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三峡水库澎溪河流域高阳回水区夏季水体CO2分压日变化特性 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
水柱中CO2分压(pCO2)的时空分布在一定程度上可反映水中碳的环境地化特征.本研究在夏季分层期间对三峡水库澎溪河(小江)流域高阳回水区段进行了昼夜连续观测发现,恒定的温跃层中pCO2随水深增加而显著增大,表层0.5 m处pCO2均值为152±71μatm,而在水深10.0 m处pCO2均值为4568±1089μatm,同水温、pH及DO存在明显的负相关关系,进一步分析认为水温等将影响微生物、浮游植物的代谢过程及水气界面对流传输,进而对pCO2分布产生影响.对水气界面CO2扩散通量的估算结果表明,夏季分层期间高阳水域总体上表现为CO2的汇,其对大气CO2的吸收量最大值于15:00左右,达到-0.33 mmol/(m2.h);最弱在次日凌晨3:00左右,吸收量仅为-0.17 mmol/(m2.h). 相似文献
针对2012年8月16~19日成都地区出现短时、局地暴雨、特大暴雨的异常强降水天气,利用常规气象资料、1°×1°NCEP再分析资料和客观物理量场、卫星云图等资料,对造成此次强降水主要集中在成都地区西部沿山一带的原因进行了分析。分析得出:在有利的环流背景下,中小尺度系统发生发展和演变是这次暴雨产生的直接原因;中低层维持偏南气流,暖湿气流西进北抬,低空急流为这次暴雨提供了大量的水汽和不稳定能量;中低空的水平风切变不仅为暴雨提供了强烈的辐合上升运动,同时对水汽的水平辐合和垂直输送非常有利;另外,强对流云团的生成、移动与强降水的发生密切相连相关。 相似文献
R. Avila J. L. Avilés R. W. Wilson M. Chun T. Butterley E. Carrasco 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2008,387(4):1511-1516
We report the development and first results of an instrument called Low Layer SCIDAR (Scintillation Detection and Ranging) (LOLAS) which is aimed at the measurement of optical-turbulence profiles in the atmospheric boundary layer with high altitude resolution. The method is based on the Generalized SCIDAR (GS) concept, but unlike the GS instruments which need a 1-m or larger telescope, LOLAS is implemented on a dedicated 40-cm telescope, making it an independent instrument. The system is designed for widely separated double-star targets, which enables the high altitude resolution. Using a 200-arcsec-separation double star, we have obtained turbulence profiles with unprecedented 12-m resolution. The system incorporates necessary novel algorithms for autoguiding, autofocus and image stabilization. The results presented here were obtained at Mauna Kea Observatory. They show LOLAS capabilities but cannot be considered as representative of the site. A forthcoming paper will be devoted to the site characterization. The instrument was built as part of the Ground Layer Turbulence Monitoring Campaign on Mauna Kea for Gemini Observatory. 相似文献
热带生物海岸对全球变化的响应 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以热带生物海岸现代过程研究成果为基础,结合国内外相关资料,分析我国红树林海岸和珊瑚礁海岸对全球变暖、海平面上升、大气CO2浓度升高和海洋酸化的响应.其中,全球变暖和大气CO2浓度升高总体上有利于红树林生长发育,海平面上升对红树林和珊瑚礁的影响取决于红树林潮滩淤积速率和珊瑚礁礁坪堆积速率与海平面上升速率之间的对比关系.海平面加速上升将威胁部分红树林、珊瑚礁及其后的海岸堤防.全球变暖海表异常高温导致珊瑚白化、海洋酸化导致珊瑚和珊瑚藻钙化率降低将成为21世纪珊瑚礁的重大威胁.全球变化的不确定性和生态系统响应机制仍然有待进一步研究.主要是人类不合理开发活动导致目前红树林和珊瑚礁的广泛严重破坏,加强海岸带综合管理和生态环境保护,加强生态系统恢复重建,是有效适应本世纪全球变化影响的重要措施. 相似文献
G. Lombardi V. Zitelli S. Ortolani 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2009,399(2):783-793
The new extremely large telescope projects need accurate evaluation of the candidate sites. In this paper, we present the astroclimatological comparison between the Paranal Observatory, located on the coast of the Atacama Desert (Chile), and the Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos (ORM), located in La Palma (Canary Islands). We apply a statistical analysis using long-term data bases from Paranal and Carlsberg Automatic Meridian Circle (CAMC) weather stations. The monthly, seasonal and annual averages of the main synoptical parameters in the two sites are computed. We compare the long-term trends in order to understand the main differences between the two sites. Significant differences between the two analysed sites have been found. Temperature has increasing trends in both observatories with somewhat higher evidence at the ORM. Seasonal variations of pressure at Paranal have been highly decreasing since 1989, and we do not see the same phenomenon at the ORM. The two sites are dominated by high pressure. In cold seasons, relative humidity (RH) is lower than 60 per cent at CAMC and 15 per cent at Paranal. In warm seasons, RH is lower than 40 per cent at CAMC and 20 per cent at Paranal. The analysis of the dew point has shown better conditions at Paranal with respect to CAMC in winter, autumn and spring before 2001, while the two sites are becoming similar afterwards. Winds at the ORM are subject to pronounced local variations. 相似文献
通过对武汉台超导重力仪9年多连续观测的重力长期变化资料分析,得到长周期重力潮汐参数、该频段气压回归因子C、极移重力效应因子P和长周期气压回归因子C1分别为:C:-0.383(±0.014)×10-8m·s-2/100Pa;Mm:1.1173(±0.0720),-1°.1787(±3°.6943);Mf:1.1432(±0.0484),5°.2235(±2°.4253);Mtm:1.2276(±0.2245),-17°.5648(±10°.4758);C1:-0.312(±0.015)×10-8m·s-2/100Pa;P:1.9047(±0.0695).重力长期变化在Chandler周期附近的振幅约为3.26×10-8m·s-2。 相似文献
针对雨滴谱的变化对降水估计的影响,提出根据激光雨滴谱仪上方雷达回波的结构特征将降水过程划分为对流云降水和层状云降水交替分布5个部分,通过基于2种降水类型的第1种分类Z-R关系、基于5个部分的第Ⅱ种分类Z-R关系和基于整个降水过程的总体Z-R关系分析雨滴谱的变化对降水估计的影响.结果表明:当对流云降水向层状云降水过渡时,指数谱从无到有、多峰谱比例减小,Nw减小、μ增大、Dm变化不大;Mw与R变化相似,当Z增大时μ和Dm分别是递减和递增的;Z-R关系(Z=aRb)中a值变化范围较大、系数b在1~2波动且与层状云阶段相比,对流云阶段的a和b值较小;利用第Ⅱ种分类Z-R关系反演的雨强与基于雨滴谱仪观测数据计算的雨强最接近;雨滴谱仪在层状云阶段的反演效果明显强于对流云阶段,这与对流云降水中雨滴谱信息变化大且快等因素有关. 相似文献
Four thousand years of atmospheric lead pollution in northern Europe: a summary from Swedish lake sediments 总被引:8,自引:7,他引:8
This paper presents a large palaeolimnological study of the pre-industrial and industrial history of atmospheric lead pollution deposition in Sweden. Both lead concentrations and 206Pb/207Pb ratios have been analysed in 31 lakes covering most of Sweden, plus one lake in north-west Russia. Four of the lakes have varved (annually-laminated) sediments. Isotope analysis is a sensitive and effective method to distinguish pollution lead from natural catchment lead and to detect early pollution influence, because the 206Pb/207Pb ratio in unpolluted background sediments in Sweden was > 1.3, while that of lead from pollution, derived from ores and coal, was < 1.2. The sediments show a consistent picture of past temporal changes in atmospheric lead pollution. These changes include: the first traces of pollution 3,500-3,000 yrs ago; a pollution peak in Greek-Roman Times (about 0 AD); lower lead fall-out between 400 and 900 AD; a significant and permanent increase in atmospheric lead fall-out from about 1000 AD; an increase with the Industrial revolution; a major increase following World War II; the maximum peak in the 1970s; and decreasing fall-out over the last decades. The four varved sediments provide high-resolution records of atmospheric pollution. They reveal pollution peaks about 1200 and 1530 AD which match the history of metal production in Europe. According to the varve records the lead pollution level in the late 1990s had decreased beneath the level of the 1530s. The pollution level 1200 AD was about 35% of the 1980s, when lead pollution was still near its all time high. About 50% of the total accumulated atmospheric lead pollution deposition through time was deposited in the pre-industrial period. The sediments also show a consistent picture of the geographic distribution of atmospheric lead deposition over time, with higher deposition in south Sweden and declining levels to the north, which supports the hypothesis that the main sources of pre-industrial atmospheric lead pollution in Sweden were cultural areas in mainland Europe and Great Britain. 相似文献
乌鲁木齐市低空温度层结与采暖期大气污染的关系 总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12
为了找出乌鲁木齐市低空逆温对大气污染的影响规律,为治理和预测大气污染提供科学依据,利用2000年6月至2006年4月的乌鲁木齐市空气污染监测资料和气象站的探空、地面资料,分析了大气污染与逆温的对应特征。结果表明:乌鲁木齐市低空逆温的出现频率与大气污染指数具有相似的时间分布特征。采暖期空气污染指数API值越大,相对应出现逆温日的比例越高,以贴地逆温多;在污染源排放量一定的情况下,大气中污染物浓度与低空逆温层厚度、逆温层底高、逆温层顶底温差有显著的统计关系,而与逆温层中的逆温强度统计关系不显著。随着逆温层底高度降低,逆温层平均顶高、厚度、逆温层顶底温差的增大,日平均气温、最低气温、最高气温的降低,污染级别呈增加趋势;在采暖期同一时段内,要达到同样的污染级别,悬浮逆温日污染物容纳量比贴地逆温大,贴地逆温更容易造成空气污染;在污染物排放量相同的情况下,污染的程度主要取决于悬浮逆温层的底高和厚度及持续日数。 相似文献