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The upwelling region off northwest Africa is one of the most productive regions in the world ocean. This study details the response of surface‐ and deep‐water environments off Mauritania, northwest Africa, to the rapid climate events of the last deglaciation, especially the Bølling–Allerød (15.5–13.5 ka BP) and Younger Dryas (13.5–11.5 ka BP). A high accumulation rate gravity core GeoB7926‐2, recovered at ~20° N, 18° W, was analysed for the grain size distribution of the terrigenous sediment fraction, the organic carbon content, diatom and benthic foraminifera communities. Humid conditions were observed during the Bølling–Allerød with a high contribution of fluvial sediment input. During the Younger Dryas intensified trade winds caused a larger sediment input of aeolian dust from the Sahara and more intense upwelling with higher primary productivity, as indicated by high diatom concentrations. The abrupt and large increase of organic matter caused low oxygen conditions at the sea floor, reflected by the poor benthic foraminiferal fauna and the dominance of the low‐oxygen‐tolerant foraminiferal species Bulimina exilis. This is surprising since low‐oxygen conditions have not been recorded during modern times at the sea floor in this region, despite present‐day intensive upwelling and high primary productivity. After the Younger Dryas, more humid conditions returned, diatom abundance decreased and B. exilis was replaced by typical deep‐sea species as found in the region today, indicating the return of more oxygenated conditions at the sea floor. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Benthic foraminiferal assemblages were analyzed from three black shale intervals in the upper Aptain to lower Albian of the Vocontian Basin, SE France based on Q-mode principal component analyses. Variations in the distribution patterns of benthic foraminifera around these events suggest differences in the origin of the black shales. Differences between faunas of bioturbated marly and laminated black shale facies have been observed in the Niveau Paquier, Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) 1b and Niveau Leenhardt. Here, the faunal composition and plankton/benthos ratios suggest eutrophic conditions during the deposition of organic-rich sediments leading to black shales. No major variations have been observed in black shales of the upper Aptain Niveau Jacob. Benthic assemblages and low plankton/benthos ratios indicate mesotrophic conditions. Third order sea-level changes are believed to control mainly the origin of the investigated black shale levels.  相似文献   
The three main estuaries in the French Atlantic coast – the Seine, Loire and Gironde, all with high tidal regimes – are interfaces between the continental and the coastal ecosystems. The Seine and Gironde are highly contaminated, whereas the Loire remains in a more natural state. Both the Seine and Gironde have suffered from harbour construction, and as a result, their biological units are extremely compartmentalized. Benthic species and communities have adapted to tolerate temporal physical and chemical changes ( e.g. salinity, substrata, depth, and levels of fine particles and oxygen) and human activities ( e.g. dredging, shipping traffic, and habitat reduction). Although numerous bio-indicators and indices are used to define the ecological quality status (EcoQS) of coastal waters, very few of them were developed specifically for environments with a mosaic of conditions and salinity levels, including freshwater. The main problem appears to be that all the indices for determining anthropogenic stress examine the abundances of stress-tolerant species, which may also be able to tolerate natural stressors such as those occurring in estuaries. This paper takes a look at the development status of the benthic indicators and index approaches used in the three main estuaries along the French Atlantic coast. In addition, it examines the adaptation of the different benthic indicators to the taxonomic sufficiency principle, and the adaptation of the Benthic Opportunistic Polychaetes Amphipods index (BOPA) and the Benthic Opportunistic Annelida Amphipod index (BO2A) for use in the freshwater zones of transitional waters ( i.e. up to the upper limit of the tidal range). Several perspectives are discussed in light of the diverse disturbances and the heterogeneity of such stressed zones, such as the use of multimetric and scoring approaches.  相似文献   
Anthropogenic impacts and natural disturbances have been intense recently in the global scale, affecting the composition of coral reef benthic communities from coral to algal dominated reefs. However, this condition does not always occur considering corals are able to recover when the stressors falter. This study aims to investigate the change in coral reef benthic communities and the relationship among benthic categories. The study was carried out in 2014 and 2016 at five sites, three sites in the Lembeh Strait and two sites in Likupang, North Sulawesi Province. Underwater Photo Transect(UPT) was used at depth of around 4–6 m in slope areas. The result indicated that the benthic communities were slightly changing: the percent covers of hard corals, sponges, soft corals, macroalgae and substrate categories were not significantly different between the years but category of others, particularly seasonally growing hydroid, increased significantly, occupying the available substrates and overtopping other benthos surrounding. The study also found that there was a significant relationship between the change in benthic gradient and the number of hard coral colonies: when the composition becomes less complex, the number of colony declines. In contrast, the hard coral diversity remained unchanged, suggesting the coral reefs apparently have an ecological resilience(sustainable species diversity) against the change although ecological complexity declines. In addition, the hard coral cover was significantly correlated with soft coral and sponge covers, which did not change significantly among the years. In general, the coral reefs in North Sulawesi might experience a temporary blip due to the increasing percent cover of others, and be predicted to recover as there was no indication of soft corals and sponges to increase significantly. However, it is necessary to investigate the dynamic of benthic communities in different depth gradients to gain a comprehensive understanding as the communities respond differently to the light intensity.  相似文献   
对取自热带西太平洋暖池核心区的WP7岩心进行了底栖有孔虫和钙质超微化石研究。在利用氧同位素曲线对比和AMS14C测年数据进行地层划分的基础上,依据底栖有孔虫和钙质超微化石指标,分析了距今近250ka以来区域生产力和上层海水结构的演变特征,探讨了其控制因素和所指示的古海洋学意义。计算结果显示WP7岩心所在的暖池核心区约在距今250ka以来初级生产力在冰期(MIS6期、4期和2期)高,在间冰期(MIS7期、5期、3期和1期)低,表明该区古生产力在长的轨道时间尺度上受北半球高纬度冰量变动的影响。钙质超微化石下透光带属种Flori-sphaera profunda百分含量指示的温跃层深度变化表明冰期温跃层浅、间冰期温跃层加深,这说明类ENSO式变化导致的冰期—间冰期温跃层深度波动可能是MIS7期以来暖池核心区古生产力在冰期高而在间冰期显著降低的直接控制因素。  相似文献   
Biomass of meiobenthic in the Bohai Sea, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IorasMeiOfauna is a vmp imprtant pep in benthic small bo web energetica1ly duo to theirarell aize and high turnovr rates. A nde Of meMauna op be the recireulaton of nutrient8*Marine nemathe mey keep the bacterial chnies on sand grains in active phase Of gorth byfeding on bacteria, thus enhancing the recirculation Of nutrients (McIntyre, l969; Feller andWrmick, l988; MOntagna et al., l995). But energetics studie8, no matter tfor conductedon the energybudgt level for individua sPeCies or a…  相似文献   
对南海北部大洋钻探184航次1146站晚上新世以来底栖有孔虫属种组合的Q型因子分析, 发现底栖有孔虫组合以2.1Ma, 1.5Ma和0.7Ma为界, 分为Stilostomella-Globocassidulina subglobosa-Nodogenerina, Bulimina alazanensis, Uvigerina perigrina和Melonis barleeanus-Globobulimina affinis-Bulimina aculeata4个组合.结合底层水溶解氧含量和浮游、底栖有孔虫碳同位素分析, 认为底栖有孔虫组合的变化是南海底层水影响所致, 以及南海北部表层和底层海水营养盐含量变化的共同结果.   相似文献   
This report presents mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic data on samples obtained using the Benthic Multi‐coring System (BMS) to drill a submarine hydrothermal deposit developed in a caldera on the summit of the Suiyo Seamount in the Izu–Bonin Island Arc, south of Japan. This deposit is regarded as the first example of Kuroko‐type sulfide mineralization on a volcano at the volcanic front of an island arc. The mineralization and hydrothermal alteration below the 300 × 150‐m area of active venting was investigated to depths of 2–9 m below the sea floor. Drilling beneath the area of active venting recovered a sequence of altered volcanic rocks (dacite lavas, pyroclastic rocks of dacite–rhyolite compositions and pumice) associated with sulfide veining and patches/veins of anhydrite. No massive sulfide was found, however, and the subsea‐floor mineralization to 10 m depth is dominated by anhydrite and clay minerals with some sulfides. Sulfide‐bearing samples contained high Au (up to 42 ppm), Ag (up to 263 ppm), As (up to 1550 ppm), Hg (up to 55 ppm), Sb (up to 772 ppm), and Se (up to 24 ppm). Electron probe microanalyzer indicated that realgar, orpiment, and mimetite were major As‐bearing minerals. The sulfides were also characterized by high Zn (>10%) compared to Cu (<6.3%) and Pb (<0.6%). The δ202Hg/198Hg, δ202Hg/199Hg and δ202Hg/200Hg of the sulfide‐bearing dacite samples and a sulfide chimney decreased with increasing Hg/Zn concentration ratio. The variation of the δ202Hg/198Hg ranged from ?2.8 to +0.5‰ to relative to S‐HG02027. The large range of these δ202Hg/198Hg was greater than might be expected for such a heavy element and may be due to a predominance of kinetic effects. The variation of δ202Hg/198Hg of sulfide‐bearing dacite samples suggested that light Hg isotope in the vapor mixed with oxygenated seawater near sea floor during mineralization. Lead isotope ratios of the sulfide were very similar to those of the dacite lava, suggesting that lead is of magmatic origin. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio (0.70872) of anhydrite was different from that of the dacite lava, and suggests an Sr derivation predominantly from seawater. Hydrothermal alteration of the dacite in the Suiyo hydrothermal field was characterized by Fe‐sulfides, anhydrite, barite, montmorillonite, chlorite/montmorillonite mixed‐layer minerals, mica, and chlorite with little or no feldspar or cristobalite. Hydrothermal clay minerals changed with depth from montmorillonite to chlorite/montmorillonite mixed‐layer minerals to chlorite and mica. Hydrogen isotope ratios of chlorite/montmorillonite and mixed‐layer, mica‐chlorite composites obtained below the active venting sites ranged from ?49 to ?24‰, suggesting seawater as the dominant fluid causing alteration. Oxygen isotope ratios of anhydrite ranged from 9.2 to 10.4‰ and anhydrite formation temperatures were calculated to be 188–207°C. Oxygen isotope ratios ranged from +5.2 to +9.2‰ for montmorillonite, +3.2 to +4.5‰ for chlorite/montmorillonite mixed‐layer minerals, and +2.8 to +3.8‰ in mixtures of chlorite and mica. The formation temperatures of montmorillonite and of the chlorite–mica mixture were 160–250°C and 230–270°C, respectively. The isotope temperatures for clay minerals (220–270°C) and anhydrite (188°C) were significantly lower than the borehole temperature (308.3°C) measured just after the drilling, suggesting that temperature at this site is now higher than when clay minerals and anhydrite were formed.  相似文献   
The Jiangchuan Biota from the Jiucheng Member (Mb.) of the Dengying Formation (Fm.), discovered in Jiangchuan, eastern Yunnan, China, is marked by copious macrofossils at the apex of the Ediacaran strata. This fauna features benthic algae with varied holdfasts and other fossils of indeterminate taxonomic affinity and is compositionally unique compared to the Shibantan and Gaojiashan biotas of the Dengying Fm. and the Miaohe and Wenghui biotas of the Doushantuo Fm., elsewhere in China. One novel benthic saccular macroalgal fossil, named here Houjiashania yuxiensis gen. and sp. nov., from the Jiangchuan Biota is based on fossils that are sausage-shaped, elongate, tubular, ranging from 0.3 to 4 cm in length, and up to 0.8 cm in diameter. One terminus is blunt and rounded to an obtuse angle, the other is bent with a spread-out surface resembling a holdfast, suggesting a three-dimensional thallus. Thin, stipe-shaped outgrowths, likely vestiges of sessile saccular life forms, are prevalent in macroalgal fossils of analogous size and shape, as well as present brown algae Scytosiphonaceae, such as Colpomenia and Dactylosiphon. The new findings augment the diversity of benthic algae, such as those known from the Early Neoproterozoic Longfengshan Biota in North China. The benthic algal macrofossils in the Jiucheng Mb. add to knowledge of Late Ediacaran metaphyte diversification and offer more clues about the evolutionary positioning of primitive macroalgae. The co-occurrence of numerous planktonic and benthic multicellular algae and planktonic microbes might have facilitated ecologically the more extensive later Cambrian explosion evidenced by the Chengjiang Biota in Yunnan.  相似文献   
The behavior of dissolved and particulate iron and manganese and dissolved silicon has been studied as a function of chlorinity in the Peconic River estuary, New York. This study sought to identify important geochemical processes in a relatively pristine estuary facing increasing anthropogenic impact.Dissolved iron behaved in the classical non-conservative manner exhibiting removal of nearly 80% at very low chlorinities, while particulate iron increased by a corresponding amount over the same chlorinity range. Dissolved manganese was enriched by up to 200% over its predicted concentration at low and intermediate chlorinities by desorption from suspended particulates and by a probable benthic flux. Dissolved silicon was enriched by up to 100% at low and intermediate chlorinities also from a probable benthic flux. These fluxes were estimated to be 5 μg cm?2 day?1 for dissolved manganese and 70 μg cm?2 day?1 for dissolved silicon.The quantity of both particulate iron and manganese increased at high chlorinities due to an influx of suspended inorganic particulates. In the intermediate to high chlorinity region, oxidation of sediment-derived manganese is believed to contribute to the observed increase in particulate manganese.Total iron was essentially conservative throughout most of the estuary, while total manganese was non-conservative presumably due to extensive remobilization of dissolved manganese from the sediments.  相似文献   
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