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Organization is recognized in the forereef–deep water slope–submarine fan system of the Burdigalian-Langhian Kaplankaya Formation. A basinwards transition from a prograding shelfal reef complex, through forereef talus, deep-water slope and laterally encroaching bypass deep-water clastic system is described, although the deep-water slope makes up the bulk of the succession. Considerable thickness variations occur between the reef and deep-water clastic complexes; these are controlled by sea-floor topography, carbonate foreslope gradient and degree of mass wasting off the platform and foreslope. The vertical and lateral heterogeneity of the Kaplankaya deep-water slope system is described from a number of localities along a 40-km-long and up to 3-km-wide exposed section of the northern margin of the Miocene Adana Basin, a foreland basin setting resulting from thrust sheet loading from the north during the Tauride Orogeny. Detailed field mapping is supplemented with vertical sedimentary logs, photomosaics, palaeontological and petrological data to investigate stratal variation, diagnostic architectural elements, controls on slope progradation, differential timing of basinward encroachment of the reefal complex and lateral onlap of the deep-water clastic system onto the slope. Three-dimensional models are presented showing the vertical and lateral facies associations in different parts of the deep-water slope system, and provide a basis for architectural prediction of geometry and relative position in such environments.  相似文献   
Paleomagnetism (18 sites, 231 specimens) of Lower Carboniferous carbonates in Northern Ireland reveals three characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) components. Six sites from Brigantian limestones have a Middle Triassic (239 ± 7 Ma) secondary chemical remanent magnetization (CRM) in hematite, likely from alteration of the limestones by oxidizing meteoric fluids when continental red beds were deposited immediately above. Twelve sites from early Asbian limestones retain ChRM directions residing in pyrrhotite and magnetite. Their paleopoles are statistically indistinct, but suggest that the pyrrhotite remanence (326 ± 4 Ma) is about a million years younger than the magnetite remanence (327 ± 3 Ma). More importantly, the primary ChRM in these limestones was reset 3 or 4 Ma after deposition, probably by fluids involved in their diagenesis, giving secondary CRMs that are 8 Ma younger than those observed in the Lower Carboniferous carbonates that host the Navan Zn–Pb deposit in the Irish Midlands, suggesting two unrelated fluid histories.  相似文献   
Rhodoliths are nodular structures composed mainly of the superimposed thalli of calcareous red algae. Because their development is controlled by an array of ecological parameters, rhodoliths are a valuable source of palaeoenvironmental information. However, despite their common use in palaeoecological reconstructions, the stratigraphic significance of rhodolith accumulations seldom has been addressed in detail. In a study of Cenozoic rhodolith‐bearing deposits from the North Island of New Zealand, rhodolithic units, usually of limited lateral extent, typically occur above major unconformities at the base of deepening upwards successions. Two types of transgressive rhodolith‐bearing deposits may be distinguished on the basis of texture and rhodolith internal structure: (i) type A deposits are clast‐supported rhodolithic rudstones containing abundant pebbles and cobbles reworked from the substrate, and are characterized by rhodoliths with a compact concentric to columnar internal structure and a high nucleus to algal cover ratio; (ii) type B deposits are rhodolithic floatstones with a matrix usually consisting of bryozoan fragments, benthic foraminifera and echinoid fragments or terrigenous silty fine sand. The rhodoliths of type B units usually have a loose internal framework with irregular to branched crusts. The two contrasting rhodolith‐bearing units are interpreted as characteristic facies of transgressive systems tract deposits, analogous to shell concentrations formed under conditions of low net sedimentation. Type A deposits are correlated with relatively high‐energy settings and/or narrow submerged palaeotopographic lows, whereas type B deposits are interpreted as forming in lower‐energy settings. The association between transgression and development of rhodolithic facies is confirmed by observations of a modern rhodolith production site at Whangaparaoa Peninsula in North Island, where algal nodules grow above a ravinement surface cut during the Holocene sea‐level rise, and also by a review of published fossil examples, many of which show stratigraphic and compositional attributes analogous to those of the New Zealand occurrences. The review indicates that transgressive rhodolith accumulations develop more commonly in, but are not restricted to, non‐tropical settings. It is suggested that a combination of factors, such as low net sedimentary input, nature of the substrate, sea‐level rise and inherited physiography contribute to determine the relationship between rhodolith‐bearing deposits and transgressive settings.  相似文献   
Abstract Dolomite marble from the Kumdy–Kol area of the Kokchetav Massif contains abundant microdiamond, mainly in garnet and a few in diopside. The mineral assemblage at peak metamorphic condition consists of dolomite + diopside + garnet (+ aragonite) ± diamond. Inclusions of very low MgCO3 calcite and almost pure calcite occur in diopside and are interpreted as aragonite and/or aragonite + dolomite. Single-phase Mg–calcite in diopside with a very high MgCO3 component (up to 21.7 mol%) was also found in diamond-free dolomitic marble, and is interpreted as a retrograde product from aragonite + dolomite to Mg–calcite. The dolomite stability constrains the maximum pressure (P) at < 7 GPa using previous experimental data, whereas the occurrence of diamond yields the minimum peak pressure–temperature (P–T) condition at 4.2 GPa and 980 °C at X co 2 = 0.1. The highest MgCO3 in Mg–calcite constrains the minimum P–T condition higher than 2.5 GPa and 800 °C for the exhumation stage. As these marbles were subjected to nearly identical P–T metamorphic conditions, the appearance of diamond in some carbonate rocks was explained by high X co 2. A low X co 2 condition refers to high oxidized conditions and diamond (and/or graphite) becomes unstable. Difference in X co 2 for marble from the same area suggests local heterogeneity of fluid compositions during ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism.  相似文献   
Analyses of the chemical and isotopic composition of carbonates rocks recovered from methane seepage areas of the Kodiak Trench, Hydrate Ridge, Monterey Bay Clam Flats, and the Eel River Basin, coupled with the studies of the chemistry of the pore fluids, have shown that these carbonates have grown within the sediment column. Geochemical profiles of pore fluids show that, in deep water seeps (Kodiak Trench—4450 m; Monterey Bay—1000 m; Hydrate Ridge—650 m), δ13C (DIC) values are low (isotopically light), whereas in the Eel River area ( 350–500 m), δ13C (DIC) values are much higher (isotopically heavier). In all cases, the δ13C values indicate that processes of methane oxidation, associated with sulfate reduction, are dominant in the shallow sediments. Data on the isotopic composition of authigenic carbonates found at sites in Kodiak Trench, Eel River Basin South, and Eel River Basin North indicate a variable composition and origin in different geochemical environments. Some of the authigenic carbonates from the study sites show a trend in their δ13C values similar to those of the pore fluids obtained in their vicinity, suggesting formation at relatively shallow depths, but others indicate formation at greater sediment depths. The latter usually consist of high magnesium calcite or dolomite, which, from their high values of δ13C (up to 23‰;) and δ18O (up to 7.5‰), suggest formation in the deeper horizons of the sediments, in the zone of methanogenesis. These observations are in agreement with observations by other workers at Hydrate Ridge, in Monterey Bay, and in the Eel River Basin.  相似文献   
A series of synthetic and biogenicmagnesian calcites was dissolved in weak acetic acidsolutions to measure the enthalpies of dissolution at25°C. For the synthetic phases, heat releasedwas 33.5 kJ/mol for calcite, decreasing to 33 kJ/molfor a phase of 2 mol % MgCO3, and increasing to35 kJ/mol for a phase of 15 mol %. Values of excessenthalpies, ΔHxs, calculated using calciteand magnesite end-members, average about -1 kJ/mol forthe synthetic phases. Total entropies of solidsolution formation, ΔSSS, also werecalculated using available data on Gibbs free energiesof formation and these excess enthalpies. Values ofΔSSS range from -2 J/(mol-K) at 2 mol % to-5 J/(mol-K) at 15 mol % MgCO3. These negativevalues of ΔHxs and ΔSSSsuggest that some form of ordering (cation?) isobtained in the synthetic phases, and that vibrationalentropies of the solid solution are diminished incomparison to the end-members. In contrast, biogenic samples generally have positivevalues of ΔHxs, increasing from +1 kJ/molat 5 mol % to +3 kJ/mol at 20 mol % MgCO3. Mostvalues of ΔSSS are equal (within errors)to values expected from configurational enthalpyalone. Thus, in most biogenic materials cationordering probably is not obtained, and most phases aremore typical of equivalent-site solid solutions.  相似文献   
辽南新元古代营城子组臼齿灰岩的沉积环境   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
臼齿(Molar—Toom)灰岩是发育于中新元古代碳酸盐台地的一种特殊灰岩类型。辽东半岛南部大连地区震旦系营城子组中部臼齿灰岩十分发育,野外观测、室内薄片以及比较沉积学研究表明,臼齿灰岩的出现与环境密切相关。通过米级旋回研究发现,该岩相段以发育浅水碳酸盐岩米级旋回层序为主,臼齿构造主要产出在微旋回中下部的中薄层泥晶灰岩和粉屑灰岩中,形成环境为潮下浅水环境。  相似文献   
This paper explores the relationship between vadose zone hydrology and geochemical changes in mixed mineralogy carbonate sands from a Bahamian coastal dune of Holocene age. Cores were taken from two sites: at site A, a shallow humic Entisol is developed beneath open scrub vegetation, while at site B a deeper, more organic-rich Inceptisol has formed beneath a mature hardwood coppice. X-ray diffraction analysis reveals significant contrasts in mineralogy both within and between the two sites, with partial stabilization of high-Mg calcite and aragonite, to low-Mg calcite. Stabilization is greater at site B, and is accompanied by a significant increase in total porosity. Diagenetic changes in pore-size distribution have implications for residence times of percolating water, as determined using measurements of moisture retention characteristics using pressure plate apparatus, and hydrological models of unsaturated zone moisture flux. The diagenetically more mature sands from site B have a 50–100 per cent higher moisture retention, although unsaturated hydraulic conductivity is also higher, particularly at greater suctions. The increase in water retention is likely to enhance further rates of mineral-controlled reactions, while development of an organic-rich soil also enhances the geochemical drive for dissolution. Carbonate diagenesis thus appears to be strongly linked to vadose zone hydrology, and the interactions identified here have important consequences for the nature and long-term rates of mineral stabilization. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Late Jurassic deposits of the Boulonnais area (N-France) represent the proximal lateral-equivalent of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation; they accumulated on a clastic-dominated ramp subject to synsedimentary faulting as a result of the Atlantic Ocean rifting. In the Gris-Nez Cape area, i.e., close to the northern border fault zone of the Jurassic basin, the Late Jurassic sequence contains small-dimensioned oyster patch reefs (<1 m) that are specifically observed at the base of an abrupt deepening trend in the depositional sequence induced by well-defined pulses of normal fault activity. Petrographic analysis of these patch reefs shows that they are exclusively composed of Nanogyra nana embedded in a microsparitic calcite matrix. ™13C measurements, carried out within both the matrix and the shells, display significantly lower values in the matrix compared to the oyster shells which suggests that the carbonate matrix precipitation was involving a carbon source different from marine dissolved inorganic carbon, most probably related to sulfate reduction, which is evidenced by light ™34S in pyrites. Similarities but also differences with lucinid-rich bioconstructions, namely, the Late Jurassic pseudo-bioherms of Beauvoisin (SE-France) suggest that the patch reefs developed at hydrocarbon seeps are related to synsedimentary faults. The extensional block-faulting segmentation of the northern margin of the Boulonnais Basin in Late Jurassic times is thus believed to have induced a sort of small-dimension hydrocarbon seepage field, recorded by the patch reef distribution.  相似文献   
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