为:只要开采承压水,就会引发应力失衡并导致地面沉降;而水、土动态平衡理论则认为:除非开采水压力至水、土应力平衡面以下,否则不会引发地面沉降。苏州城市规划区第Ⅱ承压水开采水位与地面沉降动态观测表明,在-33m处存在一个天然动态水、土应力平衡面。第Ⅱ承压含水层形成后,经上覆堆积物自重压力长期压缩作用,其水压力具较高的压强.这种天然状态下产生的弹性释放储存量可开采利用多少,取决于开采状态下水、土应力平衡时可消耗压力水柱高度中的水头值。因而地面沉降的根本原因是开采水位超过了-33m,突破了天然状态水、土应力平衡面水位。Ⅱ承压含水层在天然状态受上覆堆积物重力产生的高压强弹性释放储存量现象,可以帮助我们确立该地区孔隙Ⅱ承压水开采不产生地面沉降的临界水位(水、土应力平衡面)。这一点对承压水开采条件、可开采资源性质具有重大实际意义。同样可以应用于饱受地面沉降困扰的无锡、常州及周边地区,为地下水开发利用政策由单一的封井停采转为目标水位控制开采提供了科学依据。同时也为此政策在承压水动力学机制上找到了内在原因。  相似文献   
原油族组分成气的化学动力学模型及其标定   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
卢双舫  付晓泰 《地质学报》1997,71(4):367-373
利用等温密封热解实验技术及恒速升温热解实验与PY—GC分析技术的结合,本文分别建立并标定了原油中各族组分,即饱和烃、芳烃、非烃和沥青质成气的化学动力学模型。结果表明,原油中不同族组分成气的过程均可用平行一级反应描述,但不同组分在平均活化能及活化能分布上有明显的差异。各族组分在地史过程中成气的过程可由各自的化学动力学模型来描述。这将使原油成气过程的定量、动态描述成为可能。  相似文献   
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