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Paleontological assemblages from Cenozoic sediments of the continental slope in the Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan) are characterized. Paleontological remains are represented by diverse and abundant siliceous microfossils (diatoms, silicoflagellates, radiolarians) and palynological complexes. The use of high-resolution biostratigraphic zonations made it possible to specify the age of sediments and reconstruct environmental changes during the last 17 Ma. The history of paleontological studies in this area of the Sea of Japan, which is of key importance for development of methods for marine geological works, is reviewed.  相似文献   
文章对取自西菲律宾海本哈姆高原东部的两个钻孔岩芯进行了岩石磁学和古地磁研究,两个岩芯长度近4m,水深均超过5000m。在岩芯146底部出现了磁倾角倒转和相对磁偏角偏移,被认为是布容-松山极性转换(780ka);而岩芯89中没有发现磁倾角倒转和磁偏角偏移,表明其底部年龄比780ka年轻。岩石磁学结果表明沉积物的磁学特征符合磁性"均一性"条件:即主要载磁矿物为低矫顽力的磁铁矿,磁性矿物粒度在假单畴-单畴范围内,并且磁性矿物含量变化不超过10倍;据此构建了地磁场相对强度(RPI)的3个指标NRM/κ,NRM/ARM和NRM/SIRM。综合古地磁和地磁场相对强度与Sint800的对比结果,我们得到了两个岩芯的深度-年龄对比,在此基础上获得的岩石磁学记录表明,岩芯记录了Brunhes期以来的气候演化:冰期时,磁性矿物的粒度变粗,细粒磁性矿物含量降低;反之,间冰期时磁性矿物的粒度变细,细粒磁性矿物含量增加,与南海ODP1143孔记录的氧同位素具有一致的变化,这反映了间冰期时加强的化学风化对源区物质的影响而不是海面升降造成的沉积分选。而且,在间冰期时磁学参数反映的粒度大小亚峰谷值与氧同位素的亚峰谷值一一对应,表明间冰期沉积过程能反映气候的细微变化。这种磁学参数对气候的响应也出现在南海钻孔中,表明该特征至少是东亚海域沉积物的共同规律。对细粒磁性矿物比较敏感的ARM显示了与磁学粒度参数相似的变化,在间冰期为高值,冰期为低值,而对粗颗粒更敏感的κ和SIRM则缺乏这种与冰期-间冰期旋回的对应关系。与此同时,S-ratio变化不大并且缺乏与亚洲风尘记录的对应关系,表明自从780ka以来沉积区的低矫顽力磁性矿物一直是主要磁性载体,并且暗示物质来源应以来自陆地的悬浮体为主,而非风尘。研究区内自西向东降低的沉积速率表明了沉积物的主要来源是西部的吕宋岛和东亚大陆。400kaB.P.前后,磁学参数出现转折,粒度由逐渐变粗到稳定,磁性矿物含量降低以及变化幅度增加;同时,碳酸盐含量的变化也相应降低,反映了全球海区出现的碳酸盐溶解加剧即中布容事件。磁性矿物含量和粒度与冰期-间冰期的同步变化反证了地磁场相对强度指示年龄的正确性,同时岩石磁学参数对稳定氧同位素和碳酸盐含量的响应也揭示了岩石磁学方法是进行古气候和古海洋研究的有效工具。  相似文献   
基于杭州湾北岸龙泉—南竹港弧形岸段实测岸滩断面与长江入海控制站大通站年输沙量资料,对杭州湾北岸岸线的变化及其趋势进行探讨。研究结果表明:受长江入海泥沙减少以及热带气旋和人类活动作用等影响,近10年来杭州湾北岸岸滩处于侵蚀状态。灰色关联分析进一步揭示,杭州湾北岸不同等深线的进退对长江入海泥沙减少的响应在时间尺度上有一定的滞后。同时,不同等深线的进退亦展现较强的相关性特征。鉴于此,利用大通年输沙量和不同等深线进退的耦合关系,进一步构建了基于长江入海泥沙和杭州湾北岸等深线变化的径向基神经网络岸线预报模型,其中模型输入向量为当年大通站年输沙量和杭州湾北岸-3m、-5m、-8m等深线距离大堤的位置,输出向量为次年0m岸线距离大堤的位置。经检验,构建的径向基神经网络岸线预报模型误差小于20%,可用以预报杭州湾北岸岸线的动态变化。  相似文献   
利用遥感技术,对兖济滕矿区2000-2010年的采煤沉陷区动态变化进行了研究,结果表明,2010年,兖济滕矿区累计沉陷面积为88.43km^2,占整个矿区面积的3.53%。10年来,沉陷区面积呈直线上升趋势,由2000年的57.37km^2,增加到2010年的88.43km^2,平均年增沉陷地面积约为3.45km^2。采用遥感手段,在大范围内,可以较直观、准确地确定采煤沉陷区的范围、面积、形态、动态变化等特征,可为沉陷区的综合治理提供科学依据。  相似文献   
为掌握湖南省新田县富锶地下水的动态特点,在2017年1-12月对两处富锶地下水进行了一年定期采样分析。结果表明:S045下降泉Sr2+含量在丰水期、平水期、枯水期基本保持稳定,其值分别为0.27 mg?kg-1、0.25 mg?kg-1、0.26 mg?kg-1,S045下降泉Sr2+含量全年保持相对稳定的主要原因是水文地质特点决定了降雨对S045富锶下降泉Sr2+含量的稀释效应有限;ZK1机井Sr2+含量表现为丰水期>平水期>枯水期,其值分别为0.73 mg?kg-1、0.68 mg?kg-1、0.52 mg?kg-1,水循环条件的差异引起水位的变化导致高锶潜流带水与低锶浅潜流带水混合比例不同,使ZK1机井中锶含量与大气降雨具有正相关性。而离子比值法表明:S045下降泉的γ(Na?)/γ(Cl?)比值在丰水期、平水期、枯水期分别为0.78、0.44、0.49,γ(HCO〖_3^-〗+SO〖_4^(2-)〗)/γ(Ca2++Mg2+)比值在丰水期、平水期、枯水期分别为0.99、0.98、0.96;ZK1机井的γ(Na?)/γ(Cl?)比值在丰水期、平水期、枯水期分别为75.24、71.34、126.08,γ(HCO〖_3^-〗+SO〖_4^(2-)〗)/γ(Ca2++Mg2+)比值在丰水期、平水期、枯水期分别为37.13、30.54、44.89,这说明ZK1机井中地下水发生了阳离子交换。S045下降泉的γ(Cl?)/γ(Ca2?)比值在丰水期、平水期、枯水期平均值分别为1.09×10-2、1.06×10-2、1.05×10-2,ZK1机井的γ(Cl?)/γ(Ca2?)比值在丰水期、平水期、枯水期平均值分别为1.29、0.98、0.94,ZK1机井γ(Cl?)/γ(Ca2?)显著高于S045下降泉,表明ZK1机井水水动力条件弱于S045下降泉,这是机井中Sr2+高于下降泉的重要因素。  相似文献   
We analysed pollen from a sediment core from Fiddaun, a small Lateglacial lake basin in western Ireland. Results reflect the general Lateglacial vegetation development in Ireland, as reconstructed from other pollen records. The Fiddaun diagram shows a number of short‐lived regressive vegetation phases during the Interstadial. The close similarity between two pollen records from the same region (Fiddaun and Lurga) indicates that these fluctuations probably reflect regional rather than local changes. Comparison with a previously published climate reconstruction, based on a chironomid‐inferred mean July air temperature reconstruction, lithology, and oxygen and carbon isotopes of lake marl from the Fiddaun record, allowed us to establish the relationship between summer temperature and vegetation changes. Results reveal that two temporary regressive shifts in the pollen record correspond to cold oscillations, which have been correlated to Greenland Interstadial 1b and 1d. It seems that the first cold oscillation (GI‐1d) had the most distinct effect on vegetation in Ireland. In contrast, it appears that the transition from Juniperus shrubland and Empetrum heath to grassland, which is estimated at ~13.7 ka BP, was not caused by decreasing summer temperatures, as no substantial change is observed in the climate proxies. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Laguna Potrok Aike, located in southernmost Patagonia (Argentina, 52°S) is a 100 m deep hydrologically closed lake that probably provides the only continental southern Patagonian archive covering a long and continuous interval of several glacial to interglacial cycles. In the context of the planned ‘International Continental Scientific Drilling Program’ initiative ‘Potrok Aike Maar Lake Sediment Archive Drilling Project’, several seismic site surveys that characterize in detail the sedimentary subsurface of the lake have been undertaken. Long sediment cores recovered the material to date and calibrate these seismic data. Laguna Potrok Aike is rimmed steeply, circular in shape with a diameter of ∼3·5 km and is surrounded by a series of subaerial palaeoshorelines, reflecting varying lake-level highstands and lowstands. Seismic data indicate a basinwide erosional unconformity that occurs consistently on the shoulder of the lake down to a depth of −33 m (below 2003 ad lake level), marking the lowest lake level during Late Glacial to Holocene times. Cores that penetrate this unconformity comprise Marine Isotope Stage 3-dated sediments (45 kyr bp ) ∼3·5 m below, and post-6800 cal yr bp transgressional sediments above the unconformity. This Middle Holocene transgression following an unprecedented lake-level lowstand marks the onset of a stepwise change in moisture, as shown by a series of up to 11 buried palaeoshorelines that were formed during lake-level stillstands at depths between −30 and −12 m. Two series of regressive shorelines between ∼5800 to 5400 and ∼4700 to 4000 cal yr bp interrupt the overall transgressional trend. In the basin, mound-like drift sediments occur after ∼6000 cal yr bp, documenting the onset of lake currents triggered by a latitudinal shift or an increase in wind intensity of the Southern Hemispheric Westerlies over Laguna Potrok Aike at that time. Furthermore, several well-defined lateral slides can be recognized. The majority of these slides occurred during the mid-Holocene lake-level lowering when the slopes became rapidly sediment-charged because of erosion from the exposed shoulder sediments. Around 7800 and 4900 cal yr bp , several slides went down simultaneously, probably triggered by seismic shaking.  相似文献   
Metamorphic rocks in the Osor complex (Guilleries massif, NE Iberian Peninsula) show the following structural and compositional features: strong differentiation into quartz-rich gneissic semipelitic and quartz-absent, mica-rich schistose bands, higher density of igneous (both basic and leucogranitic) and quartz veins in the schistose domains and strong strain partitioning in the pelitic bands. Garnet is present in both kinds of lithologies, showing also differential textural and chemical features interpreted to be dependent on bulk composition, deformation and fluid interaction histories. Textures, mineral composition and thermobarometry suggest the operation of concurrent mechanical, mass transfer and thermal phenomena such as: (1) variations in strain style, (2) fluid infiltration, (3) magmatic injection and (4) HT–LP metamorphic and metasomatic episodes. The following sequence of events is suggested: initially the cooling of syntectonic high-T basic quartz diorite sheets promoted high strain rates, low dP/dT thermobaric evolution, incipient anatexis in the pelitic bands and devolatilization through a pervasive to vein-channelized prograde fluid flow. The prograde flow enhanced an ongoing compositional tectono-metamorphic differentiation and produced metasomatism through depletion of the Osor rocks in alkalis and calcium. Later injection and cooling of peraluminous leucogranitoid sheets, preferentially along pelitic bands, increased the ratio of magmatic/metamorphic components in the fluids and strongly enriched them in alkalis producing a second metasomatic episode. During crystallization of quartz and leucogranitoid veins, the pelitic bands were strongly enriched back again in alkalis, promoting the blastesis of big crystals of post-peak muscovite and albite as well as the retrogression of garnet. The metasomatic mica-rich levels must have been the preferred locus for development of a new deformation style dominated by shear band fabrics in metapelites and related to a release of the gravitational instability originated previously due to crustal thickening. The increasing decompressional component of the retrograde PT path also suggests that this style of deformation was prevalent during, if not responsible for, a phase of exhumation of the metamorphic complex. It is suggested that similar patterns of thermomechanical and mass transfer phenomena could well be a fundamental characteristic common to all HT–LP metamorphic belts.  相似文献   
The relative change of in-situ stress is an inevitable outcome of differential movement among the crust plates. Conversely, changes of in-situ stress can also lead to deformation and instability of crustal rock mass, trigger activity of faults, and induce earthquakes. Hence, monitoring real-time change of in-situ stress is of great significance. Piezomagnetic in-situ stress monitoring has good and longtime applications in large engineering constructions and geoscience study fields in China. In this paper, the new piezomagnetic in-situ stress monitoring system is introduced and it not only has overall improvements in measuring cell's structure and property, stressing and orienting way, but also enhances integration and intelligence of control and data transmission system, in general, which greatly promotes installing efficiency of measuring probe and quality of monitoring data. This paper also discusses the responses of new piezomagnetic system in large earthquake events of in-situ stress monitoring station at Qiaoqi of Baoxing and Wenxian of Gansu. The monitoring data reflect adjustments and changes of tectonic stress field at the southwestern segment of and the northern area near the Longmenshan fault zone, which shows that the new system has a good performance and application prospect in the geoscience field. Data of the Qiaoqi stress-monitoring station manifest that the Lushan Earthquake did not release stress of the southwestern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone adequately and there still probably exists seismic risk in this region in the future. Combined with absolute in-situ stress measurement, carrying out long-term in-situ stress monitoring in typical tectonic position of important regions is of great importance for researchers to assess and study regional crust stability.  相似文献   


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