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山东广大的石灰岩山地、丘陵区蕴藏着丰富的喀斯特景观旅游资源,其主要形态类型包括: 形态奇特的喀斯特山体、残存的喀斯特剥蚀面、幽深的喀斯特谷地、众多的溶洞、奇异的石灰岩景石(石牙形态)及喀斯特泉群。本文对这些景观形态作了较详细的描述,就其旅游开发利用价值作了评析。文中还对山东喀斯特景观旅游开发的现状及存在的问题作了简要介绍和分析,并针对存在的问题提出了几点建议。 相似文献
应用10个样本旅游网站日均访问量的空间分布数据及网站功能资料,对样本旅游网站日均访问量与实际距离进行空间关系逆曲线拟合,进行距离衰减形态分异及其与网站功能相关性的研究.结果发现:1)旅游网站信息流距离衰减形态具有显著的波动性分异特征和地方性分异特征,随着旅游网站信息流距离衰减波动性分异特征从显著性到不显著性的变化,其距离衰减程度依次增强,其逆曲线衰减的符合程度依次上升;而随着旅游网站信息流距离衰减地方性分异特征由显著性到不显著性的变化,其距离衰减程度依次减弱,其逆曲线衰减的符合程度依次下降.表明不同网站间信息流距离衰减存在多样性变化.2)旅游网站信息流距离衰减形态的分异特征与旅游网站的主要功能之间关系密切:信息发布为主兼有预订功能的旅游网站距离衰减形态较为复杂;预订为主兼有信息发布的旅游网站和论坛为主的旅游网站距离衰减形态基本一致,波动性较小、地方性显著;政务为主的旅游网站距离衰减形态表现为波动性较大、地方性不显著的特征.依据旅游网站信息流距离衰减形态的规律,可指导旅游网站服务功能的建设和组织不同距离上的旅游流. 相似文献
区域主导产业选择方法研究进展 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
区域主导产业一直是地理学与经济学共同研究的热点,已有的各种选择方法广泛应用于不同等级地域单元主导产业的确立和培育.在全球化和区域一体化背景下,区域内涵发生变化,区域主导产业呈现出新的特点,区域主导产业选择方法也在快速发展.其方法体系正在形成.文章总结了不同发展阶段区域主导产业的内涵,归纳出13种区域主导产业选择方法.根据选择基准的特点划分了两类选择模型:单基准模型和多基准模型,并结合具体案例对其中比较典型的DEA模型、钻石理论修正模型、灰色聚类模型和层次分析模型进行了对比分析.研究发现:DEA模型能较客观精确地分析区域主导产业:钻石理论模型在理论上有所突破,是今后区域主导产业选择方法发展的新方向:灰色聚类模型和层次分析模型是现有较准确刻画区域主导产业选择的模型.但目前的区域主导产业选择理论与方法都不完善,从发展趋势看,基于功能分区理论和GIS技术的研究应用将得到加强. 相似文献
浅谈中国后奥运时期选择性旅游的发展 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
大众旅游一直追求经济利益最大化给旅游接待地造成了严重的生态环境破坏,因此人们开始寻求新的旅游形式,选择性旅游应运而生。选择性旅游积极倡导真正意义上的生态旅游。该文研究的主要内容是中国在后奥运这样的特殊时期如何开展选择性旅游,选择性旅游一方面能尽量避免大众旅游所带来的生态环境破坏,另一方面能更好地适应各个国家不同旅游者到中国旅游求新求异的特点。通过对后奥运时期旅游趋势以及旅游市场的分析,中国在后奥运时期开展选择性旅游具有可行性。优先开展选择性旅游,可促进旅游的可持续性发展。 相似文献
James L. Coleman Jr. 《Natural Resources Research》1995,4(3):273-288
The American whaling industry rose from humble beginnings off Long island to become an international giant. In its peak year, 1846, 735 ships and 70,000 people served the industry. As whale stocks and reserves decreased, whalers were forced to go farther and farther from their New England home ports. Voyages became longer, and risks on required return-on-investment became higher. The easy money of Atlantic and Pacific whaling was no more: the only remaining profitable ventures were to Arctic and Antarctic waters. Many ships returned empty, if at all. in 1871, most of the Arctic whaling fleet was crushed by early winter ice and lost. This calamity, in conjunction with the long-term diminishing whale stocks, the diversion of investment capital to more profitable ventures, and the discovery, development, and refinement of abundant petroleum crude oil, struck the death blow to the American whaling industry. By 1890, only 200 whaling vessels were at work, and by 1971, no American commercial whaling ship sailed the world's oceans.It is apparent that no single event caused the final, rapid decline. However, a single calamity, in an already stressed industry, that was self-insured and commercially interlinked, precipitated the end. Today's American petroleum industry, although adopting some principles of the American whaling industry, also has embraced other activities such as work process reengineering and customer alliances, which may preempt, or postpone, a similar catastrophic demise. 相似文献
基于多维流视角,运用GIS及社会网络分析方法,对比分析云南省旅游经济流、客流、信息流、资金流的网络结构差异特征及相互影响作用机制。研究表明:云南省供需两侧旅游流反向发展态势明显,旅游流网络异质演变特征明显,流量水平趋高,而流质水平偏低。旅游经济流发展未能随着旅游客流和信息流的发展而增强,网络密度偏低且长期存在旅游经济发展孤点,旅游经济合作交流不足。各州市在旅游经济流网络中“零和竞争”的偏利非共生发展态势,使得旅游市场领域存在一定的“公地悲剧”现象。云南省旅游流节点水平及其空间特征差异显著,”核心-边缘”结构明显。云南省旅游经济流受到旅游客流的中介力、旅游信息流的推动力、旅游资金流的拉动力三者的共同作用影响,各作用力影响程度表现出强弱历时性差异演化,旅游客流中介力持续增强,旅游信息流推动力稳步强化,旅游资金流拉动力显著下降。云南省旅游经济增长及旅游经济流网络发展驱动模式,正逐步由“供给侧拉动型”向“需求侧推动型”转变。 相似文献
Diving has become a booming branch of the tourism business. The economies of many countries with reef-lined coasts depend on high numbers of tourist divers; the resultant degradation of reefs by mechanical damage is accepted due to the short-term gain from the tourism business. Many activities of recreational diving do not particularly require coral reefs – any varied three-dimensional structure (e.g. a wreck) may be sufficiently attractive. The conflict between the needs of nature conservation and the economic interests of diving tourism can be mitigated by the formation of artificial underwater attractions as reef substitutes. Based on experiments in the northern Red Sea, we propose to deposit calcium minerals from the seawater in situ by electrolysis on a template of any desired shape. After transplantation of living coral fragments, a diverse community will develop. With this method different modules can be designed and formed on the seabed which can serve different needs such as diver training, environmental education and recreation as well as reef rehabilitation. By a combination of such modules, a recreational underwater park can be formed well suited to function as a DAD (diver aggregation device) and therefore, divert diver pressure from the natural reef. 相似文献
作为复杂适应系统的农业文化遗产:复杂性的挑战 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文首先阐述了农业系统的复杂性,并对农业系统所面对不确定性,以及外部系统的冲击和压力而形成的动态性进行了分析,提出“复杂适应性系统理论”为研究活态的农业系统,尤其为研究中国的全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)提供了可能,而这些农业文化遗产系统(或其中某些部分)对于研究抵抗力和自我良性管理具有重要的意义.本文认为当前研究中的相关方法将会对整个系统的认识产生新的见解,同时避免把系统分解为各组分进行微观研究再重新还原成整体的研究思路.本文通过综述与GIAHS相关的方法并将旅游引入农村系统(作为一种扰动),认为可以创造新的方法来认识农村发展干预措施对古老景观的影响,特别是分布在中国农村的许多景观. 相似文献
In the Western Lake Baikal, recent Baikal Rift's tectonics control the topography, seismicity, climate, geomorphology, and economy. Scarps, facets, structural terraces, horsts and grabens, and trapezoid valleys can be clearly observed. They have been generated by the recent tectonic movements along the faults and represent a serious geologic hazard. The specific geological conditions predetermine a unique variety of landscapes. Thus, the main type of the economy is tourism. However, unorganized tourism leads to the degradation of the unique landscapes. It increases risk and requires disaster management. Three criteria has been used for risk assessment: (1) degree of geologic hazard; (2) degree of landscape degradation; and (3) degree of the economy's vitality. The high ecological significance and low stability to antropogeneous pressure are typical for landscapes of the Western Lake Baikal. Thus, some special activities of disaster management should be implemented based on our investigation. 相似文献
在广东实现“四个走在全国前列”的时代需求下,茂名应着力建设现代化海洋经济体系。近年来,茂名海洋经济总量快速增长、海洋经济体系基本形成、海洋创新成果初具规模、海洋生态建设成效显著、海洋管理能力不断增强,奠定了建设现代化海洋经济体系的基础,但也面临着海洋经济规模偏小且结构不够合理、现代化海洋产业进程缓慢、现代化海洋经济发展动力不足且受到制约和缺乏保障等问题。未来应从加快供给侧改革、实施创新驱动、推进开放合作、优化海洋生态系统和完善体制机制等方面寻求茂名建设现代化海洋经济体系的路径策略。 相似文献