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中国中新生代咸化湖盆烃源岩沉积的问题及相关进展 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
我国东部断陷湖盆和西部坳陷湖盆第三系均有蒸发岩与烃源岩共生现象。前者水体深、咸化范围小,在氯化盐和碳酸盐沉积环境中形成了优质烃源岩,后者水体浅、咸化范围大,在氯化盐和硫酸盐沉积环境中发育了优质烃源岩,作者认为两种湖盆出现的水体分层是有机质堆积和保存的重要条件。济阳坳陷和柴达木盆地为两类咸化湖盆的典型代表,对它们的研究可以深化蒸发岩-烃源岩共生区油气地质的认识、促进勘探发展。 相似文献
AbstractCharacterizing gully cross sections (GCs) is essential for calculating the volume and erosion rate of the gully. However, little research has focused on modeling the morphology of GCs. This study investigated 456 GCs with a laser distance meter located at the mouth, middle, and head of 152 gullies in the Yuanmou Dry-hot Valley of China; mapped them with AutoCAD software; fitted them with 2nd–6th degree polynomial functions, and discussed the correlation between the coefficients and the morphology of GCs. The results showed that: (1) using a 2nd-degree polynomial function (y = ax2 + bx + c) to describe the morphology of GCs produced a better result than other polynomial functions; (2) the coefficient a of 2nd-degree polynomial function was correlated with depth (r = ?0.226, p < 0.01), gradient (r = 0.545, p < 0.01), and activities; and (3) the symmetry axis (?b/2a) of 2nd-degree polynomial function increased with gully change from left-deflection to right-skewed, and the absolute value showed the asymmetrical degree (r = 0.216, p < 0.01). This study will not only help to understand the morphology and evolution of gullies, but will also provide a scientific basis for prevention of gully erosion. 相似文献
在土体主应力方向的旋转过程中,主应力方向与塑性主应变增量方向之间存在着非共轴现象,非共轴现象对应力-应变关系具有显著的影响。通过有限元二次开发,将角点结构非共轴理论应用到有限元程序ABAQUS中;对密砂单剪试验进行数值模拟,研究了非共轴现象及其对应力-应变关系的影响;采用离心模型试验方法,对圆形浅基础作用下饱和密砂地基荷载-变形特性进行试验研究;对离心模型试验进行数值模拟,将试验结果与数值计算结果进行对比,对非共轴模型的计算结果的合理性进行验证。研究结果表明:非共轴现象对浅基础地基荷载-变形特性具有显著的影响;当选取合理的非共轴塑性模量时,非共轴模型的计算结果与离心模型试验结果比较接近。 相似文献
国内外油气勘探实践表明,含盐盆地的油气富集和分布与盆地内沉积的盐岩密切相关。东濮凹陷是我国东部地区典型的含盐油气富集盆地,作者通过深入研究其地层层序特征及盐岩纵横向分布特点,进一步剖析了盐岩沉积的主要控制因素及其与生储盖层的关系,搞清了含盐盆地油气的分布和富集与盐岩的关系,指出无论在垂向上还是横向上,东濮凹陷盐岩一般都与暗色烃源岩共生,而且盐岩与同期沉积的砂岩表现为长消关系。研究认为盐岩可作为油气上盖或侧向遮挡,与源岩、储集层可组成良好的生储盖配置关系,利于油气富集区带的形成,对构造和隐蔽油气藏的形成都发挥了积极的作用,并指出与盐岩有关的文东北部和胡状集地区是下一步挖潜的有利勘探方向。研究成果也可为国内外同类含盐盆地的油气勘探提供一定的借鉴经验。 相似文献
鄂尔多斯盆地中南部发育有侏罗系延安组第二段和第三段陆相暗色厚层泥岩层系,矿物成分以石英、黏土为主,石英43%~56%,黏土矿物29%~33%。总有机碳(TOC)1.63%~3.89%,有机质成熟度Ro为0.59%~0.60%,含气量(CH4)0.25~0.85 m3/t,等温吸附实验表明延安组泥岩的甲烷吸附能力与总有机碳含量呈正相关关系。泥岩处于生物成因气阶段,具备页岩气形成的基本地质条件,并可对比美国密歇根盆地Antrim页岩和伊利诺斯盆地的New Albany页岩的地质条件。为查清黄陵北部侏罗系延安组页岩气的勘探潜力,通过分析勘查和化验测试资料,对其页岩气勘探潜力进一步评价认为:黄陵北部延安组泥岩分布范围和厚度较大,已进入生物成因气和热催化生气的中间阶段,有机质丰度较高,具备形成页岩气的成藏条件,页岩气潜力巨大。 相似文献
Duke U. Ophori 《Hydrogeology Journal》1998,6(2):193-203
Flow of groundwater with variable density and viscosity was simulated at the Atikokan Research Area (ARA) in northwestern
Ontario, Canada. An empirical viscosity–concentration equation was modified to include total-dissolved-solids (TDS) data from
the ARA. The resulting equation was used successfully to estimate reasonably accurate viscosity values over the expected range
of temperature and concentration, in comparison with experimental values derived for sodium chloride solutions. A three-dimensional
finite-element code, MOTIF, developed by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, was used in the simulations. The inclusion of the
effects of depth-increasing temperature and TDS-dependent fluid-density distribution, while maintaining only a temperature-dependent
viscosity relationship in a simulation, resulted in a more penetrative flow against expected buoyancy effects (i.e., the physics
of the system was not honored). Accounting for concentration in the viscosity equation caused water to be less penetrative
and more in accordance with the expected physics of the system. A conclusion is that fluid concentration should be considered
simultaneously in calculating the density and viscosity of a fluid during modeling of variable-density flow in areas underlain
by fluids with high TDS. Results of simulations suggest that both flow directions and magnitudes should be employed simultaneously
during the calibration of a model. Large-scale groundwater movement in the ARA may be analyzed with carefully selected vertical
no-flow boundaries. By incorporating the geothermal temperature gradient, groundwater recharge increases by 12%; thus, this
gradient plays a significant role in groundwater flow at the ARA. Variability in the fluid concentration at the ARA neither
decreases nor increases recharge into the groundwater system. The hypothesis that an isolated continuous regional flow system
may exist at depth in the ARA is not supported by these simulations.
Received, September 1996 Revised, September 1997, February 1998 Accepted, February 1998 相似文献
宝昌火山盆地骆驼山地区781矿点位于燕辽构造岩浆活动带西段,是著名燕辽铀成矿带内新近勘查发现的重要矿化区之一。通过对矿区73个钻孔、地形、地层及剖面资料的综合研究,利用Surpac三维软件首次建立了781矿点铀矿化的可视化三维模型,直观地显示了地形、地层、构造、矿体的空间变化特征。地层、构造及矿体三维模型联合研究表明,新识别出的Fa隐伏断裂是最直接的导矿构造和控矿构造,上侏罗统玛尼吐组火山地层为重要含矿层和铀源层。掌握781矿点关键控矿因素,结合矿体空间赋存、分布规律等研究结果,利用Surpac软件在深部定位预测找矿靶区Ⅰ区和Ⅱ区,其具有较精确的空间三维坐标,对深部找矿具有重要指导意义。 相似文献
基于WRF模式数据和CASA模型的青海湖流域草地NPP估算研究 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
植被净初级生产力(NPP)是研究陆地碳循环过程的核心内容, 而高海拔区域由于气象观测数据的缺乏造成模型对其估算的不准确.在WRF模式气象数据和SPOT-VEGETATION遥感影像的基础上, 利用CASA模型对青海湖流域2000-2010年的草地NPP进行了估算, 经过实地样方数据和其他模型数据的验证后, 分析了青海湖流域近11 a来草地NPP的空间分布格局和时间变化特征.结果表明: 1)在气象观测资料缺乏的青海湖流域, WRF模式的气象数据能较好地应用到模型中, CASA模型对该区域草地NPP的模拟精度较高; 2)2000-2010年青海湖流域草地年均NPP为2.71×1012gC·a-1, 单位面积草地NPP为145.71 gC·m-2·a-1; 空间分布上呈现出由东南向西北随着海拔升高逐渐下降的格局, 在海拔3 200~3 500 m的区域草地单位面积的NPP达到最大; 3)2000-2010年青海湖流域草地NPP年际变化明显, 近11 a呈现出明显的增加趋势, 增加区域主要分布在环湖地区; 年内季节变化显著, 夏季NPP占到全年的57.36%; 4)对NPP和气象站点太阳辐射、 气温、 降水数据进行相关性分析, 发现影响青海湖流域草地NPP变化的主要驱动力是气温. 相似文献
云南省迪庆香格里拉盆地地热资源勘查物探方法的应用 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
香格里拉盆地地处滇藏地热带,具有形成热储、地热的基本条件.通过该区区域地质、物化探资料的分析研究,选择了盆地东北部为重点工作区,部署了超长电磁波探测、大地电磁测深、高精度磁测.初步查明了研究区寻找热储目标的重点应为受断裂影响的深埋藏碳酸盐岩储热储水层.总结出了香格里拉盆地6种类型的地频谱曲线,其中目标层--含水碳酸盐岩反映为E层曲线特征:较高振幅、基值高、波形活跃、变化幅度大.含水破碎灰岩电阻率100~200Ωm,与围岩存在明显电性差异.综合分析推测香格里拉县地热勘查靶区应在三村-达拉一带,富含水层深度1900~2600m,厚度约700m. 相似文献
东亚陆缘带构造扩张的深部热力学机制 总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6
近年来,我国地球科学家提出“陆缘构造扩张”观点,较好的解释了亚洲东部大陆边缘于新生代发生扩张离散运动的原因。本文基于“陆缘构造扩张”观点,探讨东亚陆缘带构造扩张的深部热力学机制。东亚陆缘带是具有强烈岩浆活动和构造变形的扩张带,此构造带的主要地球物理特征是频繁的地震活动和明显的地热异常。东亚陆缘扩张带地震层析成像显示,太平洋板块低角度俯冲到欧亚板块之下并平卧于670km相变界面之上。这种图像可能是俯冲后撤导致陆缘扩张的结果。热模拟及地球动力学计算表明:俯冲后撤时间距今约76Ma,海沟带后撤为陆缘壳体的生长留下空间,并形成东亚陆缘壳体增生扩展的前沿带,陆缘扩张量约700km。 相似文献