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通过白云岩化鲕粒灰岩与0.1 mol/L乙酸的旋转盘溶解动力学实验,研究了深埋藏中有机质热演化过程中伴生的有机酸对鲕粒灰岩储层的改造作用机理.结果显示,白云岩化鲕粒灰岩溶解反应的速率在3.26×10-7~6.66×10-7 mol/(cm2·s)之间,并且溶蚀速率随温度和转速的增加而增大.反应前后样品表面的扫描电子显微...  相似文献   
通过系统开展元坝气田长兴组超深层生物礁储层岩石学与岩石地球化学分析,结合碳酸盐岩溶蚀动力学模拟实验,以及储层古压力恢复,揭示了元坝超深层生物礁优质储层的发育保存机理。研究表明,早期暴露溶蚀、浅埋藏白云岩化是基质孔隙发育的基础,储层深埋引起的古油藏原油裂解导致的超压水力破裂缝的形成,是储层渗透性改善的关键,"孔-缝耦合"共同控制了超深层优质储层的发育。在此基础上,构建了生物礁非均质"孔-缝双元结构"储层模型,为生物礁储层预测奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   
哲杜斯贝是一种以高丰度和低物种分异度为显著特征、在全球广泛独立分布的小嘴贝类。笔者对华南台地相和台间盆地相5个含哲杜斯贝类上泥盆统剖面进行沉积环境和埋藏特征研究,确定华南哲杜斯贝类的原生沉积环境为台地的正常浅水,这与美国和摩洛哥生长在冷泉环境中的哲杜斯贝不同,表明其既可在浅海环境中生长,也可以在冷泉环境中生长,具有较强的生态可塑性。台地相(原地埋藏)的3个哲杜斯贝种群具有以下特征:(1)均呈现出壳体呈层状紧密堆积、集群生长特点,丰度极高,并且有相当数量的个体呈现出由于拥挤生长而导致的壳体生长畸形现象;(2)缺乏其他底栖后生生物,显示了极低的生物多样性;(3)壳体大小—频率分布和生存曲线揭示了3个哲杜斯贝种群都具有非常低的幼年期死亡率特点,同时同一介壳层内哲杜斯贝个体大小均一,表明绝大多数的个体能够达到或接近自然寿命后死亡。上述证据表明,哲杜斯贝具有密集群居生活的习性,其生活在一个独特的、不适合其他后生底栖生物生存的环境。  相似文献   
We clarified three stages of dolomitization and secondary changes by studying the petrology and geochemistry characteristics of dolomite from the Ma55–Ma510 sub-members of the Ordovician Majiagou Formation in the Jingxi area in the Ordos Basin: (1) Syngenetic microbial dolomitization is characterized by formation of dolomite with a mainly micrite structure and horse tooth-shape dolomite cements. (2) Seepage reflux dolomitization during the penecontemporaneous period superposed adjustment functions such as recrystallization and stabilization in the middle-deep burial stage, forming dolomites mainly consisting of micro crystal and powder crystal structure. (3) Powder dolomite, fine dolomite, and medium-coarse crystalline dolomite formed in pores and fractures in the middle-deep burial stage. The secondary concussive transgression-regression under a regressive background is an important condition for the occurrence of many stages of dolomitization in the study area. The basin was an occlusive epicontinental sea environment in the Ma5 member of the Ordovician Majiagou Formation sedimentary period. In the sediments, sulfate content was high, which is conducive to the preservation of microbial activity and microbial dolomitization. Micritic dolomite formed by microbial dolomitization provides good migration pathways for seepage reflux dolomitization. Affected by evaporation seawater with increased Mg/Ca ratio, seepage reflux dolomitization was widely developed and formed large-scale dolomite, and underwater uplifts and slopes are favorable areas for dolomite. In the middle-deep burial stage, dolomitizing fluid in the stratum recrystallized or stabilized the previous dolomite and formed a small amount of euhedral dolomite in the pores and fractures.  相似文献   
张风菊  薛滨  姚书春 《湖泊科学》2019,31(6):1770-1782
湖泊沉积物碳埋藏及其驱动机制是陆地生态系统碳循环及全球变化研究的热点问题之一,但以往湖泊碳循环的研究大多局限于有机碳,较少考虑无机碳的地位和作用.我国干旱-半干旱地区湖泊众多、无机碳储量丰富,在区域碳循环过程中的作用日益突出,因此探讨这些地区湖泊沉积物无机碳埋藏变化对深入理解区域碳循环具有重要意义.本研究通过对内蒙古高原呼伦湖15个沉积岩芯样品无机碳含量(TIC)的测定,结合沉积岩芯210Pb、137Cs年代标尺,分析了1850年以来呼伦湖无机碳埋藏速率时空变化,并揭示了影响呼伦湖无机碳埋藏的主要因素.结果表明,1980s之前,呼伦湖无机碳含量总体维持在相对稳定的低值,1980s之后开始快速增加,且近百年来呼伦湖平均无机碳含量在不同湖区差异不显著.1850年以来呼伦湖无机碳埋藏速率变化范围约为7.10~74.29 g/(m2·a),平均值约为36.15 g/(m2·a),且大体上可分为3个阶段,即1900s以前相对稳定的低值阶段、1900s-1950s期间的快速增加阶段以及1950s以来的波动增加阶段,各阶段无机碳埋藏速率平均值分别约为10.40、26.29和41.00 g/(m2·a).空间上,呼伦湖无机碳埋藏速率整体表现为中部高、南北两端低的分布格局,这可能与湖心水动力条件相对稳定,有利于碳酸盐沉积有关.此外,呼伦湖无机碳埋藏速率与湖区温度变化呈显著正相关,而与周边人类活动影响关系不明显,表明在未来全球变暖背景下,呼伦湖无机碳埋藏速率将进一步增加,湖泊在区域碳循环中的作用将更加显著.  相似文献   
The thick alluvial conglomerate sequences around the Tibetan Plateau have been notoriously difficult to date. Here we use the cosmogenic nuclide burial dating method to date the Yumen and Jiuquan formations, a ∼900 m thick fanglomerate found in the Hexi Corridor, the foredeep of the Qilian Shan, and exposed in the Laojunmiao anticline. We date 16 sites with simple burial dating and 2 sites with isochron burial dating, and use these dates to reinterpret the magnetostratigraphy of the section. We suggest that the bottom of the Yumen Formation, defined by a progressive unconformity, is around 5 My. Taking this timing as the initiation of anticline growth, the long-term crustal shortening rate at the ramp zone in western Qilian Shan is about 0.72 mm/yr, consistent with those obtained from middle and eastern Qilian Shan. The boundary between the Yumen and Jiuquan Formations is near ∼1.2 My. Three other angular unconformities are dated to ∼2.6–3.1, ∼2.2–2.5, and ∼1.2–1.7 My, respectively. Burial dating offers a robust chronology for these deposits, and when combined with paleomagnetic stratigraphy offers much tighter precision.  相似文献   
有机碳和无机碳的流域输出是湖泊碳埋藏的重要驱动因子,而喀斯特地区无机碳循环具有反应迅速且对人类活动影响敏感的特点.在流域开发持续增强的背景下,喀斯特地区湖泊有机碳和无机碳的来源、含量与埋藏通量可能会出现同步变化的协同模式.本文以云南省石林喀斯特地区流域土地利用类型不同的两个中型湖泊(长湖、月湖)开展对比分析,通过对沉积物钻孔的土壤侵蚀强度(磁化率)、流域外源输入(C:N比值)、水动力(粒度)、营养盐(总氮、总磷)、藻类生产力(叶绿素色素)等代用指标的分析,结合监测数据和历史资料重建了两个湖泊环境变化的近百年历史,并定量识别了有机碳和无机碳埋藏响应流域开发的变化特征与协同模式.沉积物磁化率和C:N比值结果揭示了流域地表侵蚀和外源输入的阶段性特征,同时总氮和总磷含量记录了长湖和月湖营养水平上升的长期模式.在流域森林覆被较高(33.43%)的长湖中,全岩和有机质C:N比值分别与磁化率信号呈显著正相关(r=0.95和0.89,P<0.001),且与无机碳和有机碳含量呈显著负相关(r=-0.94,P<0.001和r=-0.52,P=0.01),反映了森林植被退化时流域碳输出的减少对沉...  相似文献   
After experiencing 8-day combined tidal current, circulation and wave actions, scour depth surrounding cylinder object freely resting on sandy seabed in the East China Sea (ECS) in January is numerically predicted using the DRAMBUIE model designed for scour burial, which has been widely used and verified by in-situ experiments. During the period of numerical integration, the value of time t is generally variable at every time step via the special time-stepped approach developed by this paper to eliminate the time error. The tidal current velocity, wave orbital velocity and the depth-averaged circulation in the ECS have been obtained by numerical simulations with Estuarine Coastal and Ocean Model (ECOM), Simulating Waves Nearshore (SWAN) model and Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) model respectively. The control experiment and several idealized test cases on influential factors in scour depth reveal that the dominant hydrodynamic factor is tidal current in the ECS under normal weather conditions, and the impacts of shelf circulation and wave motion on local scour almost can be ignored with an exception of the Kuroshio area where the high-speed mainstream of Kuroshio flows. It is also indicated that in sandy sediments, the distribution of scour depth nearly follows the pattern of tidal currents, while the secondary influencing factor on scour depth appears to be grain size of sandy sediment in the ECS. Numerical tests on sediment grain size further testify that much finer sand is more easily scoured, and an increasing trend for scour depth with reduction of grain size is displayed due to imposed resistance of larger sized particles. Three aspects explored by this paper, including the empirical equations in the Defense Research Agency Mine Burial Environment (DRAMBUIE) model, the accuracy of inputs and infill process can severely affect the prediction of scour depth surrounding cylinder objects freely resting on sandy seabed in the ECS.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT All the Mesozoic and Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the Central Andes (from southern Ecuador to central Chile), except Recent ones, have been affected by episodes of regional metamorphism, without change in texture and structure. The metamorphism, which ranges from low zeolite to greenschist facies, can be classified as burial metamorphism because there is an overall increase in metamorphic grade with stratigraphic depth in the individual volcanic sequences separated by regional unconformities. Some sequences display metamorphic patterns transitional to ocean-floor and to geothermal field types, reflecting variations along and across the Andes in tectonic setting and thermal gradients. Volcanism was closely followed by metamorphism during each cycle characterizing the geological history of the Central Andes. The episodic nature of the metamorphism has led to breaks in metamorphic grade at regional unconformities and repetition of facies series, where strata of higher grade may even overlie those of lower grade. The existence of permeability-controlled distribution patterns of secondary minerals within individual flows shows that gradients of chemical activity, rate of reaction and Pfluid were acting, in addition to temperature and P,tot overall gradients, during the regional metamorphism. The alteration is accompanied by chemical changes and disturbances of the K-Ar and Rb-Sr isotope systems. Similarities between Mesozoic facies series in the western and eastern flanks of the Andes are consistent with a mechanism of ensialic spreading-subsidence.  相似文献   
涠西南凹陷是中国近海北部湾盆地已证实的富烃凹陷,始新统流沙港组是该凹陷主要烃源岩层系.为深入认识涠西南凹陷流沙港组烃源岩的生产力和发育特征,采用有机地球化学与地球生物学相结合、定性分析与定量计算相结合的方法正演恢复了涠西南凹陷不同次洼流沙港组不同层段烃源岩的古生产力、有机质埋藏效率和有机碳埋藏生产力,进而建立了研究区流沙港组烃源岩形成的地球生物学模式.结果表明,涠西南凹陷流沙港组烃源岩的古生产力、有机质埋藏效率及有机碳埋藏生产力在横向不同次洼和纵向不同层段上均存在差异,横向上以B次洼最优,纵向上以流二段最高;涠西南凹陷流沙港组烃源岩发育超营养湖高埋藏效率高埋藏生产力、富营养湖中等埋藏效率中等埋藏生产力及富营养湖低埋藏效率低埋藏生产力3种代表性的地球生物学模式.  相似文献   
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