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A numerical model has been developed for the simulation of turbidity currents driven by nonuniform, non cohesive sediment and flowing over a complex three dimensional submarine topography. The model is based on an alternative approach known as Cellular Automata paradigm. The model is validated by comparing a simulation with a reported field-scale event. The chosen case is a turbidity current which occurred in Capbreton Canyon and was initiated by a storm in December 1999. Using data from recent oceanographic cruises, the deposit of the event has been precisely described, which constrain values of model parameters. The model simulates the 1999 turbidity current over the actual canyon topography and related turbidite using three different types of particle. The model successfully simulates areas of erosion and deposition in the canyon. It predicts the vertical and longitudinal grain size evolution, and shows that the fining-up sequence can be deposited by several phases of deposition and erosion related to the current energetic variation during its evolution. This result could explain the presence of intrabed contacts or the frequent lack of facies in Bouma sequences.  相似文献   
This paper demonstrates the plausibility of inferring the spatial variability of geology from topographically derived landscape dissection patterns. This enables surveying large regions for spatial variability in geology, for which direct remote sensing is not feasible, by studying variability in dissection pattern, a feature extracted straight off from digital elevation model data. Dissection pattern is obtained automatically by a novel algorithm, especially designed to delineate the valleys with high accuracy in order to reflect spatial variability in dissection density. The dissection pattern is encapsulated by a continuous map of drainage density, a raster variable best suited for showing spatial variability of dissection. Such a map, constructed for the study area in the Cascade Range, Oregon, USA, shows a sharp discontinuity in the dissection pattern, indicating change in underlying geology. Possible factors controlling the dissection pattern such as climate, local and regional slopes, vegetation, and geology are examined, and geology has been found to be the dominant controlling factor. The dissection contrast coincides with the boundary between the Western and High Cascades, two geologic provinces with different rock ages and types. The older and less permeable Western Cascades are associated with denser dissection pattern, whereas the younger and more permeable High Cascades correspond to less dissected pattern. This new mapping method can be applied to locations where topography is the only readily available data, and the generated map could be used to extract previously unknown geologic or environmental information.  相似文献   
Black Holes and Loose Connections in a Global Urban Network   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper introduces the concept of black holes and loose connections in a global urban hierarchy. Black holes are defined as large cities, with a population of over 3 million, that are not classified as world cities. The paper draws upon a classification that uses advanced producer services as an indicator of world city status. Large, nonworld cities are identified, and provisional ideas about explaining their position are outlined. Connectivity and population data are used in a simple regression analysis to identify loose connections: cities whose connectivity is less than that predicted by their population.  相似文献   
金沙江下游云南小江流域山地灾害综合区划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢洪  钟敦伦  何一平  崔鹏 《山地学报》2007,25(5):622-628
在分别完成云南小江流域泥石流危险度区划、滑坡危险度区划和土壤侵蚀强度分区的基础上,对小江流域山地灾害进行综合区划。结果为,共分为三个不同等级的山地灾害综合区:(1)一级(高危险度)山地灾害综合区,(2)二级(次高危险度)山地灾害综合区和(3)四级(低危险度)山地灾害综合区;无三级(中危险度)山地灾害综合区。其中一级(高危险度)区面积1 425.34 km2,有泥石流沟84条,占区划区域泥石流沟总数的60.0%,有滑坡137个,占区划区域滑坡总数的77.4%,土壤侵蚀强度以轻、中度为主;二级(次高危险度)区面积756.79 km2,有泥石流沟35条,占区划区域泥石流沟总数的25.0%,有滑坡34个,占区划区域滑坡总数的19.2%,土壤侵蚀以轻、中度为主;四级(低危险度)区面积863.20 km2,有泥石流沟21条,占区划区域泥石流沟总数的15.0%,有滑坡6个,占区划区域滑坡总数的3.4%,土壤侵蚀以轻度为主。  相似文献   

利用国际卫星云气候计划(International Satellite Cloud Climate Program,简称ISCCP)提供的1998—2007年共10 a的深对流路径跟踪资料,统计分析了影响江淮地区对流系统(Convection system,简称CS)的时空分布及其参数特征。结果表明:影响江淮地区的CS主要集中在春夏两季,大多生成于江淮本地及我国中西部地区,呈现以江淮地区为中心的带状分布特征,越靠近江淮区域CS分布越为密集。依据源地不同,将影响江淮地区的CS分为5类,受气候条件与地形地貌的共同作用,各源地CS参数特征差异显著,总体来说CS的水平尺度越大,其生命史、对流云团(Convective clusters,简称CC)数目及水平云温度梯度也越大。其中江淮中心区域(MID)区域CS水平尺度、生命史和CC数目的平均值均为最小;东南(SE)区域CS生命周期以中长周期为主,水平尺度、最大对流比和云温度梯度的平均值最大。梅雨期内江淮地区对流活动频繁,CS的水平尺度大、生命史长、CC数目多。

曾勇  杨莲梅 《暴雨灾害》2017,26(5):410-421

利用常规气象探测、FY气象卫星、多普勒天气雷达、地面自动站资料以及NECP、EC高时空分辨率再分析资料,对比分析了2014年8月30日(简称“8.30”)和9月8日(简称“9.08”)南疆西部两次短时强降水天气中尺度特征。结果表明:“8.30”过程发生在高压脊前西北气流内,“9.08”过程出现在低涡底部平直西风带内,两次过程中地面和低空中尺度辐合线均是短时强降水的重要影响系统;造成短时强降水的β中尺度对流云团发展迅速、移动快,两次短时强降水分别产生在对流云团TBB梯度最大处和发展过程中范围最大时。两次过程在雷达回波特征方面存在明显差异,对流风暴质心高度明显不同,“8.30”过程影响系统为高质心γ中尺度超级单体,最强回波高度6 km,具有中低层辐合、高层辐散、旋转特征;“9.08”过程影响系统为低质心γ中尺度普通单体风暴,最强回波高度2 km,雷达径向速度上两次过程边界层辐合线对对流风暴的产生和加强有重要作用。

江南南部—华南北部前汛期严重旱涝诊断分析   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
利用江南南部—华南北部区域18个站45年(1951~1995年)4~6月降水资料计算了Z指数,确定出该区域严重涝年(1954、1962、1968、1973、1975年)和严重旱年(1958、1963、1967、1985、1991年)。分析了严重旱涝的频数分布和空间分布的特征,以及印度洋和太平洋整个赤道地区的SSTA、OLR距平场的分布。结果表明旱涝年SSTA、OLR距平场均有明显的差异。  相似文献   
利用客观分析资料和常规观测资料,分析了2011年6月长江中下游梅雨锋暴雨的大尺度环流特征,并对其中两次梅雨锋暴雨过程的降水特征和锋生条件进行对比分析。结果表明:(1) 500 hPa 中高纬地区两槽一脊强度均比常年偏强,持续稳定的高纬经向环流形势的存在为梅雨锋强降水持续稳定提供了所需的冷空气,冷空气与印缅槽前稳定的西南气流在长江流域频繁交汇,有利梅雨锋锋生以及形成大范围持续性强降水;(2) 200 hPa 南亚高压北侧强西风急流以及其南侧东风急流均比常年明显偏强;(3) 来自孟加拉湾的西南急流与副热带高压南侧偏强的东南气流辐合形成强南风影响我国华东地区,为梅雨锋强降水提供了充足的水汽输送,梅雨锋区水汽辐合明显加强时段与梅雨期四次强降水过程一一对应;(4) 两次梅雨锋暴雨过程降水特征和锋生条件存在明显差异,前者冷暖空气同时对锋区作用造成能量锋区锋生,是一次对流性降水,后者无冷空气影响,是一次地面静止锋波动引起的稳定性降水。  相似文献   



2021年5月14日20∶40前后,湖北省武汉市蔡甸区千子山发生龙卷灾害。基于详细的现场灾情调查和观测资料综合分析判断:(1) 本次灾害具有受灾路径长、纵横比大,受灾指示物有辐合倒伏、扭曲、被拔起和抛射等龙卷破坏的典型特征,确认为龙卷风灾害。(2) 龙卷自西向东移动,总路径长度约17.95km,其中连续路径约11km,最大破坏直径1000m,平均破坏直径800 m。龙卷经历了触地初生、加强成熟到跳跃减弱三个阶段,在影响路径的后半段,龙卷强度较弱,有跳跃式前进的特征。综合评估本次龙卷最大强度为中国龙卷强度行业标准三级(相当于美国EF3级)。(3) 雷达资料分析表明,这是一次典型的超级单体龙卷,伴随有强中气旋和龙卷涡旋(TVS)发展,超级单体中气旋和TVS加强,旋转速度、最强切变加大以及顶高底高下降时,龙卷触地引起地面灾害,地面最强破坏路径位于中气旋和TVS路径南侧。对于超级单体龙卷,可依据中气旋和TVS演变特征进行龙卷预警业务试验。

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